Qingfeng Xu Lai Tiandi Ming-General Secretary Xi Jinping Guiding the Construction of Network Civilization Review Times | Civilization | Network

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 06:36 AM

A gentle breeze comes, and the sky and earth are bright

General Secretary Xi Jinping's Guide to the Construction of Network Civilization

Five thousand years of continuous string singing, passing down the torch; For five thousand years, the river has been vast and the culture has been renewed day by day. The Chinese civilization, with its unique charm, has been enduring and shining in the history of human civilization, making tremendous contributions to the progress and development of human civilization. Over the past century, our Party has united and led the people of all ethnic groups across the country to go through countless hardships and pay a huge price, opening up the road to Chinese path to modernization and creating a new form of human civilization.

The historical trend is surging forward, entering the information age, and human society is accelerating its evolution towards digitization, networking, and intelligence. The cyberspace has become a new space for human production and life. The communication, innovation, and creation of billions of people online are increasingly giving birth to a new form of civilization - network civilization.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has insisted on combining the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and with China's excellent traditional culture, uniting hundreds of millions of netizens with the party's innovative theory, and vigorously promoting and Practicing the core values of socialism, continuing to strengthen the construction of network civilization, the cyberspace is clearer, the network behavior is becoming more standardized, and all sectors of society are more active in participating in the construction of the network civilization, it has become common practice to run the network with civilization, use the network with civilization, and surf the Internet with civilization. The significance and role of network civilization in the construction of modern civilization of the Chinese nation has become more prominent.

Making Network Civilization an Important Task in Building a Cyber Strong Country and Jointly Building a Beautiful Spiritual Home on the Internet

In ancient Chinese characters, the character "wen" resembles a standing human figure. In the eyes of ancient Chinese people, "civilization" is the brilliance of human beings, which means the spread of morality, education and prosperity, and contains profound implications for showcasing human values and achieving human development.

History is the capital and expansion of spirit, while thought is the condensation and sublimation of civilization.

"Chinese civilization has experienced more than 5000 years of historical changes, but it has always been in the same line, accumulating the deepest spiritual pursuit of the Chinese nation, representing the unique spiritual identity of the Chinese nation, and providing rich nourishment for the continuous growth and development of the Chinese nation." In 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the headquarters of UNESCO, full of deep emotions when talking about Chinese civilization.

The great river of Chinese civilization, spanning five thousand years, is vast and flowing long, creating brilliant brilliance for humanity and experiencing countless difficulties and twists. Today, the baton of building modern Chinese civilization is passed on to this generation, which is a historical mission and responsibility.

From June 1 to 2, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a special trip to the China National Edition Museum and the Chinese Academy of History to investigate and investigate, attend the cultural inheritance and development symposium, and delivered an important speech. From the overall strategic height of the development of the party and the country, he made a comprehensive, systematic and in-depth exposition of a series of major theoretical and practical issues concerning the inheritance and development of Chinese culture, and issued an inspiring call--

"We must strengthen our cultural confidence, take on our mission, and work together to create a new culture that belongs to our era, and build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation."

Photo by Ju Peng, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

If culture thrives, the country will prosper, and if culture is strong, the nation will be strong.

The inheritance and development of civilization have enabled our nation to thrive and pass down its cultural heritage.

In Ningde, Comrade Xi Jinping once had in-depth thinking about "correctly understanding the relationship between getting rid of poverty and becoming rich and building spiritual civilization": "True socialism cannot only be understood as the high development of productive forces, but also a highly developed spiritual civilization -- On the one hand, we must allow the people to live a relatively prosperous life, and on the other hand, we must improve the people's ideological and moral level and scientific and cultural level. This is the real sense of getting rid of poverty."

Over the past thirty years, Sanfang and Qixiang have gone from being "preserved" to "alive", constantly blooming with new brilliance.

In Zhejiang, Comrade Xi Jinping put forward the red boat spirit with the main connotation of "pioneering and pioneering spirit, firm ideals, indomitable struggle spirit, and dedication spirit of building the party for the public and loyal to the people". The "twelve character" Zhejiang spirit of "seeking truth and pragmatism, honesty and harmony, openness and strength" has inspired the spiritual strength of Zhejiang people and marked the spiritual coordinates of Zhejiang's development.

