Promoting the Modernization of Harmonious Symbiosis between Man and Nature -- The International Community Highly Praises General Secretary Xi Jinping's Important Speech at the National Ecological Environment Protection Conference Xi Jinping

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:45 AM

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 19th. Title: Promoting the modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature -- The international community spoke highly of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the National Ecological Environment Protection Conference

Xinhua News Agency reporter

The National Conference on Ecological Environment Protection was held in Beijing from the 17th to the 18th.

Officials from many countries, experts and scholars in environmental protection and other fields spoke highly of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech. They believed that China continued to promote the construction of ecological civilization, made great achievements that attracted worldwide attention, and achieved a major transformation from a participant in global environmental governance to a leader. It is believed that China will continue to make important contributions to global sustainable development and building a better world, and provide valuable reference for the green development of all countries in the world.

"I see a huge transformation from big cities to rural areas"

In his speech, General Secretary Xi Jinping comprehensively summarized the world-renowned achievements of my country's ecological civilization construction, especially historical, turning, and overall changes, and emphasized that through tenacious efforts, my country's sky is bluer, the ground is greener, the water is clearer, and the rivers and mountains are more colorful.

Shakir Rama, CEO of the Asian Institute for Ecological Civilization Research and Development in Pakistan, believes that the speech reflects the sustainable development concept of respecting, adapting to, and protecting nature, and points out the direction for balancing development and ecological environment protection. In the past 10 years, relevant departments in China have worked together to achieve development goals while protecting the environment, and have taken practical actions to do so.

"From big cities to rural areas, I see a huge transformation in China's ecological environment. The sky is getting cleaner and there are more and more electric cars on the streets." Felipe Porto, a researcher at the "Foreign Policy Observatory" at ABC Federal University in Brazil, has a deep understanding of China's tremendous achievements in ecological civilization construction. In his view, this cannot be achieved without policy support and people's recognition of the concept of sustainable development. The concept that green mountains and clear waters are invaluable assets has become a reality in many parts of China.

John Cobb Jr., a member of the National Academy of Humanities in the United States, said that the construction of ecological civilization is a valuable goal to strive for. China attaches great importance to sustainable development and incorporates the construction of ecological civilization into the overall layout of its national development strategy. China has made active efforts in environmental protection and addressing climate change.

"China has made significant achievements in ecological and environmental protection, especially in improving air quality and controlling water pollution," said Charles Onunaiju, director of the Nigerian China Research Center. The speech emphasized that "building a beautiful China is an important goal for comprehensively building a socialist modernized country," which fully demonstrates China's emphasis on ecological and environmental protection. I believe that China, which has entered a stage of high-quality development, will plan and promote this work with a broader perspective and stronger efforts.

When Ivan Kasler, a Turkish cultural exchange promoter, visited China, he found that "China's new energy vehicle industry is booming, and green energy technologies such as wind energy and solar energy are also impressive." He specifically mentioned that Chinese enterprises have brought advanced wind and solar power generation technologies to Türkiye to help Türkiye's green development.

Abdul Aziz Shabani, an international expert from Saudi Arabia who recently visited China, said that the story of the huge changes in the Xihaigu region of Ningxia, China, left a particularly deep impression on him. China's continuous promotion of ecological civilization construction not only makes China more and more beautiful, but also provides valuable experience for countries around the world in preventing desertification and reducing carbon emissions.

Sri Lankan environmentalist Sajiva Chamikara said that China attaches great importance to environmental issues in its development process and has gradually built an ecological and environmental management system that is suitable for different regional characteristics. China is striving to build a beautiful China, and green development is China's firm commitment.

"Fundamentally benefiting the people and inspiring many countries"

In his speech, General Secretary Xi Jinping made an in-depth analysis of the current situation facing the construction of ecological civilization, profoundly expounded the major relations that need to be handled well in promoting the construction of ecological civilization on the new journey, and systematically deployed the strategic tasks and major measures to comprehensively promote the construction of a beautiful China.

