Remembering the Great Victory of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Opening a New World of Career Development by Relying on Stubborn Struggle to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea | War | Cause

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 12:28 PM

Remembering the Great Victory of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea and Opening up a Xintiandi of Career Development by Relying on Tough Struggle

——On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army in the Korean War

Jun Zheng

On July 27, 1953, after an unprecedented and serious failure, the aggressors led by the United States had to sign the Korean Armistice Agreement, and the Korean War of Resistance and Aid won a great victory. This great victory is a declaration of the Chinese people standing firm in the East after standing up, an important milestone for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and has significant and far-reaching significance for both China and the world.

1、 The Korean War created a glorious example of daring to fight against strong enemies and winning victory, and forged an immortal monument to defend peace and resist aggression

The courage to struggle and win is a powerful spiritual force that the Party and the people cannot defeat. The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was an anti aggression war that New China was forced to engage in under severe difficulties. At the critical moment when the war situation in Korea turned critical and China's security faced a serious threat, at the request of the Korean party and government, the Party Central Committee and Comrade Mao Zedong made a historic decision with extraordinary boldness and courage to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea and defend the country. They led the military and civilian forces throughout the country to defeat the imperious invaders by relying on indomitable struggle, opening a new Xintiandi in which New China laid a foundation, built a career, and revitalized itself.

Remembering the Great Victory of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Opening a New World of Career Development by Relying on Stubborn Struggle to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea | War | Cause

The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was a just war that repelled imperialist aggression and expansion. After the outbreak of the Korean Civil War, the US government immediately decided to implement armed intervention in the Korean Civil War and expanded the scope of intervention to Asia outside of North Korea. The United States' comprehensive aggression against North Korea blatantly violates the provisions of the United Nations Charter that prohibit interference in events that are essentially within the internal jurisdiction of any country. The United States dispatched the Seventh Fleet of the Navy to invade the Taiwan Strait, abandoning the Cairo Declaration and Potsdam Declaration on Taiwan's return to China, and violently interfering in China's internal affairs and national reunification. Despite repeated warnings from the Chinese government, the US military brazenly crossed the 38th parallel, burning the flames of war to the China North Korea border, and repeatedly bombed the northeastern border area of China, seriously infringing on China's territorial and airspace sovereignty, posing a serious threat to China's national security. Under the strong leadership of the Party, the Chinese People's Volunteer Army held high the banner of justice to defend peace and resist aggression, resolutely resisted imperialist aggression and expansion, stabilized the situation on the Korean Peninsula, and maintained peace in Asia and the world. In the new era and new journey, we must fully recognize that power politics and jungle rules still prevail in today's world. China will face severe struggles such as containment and anti containment, division and anti division, infringement and anti infringement for a long time. We firmly believe that justice will triumph over power, uphold the common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy, and freedom for all mankind, stand on the correct side of history, stand on the side of international morality, and resolutely safeguard our legitimate rights and interests and international peace and justice in the struggle.

In early October 1950, the US aggressor army brazenly crossed the 38th parallel and burned the flames of war to the Chinese border, posing a serious threat to China's national security. On October 19th, the Chinese People's Volunteer Army bravely and confidently crossed the Yalu River, working together with the Korean people to resist the aggressors. Xinhua News Agency's Li Min/Photo

The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was a war of national prosperity, bringing peace and tranquility to both the country and the country. For the newly established China, which has only been in existence for a year and is in need of improvement, the Korean War is a severe test of the future and destiny of the country and the nation. A punch is enough to avoid a hundred punches. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has taken overall leadership, implemented effective war mobilization and correct war guidance, adopted the policy of fighting, stabilizing, and building at the border, united and led the people to face the war without fear of violence or uprising, swore to defend their country and country, and defended national security and people's peaceful life with great sacrifices. This great victory truly established the foothold of New China, crushed the aggressor Chen Bingguo's plan to strangle New China in the cradle, and imperialism dared not make any attempt to invade New China by force again. This great victory demonstrates the great power status of New China, making the world look up to China and laying the foundation for its important position in Asian and international affairs. This great victory has won a long-term stable development environment for our country, consolidated the new people's political power, and led to unprecedented political unity and social stability throughout the country. In the new era and new journey, we must be highly vigilant about the danger of aggression, subversion, and division of the country, the danger of undermining the overall situation of reform, development, and stability, and the danger of interrupting the development process of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We must persist in seeking security through struggle and development through struggle, ensuring that the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is not delayed or even interrupted, and firmly grasp the fate of China's development and progress in our own hands.

