Regarding the Johannesburg Declaration of the 15th BRICS Summit | BRICS | Countries

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 11:19 AM

Johannesburg, August 24th (Xinhua) -- Johannesburg Declaration of the 15th BRICS Leaders Meeting

1、 Preface

1. We, the leaders of the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Russian Federation, the Republic of India, the People's Republic of China, and the Republic of South Africa, held the 15th BRICS Leaders' Meeting in Saito, South Africa from August 22 to 24, 2023. The theme of this meeting is "BRICS and Africa: Deepening Partnership, Promoting Mutual Growth, Achieving Sustainable Development, and Strengthening Inclusive Multilateralism.".

2. We reaffirm our commitment to the BRICS spirit of mutual respect and understanding, sovereign equality, unity and democracy, openness and inclusiveness, deepening cooperation, and consensus. On the basis of the BRICS leaders' meetings over the past 15 years, we will continue to work towards strengthening the mutually beneficial cooperation framework driven by the three wheels of political security, economic, trade, finance, and cultural exchanges. By promoting peace, building a more representative and fair international order, revitalizing and reforming the multilateral system, promoting sustainable development and inclusive growth, deepening the BRICS strategic partnership, and benefiting the people of the five countries.

2、 Strengthening inclusive multilateralism

3. We reaffirm our commitment to inclusive multilateralism, uphold international law, including the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, which is an indispensable cornerstone, and uphold the core role of the United Nations in the international system. In this system, sovereign states cooperate to maintain peace and security, promote sustainable development, promote and protect democracy, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, and strengthen cooperation based on the spirit of unity, mutual respect, justice, and equality.

We are concerned about the adoption of unilateral coercive measures that do not comply with the principles of the United Nations Charter and have a significant negative impact on developing countries. We reaffirm our commitment to strengthening and improving global governance, promoting the construction of a more sensitive, effective, efficient, representative, democratic, and accountable international and multilateral system.

5. We call for an increase in the representation of emerging market countries and developing countries in international organizations and multilateral mechanisms, where they play important roles. We also call for an increase in the role and proportion of women in emerging markets and developing countries at different levels of international organizations.

6. We reiterate that all countries should cooperate based on the principles of equality and mutual respect to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms. We agree to continue to attach equal importance to and treat all types of human rights, including the right to development, in a fair and equal manner. We agree to strengthen cooperation on issues of common concern within multilateral frameworks such as the BRICS countries, the United Nations General Assembly, and the Human Rights Council. We believe that human rights should be promoted, protected, and realized in a non selective, non politicized, and constructive manner, avoiding double standards. We call for respect for democracy and human rights, emphasizing that they should be reflected not only in domestic governance but also in global governance. We reaffirm our commitment to promoting and protecting democracy, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, and building a community with a shared future for mankind on the basis of mutually beneficial cooperation.

7. We support comprehensive reform of the United Nations, including its Security Council, to make it more democratic, representative, effective, and efficient, and to increase the representation of developing countries in Security Council members to address universal global challenges. The legitimate desire to support emerging and developing countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, including Brazil, India, and South Africa, to play a greater role in international affairs, especially in the United Nations and its Security Council.

8. We reiterate our support for an open, transparent, fair, predictable, inclusive, equal, and non discriminatory multilateral trading system centered around the World Trade Organization and based on rules, providing special and differential treatment to developing countries, including the least developed countries. We emphasize our support for the positive and meaningful outcomes of the 13th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization. We promise to actively participate in the necessary reforms of the World Trade Organization and submit specific results to MC13. We call for the restoration of a WTO dispute resolution mechanism that is accessible, complete, well functioning, two-level, and binding to all members by 2024, and for the immediate selection of new members of the Appellate Body.

We call for progress in establishing a fair and market-oriented agricultural trade system, eradicating hunger, achieving food security and improving nutrition, promoting sustainable agriculture and food systems, and implementing resilient agricultural practices. We emphasize the need to authorize the advancement of agricultural reform in accordance with Article 20 of the Agricultural Agreement, while recognizing the importance of respecting authorization in the context of negotiations on permanent solutions for public reserves aimed at food security and special safeguard mechanisms for developing countries, including the least developed countries. BRICS members also expressed concern about trade restrictions that do not comply with WTO rules and affect agricultural trade, including unilateral illegal measures such as sanctions.

