Rushing ahead at a critical moment, Zhang Li | Party Central Committee | Critical Moment

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 16:52 PM

Go to the place where the people need it the most

"Pour, pour... okay, flush!" On the afternoon of August 6th, in Mafang Village, Qingliangsi Street, Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province, Zhang Pengyang was directing a sprinkler truck to flush the mud on the street. The white gauze wrapped around his head looked particularly eye-catching.

Zhang Pengyang is a cadre from Mafang Village. Due to continuous fighting for 5 days and 4 nights, he was accidentally injured in a traffic accident. After being driven home by the villagers to rest for a few hours, he returned to his work post. "What's this minor injury? It's the biggest concern for the masses!"

We have to take the lead in emergency rescue and disaster relief, this is our responsibility. The continuous heavy rainfall caused flash floods, and Nanjian Village in Wangping Town, Mentougou District, Beijing was severely affected. The secretary of the village party branch, An Guiyun, helped the villagers transfer and climbed the ladder to the roof to rescue the trapped villagers.

After days of overwork, An Guiyun fell ill. The fever hasn't subsided yet, but she can't lie down: "The water has subsided, we need to work hard to restore and rebuild the tissue."

On July 31st, floods hit Danli Village in Miaofengshan Town, Mentougou District, Beijing. Upon hearing the shouting, village cadre Deng Lei remained silent and turned around to rush into waist deep water, holding children and carrying the elderly, racing against time to divert the crowd.

The water level is rising higher and higher, and dozens of villagers are still trapped. Deng Lei wiped away the rain from his face and without hesitation, started his own forklift and rushed straight into the flood. After several round trips, more than 60 villagers were finally safely transferred. Although there were lingering palpitations, Deng Lei did not regret it: "At critical moments, party members and cadres had to stand forward and go to the places where the masses needed them the most."

At 3am on August 5th, Sun Shaohui and Ding Yaofu, party members of Jinma Power Supply Station of Shulan City Power Supply Company in Jilin Province, set off in the dark and rushed to the Jinlian Line with equipment for inspection. Many power poles have tilted along the way, and many sections still have accumulated water and mud. Sun Shaohui and Ding Yaofu walked for 8 hours on this route, which only takes 2 hours for daily inspection.

"Under current conditions, Jinlian Line involves the most power supply users among the lines that can be quickly connected." Sun Shaohui said, "No matter how tired or difficult it is, we must quickly eliminate defects and faults and deliver electricity as quickly as possible!"

"The lights are on!" Night fell again, and the disaster stricken village was filled with light.

Luo Xudong, member of the Standing Committee and Executive Vice Mayor of Shulan City, Jilin Province, Zhou Kunxun, Political Commissar of the People's Armed Forces Department of Shulan City, and Ni Feng, Senior Engineer of the Jilin Water Resources and Hydropower Planning Institute, sacrificed their lives on duty during flood control and emergency operations in Kaiyuan Town and Jinma Town; Xiong Li, Deputy Section Chief and Third Level Chief of the Economic Development Office in Wangping Town, Mentougou District, Beijing, sacrificed herself on duty during the investigation of the dangerous location; Feng Zhen, the special duty squad leader of Bei'anhe Fire Rescue Station in Haidian District, Beijing, and the station manager of Xixiaoying Small Station, tragically sacrificed his life while rescuing trapped people; Liu Jie, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Mayor of Longquan Town, Mentougou District, Beijing, was unfortunately caught in a rapids and died while transferring people to the disaster stricken village; Liu Jianmin, a member of the Beijing Fangshan Blue Sky Rescue Team, unfortunately fell into the water while carrying out rescue and relief work, sacrificing his precious life

Be able to rush forward at critical moments and be able to withstand crises. A Communist Party member, on the front line of flood control and disaster relief, is practicing the solemn oath of "always ready to sacrifice everything for the Party and the people".

Strive to minimize various losses

"If you don't leave, I won't leave either." A villager refused to move, so Zhang Li had to persuade her hard. "After living in a house for decades, we can't bear to part with it. But if it rains, we're not afraid of ten thousand, but we're afraid of the unexpected..."

On the noon of July 30th, Wuzidian Village, Dahuangbao Town, Wuqing District, Tianjin received a notice of evacuation. Zhang Li, the secretary of the village party branch, quickly summoned party members, village cadres, and volunteers to knock on each door and investigate to ensure that no household or individual was left behind.

