Provide solid resources for Chinese path to modernization to support construction | protection | China

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:06 PM

June 25 is the thirty-third National Land Day. The theme of this year's Land Day is "Saving and Intensive Land Use and Strictly Keeping the Red Line of Cultivated Land".

Land is an important material basis for human survival and development, and an important guarantee for supporting high-quality development and realizing Chinese path to modernization.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has stood at the strategic height of the sustainable development of the Chinese nation, adhered to strategic thinking, systematic thinking, and bottom line thinking, and delivered a series of important speeches on protecting arable land, saving resources, and promoting the harmonious coexistence of man and nature., Make a series of important instructions and instructions, deploy a series of major strategic measures, and point out the direction for promoting the modernization of harmonious coexistence of man and nature.

In the past 10 years, China has achieved a 38.61% decrease in construction land use area per unit of GDP. The protection and restoration of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands, and sand systems have accumulated over 5.3 million hectares, and the quality and stability of the ecosystem continue to improve; The goal of 1.865 billion mu of arable land by 2020 has been achieved... Historic achievements and changes have been made in the protection, conservation, and intensive utilization of natural resources.

On the new journey, the natural resources system should keep in mind its responsibilities and missions, work with all regions and departments to coordinate development and security, strictly adhere to the bottom line of resource security, optimize the land spatial pattern, promote green and low-carbon development, safeguard the rights and interests of resource assets, and provide more solid resource support for Chinese path to modernization.

Remember the importance of the country, resolutely curb the non agriculturalization of arable land and the non grainification of basic farmland, and firmly maintain the red line of 1.8 billion mu of arable land

In the midsummer season, all things compete and the vast fields are full of vitality.

The fields in Luoyi Beizhuang Village, Datong Town, Wu'an City, Hebei Province are busy. "Building water reservoirs, repairing machine cultivated roads, and through land consolidation, the abandoned land that has been harvested from the sky has become a high-yield field." Villager Meng Xiangshan said that after reclamation, he can plant two seasons a year, and he plans to expand the circulation area and grow more crops.

Food security is the greatest concern of a country. Grain production is rooted in cultivated land.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that "arable land is my country's most precious resource." "The protection of arable land must be done like the protection of cultural relics, and even like the protection of giant pandas." "1.8 billion acres of arable land must be well-deserved, and farmland is farmland, and it must be Good farmland"......

More people and less land, basic national conditions. After arduous efforts, China has raised nearly 1/5 of the world's population with 9% of the world's arable land. From 400 million people who couldn't eat enough back then to over 1.4 billion people who can eat well today, it has effectively answered the question of "who will feed China".

However, the task of protecting arable land is arduous. The results of the third national land survey show that by the end of 2019, China's arable land area was 1.918 billion mu, with a per capita arable land area of only 1.36 mu, which is less than 40% of the world average. At the same time, the spatial distribution of arable land resources is uneven, with over half of the arable land still relying on natural harvesting.

"The cultivated land that is related to the food of more than one billion people must be well protected, and there must be no mistakes." "The red line includes both quantity and quality", General Secretary Xi Jinping's earnest exhortation, turned into resolute action to protect cultivated land.

——Stabilize the quantity and firmly maintain the red line of 1.8 billion mu of arable land.

The National Outline of Land and Space Planning clearly states that the target for protecting arable land in China is 1.865 billion mu, which will remain unchanged until 2035. To ensure that the amount of arable land cannot be reduced, a series of measures are unprecedented in intensity.

The legal system is stricter. The Land Management Law and the Implementation Regulations of the Land Management Law have been revised and promulgated for implementation. The Black Land Protection Law has officially come into effect, and the draft of the Farmland Protection Law is currently being drafted.

Strict policy supervision. The Party and government share the same responsibility for protecting farmland, hold accountable for it for life, jointly sign a responsibility agreement for farmland protection, conduct annual assessments in accordance with the requirements of the central government, and veto any violation of the farmland red line with one vote. Strictly manage the balance of occupation and compensation of arable land. Since 2018, the Ministry of Natural Resources has continuously organized supplementary arable land inspections, involving 176000 supplementary arable land projects, with a proportion of 5.6% of problematic projects being investigated and dealt with; Strict law enforcement inspections have been carried out. Since 2018, a total of 324200 cases of land violations have been filed and investigated nationwide, involving a land area of 419200 hectares. A fine of 114.557 billion yuan has been imposed, and 10613 responsible persons have been subject to party discipline and government sanctions. The Ministry of Natural Resources has issued a regional plaque to supervise the enforcement of land sanitation films in 8 counties in 5 provinces, including Hebei, Shanxi, Zhejiang, Liaoning, and Shandong, in order to address illegal and irregular issues such as falsification and false reporting, and to supervise the implementation of rectification measures; Publicly report 729 typical cases of land violations and other violations. The national natural resources inspection agency has conducted supervision and inspection on provincial governments for five consecutive years focusing on prominent issues of farmland protection. In response to the discovered problems, an annual "Inspection Opinion Letter" is issued to the provincial government, focusing on supervising and rectifying prominent issues such as "greenhouse houses", newly added rural illegal occupation of farmland for building houses, encroachment on farmland for lake landscaping, false replenishment of farmland, and ecological damage, with a deadline for rectification. 236 typical issues of land violations were publicly reported to the society, and 145 city and county government officials with serious land violations were interviewed. Hard measures were taken to urge local governments to strictly rectify the situation.