10. We support the construction of a strong global financial safety net based on quotas and with the International Monetary Fund as its core with sufficient resources. We call for the completion of the IMF's 16th round of share checks before December 15, 2023. The relevant checks should return to the primary role of IMF shares. Any share adjustment should increase the share of emerging markets and developing economies, while protecting the voice and representation of the poorest members. We call for the reform of the institutions of the Bretton Woods system, including allowing emerging markets and developing countries to play a greater role and assume leadership positions within the institutions, to reflect the role of emerging markets and developing countries in the world economy.

3、 Creating an environment of peace and development

11. We welcome the Joint Statement of the Formal Meeting of BRICS Foreign Ministers released on June 1, 2023, and take note of the 13th BRICS High Representative Meeting on Security Affairs held on July 25, 2023.

We are concerned about the ongoing conflicts in many regions of the world. We emphasize our commitment to resolving differences and disputes peacefully through dialogue and inclusive consultation through coordination and cooperation, and support all efforts that are conducive to the peaceful resolution of crises.

We recognize the importance of increasing women's participation in conflict prevention and resolution, peacekeeping, peacemaking, post conflict reconstruction and development, and sustainable and equal peace processes.

14. We emphasize our commitment to multilateralism and the core role of the United Nations, which are prerequisites for maintaining peace and security. We call on the international community to support the joint efforts of all countries to achieve post pandemic economic recovery. We emphasize the importance of contributing to the reconstruction and development of post-conflict countries and call on the international community to help these countries achieve their development goals. We emphasize that no mandatory measures should be taken without the basis of international law and the United Nations Charter.

15. We reaffirm the need to fully respect international humanitarian law in conflict situations and support the provision of humanitarian assistance in accordance with the basic principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality, and independence established in General Assembly resolution 46/182.

16. We appreciate the sustained and joint efforts of the United Nations, the African Union, sub regional organizations, especially the United Nations Security Council and the African Union Peace and Security Council, to address regional challenges including peacekeeping, peacemaking, post conflict reconstruction, and development. We call on the international community to continue to provide support through diplomatic means such as dialogue, negotiation, consultation, mediation, and good offices, and to resolve international disputes and conflicts on the basis of mutual respect, mutual action, and balancing the reasonable demands of all parties. We reiterate that the principle of "resolving African issues through African means" should continue to serve as the foundation for resolving conflicts. In view of this, we support strengthening the relevant capabilities of African countries and supporting peace efforts on the African continent. We are concerned about the deteriorating violent situation in Sudan. We urge all parties to immediately cease fire and stop violence, ensuring unimpeded humanitarian access to the Sudanese people. We are concerned about the situation in the Sahel region, especially in Niger. We support Libya's sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity, and national unity, and reaffirm our support for the political process led by and owned by the people of Libya, with the United Nations as the main channel of mediation. We emphasize the need to reach a lasting and mutually acceptable political solution to the Western Sahara issue in accordance with United Nations Security Council resolutions. Support the performance of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara.

17. We welcome the positive development of the situation in the Middle East and the efforts made by the BRICS countries to support the development, security, and stability of the region. We approve the joint statement of the BRICS Deputy Foreign Ministers/Envoys for Middle East Affairs meeting on April 26, 2023. We welcome the resumption of diplomatic relations between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Iran, and emphasize that easing tensions and managing differences through dialogue and diplomacy are key to achieving peaceful coexistence in this strategically important region. We reiterate our support for Yemen's sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity, and appreciate the positive role played by all parties involved in achieving a ceasefire and seeking a political solution to end the conflict. We call on all parties to engage in inclusive direct negotiations and support the provision of humanitarian, relief, and development assistance to the people of Yemen. We support all negotiated political solutions that respect Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and support the promotion of a lasting solution to the Syrian crisis. We welcome the Syrian Arab Republic to rejoin the League of Arab States. We are deeply concerned about the severe humanitarian situation in the occupied Palestinian territory caused by the escalating violence caused by Israel's continued occupation and expansion of illegal settlements. We call on the international community to support direct negotiations based on international law, including relevant resolutions of the United Nations Security Council and the General Assembly, as well as the Arab Peace Initiative, in order to promote the realization of the "two-state solution" and establish a fully sovereign, independent, and achievable Palestinian state. We appreciate the extensive work carried out by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, and call on the international community to increase support for the Agency's actions to alleviate the humanitarian situation of the Palestinian people.