The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was a desperate battle, creating a miracle of defeating the strong with the weak. The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was a modern war carried out under extremely unequal forces between the warring parties. In extremely asymmetric and difficult situations, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has successively formulated combat policies such as defensive operations, mobile annihilation, "protracted operations, and active defense, firmly controlling the initiative of war.". The Volunteer Army closely cooperated with the North Korean military and civilians, conducting five consecutive battles in the first battle of Liangshuidong, the fierce battle of Yunshan City, the battle of Qingchuan River, and the fierce battle of Changjin Lake. Afterwards, they built deep defense positions like copper walls and iron walls, carried out multiple offensive campaigns, crushed the "strangulation battle", resisted the "bacterial battle", and fought bloody battles in Shangganling, creating a magnificent and majestic war, defeated opponents armed to the teeth, and broke the myth of the invincibility of the US military. The People's Army learns from war and rapidly improves its equipment and technological level through the baptism of blood and fire. It accelerates the transition of our army from single branch operations to modern joint operations of various branches of the military, creating a series of new experiences, new tactics, and new tactics to win modern warfare by relying on inferior equipment, and building the national and military prestige of New China. In the new era and new journey, we must have a clear understanding of the essence of the "paper tiger" and the danger of the "real tiger", adhere to the strategy of disdaining the enemy and valuing the enemy in tactics, be confident, self reliant, enterprising and innovative, comprehensively improve our strategic ability to defend national sovereignty, security, and development interests, and resolutely defeat all incoming enemies.

The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was a war of dignity, demonstrating the national strength of solidarity. The Chinese people have a deep memory of the harm caused by foreign aggression and the suffering ravaged by war, and have a strong consciousness of resisting foreign aggression and defending national dignity. On the Korean battlefield, millions of volunteers fought bravely for their country and people; In the land of China, billions of people who have just taken control of their own destiny have joined the magnificent anti US aid to Korea movement, sparking a wave of participation in the war and supporting the front line in various regions. Various industries have carried out movements to increase production, practice thrift, and promote patriotic and abundant yields. The whole country is united in supporting this great resistance. The great victory of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea has completely eradicated the century long shame of the Chinese people who have been oppressed and relied on others since modern times, and completely discarded the label of "sick man of East Asia". The Chinese people are truly proud and declare to the world with great victory that "the era when Western aggressors could occupy a country with just a few cannons on an eastern coast for hundreds of years is gone forever"! In the new era and new journey, we must constantly strengthen our courage and determination to fight resolutely for national sovereignty and dignity, and spare no effort in the face of war. We must forge a national character that is not afraid of violence and resistance to power, gather a united and united national strength, forge a national spirit of sacrificing life and forgetting death, and live towards death. We must inspire the national wisdom of upholding righteousness, innovation, and courageously moving forward, and form a magnificent force of unity and overcoming difficulties together.

2、 The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea interpreted language that aggressors could understand, and established a historical warning that strong enemies must remember

Remembering the Great Victory of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Opening a New World of Career Development by Relying on Stubborn Struggle to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea | War | Cause

To deal with aggressors, one must communicate with them in a language that they can understand. This is to stop the war with war, stop the conflict with force, win peace with victory, and gain respect. The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was a life and death struggle against the world's number one superpower. Through tenacious struggle, it shattered the hegemonic acts of aggression and expansion by powerful enemies, cracked down on the imperialist arrogance of bullying the weak, and provided profound warning to the aggressors with great victory.

