Outlook · Chronicles of Governance | Better Construction of Modern Chinese Civilization and Civilization

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 14:00 PM

He also demanded that "archaeological work should continue to be valued and strengthened, and the exploration of the origin of Chinese civilization should be further deepened." "Through cultural relic excavation, research and protection, we should better inherit excellent traditional culture.".

In recent years, China has continuously strengthened the protection and utilization of cultural relics and the preservation and inheritance of cultural heritage. In 2021, the General Office of the State Council issued the "14th Five Year Plan for Cultural Relics Protection and Technological Innovation", which elevated the planning in the field of cultural relics to a national level special plan for the first time. In 2022, the National Cutural Heritage Administration issued the Special Plan for Archaeological Work during the "14th Five Year Plan", which systematically laid out 7 important tasks and set up 18 key columns as a whole.

Strengthen cultural confidence in deepening research on the origin of civilization. Since the launch of the "Exploring the Origins of Chinese Civilization Project" in 2001, Henan Province has been focusing on two major "Archaeological China" projects, namely "Research on the Civilization Process of the Central Plains Region" and "Research on Xia Culture", to continuously carry out archaeological investigations, explorations, excavations, and research work. A series of major archaeological discoveries have demonstrated important temporal and spatial nodes in the origin, formation, and development of Chinese civilization.

Continuation of historical context in upholding integrity and innovation. From the pioneering archaeological blind box to the "Chinese Festival" series, which has sparked a "archaeological fever", traditional culture has broken through the circle and spread... In the land of the Central Plains, rich cultural heritage is entering life in a more vivid way.

◇ Undertake new cultural missions in the integration of cultural, tourism, and creative industries. Henan vigorously develops the full chain tourism and cultural entrepreneurship mode, regards the integration strategy of culture, tourism, and cultural innovation as one of the "ten major strategies", and promotes the transformation of cultural resource advantages into cultural development advantages. Nowadays, the Zhengzhou Bianluo International Cultural Tourism Belt is full of highlights, immersive experience venues such as Luoyi Ancient City are well received, and a number of iconic cultural and tourism landmarks such as "Only Henan" are open in sequence. There are 16 boutique cultural and tourism routes, and 100 major landmark projects that are overwhelming.

Henan is one of the important birthplaces of Chinese civilization. The founder of humanities, Emperor Xuanyuan Huang, initially opened up Hongmeng and laid the common bloodline foundation for the descendants of Yan and Huang; The grand Erlitou Summer Capital Site bears witness to the dynastic atmosphere of "the earliest China"; The oracle bone script of the Yin ruins, the ancestor of Chinese characters, carries the genetic code for the continuation and inheritance of Chinese civilization.

In history, Henan has been the political, economic, and cultural center of China for 3000 years, with more than 20 dynasties establishing their capitals here, writing a brilliant chapter in Chinese history.

In May 2014, he emphasized that a nation and a country must know who they are, where they come from, and where they are going. If they understand and think correctly, they must steadfastly move towards their goals.

He also demanded that "archaeological work should continue to be valued and strengthened, and the exploration of the origin of Chinese civilization should be further deepened." "Through cultural relic excavation, research and protection, we should better inherit excellent traditional culture.".

In recent years, China has continuously strengthened the protection and utilization of cultural relics and the preservation and inheritance of cultural heritage. In 2021, the General Office of the State Council issued the "14th Five Year Plan for Cultural Relics Protection and Technological Innovation", which elevated the planning in the field of cultural relics to a national level special plan for the first time. In 2022, the National Cutural Heritage Administration issued the Special Plan for Archaeological Work during the "14th Five Year Plan", which systematically laid out 7 important tasks and set up 18 key columns as a whole.

Henan Provincial Party Secretary Lou Yangsheng said that ancient capitals, ruins, cultural relics, and books are all important sources of cultural confidence and valuable resources for studying and narrating Chinese history. Deeply exploring the historical and cultural values of the times, we aim to revitalize and showcase the new charm of excellent traditional Chinese culture, and enhance people's sense of national pride, cultural confidence, and historical initiative in their historical, cultural, and spiritual journeys.

Inheritance of cultural context, continuous string songs.

At present, a total of 53 projects in Henan have been selected as one of the "Top 10 Archaeological Discoveries in China", and 14 projects have been selected as one of the "Top 100 Archaeological Discoveries in a Century", all ranking first in the country in terms of quantity. The cultural history of the Neolithic Age for thousands of years has been revealed, and the origins of civilization and the achievements of Xia Shang archaeology have been pleasantly surprised; The brand slogan "Walking in Henan, Understanding China", the high standard planning and construction of museum clusters, and the construction of a super IP matrix for Chinese culture... Strengthening cultural confidence and continuing the historical context have become concrete actions.