Decorate this Guanshan, it looks even better today.

There should be not only the material life of "having enough food and clothing in the granary", but also the social ethos of "knowing the honor and disgrace on the etiquette day". This is the beautiful life that the people yearn for, and also the solemn commitment of the CPC.

"To realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, material wealth must be greatly enriched, as well as spiritual wealth. We must continue to persevere and consistently grasp the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, so as to provide a strong ideological guarantee, strong spiritual strength and rich moral nourishment for the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country to keep moving forward." The general secretary's tone was firm and his words were heavy.

Gou Rixin, Rixin, and Rixin.

How to shape the cyberspace into a new space of cohesion, leading trends, enriching the spiritual world of the people, and enhancing the spiritual power of the people, as a modern China with over 1 billion internet users, is a question that we must answer in this era.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in the face of the "biggest variable" of the Internet, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has grasped the general trend, raised the flag, and integrated the cultivation and promotion of socialist core values into the entire process of Internet development and governance, and led the construction of network civilization. Break the problem at the beginning, spread out in an all-round way to advance in depth.

Qingfeng Xu Lai Tiandi Ming-General Secretary Xi Jinping Guiding the Construction of Network Civilization Review Times | Civilization | Network

"Only by standing at the forefront of the times and leading the trend can the construction of spiritual civilization exert greater power." On February 28, 2015, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized when meeting with the fourth national civilized cities, civilized villages and towns, civilized units, and advanced representatives of the ideological and moral construction of minors: "At present, the society is active in ideas, ideas collide, and the Internet, etc. New technologies and new media are changing with each passing day. We must assess the situation, take advantage of the situation, innovate content and carriers, improve methods and methods, and make the construction of spiritual civilization always full of spiritual civilization".

On April 19, 2016, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the cybersecurity and informatization work symposium: "Use the core values of socialism and the outstanding achievements of human civilization to nourish people's hearts and nourish society, so that positive energy is abundant and the main theme is high. Netizens, especially young people, create a clean and upright cyberspace."

From April 20th to 21st, 2018, the National Conference on Cybersecurity and Information Technology was held, and the General Secretary emphasized: "Building a concentric circle between the internet and the internet, better consolidating social consensus, and consolidating the common ideological foundation of the whole party and the people of the country's unity and struggle."

The series of important instructions from General Secretary have pointed out the direction and provided fundamental guidance for China to accelerate the construction of network civilization and jointly build a beautiful spiritual home online.

Standing at the historical intersection of the two centenary goals, in October 2020, the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China made an important deployment to strengthen the construction of network civilization and develop a positive and healthy network culture.

One year later, the Opinion on Strengthening the Construction of Network Civilization was issued, which comprehensively and systematically deployed the construction of network civilization in China. This is the first guiding central document in the field of network civilization construction in China. The Opinion points out that strengthening the construction of network civilization is an inevitable requirement for promoting the construction of socialist spiritual civilization and improving the level of social civilization. It is an urgent need to adapt to the changes in the main contradictions of society and meet the people's aspirations for a better life. It is an important task to accelerate the construction of a strong network country and comprehensively build a socialist modernized country.

The congratulatory letter from General Secretary, with a focus on the strategic overall situation of building a socialist modernized country with the help of a strong cyber nation, profoundly elucidates the significant significance, goals, tasks, and practical requirements of building a cyber civilization, and provides scientific guidance for strengthening the construction of cyber civilization in the new era.

Since the new era, the construction of network civilization has been placed at an unprecedented and important height. "Gathering upward and good forces, working together to build a network civilization" and "Promoting the new trend of the times, building a network civilization"; Ten major events in the construction of network civilization in the new era have been announced, and an exhibition of achievements in the construction of China's network civilization in the new era has been held. Now, the China Network Civilization Conference has been held for two consecutive sessions, aiming to build a platform for promoting ideas, exchanging experiences, showcasing achievements, and international mutual learning. The conference is constantly exploring the answers to the era of network civilization construction.

On June 26, 2023, in Jining, Shandong, the opening ceremony and main forum of the World Internet Conference Digital Civilization Nishan Dialogue were held in Qufu Nishan Holy Land.