The victory of the Battle of Shangganling gave the Chinese People's Volunteer Army and the Korean People's Army complete control over the entire frontal battlefield. Photo supply from the Korean War Memorial Hall

This great victory solemnly declares that the Chinese Party and government keep their word. After the outbreak of the Korean War, the Chinese party and government repeatedly issued stern warnings against the aggressive actions of the United States: "The Chinese people cannot tolerate foreign aggression, nor can they allow imperialists to invade their neighbors recklessly and ignore them." "The US military is attempting to cross the 38th parallel and expand the war. If the US military really does this, we cannot sit idly by, we must take care of it." However, the US authorities believe that this is just a false threat, ignoring China's warnings and expanding the aggressive war recklessly, resulting in a shameful failure. The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea fully proves that China is a responsible major country, and its words must be kept and actions must bear fruit. It used to be like this, it is now like this, and it will be the same in the future. Faced with unprecedented changes in the world and the severe and complex national security environment, the Chinese people yearn for peace, but will never give up their legitimate rights and interests, nor will they trade the core interests of the country.We will never sit idly by and let our national sovereignty, security, and development interests be compromised. We will never allow anyone or any force to infringe upon or divide the sacred territory of our motherland. Once such a serious situation occurs, we will definitely face it head-on!

This great victory profoundly demonstrates that the Chinese people who stand up are inviolable. After the establishment of the People's Republic of China, just as our party led the people of the whole country to build a great motherland with confidence, imperialist aggressors burned the flames of war to their doorstep. What the once arrogant enemy did not expect is that the Chinese people, who have been repeatedly invaded and bullied by foreign powers since modern times, under the leadership of the CPC, burst out unprecedented patriotism and national cohesion, let the world witness the tremendous power contained in the Chinese people, and let the world know that "now the Chinese people have been organized, it is not to be provoked. If it is provoked, it is not easy to do"! The Korean War fully proves that a awakened nation that dares to rise up and fight for the glory, independence, and security of the motherland is invincible. Today, the Chinese people are more confident, independent, and self strengthening. The Chinese nation has ushered in a great leap from standing up, becoming prosperous to becoming strong, and the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process. The more we develop and grow, the greater the resistance and pressure we encounter. Individual countries always spare no effort, resort to any means, and ignore the consequences to encircle and suppress me. The Chinese people are not afraid of trouble or trouble. In the face of any difficulties and risks, their legs and stomachs will not tremble, and their waists will not bend. The Chinese nation cannot be intimidated or crushed! The Chinese people will never agree to anyone or any force attempting to impose their will on China, change the direction of China's progress, or obstruct the efforts of the Chinese people to create a better life through bullying!

This great victory eloquently proves that the heroic people's army is invincible. During the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, under the correct command of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Central Military Commission, the soldiers of the Volunteer Army demonstrated the strength of the People's Army to the strong enemy through their flexible and mobile strategic tactics and the fighting spirit of daring to fight and win. The Volunteer Army boldly lures the enemy deep and encircles them in a roundabout manner, fully leveraging their advantages in close combat and night combat, creating tunnel fortifications and tactical tactics such as "smashing beef candy" and "one domain, multiple layers, and four systems", and establishing "unbreakable and constantly exploding steel transportation lines". The more they fight, the braver they become, and the stronger they become. The vast number of volunteers braved the rain of bullets and bullets, bravely charged forward, defended their positions with indiscriminate bombardment, and fought fiercely against strong enemies with their flesh and blood. With "less steel and more gas", they defeated "more steel and less gas", and more than 300000 heroic heroes and nearly 6000 collective heroes emerged, including Yang Gensi, Huang Jiguang, Qiu Shaoyun, and others. They were sincerely praised by people of all ethnic groups in the country as the "cutest people". The War of Resistance against US Aggression and Aid to Korea has fully proved that the people's army under the absolute leadership of the CPC regards the interests of the motherland and the people above everything else and will never step back for the sake of the peace of the motherland and the people. The world is not peaceful, and peace needs to be defended. Whether in the past, present, or future, the aggressors will never succeed in their attempt to make the people's army yield by relying solely on a few new weapons and resorting to military provocation and pressure. This misconception must never be repeated. The People's Army has always been a heroic army that the Party and the people can fully trust. It has confidence and the ability to safeguard national sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity, provide strategic support for the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and make greater contributions to world peace and development!

