Providing Strong Organizational Guarantee for the Comprehensive Construction of a Socialist Modernized Country - A Review of the Achievements of the Party's Organizational Work in the New Era Socialism | Organization | Era

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:31 AM

The key to doing well in China lies in the Party. The power of the party comes from the organization.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has stood at the height that the key lies in the party and the key lies in the people. He has planned, deployed, and promoted the party's organizational work in the new great project of party building in the new era, and put forward a series of new ideas. New ideas and new strategies, plan a layout for party building and organizational work, and vigorously promote party organization building.

The organizational work deeply implements the overall requirements of the Party's construction in the new era and the Party's organizational line in the new era, adheres to the Party's comprehensive leadership and strict governance of the Party, focuses on main responsibilities and tasks, highlights problem orientation, strengthens accountability, and promotes the continuous progress and achievements of theoretical armament, selecting and appointing talents, strengthening the foundation, and cultivating talents, providing strong organizational guarantees for historic achievements and changes in the Party and the country's cause.

Guided by scientific theories, organizational work has been fundamentally followed

Organizational work is guided by the Party's banner and direction, and the Party's scientific theory is the fundamental principle.

The key to a great struggle with many new historical characteristics lies in the Party and the people.

In October 2017, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the general requirements for party building in the new era in the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and made top-level design and strategic deployment for the new great project of promoting party building: "Adhere to and strengthen the overall leadership of the party. Insist that the party must manage the party and administer the party strictly in an all-round way, with the party's political construction as the main line, based on the firm ideals, beliefs and purposes, and focusing on mobilizing the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of the whole party, we will comprehensively promote the party's political construction, ideological construction, organizational construction, work style construction, and discipline construction, and integrate system construction into it, and deepen the fight against corruption. Struggle and continuously improve the quality of party building, build the party into a Marxist ruling party that is always at the forefront of the times, wholeheartedly supported by the people, has the courage to self-revolution, can withstand the tests of various storms, and is vigorous."

In July 2018, the National Organization Work Conference was held. On the basis of summing up historical experience, especially the successful experience of comprehensive and strict governance of the party since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly put forward the organizational line of the party in the new era and made a scientific summary: "Fully implement the socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, focus on the construction of the organizational system, and focus on cultivating high-quality cadres who are loyal, clean and responsible, adhere to both ability and political integrity, put morality first, and appoint people on their merits, and provide a strong organizational guarantee for upholding and strengthening the party's overall leadership and upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics."

This series of important statements is a pioneering contribution to the Marxist theory of party building, clarifying the "outline" and "foundation" for party building and organizational work, and becoming the fundamental policy and guideline for doing a good job in organizational work in the new era.

The "Five Grasps" have clearly defined the practical path of the Party's organizational line in the new era, providing action guidelines for strengthening Party organizational construction in the new era.

In May 2021, the first leading and comprehensive basic main regulation on organizational work in the history of our party was issued: the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the Regulations on the Organizational Work of the CPC, which comprehensively standardized the organizational work of the party, and became the basic guideline for doing well the organizational work of the party in the new era and strengthening the organizational construction of the party.

At the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping focused on implementing the general requirements of party building in the new era and improving the comprehensive and strict governance of the party system. He deployed the key tasks of party building from 7 aspects, and made a new great project to further promote party building in the new era. Strategic deployment has given new missions, new tasks, and new requirements to organizational work.

Thought is the guide of action, and theory is the guide of practice.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our party has clarified the standards for good cadres in the new era, highlighted political quality requirements, and established a correct employment orientation. Focusing on enhancing organizational strength, strengthening political functions, and improving an organizational system that is interconnected and effectively executed. Establish a clear guidance for strengthening grassroots construction, and promote comprehensive progress and excellence of party organizations at all levels. Establish and improve an organizational system with democratic centralism as its core, and formulate and revise Party regulations on organizational construction

Through the revolutionary forging of comprehensive and strict governance of the Party in the new era, the Party's political leadership, ideological guidance, mass organization, and social appeal have been further enhanced. The Party's political and organizational advantages have been continuously transformed into development momentum and advantages.

