Research Tour of "Ten Million Projects" | Lishui, Zhejiang: Beautiful Countryside in Painting Come to Lishui | Ten Million Projects

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:08 PM

Hangzhou, June 24th, Xinhua News Agency - Lishui, Zhejiang: Beautiful Countryside in Painting

Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Ping

Dagangtou Village on the banks of the Ou River. Respondents provide pictures

Mountains are the pinnacle of Zhejiang, and water is the source of the six rivers. In recent years, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province has focused on promoting the construction of beautiful rural areas through the "Ten Million Project", and the beautiful countryside has developed from a single "bonsai" to a whole "landscape"; Tailor measures to local conditions to cultivate a beautiful economy, broaden the transformation channels of "two mountains", and explore the path of green common prosperity.

In the midsummer season, walking into Dagangtou Village, Guyan Painting Township, Liandu District, Lishui City, one can only see distant mountains like Dai, clear water like a mirror, sailboats dotted on the river, and picturesque scenery. Turning the clock back 20 years ago, the millennium old village of Dagangtou is a different scene.

Research Tour of "Ten Million Projects" | Lishui, Zhejiang: Beautiful Countryside in Painting Come to Lishui | Ten Million Projects

"At that time, there were over 100 wooden product processing workshops in the village, and villagers built cow pens and pigstys in front and behind their houses. The riverbank was also filled with garbage, making it impossible for people to walk on rainy days..." Yang Jie, the Party Secretary of Dagangtou Town, recalled.

Since the launch of the "Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Renovation" project in Zhejiang, Dagangtou Village has started with environmental improvement and implemented village renovation mainly focusing on road, water, toilet, and house renovation. It has successively shut down 154 "low scattered, dirty, and poor" wood product processing workshops, demolished illegal buildings of 81800 square meters, and ushered in a beautiful transformation of the village.

A corner of Lianfeng Village. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Ping

In June, in Lianfeng Village, Huzhen Town, Jinyun County, the houses were clean and beautiful, with the fragrance of flowers lingering in the courtyard. Who would have thought that this garden like village was still a "dirty, messy and poor village" six years ago.

"Our village used to produce grass mats, but the front and back of the houses were filled with leftover materials from the production of grass mats. 'The interior is modern, while the exterior is dirty, messy, and poor,' said Lou Ganqiang, Secretary of the Party Committee of Lianfeng Village. Thanks to the implementation of the 'Ten Million Project', the village not only cleared more than 1000 tons of grass mat waste, demolished more than 3000 square meters of illegal buildings, but also implemented beautiful courtyards, rainwater and sewage diversion projects. The village is now becoming more and more beautiful.".

Research Tour of "Ten Million Projects" | Lishui, Zhejiang: Beautiful Countryside in Painting Come to Lishui | Ten Million Projects

It is understood that on the basis of the "Ten Million Project", Lishui City has also systematically planned the construction of "Garden Countryside" in recent years. As of now, the city has created 413 garden villages and 34300 garden courtyards.

What is the effect of combining a golden beach with a pool of clear water?

In 2016, Changting Village in Shitang Town, Yunhe County implemented the concept of "looking at the sea in the mountains" by demolishing more than 30 duck sheds and dry toilets on the former Inner Lake wasteland, bringing in more than 10000 tons of sand by sea, and constructing pedestrian walkways and planting coconut trees, turning the wasteland into a golden beach. Changting Village has become a popular tourist destination.

Golden Beach in Changting Village. Respondents provide pictures

"Before the construction of the Golden Beach, 80% of the villagers went out to work and do business, and they were worried about the beautiful mountains." Lan Keming, the Party branch secretary of Changting Village, said that through the implementation of beautiful rural construction and the creative idea of "looking at the sea in the mountains", the whole village has received more than 600000 tourists this year, and most villagers have also returned to their hometowns to start businesses and employment. The annual disposable income of villagers has increased from 14200 yuan in 2015 to the current 35000 yuan.

Research Tour of "Ten Million Projects" | Lishui, Zhejiang: Beautiful Countryside in Painting Come to Lishui | Ten Million Projects

Based on green mountains and clear waters, in recent years, Lishui City has continuously expanded its "two mountains" transformation channels, not only creating "Lishui Mountain Farming", "Lishui Mountain Residence", "Lishui Mountain Scenery" and other "mountain" cultural and tourism brands, but also establishing a dual accounting, evaluation, and assessment mechanism for GDP and GEP. GEP's exploration of pledging, monetization, and financing has made it possible to realize the value of ecological products.

Data shows that as of the end of 2022, the amount of "ecological collateral loans" and "ecological credit loans" issued by Lishui City was 26.139 billion yuan and 2.926 billion yuan, respectively; Under the green common prosperity, the annual per capita disposable income of farmers in the city reached 28470 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7.9%, and the income growth rate of rural residents ranked first in the province for 14 consecutive years.

The "Ten Million Project" is not only a construction project for improving the rural living environment, but also a village governance project. Zeng Zhihua, Secretary of the Party Branch of Xitou Village, Baoxi Township, Longquan City, said that in order to implement the "Ten Million Project" well, it is crucial to mobilize and organize the masses.

A corner of Xitou Village. Respondents provide pictures

"14 years ago, when we were building the 'Eight Trees Park', many pig pens and cattle pens were built on the square. The village committee and villagers discussed and discussed whether to demolish, how to demolish, and how to build them together. In an open and transparent manner, not only did the village successfully demolish more than 1000 square meters of temporary buildings, but more than 400 villagers also raised more than 10000 yuan to support the park's construction." Zeng Zhihua said that the simultaneous progress of rural construction and rural governance was the key to their transformation from a backward village to the 'most beautiful village in Zhejiang'. ".

Research Tour of "Ten Million Projects" | Lishui, Zhejiang: Beautiful Countryside in Painting Come to Lishui | Ten Million Projects

Landscape charm, thriving industry, and harmonious people. The relevant person in charge of the Lishui Municipal Government stated that the city is seizing the significant opportunity of the 20th anniversary of the "Ten Million Project", focusing on the new requirements of "further deepening and improving", comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, and continuously enhancing the sense of gain, happiness, and security of the masses.

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