On October 26, 1958, a train passed through the Arc de Triomphe on the banks of the Yalu River, and Chinese People's Volunteer Army soldiers returned to the embrace of their motherland. Photo courtesy of Xinhua News Agency's Anti US Aid to Korea Memorial Hall

Remembering the Great Victory of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Opening a New World of Career Development by Relying on Stubborn Struggle to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea | War | Cause

This great victory harshly warns that hegemony, hegemony, and bullying are fundamentally unacceptable. The journey of the great road is for the benefit of the world. In the War of Resistance Against US Aggression and Aid to Korea, imperialist aggression was met with a head-on blow from the Chinese people, and was jointly opposed by peace loving countries and peoples around the world. The great victory of the Korean War greatly inspired the oppressed nations and people around the world to strive for national independence and liberation, and effectively promoted the cause of world peace and human progress. The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea fully proves that any country or military, no matter how powerful, will inevitably suffer from head to toe if they stand on the opposite side of the world's development trend, bully the weak, act in reverse, and invade and expand. The current century long changes in the world are accelerating, and humanity is once again standing at a crossroads of history. The historical trend of peace, development, cooperation, and win-win is unstoppable. Any unilateralism, protectionism, extreme selfishness, any blackmail, blockade, or extreme pressure, any independent and self reliant behavior, and any act of hegemony, hegemony, or bullying are fundamentally impossible and will ultimately lead to a dead end. The Chinese nation is a peace loving nation, and China's development is an increase in the power of world peace. China is firmly committed to the path of peaceful development, never seeking hegemony or expansion, and opposes all forms of hegemonism and power politics; China has always adhered to a defensive national defense policy, and the Chinese military has always been a steadfast force in maintaining world peace, providing strategic support for promoting world peace and development, and making great contributions to serving the construction of a common destiny for mankind.

3、 The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea has revealed the historical essence of using military force to stop conflicts and strengthen national security. It is necessary to defend national sovereignty, security, and development interests with stronger capabilities

Peace must be backed by strong strength, and winning can effectively contain war and ensure peace.We must anchor and achieve the centenary goal of building the military, adhere to the principles of political construction, reform, science and technology, talent, and rule of law. We must persist in fighting, preparing for war, and building at the same time, accelerate the construction of the People's Army into a world-class military, and support the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation with strong military strength.

On September 17, 2022, the ninth batch of funeral ceremonies for the remains of Chinese People's Volunteer Army martyrs in South Korea were held at the Shenyang Anti US Aid Korea Martyrs Cemetery. 88 martyrs of the Volunteer Army who sacrificed their lives in foreign countries during the war rested on the land of their motherland. The picture shows the ceremonial soldiers firing guns to pay tribute during the burial ceremony. Xinhua News Agency reporter Pan Yulong/Photo

Continuously adhere to the Party's command and maintain absolute loyalty to the core.We must unwaveringly adhere to the absolute leadership of the Party over the People's Army, regard this as the unchangeable military soul and lifeline of the People's Army, and always use the Party's flag as the banner, direction, and will under any circumstances.We must focus on building a strong organizational system for the People's Army Party, strengthen the political construction of the Party, enhance the leadership, organizational and execution capabilities of Party organizations at all levels, and forge a strong grassroots that listens to the Party's words, follows the Party, can win battles, and has a strict legal and disciplinary atmosphere. We need to deepen the normalization and institutionalization of political rectification and training, persistently uphold integrity, discipline, and anti-corruption, and always maintain the nature and purpose of the People's Army.