Concentrate and forge the soul, uniting the entire party into a "hard steel"

The innovative theoretical armament of the Party in the new era continues to strengthen.

At the theoretical learning center group learning meeting, read the original work in its original form to understand the principles of the original text, think more, and learn deeply; In theme education reading classes, in-depth discussions and practical learning are conducted through group visits, centralized learning, special lectures, and exchange speeches; At the Revolutionary Memorial Hall and the Red Site, revisit the oath of joining the Party, continue the red genes, and feel the truth and practical power of the Party's innovative theory

At present, the education on the theme of studying and implementing Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era is being carried out in depth throughout the party. All regions, departments and units regard strengthening the party's innovative theoretical arms as the top priority, and educate and guide party members and cadres to learn to cast their souls. Learn to increase wisdom, learn to be upright, and learn to promote work.

"The more you learn, the clearer your mind and eyes become, the more firm your faith and confidence become, and the more determined you are to take on responsibilities," said a young cadre from the Central and State Organ Working Committees.

The unity and solidarity of the Party are the life and strength of the Party. The unity of ideas is the deepest, most enduring, and reliable guarantee for the unity of the Party.

Strengthening the organizational construction of the Party requires not only shaping but also forging the soul.

The Party's mass line education practice activities, "Three Strict and Three Real" special education, "Learning Party Constitution, Party Rules, Learning Series of Speeches, Being a Qualified Party Member" learning education, "Do not forget your initiative mind, Keeping in Mind Mission" theme education, Party history learning education, learning and implementing Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics theme education......

Throughout the six times of centralized education within the Party, theoretical learning has been the primary task and has been consistently carried out. Each time, it has been a comprehensive and profound political education, ideological refinement, and spiritual baptism.

Party organizations at all levels take the study and implementation of Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era as a compulsory course, and conduct systematic training for party members and cadres in stages and batches. Beijing has set up a monthly learning column for Party branches on the Party member education platform around the study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Jilin has set up a special column on the theme of "Keeping in mind the entrustment and setting out for Jilin to forge ahead into a new era" on platforms such as "New Era E Branch". Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps has set up a TV column of "Party Class Opening" and carried out various activities such as "Party Sending Party Class......

From continuing to carry out centralized education within the Party to large-scale learning and training for Party members, cadres, and civil servants... Party members and cadres have built a solid foundation of faith, supplemented spiritual calcium, and held the helm of their thinking in their studies. They have deeply understood the decisive significance of the "Two Foundations", enhanced the "Four Consciousnesses", strengthened the "Four Confidences", and achieved the "Two Safeguards", so that the entire Party always maintains a unified ideology, firm will, coordinated actions, and strong combat effectiveness, uniting into a "hard steel".

Continuously optimizing the selection and management of cadres, and building a high-quality cadre team capable of shouldering the heavy responsibility of national rejuvenation

Party cadres are the backbone of the Party's cause. After the political line is determined, cadres are the determining factor.

General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out: "The reason why our party can always maintain strong creativity, cohesion, and combat effectiveness, become the mainstay of the development of revolution, construction, and reform, and unite and lead the people to overcome various difficulties and obstacles and achieve one victory after another. The very important reason is to attach great importance to training and training a team of cadres who can take on important tasks."

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has proceeded from a great struggle with many new historical characteristics, and has placed the building of the cadre team in a prominent position in managing the party and governing the country.