We express serious concern about the continued deterioration of the security, humanitarian, political, and economic situation in Haiti. We believe that the current crisis requires a Haitian led solution, including national dialogue and consensus building among local political forces, institutions, and society. We call on the international community to support Haiti's efforts to disband gangs, strengthen the security situation, and lay the foundation for long-term social and economic development.

19. We recall the national positions expressed in the United Nations Security Council, United Nations General Assembly, and other occasions regarding the conflict in and around Ukraine. We appreciate the relevant mediation and good offices proposals aimed at peacefully resolving conflicts through dialogue and diplomatic means, including the African Peace Mission and its proposed peace path.

20. We call for strengthening disarmament and non-proliferation, including the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction, as well as the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction, recognizing the role of maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of these conventions in maintaining global stability and world peace and security. We emphasize the need to comply with and strengthen the Biological Weapons Convention, including the adoption of a legally binding Protocol to the Convention that includes efficient verification mechanisms. We reiterate our support for ensuring the long-term sustainability of outer space activities, preventing an arms race and weaponization in outer space, including negotiating a legally binding multilateral document. We recognize the value of the updated draft of the "Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space and the Threat or Use of Force against Outer Space Objects" submitted to the Conference on Disarmament in 2014. We emphasize that pragmatic and non binding commitments such as transparency and confidence-building measures may also contribute to preventing an arms race in outer space.

21. We reiterate the need to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue through peaceful diplomatic means in accordance with international law, emphasize the importance of maintaining the Comprehensive Agreement on the Iranian Nuclear Issue and United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231 for international non-proliferation and broader peace and stability, and hope that all relevant parties will soon restore comprehensive and effective implementation of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Iranian Nuclear Issue.

22. We strongly condemn terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, regardless of when, where, and by whom it is committed. We recognize the threats posed by terrorism, extremism that fuels terrorism, and radicalism. We are determined to combat terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, including cross-border transfers of terrorists, terrorist financing networks, and providing shelter for terrorists. We reiterate that terrorism should not be linked to any religion, ethnicity, civilization or race. We reaffirm our firm commitment to making greater contributions to global efforts to prevent and combat the threat of terrorism, based on respect for international law, especially the United Nations Charter and human rights. We emphasize that countries have the primary responsibility in combating terrorism, and the United Nations should continue to play a central coordinating role in this field. We also emphasize that the international community should adopt a comprehensive and balanced approach, including effectively curbing terrorist activities that pose a serious threat in the current epidemic context. We oppose the adoption of double standards in combating terrorism and fueling extremism. We call for the prompt completion and adoption of the Comprehensive Counter Terrorism Convention within the framework of the United Nations, and the initiation of multilateral negotiations in the Conference on Disarmament to develop an international convention to curb acts of chemical and biological terrorism. We welcome the activities of the BRICS Counter Terrorism Working Group and its five sub working groups based on the BRICS Counter Terrorism Strategy and the BRICS Counter Terrorism Action Plan. We look forward to further deepening counter-terrorism cooperation.

23. We emphasize the enormous potential of information and communication technology to promote growth and development, while recognizing its emergence and potential risks in triggering criminal activities and threats. We are concerned about the increasing level and complexity of criminal activities related to the misuse of information and communication technology. We welcome the ongoing efforts of the ad hoc committee to develop a comprehensive international convention against the use of information and communication technology for criminal purposes, and reaffirm our commitment to jointly and timely implementing the mandate of United Nations General Assembly resolution 75/282.

