Persisting in Deepening Internalization and Transformation - Integrating Theoretical Learning Throughout Transformation | Revitalization | Putting Effort

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 06:37 AM

As a large party, we lead such a large country and shoulder the arduous task of leading the people of all ethnic groups in the country to achieve national strength and national rejuvenation. The whole party must unify its thinking, will, and action. How to achieve the unity of the ideology, will, and action of the entire party? The most fundamental thing is to arm the entire party with the party's innovative theory.

Having the guidance of Marxist scientific theory is the fundamental basis for our party to firmly believe in and grasp historical initiative. At every major historical juncture, our Party must use the Party's innovative theory to unify the thinking of the entire Party. Every time the Party conducts centralized education, it also insists on making theoretical learning the primary task and runs through it, laying a solid ideological foundation for the unity of the entire Party.Today, in order to better shoulder the mission and task of the Party in the new era and new journey, we must be more resolute and conscious in arming our minds with this important ideology, guiding practice, and promoting work.

Since the launch of theme education, various regions, departments, and units have firmly grasped the overall requirements of "learning ideology, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice, and building new achievements", insisting on integrating theoretical learning, investigation and research, promoting development, and inspecting and rectifying, organically integrating and promoting in one.Placing the investigation and research of Daxing in a prominent position, carefully formulating a work plan based on our own actual situation, scientifically determining the research topic, solidly carrying out investigation and research, and forming a batch of valuable and significant research results, a series of important policy documents and practical work measures have been issued. Adhere to a problem oriented and effect oriented approach, identify and verify prominent problems, and put effort into real and practical improvement. Take action to address the deep-seated key shortcomings and weaknesses that constrain high-quality development, and address the urgent and difficult issues strongly expressed by the people. Develop a special rectification plan, vigorously implement it, and achieve initial results in "solving problems, promoting development", "doing practical things, and solving people's concerns". At present, the first batch of theme education has already passed halfway, and it is time to work hard. We must resolutely prevent complacency and relaxation, respect the end as before, and continue to exert ourselves. To further deepen and implement theme education, we need to integrate theoretical learning throughout the process, persistently work on deepening, internalizing, and transforming, rectify and cultivate the root of our thinking, build a solid foundation of faith, supplement the calcium of our spirit, and stabilize our thinking.

To deepen theoretical learning, it is necessary to comprehensively study and understand the scientific system, essence, and practical requirements of this important idea, and achieve an overall grasp and integration. We must adhere to the original learning, accurately grasp the worldview, methodology, and the standpoint, viewpoint, and method that run through this important idea, and strive to master the principles, principles, and philosophies contained within it. We should know more about its meaning, its nature, and its reasons. We must adhere to the practice oriented approach, vigorously promote the Marxist learning style of integrating theory with practice, closely integrate with new era and new practice, think more, and deeply understand.We should combine comprehensive learning with key learning, adhere to focusing on learning what we do and making up for what we lack, enhance the pertinence of learning, and strive to improve the effectiveness of learning.

History and reality have shown that if theoretical learning is not in-depth or thorough, there will be no foundation for ideological unity, and the unity of the Party will be seriously affected.We should take the initiative to put our own thoughts into it, deeply understand the series of requirements of this important ideology, such as strengthening our ideals and beliefs, enhancing our ideological realm, and strengthening our party spirit. We should deeply appreciate the noble beliefs and beliefs, sincere feelings for the people, high historical confidence, and fearless spirit contained in this important ideology, hone our original aspirations and missions, temper our party consciousness, and always maintain the political nature of Communist Party members. Especially, we should turn the worldview, methodology, and position, viewpoint, and method of this important ideology into our powerful ideological weapon and scientific thinking method, as the "overall key" for researching and solving problems. We must adhere to the principles of true learning, true faith, practical application, understanding, and understanding, learn political loyalty, mission responsibility, practical spirit, profound emotions, struggle skills, and clear and firm understanding of the truth and practical power of the Party's innovative theory. We must make the Party's innovative theory enter our minds and hearts, and use the Party's innovative theory to solidify our hearts and souls.

Practicality is a prominent feature of Marxism, and the purpose of learning is all about application.Party members and cadres should understand laws, clarify directions, learn methods, and enhance wisdom from the innovative theories of the Party. They should learn the skills of guarding the family, promoting the Party, and strengthening the country, and continuously improve their political, thinking, and practical abilities.

The unity of ideas is the deepest, most enduring, and reliable guarantee for the unity of the Party. Only with strong theory can we have a clear direction, a united heart, and a strong foundation.Taking this theme education as an opportunity, we will focus on deepening, internalizing, and transforming the study and implementation of the Party's innovative theory, so that the entire Party can always maintain a unified ideology, firm will, coordinated action, and strong combat effectiveness. By learning to shape the soul, enhance intelligence, promote work, and promote work, we will definitely make achievements in the new journey of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation that live up to the times, history, and the people.

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