Adhere to the principle of virtue matching one's position and talent matching one's position, and accurately and scientifically select cadres——

Conduct in-depth and practical assessments of the political qualities of cadres. Each region has refined the basic content of political loyalty, political determination, political responsibility, political ability, and political self-discipline into specific standards and evaluation indicators, formulated a positive and negative list, and focused on promoting the comparison, perception, and evaluation of political quality evaluation;

Focusing on grasping the new development stage, implementing the new development concept, constructing a new development pattern, and promoting the needs of high-quality development, we will conscientiously implement the Regulations on the Appointment of Cadres, and effectively select and use a group of cadres with good professional qualities, strong leadership capacity for modernization construction, and good at grasping reform, promoting development, and ensuring stability.

Strengthen practical training, inspect and identify cadres on the front lines of major tasks and struggles——

Practice leads to true knowledge and talent, which is the best classroom for cultivating cadres. Since the new era, organizational departments at all levels have focused on training cadres on the front line of reform, development, and stability, honing them in difficult and complex areas, and honing them in key and challenging positions. Many cadres have honed their willpower, accumulated experience, and increased their abilities in practice.

Hunan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Xizang and other places transferred cadres to the front line, visited counties and villages with poverty alleviation tasks, and extended the "probe" of understanding cadres to the forefront of the struggle; On the front line of epidemic prevention and control, many party members and cadres go against the trend, stick to their posts, and work tirelessly. Beijing, Liaoning, Zhejiang, Hubei and other places have dispatched cadre inspection teams to pay attention to understanding the courage of cadres to take responsibility, the wisdom of scientific prevention and control, the strategy of overall planning and coordination, and the ability to organize and implement. They timely discover and use cadres with practical achievements and good reputation.

——Establish a sound incentive and protection mechanism for cadres to take on responsibilities, and provide support for those in charge and those in charge.

In 2018, the General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee issued the "Opinions on Further Encouraging Cadres to Take on New Responsibilities and Achievements in the New Era", and the Central Organization Department held a symposium to deploy and promote it; In 2019, the Central Organization Department formulated 9 specific measures to further motivate cadres to take on responsibilities.

Promote the ability of cadres to rise and fall, and motivate them to take on responsibilities. The General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has issued the newly revised "Regulations on Promoting the Ability of Leading Cadres to Rise and Fall", which clearly outlines the criteria for the superiority and inferiority of cadres and the superiority and inferiority of cadres. Party organizations at all levels, in accordance with the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee, encourage cadres to take on responsibilities, promote their ability to rise and fall, and create a good atmosphere for work and entrepreneurship.

Each region conscientiously implements the "three distinctions" and takes a clear stance to support and encourage cadres who dare to take responsibility. Zhejiang has issued fault-tolerant and error correction opinions, 11 districts and cities have comprehensively formulated implementation rules, and provincial-level units have formulated a fault-tolerant list to encourage cadres to dare to take risks and try.

Party organizations at all levels adhere to the principle of Party management of cadres, adhere to the standards of good cadres in the new era, continuously improve the "five systems" of cadre work, including quality training, knowledge and talent recognition, selection and appointment, strict management, and positive incentives. This has led to a structural change and substantial improvement in cadre work, allowing the cadre team to shine with new vitality in revolutionary forging, and ensuring the smooth progress of various undertakings of the Party and the country.

Adhere to the strict main tone without wavering, strictly and practically strengthen the management and supervision of cadres

"We have seen every step of the village leadership change, following the rules and regulations, being open and transparent. The selected secretaries are intelligent, capable, and efficient, and they are the people's' hearts' of the masses. I have 100 supporters and 100 are at ease," said a rural grassroots veteran party member.

The good or bad atmosphere of the transition directly affects the success or failure of the transition work. In the previous round of national village committee elections, various regions fully covered the supervision of village committee elections, especially strengthened the supervision of the entire process of election committee selection, candidate nomination, and voting, erected a "high-voltage line", and recited the "tight curse". At the same time, various regions have established a mechanism for quick investigation and handling of new petitions and reports. The "12380" comprehensive reporting acceptance platform is open 24 hours a day, checking each reporting clue one by one, and investigating and dealing with them together. According to statistics, the number of disciplinary and illegal cases involving job changes in various regions has decreased by 65.4% compared to the previous round of job changes, and the number of letters and visits received has decreased by 62.1%.