Tourists visiting the "Only Henan Drama City" scenic area

Actors perform "Empress Wenzhao's Buddha Worship Picture" at the Longmen Grottoes Scenic Area in Luoyang. Photo by Ang Lee/This magazine

Outlook · Chronicles of Governance | Better Construction of Modern Chinese Civilization and Civilization

Deepening the Exploration of Civilization and Enhancing Cultural Confidence and Self Strengthening

Henan is one of the important birthplaces of Chinese civilization. Since the early dawn of Chinese civilization in Henan over 5000 years ago, it has reached its peak through Xia, Shang, Eastern Zhou, Eastern Han, Wei and Jin, Sui and Tang, and Northern Song. It holds a unique position in the historical process of Chinese civilization.

Henan has always been the main battlefield for the exploration of the origin of Chinese civilization and the study of Xia Shang culture.

In 2001, the country launched the "Exploration of the Origins of Chinese Civilization" project. The first phase of the project focused on studying 6 urban sites, 5 of which were located in Henan. Henan archaeologists were responsible for and participated in 13 sub projects of the "Exploration of the Origins of Chinese Civilization" project, gradually becoming an important force in the exploration of the origins of Chinese civilization.

In 2019, the "Central Plains Civilization Process Research Project" and the "Xia Culture Research Project" were successively included in the "Archaeological China" project of the National Cutural Heritage Administration. A batch of major new archaeological discoveries have made more contributions to the demonstration of China's million year human history, 10000 year cultural history, and 5000 year civilization history.

The source is dredged and the flow is long, while the root is deep and the leaves are lush.

Archaeologists have worked tirelessly in the thick soil of the Central Plains, constantly opening up the history of Chinese civilization. They have continued to conduct research around the Peiligang culture, Yangshao culture, Henan Longshan culture, and Erlitou culture, gradually establishing the chronological sequence of archaeological culture and clarifying the positioning of various archaeological cultures in the Central Plains region in the origin of Chinese civilization.

"The five prominent characteristics of Chinese civilization, including continuity, innovation, unity, inclusiveness, and peace, are deeply and centrally reflected in the hinterland of Henan Province," said Ren Wei, Director of the Henan Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau.

Hand shovel continuously outlines the longitude and latitude of civilization. 5000 years ago, a large jade workshop with sliding doors and high-level tombs; 6000 years ago, the granary of ancient China; The site of a high-grade house 7000 years ago... At the Mount Huangshan Site in Nanyang, Henan Province, archaeologists are carefully excavating.

Mount Huangshan Site is a key site in the study of the civilization process in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. Since May 2018, archaeologists have been conducting continuous archaeological excavations on it. "The current series of discoveries not only reflect the characteristics of the collision and fusion of the cultural exchanges between the north and the south at that time, but also have unique value for the project of exploring the origin of Chinese civilization," said Ma Juncai, the archaeological leader of Mount Huangshan Site.

In recent years, archaeologists in Henan Province have been continuously carrying out archaeological excavation research based on the preliminary achievements of the "Exploration of the Origins of Chinese Civilization" project, and using "Research on the Civilization Process of the Central Plains Region" and "Research on Xia Culture" and other "Archaeological China" projects as the starting point. The achievements have been complemented by many other archaeological achievements in other regions of the country, jointly demonstrating important temporal and spatial nodes in the origin, formation, and development of Chinese civilization.

As of now, there are 109 newly approved archaeological excavation projects in Henan Province in 2023, with hundreds or even thousands of archaeologists using shovels as tools to extend the historical axis, enhance historical confidence, and outline the latitude and longitude of civilization on the land of the Central Plains.

"At present, Henan Province is accelerating the reshaping reform of the Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, planning and implementing research projects on the origin stage of civilization and commercial culture, deepening the exploration of the origin of Chinese civilization, and striving to form a number of breakthrough and landmark achievements, contributing Henan's strength to the research on the origin and formation of Chinese civilization." Ren Wei said.

Technology helps to build a modern archaeological system. Environmental scanning electron microscope, Raman spectrometer, metallographic microscope, fluorescence XRF... Entering the Cultural Relics Science and Technology Protection Center of Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, various technical equipment is constantly upgraded and updated, becoming a new driving force and engine for archaeological development.

The "Treasure Digging" Process of the "Archaeological Blind Box" Launched by Henan Museum, Photo by Ang Lee/This Journal

The construction site of the Yin Ruins Museum is bustling with machines, including the Soil Relics Archaeology Laboratory, Inorganic Relics Protection and Restoration Room, Organic Relics Protection and Restoration Room, X-ray Testing Room. In the future, the fine archaeological laboratory located on the first floor will showcase the entire process of cultural relic restoration and protection to tourists.

In recent years, Henan has continuously focused on scientific and technological archaeology, promoting the deep participation of technology in the entire process of archaeological field investigation, exploration, on-site excavation, data sorting and research analysis, and cultural relic protection, from the traditional "hand shovel interpretation of heavenly books" to various "black technologies" showcasing their abilities. It has also accelerated the construction of key archaeological laboratories and specimen warehouses.