The positive energy is stronger, the main melody is higher, and the civilization's light of upward and goodness shines in the cyberspace. Today, this Eastern country, which has the world's largest digital society, has explored a unique way to govern the internet. The cyberspace is becoming increasingly clear, and the flower of civilization is blooming brightly in the cyberspace.

Upward and positive energy fills the cyberspace, promoting the flourishing of online civilization

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on network power, the top-level design of my country's network civilization construction has been gradually improved, the party's innovative theory has spread into the mind and heart, and the cultivation and innovation of cyberspace culture has been carried out, and moral construction has become popular., The code of conduct is more complete, and ecological governance is powerful and effective... Network civilization is like a spring breeze blowing across the motherland, it provides a strong spiritual motivation for building the Chinese dream together.

——Leading the Cyberspace with the Party's Innovative Theory

The Party's innovative theory guides the direction of progress in contemporary China, serving as a beacon of thought and a beacon of progress.

The land of China is bustling with a wave of theoretical learning.

The county-level integrated media center connects the "last mile" of party and people's hearts; The Center for the Practice of Civilization in the New Era has become the "red school at the gate of the home" of ordinary people.

Among billions of netizens, the enthusiasm for learning theory and understanding ideas is rising.

Closely following the study of Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era and the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, a series of commentary and political essays have been published in the newspapers, and mobile phones have been swiped with the brushstrokes of reason and passion, and they have been insightful., Speaking, let netizens shine and refresh. Heavy micro-videos such as "Xi Jinping's allusions", "reviving pilotage", "learning in progress", "daily learning", "close lens · warm moment" and other columns, "flat" language "close to the general secretary of Xi Jinping's allusions" and other excellent masterpieces have promoted the vivid interpretation and wide spread of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics in a way loved by the majority of netizens.

The human heart is the greatest politics.

Major mainstream news websites have opened message and suggestion sections, opened online public opinion express trains, and opened new channels for expressing public opinion; The Central Cyberspace Office has continuously held the campaign of "selecting accounts with outstanding achievements in taking the online mass line", and a large number of excellent accounts that practice the online mass line have sprung up.

The resounding main melody and strong positive energy surge in widely recited chapters and phrases, vivid and vivid dissemination products, and approachable online messages, gathering the powerful energy of working together to build the Chinese Dream.

——Shaping cyberspace with a healthy and upward online culture

Write for the people and sing for their dreams. Strengthening historical confidence from film and television works such as "The Awakening Age" and "Changjin Lake", drawing strength from "Mountains and Seas" and "Island Guardians", and inspiring the spirit of progress from "We Walk on the Main Road" and "Navigation"... In October 2022, the 16th "Five One Project" for spiritual civilization construction was selected for online publicity. A series of literary and artistic masterpieces that delve into daily life and take root in the people, as well as a series of excellent works with content, warmth, and power, inspire emotional resonance in the online space.

144 online literary works have been permanently stored in the National Library of China, and 10 digital versions of online literature have been stored in the National Version Library of China. The innovative and creative vitality of online content construction continues to flow.

Qingfeng Xu Lai Tiandi Ming-General Secretary Xi Jinping Guiding the Construction of Network Civilization Review Times | Civilization | Network

From "lead and fire" to "light and electricity", and then to "digital and internet", new formats such as online audiovisual and digital tourism are flourishing, and digital technology has become an important driving force for the development of the cultural industry.

The National Grand Theatre has launched ultra high definition real-time live streaming, and Beijing Peking Opera Theatre has created the "Beijing Opera Cloud Theater"; New online cultural consumption scenarios and models, such as cloud concerts, cloud recording, cloud exhibitions, cloud tourism, and cloud viewing, continue to enrich... The scale of China's digital cultural industry continues to grow.

The cultural TV programs "Chinese Poetry Conference" and "China in Classics" are popular online and offline; China-Chic cultural and creative, ancient Han style clothing, etc. have become network fashion; The "Digital Axis", "Digital Palace Museum", "Digital Dunhuang", and "Cloud Tour of the Great Wall" provide multi-dimensional answers to "What is China?" The cultural relics collected in museums, the heritage displayed on vast land, and the characters written in ancient books are brought to life through digital technology, nourishing the spiritual world of millions of netizens.

