Promote the healthy and high-quality development of the private economy. Private enterprises | entrepreneurs | economy

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 08:17 AM

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that the Party Central Committee has always adhered to the "two unwavering" and "three unchanged", and has always regarded private enterprises and private entrepreneurs as its own.

On July 19th, the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of Private Economy" was released, which attracted widespread attention from all sectors of society.

Recently, the reporter interviewed multiple experts, scholars, and private entrepreneurs, asking them to freely share their understanding of the Opinion and look forward to the development prospects of the private economy. The interviewee stated that the Opinion accurately identifies the problems faced by the development of the private economy, and the measures introduced are highly targeted, which will effectively boost the confidence of private enterprises and entrepreneurs in their development and promote the private economy to a broader stage.

Descend the requirement for equal treatment of state-owned enterprises and private enterprises from both institutional and legal perspectives

"The 'Opinions' is a major top-level design for promoting the development and growth of the private economy in the new era and new journey, following the issuance of the' Opinions on Creating a Better Development Environment to Support the Reform and Development of Private Enterprises' in 2019. It will undoubtedly have an important and far-reaching impact," said Li Zhaoqian, President of the China Association for the Study of Private Economy and former Vice Chairman of the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce.

The rule of law is the best business environment. In terms of ensuring the rule of law, the Opinion highlights the key point of boosting confidence by improving equal protection for all types of ownership economies.

Ouyang Hui, Deputy Director of the Market and Price Research Institute of the China Academy of Macroeconomics, believes that the "Opinions" propose a series of legal measures for property rights protection, which can effectively ensure equal rules, rights, and opportunities for private enterprises, and bring more sense of security for private entrepreneurs to focus on their careers. "The" Opinions "also propose measures to improve the regulatory and law enforcement system, improve the long-term regulatory mechanism for enterprise related fees, and clarify the need to improve regulatory fairness, standardization, and simplicity, and smooth channels for complaints and reports of enterprise related fees. These measures will solidly promote the rule of law administration and promote the development of the private economy through the construction of a rule of law government."

"In addition to emphasizing the protection of private enterprise property rights and entrepreneur rights in accordance with the law and strengthening intellectual property protection, the" Opinions "also proposes to build a system and mechanism for preventing and controlling corruption at the source, and improve the mechanism for recovering and disposing of property involved in cases, in response to the internal corruption that has emerged in some private enterprises in recent years. Li Zhaoqian believes that this is a concrete practice of the principle of equal protection of property rights in accordance with the law and responds to the concerns of entrepreneurs.".

In terms of institutional design, the Opinion emphasizes the focus on creating a stable, fair, transparent and predictable development environment to activate momentum.

To overcome the institutional and institutional obstacles faced by the development of the private economy, the Opinion proposes a series of measures from the aspects of continuously breaking down market access barriers, fully implementing fair competition policies and systems, improving social credit incentive and constraint mechanisms, and improving market-oriented restructuring mechanisms.

"In recent years, problems such as difficulties in access, financing, payment collection, winning bids, and safeguarding rights have been greatly alleviated, but some entrepreneurs still feel distressed. Li Zhaoqian believes that the" Opinions "propose a series of weighty policy measures around accelerating the creation of a market-oriented, rule of law, and internationalized first-class business environment, based on a good connection with the existing policy system." Especially the "blade inward" approach, it requires the establishment of a sound record of government dishonesty and punishment system, promoting the government's honest performance, fully reflecting the determination to solve problems. "

In Ouyang Hui's view, the Opinion attaches great importance to the overall coordination of various aspects of institutional construction, taking into account multiple goals such as long-term and short-term, vitality and order, development and security, and clarifying the relationships between the central and local governments, governments and markets, departments and enterprises, etc. "The synergy, stability, and predictability of policies related to private economy are effectively enhanced, which can effectively boost confidence in the development of private economy."

Encourage and support the development and growth of private economy and private enterprises through policies and public opinion

The interviewees believe that the series of policy measures proposed in the Opinion, focusing on the overall, forward-looking, critical, and deep-seated issues of the development of the private economy, will effectively improve the problem of visible and intangible policies related to enterprises, and further stimulate the vitality of the private economy.

In terms of policy, the Opinion emphasizes the formation of a policy direct and fast sharing mechanism and a positive expectation management mechanism.

