Shandong Runs Out with "Number" Degrees, "Practice of Digital Civilization in China" Multiplies "Number" and Goes Up Shandong

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:12 AM

"The World Internet Conference chose Shandong Nishan, the birthplace of Confucius and the birthplace of Confucianism, to hold a dialogue on digital civilization, which is to explore the form in which AI will promote the development of human civilization, promote all parties to better tap the value of the historical and cultural era in the digital era, strengthen international people to people exchanges and cooperation, open up a new path for the development of AI technology, and jointly promote the development and progress of human civilization." Ren Xianliang, Secretary General of the World Internet Conference, said.

From June 25 to 27, the Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization of the World Internet Conference was held in Qufu, Jining, Shandong Province, with the theme of "The Age of Artificial Intelligence: Building a Digital World of Exchange, Mutual Learning and Inclusion". The vivid practice of "digital navigation" is being demonstrated on the land of Qilu, igniting a new engine for high-quality development in Digital Shandong and providing new momentum for the construction of Digital China.

In recent years, Shandong has been focusing on building new advantages in economic development through the construction of digital Shandong, formulating a series of plans and policy measures to promote digital economy, digital government, digital society, digital culture, etc., promoting the integration of data and reality, and empowering digital intelligence.

Strengthening the Digital Base and Building a Digital Strong Province

Shandong Runs Out with "Number" Degrees, "Practice of Digital Civilization in China" Multiplies "Number" and Goes Up Shandong

Jinan and Qingdao, two national Internet backbone direct connection points, were put into operation, and Shandong became China's first "dual hub" province; The construction pace of "gigabit cities" is at the forefront of China, with 12 cities including Zaozhuang, Jining, and Weihai selected as national "gigabit cities", ranking second in number in China; Having the largest intelligent bulldozer manufacturing base in China - the assembly workshop of Shantui No.1 main engine factory; Build China's first 5G network with full coverage of high-speed railways and smart highways; Building the first fully automated container port in China's inland waterway, deploying cutting-edge technologies such as industrial 5G private networks, artificial intelligence, and digital twins... Such cases are countless on the land of Qilu.

The operator of Longgong Port in Jining Port can monitor and analyze efficiency and configure pre control through a screen equipped with a "smart brain" in the remote central control room. Photo by Zhao Jinyue, a journalist from Guangming Net

As a major economic province, Shandong has continuously built a solid foundation for the digital economy in recent years, and firmly regards building a "digital strong province and smart Shandong" as the top priority in the construction of a modern strong province. We adhere to the principle of prioritizing the construction of a digital government and vigorously promote the digital and intelligent operation of the government.

Digital Shandong Standardization Platform. From the release of a series of important documents such as the "14th Five Year Plan" for the construction of a strong digital province, "Several Measures to Deepen Reform and Innovation to Promote High Quality Development of the Digital Economy," and the 2023 Action Plan for the Comprehensive Enhancement of the Digital Economy in Shandong Province, "to the recent promotion meeting for the construction of a strong digital province, the first China Digital Empowerment Entity Business Summit, and the launch of the theme activity of the National Digital Literacy and Skills Enhancement Month, facing the limitless digital wave, Shandong is riding on the" number "and running out of the" number ".

Shandong Runs Out with "Number" Degrees, "Practice of Digital Civilization in China" Multiplies "Number" and Goes Up Shandong

The reporter learned that during the Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization, a digital empowerment forum for high-quality development in Shandong was held at the same time, inviting relevant experts and scholars and Internet enterprise leaders to carry out in-depth discussions around issues such as digital economy development, digital technology enabled traditional industries, digital government construction, and network talent training, so as to provide advice and suggestions for Shandong's digital development.

Digital empowerment, shared by all

Starting from the end of 2021, forgetting to bring one's ID card when going out may no longer be a concern for many people in Shandong. Whether it's entering or exiting the park, purchasing tickets, or applying for identity documents or business licenses, simply use your mobile phone to show your identity. This is a microcosm of Shandong's promotion of the construction of an "unproven province" and the construction of a new picture of co building and sharing digital life.

A beta version of the "Resident Code" service with multiple code fusion on the "Love Shandong" app.

Shandong Runs Out with "Number" Degrees, "Practice of Digital Civilization in China" Multiplies "Number" and Goes Up Shandong

Shandong has taken the lead in carrying out the construction of a "province without certification" in China, making it an important breakthrough in the construction of a digital government. Through the digitization of certification and data sharing, it enables more data to travel and less people to travel, comprehensively promoting the upgrade from "reducing certification for convenience of enterprises" to "benefiting the people and enterprises without certification". As of now, the online processing rate of government service matters in Shandong Province has reached over 90%, and the online processing rate of the entire process has reached over 80%. High frequency government service matters and common social life scenarios have basically achieved "no proof".