According to the law and regulations, maintaining a clean and upright atmosphere, and upholding discipline, the transition environment has laid the foundation for the smooth handover of the new and old leadership teams, and has also unloaded the burden for the new leadership team to take on the battle with ease. Continuously strengthening the supervision of the changing atmosphere reflects the guidance and practice of strictly and practically strengthening the management and supervision of cadres since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Good cadres are selected, and even more so, they are managed.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, party organizations at all levels have adhered to demanding strict standards for cadres, managing cadres with strict measures, and restraining cadres with strict discipline, refreshing the governance of officials with the most resolute attitude and decisive measures.

Manage the key few. Incorporate the reporting system for personal matters of leading cadres into the overall design of strict governance of the Party, conduct comprehensive spot checks and verifications, and gradually expand the proportion of spot checks; Standardizing the business and enterprise behavior of spouses, children, and their spouses of leading cadres has been gradually promoted since 2015. A total of more than 4700 spouses, children, and their spouses of leading cadres have been regulated nationwide in their business and enterprise behavior. In 2022, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the "Regulations on the Management of Spouses, Children, and Their Spouses of Leading Cadres Engaging in Business and Running Enterprises", further moving forward the supervision checkpoint, cutting off potential interest transmission chains, preventing corruption risks, and promoting the construction of a good family culture for leading cadres.

Deepen the supervision and inspection of personnel selection and appointment, and carry out inspections and rectification. Since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, combined with central inspections, special inspections have been conducted on the selection and employment of personnel in 31 provinces, regions and cities, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, and more than 200 central units; Every year, evaluations are conducted on the selection and employment of personnel in provinces, regions, cities, and central units.

Carry out special rectification to eliminate stubborn problems in the selection, appointment, and management supervision of cadres. Focusing on the issue of "naked officials", we will carry out special rectification, study and formulate regulations on the management of positions for "naked officials", and clarify promotion restrictions and job entry requirements; Special measures will be taken to crack down on the unauthorized issuance of permits for leading cadres to travel abroad, and violations will be dealt with severely; In response to the problems of government and business "revolving doors", "escape style resignations", and illegal arrangements for close relatives to work in this system in centrally managed financial institutions, a special rectification campaign will be carried out in a concentrated manner

Since the new era, the rectification of official governance and strict management and supervision of cadres have gradually become the norm, forming effective constraints on cadres in a regular, all-round, and three-dimensional manner. Cadres have gradually become accustomed to working under the "spotlight" and "microscope", achieving cautious and standardized use of power, and promoting the continuous improvement of the political environment within the party.

Strengthening the foundation and strengthening the foundation, promoting the comprehensive progress and excellence of grassroots party organizations

If you want to build a house, first cure its foundation. Grassroots party organizations are the foundation of all the work and combat effectiveness of the party, and are related to the stability of the foundation of the party's governing building.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, "Our Party's grass-roots Party organizations and Party members are powerful organizational resources that no other political party in the world can have. If we do a good job of grass-roots Party building, our grass-roots Party organizations will be unbreakable, our Party members will be indestructible, the Party's ruling position will be rock-solid, and the Party and the people's cause will be invincible."

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our party has firmly established a systematic concept, adhered to classified guidance, and focused on the construction of grassroots party organizations in different fields——

Establish regulations and establish systems. Revise the Regulations of the CPC on the Work of Rural Grass roots Organizations, the Regulations of the CPC on the Work of Grass roots Organizations of the Party and State Organs, the Regulations of the CPC on the Work of Grass roots Organizations of Regular Institutions of Higher Learning, and formulate the Regulations of the CPC on the Work of Grass roots Organizations of State owned Enterprises, the Regulations of the CPC Branches, the Regulations of the CPC on the Education and Management of Party Members, and a series of laws.