——Nurturing the online space with good moral values

A technological hero who serves the country with youth and supports the dream of building a strong country; College student village officials rooted in rural areas and leading their fellow villagers to become wealthy; The industrial workers who strive for excellence and add glory to "China's intelligent manufacturing" are individuals with ideals, emotions, and responsibilities, moving the entire network time and time again.

The online space is more warm because of them.

The new trend of the times has been vigorously promoted. Various departments around the country have extensively carried out online publicity for model worker, model workers of the times, model morality, the most beautiful people, good people around and other model figures and advanced deeds, deeply implemented the network public welfare project, improved the long-term mechanism of network integrity construction... The core values of socialism have become a code of conduct that netizens are unaware of everyday. Advocating virtue and being good and learning from the best become a common practice in cyberspace. Hundreds of millions of netizens are demonstrating that "people have faith, the country has strength, and the nation has hope" with practical actions.

——Standardize cyberspace with good behavior

In recent years, online violence has become a new problem deeply hated by the general public.

No injustice, no reason. The cyberspace is not a lawless place, and there is no room for reckless behavior.

The Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and the Ministry of Public Security have publicly solicited opinions from the public on the Guiding Opinions on Punishing Cyber Violence and Illegal Crimes in accordance with the Law; The Central Cyberspace Administration issued a notice on effectively strengthening the governance of online violence, emphasizing the need to "further strengthen the main responsibility of website platforms" and "maintain a civilized and healthy online environment"······

Various online platforms have upgraded their ability to prevent cyberbullying, launching new functions such as "risk reminders" and "post warnings" to crack down on inappropriate private messages and comments, and promote the formation of a joint force to prevent cyberbullying. In the "Qinglang Network Violence Special Governance Action", key website platforms have intercepted more than 65.41 million pieces of information related to attacks, verbal abuse, spreading rumors, and defamation, and disposed of 78000 illegal and irregular accounts.

The river flows with time, and the flame of faith endures forever.

"The Five Heroes of Langya Mountain", "White Blade Fighting Hero Company", "Liu Laozhuang Company", Dong Cunrui, Qiu Shaoyun, Huang Jiguang... These resounding and glorious names, as well as names recorded in history, have been repeatedly mentioned and expressed respect by General Secretary. "Looking back on those turbulent years, we must express our high respect to the revolutionary martyrs, and we will always remember and remember them.".

Only by admiring heroes can heroes emerge, and striving to be heroes can heroes emerge in large numbers. History cannot be betrayed, heroes cannot be desecrated. But in recent years, some people with ulterior motives, under the pretext of "re evaluating history", have recklessly distorted party history, national history, and military history online, attempting to destroy the spiritual backbone of the Chinese nation.

From the establishment of the Victory Day and Martyrs Day of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression through legislation, to the official implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Heroes and Martyrs; In recent years, from the theme of "Qingming Festival for Heroes and Martyrs" to the special action of "Qinglang · Rectification of Online Historical Nihilism", the atrocities of insulting heroes and blaspheming history have been severely punished in accordance with the law. The atmosphere of advocating heroes, defending heroes, learning heroes, and caring for heroes has become increasingly strong. Opposing historical nihilism and safeguarding the national spiritual lifeline has become a conscious behavior of netizens.

——Purifying Network Space through Comprehensive Governance of Network Management Networks

Establishing a comprehensive network governance system is the fundamental solution to clearing up the cyberspace.

The network information system further straightens out the Internet management leadership system and mechanism, actively plays the role of coordination, promotes the formation of the "one network" and "one chess game" working pattern together with relevant departments, deeply governs and strikes against online chaos, and continues to purify the network ecology.

Internet information enterprises continuously strengthen their main responsibilities, strengthen industry self-discipline, actively guard the "first gateway" of network governance, strictly implement legal and regulatory requirements, better assume social and moral responsibilities, and strive to achieve healthy and orderly development.

The vast number of netizens actively participate in the construction of online civilization, actively participate in creating a good online ecosystem, widely disseminate positive energy, consciously promote truth, goodness, beauty, resist falsehood, ugliness, and evil, and further enhance their online literacy.

At present, a comprehensive network governance system covering Internet leadership management, positive energy transmission, network content management and control, social collaborative governance, network rule of law, technology governance and other aspects has been basically completed, promoting the fundamental transformation of the Internet from "management" to "governance", further enriching and improving the way of network governance with Chinese characteristics, and forming rich theoretical, practical and institutional achievements.

