Promoting Stable and Quality Improvement in Foreign Trade (People's Current Review), Expanding the Opening up of Foreign Trade | Scale | Current Review

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 10:30 AM

Against the backdrop of shrinking external demand, China's foreign trade has withstood pressure, stabilized scale, and highlighted resilience, showing a positive trend of improving quality while maintaining stability

At China Shipbuilding Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., the large order of 10 car transport ships has brought a busy scene to the shipyard. In the first half of this year, China's automobile exports reached 2.14 million units, a year-on-year increase of 75.7%, driving high demand in the automobile transportation market and reflecting the vitality and potential of China's foreign trade. In the first half of this year, China's import and export scale exceeded 20 trillion yuan for the first time in history, a year-on-year increase of 2.1%. Against the backdrop of shrinking external demand, China's foreign trade has withstood pressure, stabilized its scale, and highlighted its resilience. Although the growth rate of foreign trade has slowed down, we continue to maintain our position as the largest country in goods trade, and our market share is steadily increasing. More noteworthy is that China's foreign trade is showing a positive trend of stabilizing while improving quality. High quality, high-tech, and high value-added products have shown strong growth momentum, with new markets and models constantly emerging. This not only enhances the current value of China's foreign trade, but also forms new growth points to maintain growth in foreign trade.

New products shape new advantages. In the first half of the year, the total export of "new three types" of foreign trade products such as electric passenger vehicles, lithium batteries, and solar cells increased by 61.6%, driving the overall export growth by 1.8 percentage points. Compared to the old three types of foreign trade exports such as clothing, furniture, and household appliances, the new three types have the characteristics of high added value, high technological content, and green and low-carbon. The change in export products from the "old three types" to the "new three types" reflects the continuous optimization and upgrading of China's foreign trade structure. Accelerating technological innovation, continuously improving the technological content and process level of "China's intelligent manufacturing", and continuously enhancing the comprehensive competitive advantage of China's manufacturing industry will lay a solid foundation for the sustained growth of exports.

Opening up new markets and creating new spaces. In Ningbo, Zhejiang, the Third China Central and Eastern European Countries Expo enhances trade exchanges between China and Central and Eastern European countries; In Changsha, Hunan, the third China Africa Economic and Trade Expo has stimulated greater potential for China Africa economic and trade cooperation; In Nanning, Guangxi, the 20th China ASEAN Expo, which will be held in September, is poised to take off... A series of economic and trade events will witness China's firm determination to expand high-level opening-up to the outside world. On the basis of mutual benefit and win-win, expanding economic and trade exchanges with countries around the world not only expands our trade circle, but also expands the space for foreign trade growth. In the first half of the year, China's import and export growth to countries along the "the Belt and Road" was close to double digits, and its growth to emerging markets such as Latin America and Africa was 7% and 10.5% respectively. This enlightens us that in order to tap into the growth potential of foreign trade, we must accelerate the development of diversified international markets.

New business formats stimulate new momentum. Cross border e-commerce is a new form of foreign trade with the fastest development speed, the greatest potential, and the strongest driving force. It is also a new channel to promote the transformation and upgrading of foreign trade and high-quality development. In the first half of this year, the import and export of cross-border e-commerce reached 1.1 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 16%. The rapid development of cross-border e-commerce has continuously unleashed its advantages and potential in "buying and selling globally", injecting new momentum into China's foreign trade development. Especially in the context of many unstable and uncertain factors in the international trade environment, cross-border e-commerce, with its low cost and high efficiency, has made a large number of small and micro entities become operators of new trade, helping small and medium-sized enterprises accelerate their entry into the international market. Relying on open platforms such as cross-border e-commerce pilot zones and comprehensive bonded zones, vigorously developing new forms and models of cross-border e-commerce will further stimulate the vitality of foreign trade entities, improve the efficiency of foreign trade operations, and stabilize the supply chain of the foreign trade industry chain.

The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting on July 24th to analyze and study the current economic situation, deploy economic work for the second half of the year, and emphasize the need to take multiple measures to stabilize the basic situation of foreign trade and investment. At present, the external environment is complex and severe, and foreign trade does have pressure, fluctuations, and challenges. However, the long-term fundamentals of China's economy have not changed. Coupled with a good industrial system and complete production capacity, the effectiveness of high-level opening up is constantly evident, and the development of foreign trade is resilient and has great room for maneuver. Continuously innovating and expanding new ways and measures to open up, and continuously promoting the transformation and upgrading of foreign trade, we will definitely further strengthen the new momentum of foreign trade development, seize the initiative and win the future in the increasingly fierce international competition.

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