Vigorously forge a bloody iron bone that dares to fight and win.In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the soldiers of the Volunteer Army issued a heroic declaration of "three disbeliefs": in front of revolutionary soldiers, they did not believe in unfinished tasks, difficulties that could not be overcome, and enemies that could not be overcome, composing a touching heroic song. War is not only a material competition, but also a spiritual competition. We need to strengthen the education of situation and combat readiness, educate officers and soldiers to fully recognize that the period from big to strong, from strong to weak, is often a high-risk period for national security, recognize the increasing instability and uncertainty of China's national security situation, strengthen their awareness of danger, crisis, and war, resolutely eliminate the idea of being a "peace soldier" or "peace officer", and be fully prepared to fight at any time. We need to strengthen the study and education of military history, give a great lecture on our military's war history, examples, generals, and heroes, inspire the courage to wield swords, cultivate the spirit of martial arts, and pass on the battle genes of overcoming all difficulties and overwhelming all enemies from generation to generation. To wrestle and train the troops in harsh and rigorous training, realistic environments, and severe and complex military struggles, and to hone the courage and courage of officers and soldiers to not fear strong enemies and fight to victory. We must fully leverage the role of the new era military merit and honor recognition system, establish a clear guidance of advocating heroes, learning heroes, and caring for heroes, and motivate officers and soldiers to always be prepared to fight for the motherland and the people.

Remembering the Great Victory of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Opening a New World of Career Development by Relying on Stubborn Struggle to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea | War | Cause

Accelerate the improvement of practical combat capabilities, such as being able to fight effectively and being strong in coercion.Currently, a new round of technological and military revolutions is advancing rapidly, with changes in technology, war, and opponents becoming increasingly prominent. We must deeply implement the military strategic policy of the new era, bear in mind the importance of missions and tasks, the responsibility of preparing for war, and the urgency of overcoming difficulties, and adhere to the coordinated promotion of war readiness. We must seize the strong enemy, strengthen research on war and combat issues, deeply grasp the significant changes in the winning mechanism of modern warfare, study and master the characteristics and laws of information-based and intelligent warfare, and improve the level of planning and guiding warfare. To build a strong strategic deterrence force system, increase the proportion of new domain and new quality combat forces, and optimize the joint combat command system. We need to deepen practical military training, deepen joint training, adversarial training, and technological training, enhance command capabilities, improve combat skills, and cultivate a strong combat style. We must comprehensively strengthen military governance, consolidate and expand the achievements of national defense and military reform, accelerate the construction of modern logistics, implement a series of major projects in national defense technology and weapons and equipment, improve strategic management, focus on building a modern military governance system, and promote the high-quality development of the People's Army through high-level governance. We need to strengthen the normalized and diversified use of military power, firmly and flexibly carry out military struggles, improve the ability to effectively fulfill the mission and tasks of the people's army in the new era, and ensure that they are called upon, able to fight, and victorious in battle.

Consolidate the military civilian integration and unite as a city with great military strength.No matter how the times develop, military and political unity between the military and the people has always been our unique advantage in winning, and people's war has always been an important weapon for us to defeat strong enemies. We must resolutely implement the strategic deployment of the Party Central Committee on consolidating and improving the integrated national strategic system and capabilities, adhere to the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, strengthen the integration of strategic layouts in various fields, integrate strategic resources, and utilize strategic forces, and systematically enhance China's overall strength in responding to strategic risks, safeguarding strategic interests, and achieving strategic objectives. We must grasp the new characteristics and requirements of the people's war under the new era conditions, innovate and develop the strategies and tactics of the people's war, innovate the content and methods, and fully leverage the overall power of the people's war. We need to deepen national defense education, enhance the national defense awareness of the whole population, and make caring for national defense, loving national defense, building national defense, and defending national defense become the ideological consensus and conscious action of the whole society. We need to strengthen national defense mobilization and reserve force construction, improve the national defense mobilization system, improve the national defense mobilization system and mechanism, and enhance the national defense potential to win future wars. We must keep in mind the fundamental purpose of our army, vigorously promote the glorious tradition of loving the people and supporting the army, consolidate and develop the unity between the military, government, and the people in the new era, and gather a strong force to create a new situation for the development of a strong country and a strong military through tenacious struggle.

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