Private economy development welcomes multiple favorable sectors | policies | economic development

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 23:09 PM

Since July, policies and measures to support the development of the private economy have been intensively introduced, and various regions and departments have issued supporting rules and conducted face-to-face discussions to effectively solve difficulties for private enterprises in terms of enterprise financing, business environment, tax reduction and fee reduction. A series of policy measures are accelerating their implementation, injecting strong momentum into the development of private enterprises.

Policy formation synergy

In recent times, various regions and departments have taken action to further stabilize the confidence and expectations of private enterprise development. The Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy have been released, proposing 31 policies to support the development of the private economy; The National Development and Reform Commission has held intensive discussions with private enterprises, stating that they will address their specific demands in a targeted manner; The National Development and Reform Commission and other departments have issued a notice on the implementation of several recent measures to promote the development of the private economy, promoting the resolution of prominent problems faced by the private economy

"The 31 policy measures have made comprehensive and specific arrangements to promote the development of the private economy, reflecting the high attention and earnest expectations of the Party Central Committee and the State Council for the development of the private economy, which has greatly encouraged us," said Xu Guanju, Chairman of Chuanhua Group.

The Opinion makes specific requirements for market access, fair competition, and clearing outstanding accounts. Liu Yonghao, Chairman of New Hope Group, believes that it is very targeted and timely. "We have not avoided or concealed prominent issues that are not conducive to the development of the private economy, and have proposed targeted solutions with strong feasibility," said Liu Yonghao.

"The continuous introduction of policy measures is a supplement and enhancement to relevant policies, reflecting the continuous attention to the private economy." Sun Wenkai, Vice Dean of the National Institute of Small and Medium sized Enterprises at Renmin University of China, believes that from an innovative perspective, a series of policies have proposed institutional improvements and innovations in market access, financing lists, platform support, and cluster development; From the perspective of practicality, the policy clarifies institutional guarantees and responsible departments, allowing private enterprises to clearly know the departments they can seek help from when encountering problems.

"For example, if there is a problem of overdue payments, first seek the audit department to report the situation. With audit supervision, the fund chain can be guaranteed accordingly, and subsequent business can be better carried out." Xu Zewei, Chairman of 91 Technology Group, believes that the recently introduced policies have been refined and related to each other, providing impetus for private enterprises to move forward.

Corresponding policies and measures have also been introduced in various regions to guide and support the development of private enterprises according to local conditions. For example, Guangzhou and other places have issued several measures to promote the development and growth of the private economy, and relevant departments in Beijing and other places have held private entrepreneur symposiums to support the maximum release of vitality and potential of the private economy.

Facing the demands of enterprises directly

The recently introduced policies are based on the actual needs of private enterprises and adhere to a problem oriented approach, indicating the attitude of relevant departments to strive for practicality and effectiveness. "The vitality of policies lies in their feasibility and execution. The more policy designs face problems, the more they can bring a sense of gain to private enterprises," said Li Zhiqi, Vice Chairman of the Beijing Federation of Industry and Commerce and Chairman of the Revitalization International Think Tank.

Taking the "Guidelines for Handling Reporting of Enterprise Related Network Infringement Information on Website Platforms" issued by the Central Cyberspace Administration as an example, it is explicitly stated that key measures should be taken to deal with counterfeit, misleading, rumored, insulting, and leaked information that makes private enterprises unbearable.

"Some entrepreneurs have been severely stigmatized by false online public opinion, and their normal production and operation have also been affected, leading to a lack of confidence in investment and development in some fields." Li Zhiqi said that standardized work provides ways and guidance for enterprises to carry out reports of enterprise related network infringement information, and simplifies the evidence materials that enterprises need to submit as much as possible, which will better protect the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises and entrepreneurs in the network.

Private economy development welcomes multiple favorable sectors | policies | economic development

In the first half of the year, the growth rate and proportion of private investment in the overall investment both decreased. The National Development and Reform Commission has issued a notice on further strengthening the promotion of private investment and striving to mobilize the enthusiasm of private investment, aiming to enhance the willingness and ability of private investment.

"Since last year, private investment has faced downward pressure." Sun Wenkai pointed out that in response to the issue of unclear investment directions, the notice has clarified the key sub sectors that encourage private investment to participate, and comprehensively compiled a list of projects that attract private capital to participate; In order to break the investment threshold restrictions, the notice clearly states that channels will be established online and offline to reflect and solve private investment issues. "The policy emphasizes support and protection for private investment, reduces investment risks, and enhances investment confidence and motivation."

The Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation continue to increase their support for small and micro enterprises, and have successively issued multiple announcements, including value-added tax reduction and exemption policies for small-scale taxpayers, tax policies related to supporting financing for small and micro enterprises, and tax policies related to further supporting the development of small and micro enterprises and individual businesses.

The Announcement on Tax Policies Related to Supporting Financing of Small and Micro Enterprises clearly states that stamp duty is exempted on loan contracts signed between financial institutions and small and micro enterprises. Xu Zewei believes that small and micro enterprises and individual businesses are facing difficulties in their operations. Relevant policy measures directly reduce taxes and exemptions, lower operating costs, and enable small and micro enterprises to obtain low-cost funds in a timely and efficient manner, and better invest in technology research and development, product innovation, and market expansion.

Service never stops

At present, many private enterprises are still facing some difficulties and challenges, and stabilizing confidence and expectations has become more urgent. "Adopting more innovative and targeted policy measures to help private enterprises overcome difficulties has become more important," Li Zhiqi believes.

For a period of time, various regions and departments have carefully listened to the opinions of various parties, including private entrepreneurs, and have achieved results. Li Zhiqi stated that in the past, some policies related to enterprises were not fully listened to during formulation, resulting in situations such as inability to implement and "synthesis errors". "It is now emphasized to strengthen system integration and collaborative promotion, build a cross departmental and cross regional normalized support mechanism for the development of the private economy, and regularly communicate with enterprise departments on the progress of work to form a collaborative force, which helps to bridge the 'last mile' of policy implementation."

How to solve the practical problems that private enterprises are facing, such as insufficient demand, declining profits, high pressure of transformation and upgrading, and institutional obstacles, tests the wisdom of relevant departments. Sun Wenkai suggested that to achieve a positive interaction between the government and private enterprises, it is necessary to establish a normalized communication mechanism, timely and accurately understand the situation and needs of enterprises, and provide more accurate services.

Li Zhiqi believes that private enterprises urgently need long-term mechanisms to solve new contradictions and problems. He suggested shifting from a single responsible department to a joint effort between the government and society, problem oriented, process based, outcome based, and promoting the resolution of common contradictions through the resolution of individual issues, and strengthening consultation and governance.

"At present, the development environment of private enterprises is significantly improving, and the vitality and confidence of private enterprises are being fully stimulated," said Xu Zewei.

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