Smart Zhongdu Comprehensive Service Management Platform.

Located in Bakou Community, Zhongdu Street, Wenshang County, Jining, Shandong Province, we actively explore the "big data+community service" model and independently develop diversified service functions. By relying on mini programs, various service items such as living expenses, transportation, medical services, and property service management have been implemented, providing a "brain center" analysis for community governance and a "personal butler" service for community residents, continuously improving the level of urban community governance.

"I took a total of 6 classes and learned how to use mobile navigation, pay, and make appointments for medical treatment." Ma Guoyong, an elderly person living in Jinan, Shandong, proficiently mastered the basic functions of smartphones through a community organized smartphone class for the elderly. During the "Digital Empowerment and Sharing for All" 2023 Shandong Province Digital Literacy and Skills Enhancement Month, various regions in Shandong Province have launched a series of brand activities, including the Elderly Digital Skills Care Action, the Disabled Digital Professional Ability Enhancement Action, and the Digital Skills Community Science Popularization Service Action, to promote the sharing of the "digital dividend" among the whole society.

Shandong Runs Out with "Number" Degrees, "Practice of Digital Civilization in China" Multiplies "Number" and Goes Up Shandong

After long-term efforts, the construction of digital government in Shandong Province has been continuously advancing in depth. The "China Digital Government Development Large and Medium City Index Report" released at the end of 2022 shows that Shandong Province's digital government development index ranks among the top three provinces. The Survey and Evaluation Report on the Integrated Government Service Capability of Provincial Governments and Key Cities in China shows that Shandong Province's government service level is in the "very high" category and has entered the first tier.

Inserting "Digital Wings" into Cultural "Two Innovations"

As a province with a birth and permanent population exceeding one billion, Shandong is a major province in the application of digital cultural consumption scenarios. In recent years, Shandong's digital culture has flourished and developed, with new cultural enterprises achieving a revenue of nearly 140 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 20%. The beautiful picture of digital life is gradually being realized in Shandong.

As the birthplace of Confucianism, the booming development of the digital economy has given Shandong Jining's cultural "two creations" a "digital wing", giving rise to many domestically pioneered and unique models.

Shandong Runs Out with "Number" Degrees, "Practice of Digital Civilization in China" Multiplies "Number" and Goes Up Shandong

The performance of "Golden Sound and Jade Vibration" in Nishan Holy Land. Reporter Lei Miaoxin from Guangming Net/Photo taken

The Confucius Museum has a rich collection of 700000 cultural relics of various types. Through technological empowerment such as digital construction and multimedia interaction, the museum has greatly expanded its exhibition content, and its immersive interactivity and experiential experience are increasingly favored by more and more people. Entering the Confucius Museum, tourists can easily touch the contents of the dialogue box on a large touch screen, click on "send to Confucius", and then have a "time travel" conversation with Confucius. This is the interactive exhibition area of the "Teacher Answering Questions" in the museum, which imitates the WeChat interface design. The immersive dialogue style makes Confucianism more "within reach".

Based on the birthplace of Confucianism, the Ni Mountain Holy Land in Jining, Shandong Province, takes "ritual and music culture" as its performance theme and launches the ritual and music performance project "Golden Sound and Jade Vibration". Using the technique of "real-life performance+digital technology", traditional stage plays are presented to the audience, allowing them to deeply appreciate the excellent traditional Chinese culture in the baptism of ritual and music culture.

As one of the important events held in conjunction with the Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization, the "Boundless Horizons" light and shadow show conveys China's long-standing commitment to the concept of a "community with a shared future for mankind": digital technology has created new connections for the "Internet of Things", shortening the distance between things, people, and people; Under the new form of digital civilization, the sense of geographical and cultural distance between countries has been further weakened, and human society is one step closer to the ideal of "being far apart and sharing a common destiny".

Shandong Runs Out with "Number" Degrees, "Practice of Digital Civilization in China" Multiplies "Number" and Goes Up Shandong

The exhibition of excellent traditional Chinese culture held during the Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization. Reporter Lei Miaoxin from Guangming Net/Photo taken

"Isn't it a pleasure to have friends coming from afar?" Currently, Shandong is continuously consolidating its digital foundation, actively integrating into the process of digital development, driving the transformation of production, lifestyle, and governance through the "cloud" and "number", and has embarked on a digital empowerment path with broad coverage, deep integration, high efficiency, and Shandong characteristics. The vivid practice of promoting digital transformation not only gives wings to high-quality development, but also provides solid support for promoting the modernization of governance systems and capabilities, and creating a better life for the people.


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