"On the basis of comprehensive research and systematic sorting, the Opinion focuses on bridging the 'last mile' of policy implementation, enhancing the sense of gain for private enterprises by increasing policy accuracy and transparency, simplifying support policy application procedures, etc. Ouyang Hui believes that the measures proposed in the Opinion, such as' direct access and quick enjoyment 'and' enjoy without application ', can effectively assist the development of private enterprises.".

"In response to some entrepreneurs' feedback on policy changes, the 'Opinions' require continuous optimization of a stable, fair, transparent and predictable development environment, strengthening policy communication and expected guidance, and enhancing the stability and predictability of regulatory systems and policies. These targeted measures will greatly stabilize market expectations, expand policy implementation coverage, and enhance the sense of gain for enterprises." Li Zhaoqian said.

In terms of public opinion, the Opinion emphasizes the formation of a good social atmosphere for the healthy development of the private economy and the healthy growth of private economic personnel.

"The" Opinions "require the cultivation of a public opinion environment that respects innovation and entrepreneurship in the private economy, supports private enterprises to better fulfill their social responsibilities, promote common prosperity, and proposes to crack down on behaviors such as extortion using negative public opinion in accordance with the law. In Li Zhaoqian's view, these will create a good social atmosphere for the healthy development of the private economy and the healthy growth of private economic personnel.".

Lei Jun, the founder, chairman, and CEO of Xiaomi Group, has a deep understanding of the concept of "creating a public opinion environment and era atmosphere that encourages innovation and tolerates failure" mentioned in the "Opinions". "In the past, I have also encountered the dilemma of" product failure and business collapse "in the process of entrepreneurship. Market competition is constantly changing, and we should allow enterprises to" try and make mistakes "to help them build confidence and innovate and start businesses. The" Opinions "propose" understanding, tolerance, and assistance for the mistakes and failures that occur in the legitimate operation of private entrepreneurs ", which will definitely encourage more private entrepreneurs to eliminate their concerns, put down their burdens, and boldly develop." Lei Jun said that Xiaomi Group will stick to its determination to its main business and strengthen its industry, and continue to play a good role in private enterprises. The role of technology enterprises is to promote technological innovation and industrial development.

Focusing on promoting high-quality development of the private economy and promoting the healthy growth of private entrepreneurs

"I deeply feel that supporting the development of the private economy is the consistent policy of the Party Central Committee." "With stronger confidence and more confidence," "The environment for the development of the private economy will continue to improve, and there will be more and more development space." After the release of the "Opinions," many private entrepreneurs expressed deep excitement and encouragement, and will take practical actions to promote the healthy and high-quality development of the private economy.

Private economy is the new force to promote Chinese path to modernization. To promote the high-quality development of the private economy, it is necessary to optimize the development environment and guide enterprises to practice their internal skills. The Opinion proposes a series of measures to promote high-quality development of the private economy and promote the healthy growth of private economic personnel.

"The Opinion attaches great importance to the quality of the development of the private economy and makes arrangements on key issues such as enhancing technological innovation capabilities, accelerating digital transformation, enhancing international competitiveness, participating in national major strategies, and promoting the healthy development of private capital. This will effectively promote the high-quality development of the private economy," said Jiang Haoran, Executive Director of the China Association for Private Economy Research and Chairman of Hengyin Financial Technology Co., Ltd.

"On the basis of in-depth research, the Opinions have made institutionalized arrangements and clear guidance on the business environment, policy support, regulatory guidance, rule of law protection, public opinion atmosphere and other issues of concern to enterprises, which have strengthened everyone's confidence in making enterprises bigger, better and stronger." Ma Huateng, chairman of the board of directors and CEO of Tencent, said that Tencent will aim at the "openness, innovation, empowerment" and other directions of platform economy proposed in the Opinions, promote consumer Internet business to continuously output new momentum to expand domestic demand, strengthen the innovation depth of industrial Internet business in the construction of modern industrial system, unswervingly enhance the competitiveness of overseas business with the "spirit of digital craftsmanship", and create jobs, expand consumption, and compete internationally Show your skills.

"I believe that after the issuance of the 'Opinions', various regions and departments will decompose tasks, refine responsibilities, and research measures according to requirements, and implement all requirements in practice. I also hope that entrepreneurs can learn and understand the spirit of the' Opinions', continuously improve the quality of development through their own reform and development, compliant operation, and transformation and upgrading, and make positive contributions to the new journey of building a socialist modernized country in all respects." Li Zhaoqian said.

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