Former Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme, Eric Solheim, has visited and inspected China multiple times, deeply feeling the significance of the emphasized "firmly establishing and practicing the concept that green mountains and clear waters are as valuable as gold and silver" in the speech. Solheim deeply agrees with the concepts emphasized in his speech, such as "strengthening technological support" and "building a green and intelligent digital ecological civilization". He said that China has achieved important results in implementing precise drone seeding for afforestation in many regions and using high-tech methods such as artificial intelligence to protect endangered animals, which is "worth learning from in other countries."

Kenyan international scholar Kavins Adhill is very concerned about the discussion in the speech about "correctly handling the relationship between high-quality development and high-level protection". "In Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, I have witnessed China's tremendous achievements in desertification control. Projects such as China's aid to the construction of the Inner Mongolia Railway also place great emphasis on protecting the local ecology. China's ecological protection concept has also been put into practice in Kenya."

Jean Mushiva, a researcher at the Rwandan Green Building Organization, a non-governmental organization, was deeply impressed by the speech on "placing the construction of a beautiful China in a prominent position in the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation.". He said, "China has made green development a key factor in modernization, which will fundamentally benefit the people and inspire many countries."

Adel Suleiman, an ecological expert from the Egyptian Ministry of Environment who has participated in the Egypt China environmental cooperation project, said, "The garbage problem is one of the most serious environmental problems in the world. Through more efficient recycling and utilization of garbage, China has greatly reduced the negative impact of garbage on the environment. China has also shared relevant technologies with other countries, which has played a positive role in promoting global environmental protection."

Uzbekistan political analyst Kurbanov said that China's measures and rich experience in ecological environment protection will help Central Asian countries, including Uzbekistan, promote green development and sustainable economic growth.

Korrumbayev, the editor in chief of Kazakhstan Industry Daily, read out China's determination to practice green and low-carbon development from his speech. "The speech outlined a roadmap for the development of China's ecological protection industry, from strengthening legal protection to improving green and low-carbon economic policies, from promoting better integration of effective markets and promising governments to strengthening technological support."

"China makes tangible contributions to global environmental governance"

People from multiple countries deeply agree with this and praise China's contribution to promoting global environmental governance.

Cambodian government spokesperson Pasipan noted that China attaches great importance to environmental protection when undertaking projects such as the Golden Port Expressway and National Stadium in Cambodia, which has also promoted Cambodia's green development. He said that China adheres to putting the people at the center in promoting ecological civilization construction, and China makes important contributions to global green and low-carbon development through its own efforts.

"From many Arab Chinese cooperation projects, such as the oil project in Sarpur Province, it can be seen that the Chinese government and enterprises attach great importance to protecting the local natural environment." Imran Zakaria, associate professor of the Regional Research Center of the Afghan Academy of Sciences, said that China, together with countries along the "the Belt and Road", is committed to ecological environment protection, strengthening ties with relevant countries and environmental protection organizations, and paying attention to abiding by relevant international environmental protection norms when designing and carrying out projects.

Alpha Ba, an expert from Guinea's Environmental Monitoring Center, said that he saw China's efforts in maintaining ecological balance during his visit to China. "China is committed to achieving sustainable development on the basis of protecting the ecological environment and making important contributions to protecting the global ecology."

"China has been exploring the balance between economic development and environmental protection, which brings important insights to the world." Rwandan environmental protection expert Greg Bakunzi pointed out that China has implemented a national strategy to actively respond to climate change, proposed the "dual carbon" goal, and incorporated it into the overall layout of ecological civilization construction, building the world's largest clean energy system. "As the largest developing country, China's measures and achievements in environmental protection and sustainable development are of great significance to the world."

Mahmoud Al Hamadier, the on-site manager of the Shubak Wind Power Station in Jordan, personally felt the positive changes that have occurred after Chinese enterprises participated in project operation: "After Chinese enterprises participated in operation, the overall power generation efficiency of the project has improved by two percentage points. The project is expected to meet the electricity needs of about 30000 households every year, reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 75000 tons, and save water by about 130000 cubic meters." "China's clean energy industry is in a leading position globally, and China actively shares relevant technologies and experiences with the world, which is of great significance for countries to promote green and low-carbon transformation."

French international expert Jean Pierre Parge cited China as the country with the largest increase in forest resources in the world, saying, "Only resolute and practical actions can bring about the beautification of the ecological environment. China has made outstanding contributions in promoting global environmental governance and working with other countries to promote harmonious coexistence between humans and nature."

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