24. We reaffirm our commitment to promoting an open, secure, stable, accessible and peaceful ICT environment, and emphasize the importance of strengthening consensus and cooperation on ICT and Internet use. We support the leadership role of the United Nations in promoting constructive dialogue on information and communication technology security, including discussions on the security and use of information and communication technology within the framework of the United Nations Open Working Group from 2021-2025, and the development of a global legal framework in this field. We call for a comprehensive, balanced, and objective approach to the development and security of information and communication technology products and systems. We emphasize the importance of establishing a legal framework for cooperation among BRICS countries to ensure the security of information and communication technology usage. We believe that practical cooperation between BRICS countries should be continued through the implementation of the BRICS Network Security Practical Cooperation Roadmap and the work of the Network Security Working Group.

25. We reaffirm our commitment to strengthening international cooperation against corruption and collaboration among BRICS countries, and to continuing to fulfill relevant international agreements, especially the United Nations Convention against Corruption. We recognize that corruption does not exist in any region and can thrive in any social and humanitarian cause. We have laid a solid foundation for combating corruption through capacity building, including conducting training programs and sharing the best measures currently adopted. We will continue to strengthen these efforts and increase our understanding of new avenues of corruption. We will strengthen international cooperation through information sharing networks and judicial assistance, combat illegal fund flows, combat corruption havens, and support investigations, prosecutions, and illegal asset returns in accordance with domestic laws and regulations of BRICS countries.

4、 Promote mutual growth

We have noticed that the epidemic has brought impacts and difficulties to humanity, and the uneven post epidemic recovery has exacerbated global inequality. Due to trade fragmentation, sustained high inflation, tightening global financing conditions, especially interest rate hikes in developed economies, geopolitical tensions, and increased debt fragility, the momentum of global economic growth has weakened and the economic outlook has declined.

27. We encourage multilateral financial institutions and international organizations to play a constructive role in building global consensus on economic policies and preventing systemic risks of economic chaos and financial diversification. We call on multilateral development banks to continue implementing the recommendations in the Independent Review Report on the Capital Adequacy Framework of the G20 Multilateral Development Banks. These recommendations should be voluntarily implemented within the governance framework of multilateral development banks to enhance their lending capabilities, while maintaining their long-term financial stability, good creditor ratings, and priority creditor status.

We believe that multilateral cooperation is crucial in reducing the risks of geopolitical and economic fragmentation and strengthening efforts in areas of common concern. These areas include but are not limited to trade, poverty reduction, hunger eradication, sustainable development, including access to energy, water and food, fuel, fertilizers, climate change mitigation and adaptation, education, health, and epidemic prevention, preparedness, and response.

We have noticed that the high debt levels of some countries have compressed the fiscal space they need to address current development challenges. External shocks, especially the spillover effects caused by the drastic tightening of monetary policies in developed economies, have exacerbated these development challenges. The rise in interest rates and tightening of financing conditions have exacerbated the debt vulnerability of many countries. We believe that it is necessary to properly address international debt issues to support economic recovery and sustainable development, while taking into account national laws and internal procedures. One of the important ways to jointly address debt vulnerability issues is to implement the G20 Common Framework for Debt Management in a predictable, orderly, timely, and coordinated manner, with the participation of official bilateral creditors, private creditors, and multilateral development banks, based on the principles of joint action and fair burden.

30. We reaffirm the importance of the G20, consisting of developed countries, emerging markets, and developing countries, continuing to play the primary multilateral forum role in international economic and financial cooperation. Through this mechanism, major economies jointly seek solutions to global challenges. We look forward to the successful hosting of the 18th Summit of the G20 Leaders, chaired by India, in New Delhi. We have noticed that India, Brazil, and South Africa will each serve as chairpersons of the G20 from 2023 to 2025, providing opportunities for building sustained momentum for change. We support their continuity and collaboration during their presidency of the G20, and wish them every success in their efforts. Therefore, we are committed to adopting a balanced approach, continuing to amplify and further incorporate the voice of the global South into the agenda of the G20 during the presidency of India in 2023, Brazil in 2024, and South Africa in 2025.