Defend the red line of cultivated land, and the changes are real. In Xishui Mowan Village, Fudao Town, Tangyin County, Anyang City, Henan Province, there is a popular rhyme that goes, "With the ground under our feet, there is food in our mouths. Where can we build houses, where should we grow grain? With a picture in hand, we have our own opinions." Wang Suqing, the secretary of the village party branch, said, "Protecting farmland is now highly conscious, and the village's farmland has achieved zero reduction."

Looking across the country, the trend of sustained and rapid reduction in arable land has been preliminarily curbed. Since 2021, the total amount of arable land in China has achieved net growth for two consecutive years.

——Control the use and ensure that farmland is farmland.

Yongfeng Village, Taihe Town, Dongpo District, Meishan City, Sichuan Province, covers an area of 6320 acres of arable land with lush greenery. Li Xueping, the secretary of the village party committee, has a new title - "Tian Chang". "There are also 12 grid workers and 'Heavenly Eye' who patrol the fields with me. We are all guardians of the rice bowl fields," Li Xueping pointed to the camera next to the fields and said.

Relying on 10 Meishan Tianfu Constellation satellites, the entire city of Meishan has achieved full monitoring coverage of arable land. On the large screen of the Tianchang Office in Meishan City, information such as the quantity, location, and length of cultivated land is clear at a glance.

Strict use control and improved systems are key. "Civil defense+technical defense", weaving a dense use control net. As of the end of 2022, the field chief system has taken root in 26 provinces. Sichuan Province has established a five level "field chief+grid officer" farmland protection responsibility system and a grid supervision mechanism for farmland protection at the provincial, municipal, county, township, and village levels.

In response to the issue of farmland loss caused by the conversion of cultivated land to other agricultural land as reflected in the 'three national land adjustments', a' balance in and out 'system for cultivated land has been established. The main person in charge of the Ministry of Natural Resources stated that efforts should be made to curb the "non agriculturalization" of arable land and the "non grainification" of basic farmland, and to control the occupation of arable land from the source through non-agricultural construction, agricultural structural adjustment, and national land greening. If it is necessary to occupy arable land, a balance between the occupation and compensation of arable land and the inflow and outflow should be implemented in accordance with regulations.

——Improve quality and ensure that farmland is of good quality.

The weak and fragmented fertility of cultivated land, the inability to support agricultural infrastructure, and the difficulty in carrying out moderate scale management are the constraints that urgently need to be solved in promoting agricultural modernization.

Preserve fertile soil and cultivate fertile fields. Anren, Hunan will strip and reuse the cultivated land layer occupied by construction. As of now, 8 cultivation layer stripping projects have been implemented in the county, and the stripped cultivation layer has been used to add more than 800 acres of arable land. The quality of arable land has improved by 2 grades compared to before reuse.

"Oda" becomes "Ota". Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province is carrying out a pilot project for the "Million and Ten Thousand" contiguous improvement project, striving to build a centralized contiguous area of over 300000 mu, with fertile soil, supporting facilities, suitable scale planting, and modern agricultural development in the city within three to five years.

Protecting black soil and managing saline alkali land, today's arable land is tomorrow's rice bowl. We will coordinate development and security, balance quantity and quality, strengthen soil improvement, fertility enhancement, and remediation of cultivated land, carry out comprehensive management and upgrading, focus on weak areas and weaknesses, and comprehensively consolidate the foundation of food security, so that 1.8 billion acres of arable land can truly live up to its name, and every inch of arable land can become a fertile land for harvest.

Saving and intensive land use, continuously improving land efficiency, and consolidating the foundation of high-quality development

Industrialization and urbanization require land, while agricultural modernization needs to ensure the quantity and quality of land. In the new era of ecological civilization, achieving high-quality development and conserving resources is the fundamental policy.

General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out, "We have a lot of land, but compared with the needs of the 1.4 billion population, it is a scarce resource! To build a city, engage in industry, and protect the ecology, we must use land, and we must be careful." "We can no longer expand construction land without restraint, not every town must grow into a giant" "" The development and utilization of resources should not only support contemporary people to live a happy life, but also leave a foundation for future generations ".