Reasonably coordinate and promote. A series of work meetings were successively held, including the National Conference on Party Building in State Owned Enterprises, the Central and State Organs, the National Symposium on Rural Grassroots Party Building, the TV and Telephone Conference on Promoting Rural Revitalization through Party Building, the National TV and Telephone Conference on Leading Grassroots Governance through Urban Grassroots Party Building, the Central Enterprise Party Building, and the National Conference on Party Building in Universities.

From selecting and strengthening village party organization leaders, continuously rectifying weak and lax village party organizations, to promoting the development and growth of village level collective economy, deepening party building and promoting rural revitalization... The creativity, cohesion, and combat effectiveness of rural grassroots party organizations have significantly increased.

Community party organizations focus on party building, governance, and service responsibilities, and their overall coordination functions are significantly enhanced; Further enhance the function of serving the people and connect the "last mile" of serving the people; Grassroots party organizations in various fields promote the integration of blocks, establish collaborative mechanisms, achieve organizational co construction, resource sharing, mechanism connection, and function optimization... The organizational foundation of the party at the grassroots level in cities is constantly consolidated, and the sense of gain for the masses is constantly improving.

In the traditional field, various regions, departments, and units promote the deep integration and mutual promotion of party building work and business work; State owned enterprises will include the requirements for party building work in their company bylaws, and improve the leadership system of "two-way entry and cross appointment"; Universities should adhere to and improve the principal responsibility system under the leadership of the Party committee; Public hospitals implement a dean responsibility system under the leadership of the Party committee... The leadership and construction of the Party are continuously strengthened, and the Party's organizational system, institutional system, and working mechanism are further improved.

In emerging areas, we will strengthen party building in mixed ownership enterprises and non-public enterprises, focus on party building in all types of parks, business buildings, business district markets and Internet enterprises, and focus on strengthening party building in social organizations at or above the provincial level and in industries such as lawyers, certified public accountants, tax agents, and asset appraisal; Strengthen the construction of the Party in new economic organizations, new social organizations, and new employment groups, combine the problem of "existence" with the problem of "strength", expand the Party's appeal, cohesion, and influence in emerging fields, and unite the most active organizations and groups in economic and social development around the Party.

On the battlefield of poverty alleviation, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued a command, and the whole party made every effort to fight, forming a vivid situation of "five level secretaries working together, and the whole party mobilizing to promote the fight"; On the front line of fighting against the epidemic, party organizations at all levels have taken action upon hearing orders, building a solid defense line for joint prevention and control, and mass prevention and control... The party flag has always been flying high at the grassroots level.

Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, grassroots party organizations in various fields have built a rock-solid battle fortress. The majority of party members are becoming pioneers and models for entrepreneurship. The party's organizational system is more rigorous and the advantages of Marxist parties. The strength is more prominent, and the party's leadership is more "like an arm, like an arm".

Deeply implement the strategy of building a strong country with talents in the new era, and comprehensively cultivate and introduce talents to make good use of them

"Talents are an important indicator for measuring a country's comprehensive national strength. National development relies on talents, and national rejuvenation relies on talents. We must enhance our awareness of risks, attach more importance to independent talent cultivation, and accelerate the establishment of competitive advantages in talent resources."

In September 2021, when the Centennial Party embarked on a new journey, the first Central Talent Work Conference of the New Era was held in Beijing. General Secretary Xi Jinping attended the meeting and made strategic arrangements for accelerating the construction of the world's important talent center and innovation highland. The work of talents in the new era points out the way forward and provides fundamental follow-up.