We recognize that the BRICS countries working together to address global economic risks and challenges play an important role in achieving global recovery and sustainable development. We reaffirm our commitment to strengthening macroeconomic policy coordination, deepening economic cooperation, and promoting a strong, sustainable, balanced, and inclusive economic recovery. We emphasize the importance of continuing to implement the BRICS Economic Partnership Strategy 2025 within relevant ministerial and working group mechanisms. We will explore solutions to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

32. We recognize that the total food production of BRICS countries accounts for one-third of the world's total, and reaffirm our commitment to strengthening agricultural cooperation among BRICS countries, promoting sustainable agriculture and rural development in the five countries, and enhancing food security for BRICS countries and the world. We emphasize that strengthening the stability of agricultural investment is of great strategic significance for ensuring global food security. We reiterate the importance of implementing the BRICS Agricultural Cooperation Action Plan and welcome the BRICS Food Security Cooperation Strategy. We emphasize the need for resilient food supply chains.

We recognize the vitality of the digital economy in promoting global economic growth. We also recognize the positive role that trade and investment play in promoting sustainable development, national and regional industrialization, and transitioning to sustainable consumption and production modes. We recognize the challenges faced by trade and investment development in the digital age, and acknowledge that BRICS countries have different levels of digital development and need to address their respective challenges, including various digital divide. We welcome the establishment of the BRICS Digital Economy Working Group. We reiterate that openness, efficiency, stability, and reliability are key to addressing the challenges of economic recovery and promoting international trade and investment. We encourage BRICS countries to further cooperate, strengthen the interconnection of supply chains and payment systems, and promote trade and investment flows. We agree to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the field of service trade with the BRICS Business Council and the BRICS Women's Business Alliance in accordance with the provisions of the BRICS Service Trade Cooperation Framework, and promote the implementation of relevant documents such as the BRICS Service Trade Cooperation Roadmap and the BRICS Professional Service Trade Cooperation Framework.

34. We reiterate our support for the African Union's Agenda 2063 and for Africa's efforts to promote integration through the operation of the African Continental Free Trade Area. We emphasize that the African Continental Free Trade Area will provide a predictable environment for investment, especially in infrastructure construction, and provide opportunities to facilitate cooperation, trade, and development with partners on the African continent. We emphasize the importance of strengthening the partnership between BRICS countries and Africa in unlocking mutually beneficial opportunities for trade, investment growth, and infrastructure development. We welcome the progress made by the Women and Youth Trade Protocol and recognize its potential in promoting economic and financial inclusiveness among women and youth in the African economy. We emphasize the significant importance of industrialization, infrastructure construction, food security, promoting sustainable agricultural modernization, healthcare, and addressing climate change for sustainable development in Africa.

We further note that the African continent is still on the edge of the global trading system and can benefit greatly from cooperation among the BRICS countries. The African Continental Free Trade Agreement and BRICS cooperation provide opportunities for the African continent to transition from its historical role as a commodity exporting country to higher productivity added value. We welcome and support the African Union as a member of the G20 to participate in the G20 Summit in New Delhi.

36. We are committed to strengthening internal cooperation among BRICS countries, strengthening the BRICS New Industrial Revolution Partnership, and creating new opportunities for accelerating industrial development. We support cooperation within the BRICS countries in the development of new technologies and human resources through the BRICS Industrial Capacity Center, the BRICS New Industrial Revolution Partnership Innovation Base, the BRICS Entrepreneurship Forum, and other relevant mechanisms, conducting training programs, addressing the challenges of the new industrial revolution, and achieving inclusive and sustainable industrialization. We reaffirm our commitment to continue discussing cooperation with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization to establish an Industrial Capacity Center for BRICS countries, jointly supporting the development of Industry 4.0 skills in BRICS countries, promoting a new industrial revolution partnership, and improving productivity. We look forward to cooperating with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization and request the BRICS New Industrial Revolution Partnership Advisory Group to coordinate with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization.

