[Practice echo] Practice the original mission in the original place | CPC | Mission

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 01:13 AM

Xi Jinping: A hundred years ago, the pioneers of the Communist Party of China founded the Communist Party of China, and formed the great party-building spirit of adhering to the truth, adhering to ideals, practicing the original aspiration, assuming the mission, not afraid of sacrifice, fighting bravely, loyal to the party, and living up to the people. This is the spiritual source of the Chinese Communist Party.

This passage comes from the speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the celebration of the 100 anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China on July 1, 2021.

Since its establishment in 1921, the CPC has always taken it as its original mission to seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation. As the birthplace and birthplace of the Communist Party of China, Shanghai, as a "red city", never forgets its deep-rooted original intention and mission, and implements the important concept of "people's city, people's building, people's city for the people" in the subtle aspects of people's lives.

As one of the first batch of family hospital bed doctors in Shanghai, Yan Zheng, a national outstanding Communist Party member and the captain of the general practitioner team at Pengpu Town Community Health Service Center in Jing'an District, Shanghai, has been practicing medicine in Pengpu Town for 27 years and has provided door-to-door services for nearly 50000 people.

"Dr. Yan has been visiting our home for several years, especially my spouse. Without Dr. Yan, he may have already left." 73 year old Xu Xiaomei, a family bed patient of Yan Zheng, told reporters, "Dr. Yan's visit is almost uninterrupted. He comes to see us in the morning, takes away the medical record card after seeing us, and I give him the key to the house. He can open the door directly in the afternoon after dispensing medicine. Because my legs cannot walk fast, there is no need to open the door again."

Yan Zheng recalled that since taking the first home key from an elderly couple in 1999, he has received keys from 58 households. "My original intention for holding the key was actually to better serve patients and not disappoint my white coat. I joined the Party in the community, and after joining, I felt it was both a motivation and a motivation. Being a Party member is like a flag, which is my ideal and belief."

Similarly, in street communities, grassroots party members fully play a leading role, use their hearts and emotions, and actively mobilize the masses to participate in autonomy. As an outstanding village party organization secretary, in the view of Lei Guoxing, the secretary of the Anqiu Residential Area Party Branch in Jiaxing Road Street, Hongkou District, Shanghai, everyone's participation and discussion of community construction and transformation is actually a process of rallying people's hearts.

"At the beginning of garbage sorting, some residents didn't understand or pay attention, so our party members had to take the lead. Later, I stood next to the trash can, took off my gloves, and helped him divide in front of him until he could. In fact, he couldn't bear it the second time and was willing to divide." Lei Guoxing said, "I am a party member and the secretary of a residential area, so I have this belief that we must do community work well."

Hua Lei, the Party Secretary of Ruiyi Residential Area in Jiaxing Road Street, Hongkou District, Shanghai and a community worker in the most beautiful urban and rural areas, said that since the implementation of garbage classification work, many residents have been willing to take the initiative to divide garbage, starting from not knowing how to divide it. "Next, we need to actively implement the spirit of General Secretary's reply to us and promote garbage classification as a new low-carbon lifestyle fashion."

In 1999, He Xuefeng, who had just passed his thirties, was appointed as the new principal of Experimental Primary School in Minhang District, Shanghai. As an outstanding member of the Communist Party of China, he has fulfilled his promise of "adhering to his ideals and fulfilling his mission" through more than 30 years of educational practice.

He Xuefeng introduced, "In recent years, the scale of our primary school has continued to expand, and our biggest challenge in this process is the construction of the teaching staff. Starting from the establishment of the first Chuncheng new campus, every grade and subject can be led by backbone teachers, and the proportion of old teachers must reach more than one-third." Now, the school has four campuses, nearly 170 classes, and more than 7200 students, making it the largest public primary school in Shanghai and becoming a "good school at the doorstep" in the minds of citizens.

The development process of Minhang Experimental Primary School is a vivid practice of "running education that satisfies the people" in Minhang District. "With the proposal of the national innovation talent strategy, Minhang is promoting the digital transformation of education, and technology is helping to integrate ideological and political courses in primary, secondary, and tertiary schools, providing children with a good 'first lesson in life'," said He Meilong, Director of the Minhang District Education Bureau in Shanghai.

Total Production: Tang Qiyun Guo Zhendan

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