In the early stage, we conducted emergency drills and found out the bottom line, so we only managed to safely transfer 422 people in an hour and a half. In the next few days, Zhang Li, along with party members and village cadres, repeatedly investigated the situation of house leaks. The village is not big, but they have to walk tens of thousands of steps every day. When tired, take turns resting in the car for a while, and when awake, immediately engage in intense work. "We need to work hard to minimize all kinds of losses," said Zhang Li.

"Grandpa, how are the noodles? Are they easy to digest?" "The weather has been hot these days, so please let me know if you feel uncomfortable." On August 6th at 9 o'clock, at the resettlement site of Xinzhen Middle School in Wen'an County, Langfang City, Hebei Province, Party member volunteer Di Wenqiang began his first "ward round" on that day.

Reminding villagers to seek medical treatment, helping to obtain admission notices, and coordinating the storage of materials... Di Wenqiang's mobile memo is filled with various needs and to-do items of the disaster stricken population.

"Suddenly, there was a flood danger, and the people couldn't help but mutter in their hearts. They must do everything possible to ensure that they can eat and live here with peace of mind." The weather was hot and humid, and Di Wenqiang's clothes quickly soaked through. Turning around, without taking a break, he was busy contacting medical staff and said, "Today is the day to bring Mr. Meng from Koukou Village to the hospital to change his dressing. Don't forget it."

A submachine boat was sailing on the water, and Chen Guoliang, a cadre of Lianhua Village in Wuchang Town, Wuchang City, Heilongjiang Province, entered the flooded village with feed and was accompanied by professional personnel. He went door-to-door to feed the villagers with the livestock left behind.

"Many villagers are reluctant to part with their livestock, but the flood situation is indeed critical and must be evacuated immediately," said Zeng Fanxu, a cadre in charge of Baobang Lianhua Village under the Wuchang Town Government. In order to ensure the safety of villagers' property to the greatest extent possible, party member service teams have been formed at both the town and village levels, driving specialized water crossing vehicles and boats to enter and exit the village in a unified manner, and quickly completing the feeding of livestock within the time limit.

Unite as one and gather strength

"Our community is prone to ponding when it rains. What can we do if it rains heavily?" Dongjuhuating Community, Dongxing Street, Dong'an District, Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province is low-lying. Many residents are worried about the rainstorm.

The community party branch quickly activated the emergency plan, gathered the strength of the co construction units in the jurisdiction, and built a temporary dam in just a few hours. The Dongxing Street Office also organized party members from two other communities to come and support.

"Community party members, staff, grid leaders, and volunteers, totaling more than 200 people, conducted 24-hour inspections of temporary embankments and easily backfilled water wells." Liu Jie, Secretary of the Dongju Huating Community Party Branch, sighed, "The party organization responded with one call and the residents quickly settled down."

In the disaster stricken areas, grassroots party organizations are like battle fortresses, gathering the strength to fight against the disaster together.

The Organization Department of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee has issued a notice requiring the implementation of a mechanism for party members and cadres to sink, and the enhancement of frontline flood prevention capabilities at the grassroots level; In-service party members should actively report back to the community and become volunteers on the spot nearby; The resident work team should be transformed into a flood control and disaster relief team on site.

In Wuchang City, party members and cadres from 282 villages and 24 township party committees carry out monitoring and inspections day and night. As of August 5th, more than 6000 party members and cadres in the city have participated in flood prevention work, formed 76 party member assault teams, established 42 temporary party branches on the front line of flood prevention and disaster relief, and transformed 53 village first secretaries and 85 work teams into flood prevention and disaster relief teams on site.

All grassroots party organizations in townships and villages of Langfang City, Hebei Province strictly implement a 24-hour duty system, and village party organizations have launched a grid management mechanism to defend against the state of imminent danger. All counties have established 24-hour river patrol teams, with over 81000 party members, cadres, grid personnel, and volunteers conducting hidden danger inspections.

Jinma Town is the area with more severe damage in the current flood season in Shulan City. In recent days, Fang Haijun, the Secretary of the Party Committee of Jinma Town, and the cadres and masses have been fighting hard in the Lalin River, setting up wooden scaffolding, stacking sandbags, and blocking the breach together. All 193 party members and cadres in the town took action, going from village to village and visiting households to help villagers move in an orderly manner.

"If we don't evacuate in time, the consequences will be unimaginable." The entire town's people have safely relocated, and Fang Haijun is quite pleased. "The party organization is strong and powerful, and cadres and the masses work together. We will definitely win the battle of flood prevention and disaster relief!"

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