——Conservation and intensification, planning comes first.

In Qiucheng Town, Qiu County, Hebei Province, the village planning of Qianduanzhai, Zhongduanzhai, and Houduanzhai has won praise from villagers. "The formulation of village planning not only needs to improve the living environment, but also find ways to increase the economic income of villagers and enrich their spiritual life." Chen Pu, a resident planner in the village, said that through household visits, questionnaire surveys, and on-site surveys, 10.8 acres of construction land will be allocated after the planning is completed.

"Planning and conservation are the greatest savings, strengthening planning guidance and use control, and optimizing the development and protection pattern of national land and space." Zhang Bing, Director of the National Land and Space Planning Bureau of the Ministry of Natural Resources, said that currently, the national land and space pattern of urban-rural coordination in China has been basically formed, and the overall planning and approval of national land and space at all levels of provinces, cities, and counties are being fully promoted.

"Strengthen the control of planning sources, integrate the principles of resource conservation and intensification into the formulation, approval, implementation, and supervision of national spatial planning, optimize functional spaces such as agriculture, ecology, and urban areas, and improve the efficiency of national spatial resource utilization," said Yan Jinming, Dean of the School of Public Management at Renmin University of China.

——Conservation and intensification, mechanism guarantee.

In Tianning District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, the three major industrial parks of automotive intelligent components, Changzhou communication technology, and Wandu smart logistics are promoting the construction of multi-level factories. "The total land area for the three pilot projects is 618 acres, with mixed vertical building functions and a land saving ratio of about 10%," said Zhang Kaiqi, the district mayor of Tianning District.

Every inch of land produces every inch of gold. "Behind the intensification of land, the quality of development is improving." Zhang Guoliang, Director of the Department of Natural Resources of Jiangsu Province, said that by the end of 2022, the average GDP of construction land in Jiangsu Province reached 334000 yuan/mu, and the area of construction land use per unit GDP decreased by 11% compared to 2020. In the future, we will continue to promote resource conservation and intensive utilization, and achieve more high-quality development increment supported by less resource consumption.

From a national perspective, adhering to the principle of land elements following projects and implementing a mechanism of linking incremental arrangements with stock revitalization, has forced various sites to activate their existing construction land and achieved significant results. Since its implementation in 2018, the country has digested a total of over 22 million mu of land that has been approved but not yet supplied, and has been idle.

Make good use of the word "exchange" to save land. Building three-dimensional aquaculture, multi-layer standard factories, constructing gantry wind power towers, fully buried water purification plants, etc., land development has shifted from "two-dimensional" to "three-dimensional", and many cities have established three-dimensional "coordinate axes" to coordinate the development of above ground and underground spaces, from "square" to "cubic".

Between 2013 and 2022, the construction land use area per unit of GDP decreased by 38.61%, and the density of the national economy significantly increased. Liu Mingsong, Director of the Department of Natural Resources Development and Utilization of the Ministry of Natural Resources, said that in the coming period, we will continue to strictly control the total amount and intensity of land use, optimize the land structure to "free up space", strictly control the "provincial space", comprehensively develop in a three-dimensional manner to "expand space", and promote the land saving technology model to "create space". Since 2019, the Ministry of Natural Resources has successively launched a total of 46 land conservation technologies and models in 3 batches.

——Conservation and intensification, reform and innovation.

This year, Chongyi County in Jiangxi Province was awarded the first batch of national demonstration counties for natural resource conservation and intensification. Entering Longda Mining in Chongyi County, construction projects such as office and staff dormitory buildings are in full swing.

"By tapping into existing land and revitalizing idle collective land in villages, we have implemented 'point based land supply' for introduced enterprises, solving the problem of rural industrial land use while achieving refined and intensive utilization of rural land." Huang Xiaoqin, Secretary of the Party Committee of Fengzhou Township, Chongyi County, introduced.

Tang Changlu, Director of the Natural Resources Bureau of Chongyi County, said that through reform and innovation, we can solve problems such as imbalanced and uncoordinated land use, activate existing resources, and make good use of incremental resources. According to the full lifecycle management mechanism, continuously improve the level of land conservation, intensification, high quality, and efficiency.

From planning guidance to market allocation, from defining the total quantity to revitalizing the stock, from evaluation incentives to demonstration guidance, measures to save and intensify land use are becoming increasingly refined; Continuously enhancing the ability to guarantee natural resource elements, continuously reforming land use planning and management methods, optimizing the layout and structure of urban and rural construction land, and continuously improving land efficiency, the trend of sustained high net growth in China's total construction land has slowed down.