A great cause for a thousand years, talent comes first. Our Party has always attached great importance to cultivating, uniting, leading, and achieving talents, and has united and supported talents from all aspects to contribute to the cause of the Party and the people.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has put the work of talents in a key position in the overall situation of governing the country. Under the care, personal planning, personal deployment, and personal promotion of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the top-level design of my country's talent cause has been continuously improved--

The report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposes to accelerate the establishment of a strategic layout for talent priority development, and cultivate a large-scale and high-quality talent team;

The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasizes that talent is a strategic resource for achieving national rejuvenation and winning the initiative in international competition;

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasizes the need to adhere to the principle that "talent is the primary resource", deeply implement the strategy of building a strong country through talent, and adhere to the principle of "talent leading and driving".

A strategic layout that considers the situation and has a broad vision, carrying forward the dream of building a strong talent country in the new era.

——Break down institutional barriers and accelerate the construction of a talent system with international competitiveness.

In February 2016, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the first comprehensive document on the reform of the talent development system and mechanism, "Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Talent Development System and Mechanism," focusing on breaking down the institutional and mechanism obstacles that hinder talent development. Subsequently, relevant central and national departments, as well as various provinces, regions, and cities, introduced a series of supporting reform policies, and the institutional and mechanism reforms showed a trend of intensive innovation and breakthroughs.

We will resolutely eliminate the concept of "relying solely on academic papers, professional titles, academic qualifications, and awards", improve and perfect the mechanisms for talent introduction, training, use, evaluation, mobility, and incentives, carry out special governance on the "hat only" issue, and reform the management of scientific research funding. These measures are interconnected, bridging the institutional barriers in the flow, use, and role of talents, and allowing the "dividends" of talents to be continuously released.

——Centering around the center and serving the overall situation, transforming talent advantages into development advantages.

Focusing on the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road", the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the construction of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, and the construction of Xiong'an New Area... where the major national strategic deployment goes, talent work will follow up and serve wherever it goes.

Issuing the Opinions on Encouraging and Guiding Talents to Flow to Difficult and Remote Areas and Grassroots, organizing and carrying out education and medical talent "group style" aid to Tibet, Xinjiang, and youth, innovating the selection methods of doctoral service teams and "Western Light" visiting scholars, promoting talent pairing assistance in the eastern and western regions... Through mechanism guarantees, encouraging and guiding more outstanding talents to contribute their talents and make contributions to difficult and remote areas and grassroots frontlines.

Adhere to "high-end leadership and overall development". Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China has established 288 innovative and top-notch student training bases in 77 universities, attracting outstanding students to participate in basic disciplines. More than 800 graduate training institutions across the country have provided over 600000 doctoral and 6.5 million master's degrees to the main battlefield of economic and social development. From party and government talents, enterprise management talents to professional and technical talents, high skilled talents, and rural practical talents... All kinds of talents resonate with the cause of the party and the country, and the continuous talent advantages are accelerating the transformation into an inexhaustible development advantage.

——Implement more proactive, open, and effective talent policies to form an attractive and internationally competitive talent system.

Various regions and departments are increasing their efforts in talent recruitment and investment, organizing and implementing major talent projects, and increasing efforts to attract high-level overseas talents. Through various measures such as building industrial platforms and providing high-quality services, a "near and far" talent recruitment and utilization pattern is formed.

Currently, the total number of talent resources in China has reached 220 million, making it the largest and most comprehensive talent resource country in the world; The total number of R&D personnel has increased from 3.25 million in 2012 to over 6 million in 2022, maintaining the world's leading position for many years; In the global innovation index ranking, it has risen from 34th place in 2012 to 11th place in 2022... In the new era of ten years, the talent team has rapidly grown, talent efficiency has continued to enhance, and the comparative advantage of talent has steadily increased, providing strong talent guarantee and intellectual support for the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation.

In the new era and new journey, party committees at all levels and their organizational departments, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, thoroughly implement the general requirements of party building in the new era and the party's organizational line in the new era, and implement a sound and comprehensive and strict party governance system. The task requires that the quality of party building and organizational work be continuously improved to provide a strong organizational guarantee for comprehensively building a modern socialist country and comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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