If good laws are established in the world, then the world will be governed; If good laws are established in a country, then one country will govern.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the construction of the rule of law in cyberspace in China has been advancing rapidly, the laws and regulations related to Internet content construction and management have become increasingly sound, and the new network ecology of civilized network operation, civilized Internet access and civilized network use has gradually taken shape.

Qingfeng Xu Lai Tiandi Ming-General Secretary Xi Jinping Guiding the Construction of Network Civilization Review Times | Civilization | Network

Deeply carry out special rectification actions such as "net cleaning" and "seedling protection" to effectively purify the online environment; We will continue to carry out a series of "Clean and Clear" special actions, and focus on addressing prominent issues such as the chaos in the "food circle" and the online water army, forming a strong deterrent. In recent years, relevant departments have focused on key issues, responded to public concerns, and closely monitored and dealt a heavy blow. The legitimate rights and interests of netizens have been effectively protected, and the sense of gain, happiness, and security of billions of people in the online space have significantly improved.

——Creating a new picture of cyberspace through civilization

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "we should coordinate and promote the cultivation, practice, and creation of civilization, and promote the integrated development of urban and rural spiritual civilization construction.". The activity of creating mass spiritual civilization is an important carrier and powerful lever for carrying out the construction of network civilization. In recent years, relevant departments have actively explored and innovated, creating new brands for civilized creation, promoting the extension of mass spiritual civilization creation activities online, and widely consolidating social consensus on the upward and positive development of online civilization.

The system is promoting the project of "striving to be a good internet user in China", innovating and creating a series of diverse and approachable propaganda and guidance activities, as well as online dissemination of high-quality products, to promote the concept of network civilization to be more deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Spread the concept of integrity, practice integrity norms, continuously hold the China Internet Integrity Conference, and actively create a good social atmosphere of honesty, mutual trust, and joint practice and action.

The promotion and education of innovative socialist core values, as well as the online evaluation and publication of the "China Good Person List", have formed a good demonstration and driving effect, effectively promoting online civilization and purifying the online environment.

Integrating county-level media resources, consolidating and strengthening mainstream ideological and public opinion, the county-level integrated media center vividly writes a big article on media integration development at the grassroots level, providing more convenient and high-quality information services for the people.

Actively promote the inclusion of the construction of network civilization in the selection criteria of civilized cities, civilized villages and towns, civilized units, civilized families, civilized campuses, etc., and continuously cultivate new civilized trends.

Assisting the healthy growth of young people, organizing and carrying out the "Youth Network Civilization Volunteer Action", creating a series of brand products such as "China's Good Youth" and "Youth Online Open Course", which has generated a warm response among young netizens.

Assisting the Construction of Modern Chinese Civilization with Network Civilization and Contributing to the Creation of New Forms of Human Civilization

Currently, the century long changes are accelerating, and with the increasing geopolitical conflicts, the theories of "clash of civilizations" and "superiority of civilizations" are occasionally sinking. Conflict or dialogue, confrontation or cooperation among different civilizations has become a major issue concerning the future and destiny of humanity.

Sincere and cordial words and powerful voices spread across the world through the Internet, arousing widespread resonance.

To jointly advocate and promote the common values of all humanity; Jointly advocating for the emphasis on the inheritance and innovation of civilization; Jointly advocating for strengthening international cultural exchanges and cooperation. This is another Chinese wisdom and plan that our country has contributed to promoting the progress of human civilization.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, from visiting the headquarters of UNESCO to personally advocating for the holding of the Asian Civilization Dialogue Conference;

History is vast, the future has arrived.

At present, there is a historic intersection between the overall strategy of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the unprecedented changes in the world, and the trend of the information revolution. China is making great strides towards the second centenary goal of comprehensively building a socialist modernized strong country.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China regards "improving the level of civilization of the whole society" as an important content of "promoting cultural confidence and self-improvement, and forging new brilliance of socialist culture", and makes a comprehensive and systematic deployment, pointing out the direction for strengthening the construction of network civilization in the new era and new journey.

The new era is full of vitality, and the new journey is magnificent.

In Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, especially Xi

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