During the 14th Five Year Plan period, the scale of newly added construction land in China will be controlled at 29.5 million mu, a decrease of about 3 million mu compared to the 13th Five Year Plan period. The construction land use area per unit of GDP has decreased by about 15% compared to 2020.

Starting from the integrity of the ecosystem, we strive to build a modern harmonious coexistence between humans and nature

China, whose per capita natural resources are much lower than the world average, has gone through the industrialization process that Western countries took hundreds of years to complete in just a few decades, and ecological and environmental problems have also become increasingly prominent in rapid development.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that "economic development cannot be exhausted by resources and the ecological environment, and ecological environmental protection is not about abandoning economic development and seeking fish." "The lifeblood of people is in the field, the lifeblood of the field is in the water, and the lifeblood of the water is in the mountain. The lifeblood of the mountain is in the soil, and the lifeblood of the soil is in the forest and grass".

Facing the issue of development, in the new era, China is protecting while developing, developing while protecting, and striving to build a modernization of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.

The integrated protection and systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasses, and sands, with "fields" being a key element.

Make the field healthier and continuously improve the quality and stability of the ecosystem.

At the end of 2022, "Chinese Landscape Engineering" was selected as one of the first ten "World Ecological Restoration Flagship Projects" by the United Nations. The award speech is brief and powerful: "The 'China Landscape Engineering' regards all ecosystems as a 'community of life', and through unremitting efforts, has restored millions of hectares of land in China."

The integrated protection and restoration project of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasses, and sands in the Jingjiang section of the Yangtze River and Honghu Basin in Hubei Province has been included in the second batch of landscape projects during the 14th Five Year Plan period.

Shishou, Hubei is adjacent to the Yangtze River, with the starting point of the Jingjiang River to the west and the Honghu Lake basin to the east. The ecological health of the farmland here is related to the health and safety of the Yangtze River water environment.

The seedlings are green, frogs are chirping, and little ducks are playing in the rice fields. The rural green production base in Shishou City has multiple uses for one water and three harvests for one field. "Duck frog rice co cultivation has improved the quality of rice and enhanced the biodiversity of farmland," said Sun Xianhai, senior agronomist at the Agricultural Technology Promotion Center in Shishou City.

The development of production, prosperity of life, and good ecological conditions have led to the implementation of landscape engineering, and modern versions of the Fuchun Mountains are vividly displayed. Since 2016, China has successively implemented 44 integrated protection and restoration projects for mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands, and sands. According to the plan, from 2021 to 2025, the central government will continue to allocate no less than 50 billion yuan in funds to support the implementation of at least 25 new landscape projects.

Wang Lei, Deputy Director of the Department of Land and Space Ecological Restoration of the Ministry of Natural Resources, stated that starting from the correlation and integrity of the ecosystem, a systematic governance approach is adopted to implement the protection and restoration of farmland ecosystems, creating a farmland ecosystem that combines planting and breeding, ecological circulation, and reasonable layout. This is an exploration path for promoting the integration of agricultural spatial protection and restoration.

Make the land more beautiful and lay a solid foundation for promoting comprehensive rural revitalization.

In Tianfu Village, Xincheng Town, Xiuzhou District, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, farmland is concentrated and contiguous, and the ecological environment is excellent. "Thanks to the solid foundation laid by the 'Ten Million Project', comprehensive land consolidation has added new momentum to rural revitalization," said Weng Songgang, Secretary of the Party Committee of Xincheng Town.

The newly added irrigation and drainage area is 1320 acres, with 95.31 kilometers of new irrigation and drainage channels, 34.2 kilometers of new road ecological engineering, 5 kilometers of new hiking trails, and 6 landscape nodes. The comprehensive land improvement throughout the area has made Tianfu Village more beautiful, attracting many "agricultural and creative" people to move in. The improved farmland creates conditions for efficient management, integrating primary, secondary, and tertiary industries. The "good farmland landscape" brings a "good money landscape", and the total output value of the entire rice industry chain in the town has exceeded 2 billion yuan.

In recent years, comprehensive land consolidation has achieved outstanding results in multiple pilot areas across the country, and is effectively promoting the formation of a new pattern of regional land protection and utilization. The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Natural Resources stated that in 2023, we will continue to promote the pilot of comprehensive land consolidation in the entire region, providing systematic support for the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas through projects such as agricultural land consolidation, construction land consolidation, rural ecological protection and restoration, rural historical and cultural protection, and landscape improvement.

Under the guidance of Xi Jinping's thoughts on ecological civilization, the life community of beautiful mountains and clear waters, Lin Maotian fertilizer, beautiful lakes and green grass is becoming more and more vigorous, and the civilized development path of production development, affluent life, and good ecology is becoming wider and wider.

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