37. We recognize the crucial role of small and medium-sized enterprises in fully unleashing the economic potential of BRICS countries, and reaffirm the importance of their participation in production networks and value chains. We will continue to work together to eliminate various constraints, such as the lack of convenient information and financing channels, skill shortages, network impacts, excessive regulatory burdens, and procurement related constraints, to ensure that enterprises have more convenient access to information and financing, technological upgrades, and market connectivity. We approve the "BRICS Small and Medium sized Enterprise Cooperation Framework", which will promote cooperation among BRICS countries in exhibition and information exchange, encourage small and medium sized enterprises to participate in selected activities, and promote interaction and cooperation among small and medium enterprises that may reach transactions. BRICS members will promote business delegation exchanges, encourage small and medium-sized enterprises to hold industry-specific business to business conferences, strengthen cooperation and business alliances among BRICS small and medium-sized enterprises, and pay special attention to small and medium-sized enterprises owned by women and youth. Each member will provide relevant information on small and medium-sized enterprises, business development opportunities, and cooperation possibilities to promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in BRICS countries. In addition, we will promote the sharing of trade policies, market intelligence, and other information to enhance the participation of small and medium-sized enterprises in international trade. We will promote enterprise access to resources and capabilities, including skills, knowledge networks, and technologies that help improve the participation of small and medium-sized enterprises in economic activities and global value chains. We will exchange views on measures and ways to promote the integration of small and medium-sized enterprises in BRICS countries into global trade and value chains, including sharing experiences on how to support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises through regional integration.

38. We reaffirm our commitment to promoting employment for sustainable development, including developing skills to ensure resilient recovery, gender sensitive employment, and social security policies that include worker rights. We reaffirm our commitment to respecting, promoting, and achieving decent work for all and social justice. We will increase efforts to effectively abolish child labor based on the Durban Action Call and accelerate the achievement of universal social security coverage by 2030. We will invest in skill development systems to enhance the accessibility of high-level skills for workers in the informal economy and new forms of employment, and to enhance the productivity of sustainable and inclusive economies in terms of economy, society, environment. We will explore the establishment of a BRICS platform to implement a decent work productivity ecosystem.

39. We recognize the urgency of the recovery of the tourism industry and the importance of increasing tourist visits. We will further strengthen the BRICS Green Tourism Alliance and take measures to create a more resilient, sustainable, and inclusive tourism industry.

40. We agree to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the field of standardization, fully leverage the role of standards, and promote sustainable development.

We agree to continue deepening cooperation among BRICS countries in the field of competition and creating a fair and competitive market environment for international economic and trade cooperation.

We agree to strengthen intellectual property dialogue and cooperation through the BRICS intellectual property cooperation mechanism. This year marks the tenth anniversary of the cooperation between the Director of the Intellectual Property Office, and we welcome the alignment of his work plan with the Sustainable Development Goals.

43. We support strengthening internal statistical cooperation among BRICS countries. Data, statistics, and information are the foundation of informed and effective decision-making. This year marks the tenth anniversary of the release of the first BRICS Joint Statistical Handbook and the BRICS Joint Statistical Summary. We support the continued release of the BRICS Joint Statistical Handbook and the BRICS Joint Statistical Summary to attract more users to use.

We recognize that a fast, affordable, transparent, secure, and inclusive payment system has broad benefits. We look forward to the report of the BRICS Payment Working Group on the relevant elements of promoting the G20's improved cross-border payment roadmap in BRICS countries. We welcome BRICS members to share their experiences in payment infrastructure such as cross-border payment system connectivity. We believe this will further strengthen cooperation among BRICS countries and encourage further dialogue on payment tools to promote trade and investment flows between BRICS members and other developing countries. We emphasize the importance of encouraging BRICS countries and their trading partners to use their own currencies in international trade and financial transactions. We also encourage the strengthening of the intermediary banking network among BRICS countries to promote local currency settlement.

45. We have instructed the finance ministers and/or central bank governors to study the local currency cooperation, payment tools, and platforms of the BRICS countries and submit a report before the next leadership meeting.

We recognize the crucial role of the New Development Bank in promoting infrastructure and sustainable development in its member countries. We congratulate Ms. Dilma Rousseff, former President of the Federative Republic of Brazil, on her appointment as the President of the New Development Bank and believe that she will effectively serve the bank

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