Outlook · Chronicles of Governance | Better Construction of Modern Chinese Civilization and Civilization

"In recent years, we have made certain progress in detection technology and equipment, environmental archaeology, animal and plant archaeology, ceramic archaeology, metallurgical archaeology, experimental archaeology, and digital protection." Liu Haiwang, the director of Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, said that the Henan Provincial Center for Cultural Relics and Technology Protection has established a team of 16 professionals, which is at the advanced level in the field of restoration research in unearthed bamboo and wood lacquerware, metal cultural relics, stone cultural relics, ceramics, and other fields in China.

In December 2022, the Implementation Plan for Cultural Relics Protection and Technological Innovation in Henan Province was announced. According to the deployment, Henan will further promote the construction of cultural relics and archaeology disciplines, support ordinary higher education institutions and vocational colleges to establish majors such as cultural relic restoration and protection, cultural relic archaeology, cultural relic display and utilization, and grotto temple protection, and build a multi-level cultural relic talent training system.

Deeply explore and strengthen the interpretation of cultural heritage values. 300 cultural research projects, 35 book monographs, 230 research articles, and over 80 million online readings... The first batch of cultural revitalization projects in Henan has achieved remarkable results.

"The true protection of cultural heritage is not to shelve it, but to 'come to life' and showcase its unique charm by exploring its connotations," said Ma Xiaolin, the director of the Henan Museum.

In order to continuously improve the level of heritage value exploration, interpretation, dissemination and promotion, Henan issued the Implementation Plan of Cultural Research Plan of Henan Cultural Revitalization Project in 2022, comprehensively and systematically sorted and excavated the historical context and cultural details of the Central Plains culture and the Yellow River culture, and gave full play to its role of "root" and "soul" in explaining, inheriting, educating, disseminating the essence of the times of Chinese culture and Chinese spirit, so as to better serve the prosperity and development of socialist culture.

At the same time, Henan continues to improve its cultural relics value dissemination and promotion system, increase efforts to disseminate the essence of cultural relics and the value of the times, and utilize time nodes such as International Museum Day, International Monuments and Sites Day, and Cultural and Natural Heritage Day to innovate and carry out social education activities, build a provincial-level platform for the external release of archaeological achievements, and strengthen the dissemination of archaeological and historical research achievements.

Strengthen protection, inheritance, integrity, innovation, and continuation of historical context

The protection and inheritance of historical and cultural heritage is a great responsibility of the country, as well as a heavy historical and contemporary responsibility.

——Always putting protection first is the code of conduct for cultural relics workers in Henan. In recent years, Henan has strengthened the investigation of cultural relics resources, improved the management system for cultural heritage protection, strictly implemented the "archaeological first, then transfer" system, and improved the cultural relics safety supervision system, firmly guarding the bottom line of cultural relics safety.

In October 2022, the Regulations on the Protection of Yin Ruins in Yin Xu in Anyang, Henan Province was officially implemented, and many measures were taken to make the world cultural heritage "live and pass on"; In December 2022, the "Implementation Plan for Cultural Relics Protection and Technological Innovation in Henan Province" was announced to comprehensively safeguard the safety of national treasures; Nowadays, the "Regulations on the Protection of Revolutionary Cultural Relics in Henan Province" are being promoted, providing guidance for inheriting the red gene and continuing the red bloodline, and continuously building a barrier for the safety protection of cultural relics.

——Promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional Chinese culture is a must answer question for Henan. In order to protect, inherit, and make good use of rich historical and cultural resources, Henan has been rooted in profound historical and cultural heritage in recent years. It has accelerated the construction of a cultural inheritance and innovation system, and continuously promoted the fashionable expression of traditional culture and the modern transformation of profound culture through digital technology.

The Henan Museum's pioneering archaeological blind box has sparked a craze for archaeology, with a series of "Chinese festivals" represented by "Tang Palace Banquet" helping traditional culture continue to break through boundaries, the Chinese ancient orchestra playing new sounds of ancient music, and the digital museum bringing cultural relics to life... In the Central Plains, the rich cultural heritage is entering life in a more vivid way, and more and more people are feeling the continuous inheritance of string songs.

Innovate institutional mechanisms and firmly adhere to the bottom line of cultural heritage safety. In 2021, the National Cutural Heritage Administration issued the "Fourteenth Five Year Plan" for the Protection and Utilization of Major Sites, and Henan accounted for 16 of the 145 major sites during the "Fourteenth Five Year Plan" period, ranking first in the country.

"There are numerous large sites in Henan Province, and compared to other forms of historical and cultural heritage, the protection of these sites has always been difficult and costly. They are easily eroded by natural factors and have poor visibility, making them a key and difficult point for site protection and display." Ren Wei said, "Therefore, various regions in Henan actively explore and gradually carve out a path to coordinate cultural heritage protection with urban and rural construction, economic development, and tourism development.".

In 2017, Zhengzhou, the provincial capital, fully launched the "Ecological Heritage Protection" project, which organically combines the construction of ecological civilization with the protection of cultural relics and sites, promotes the protection and utilization of ancient sites and the coexistence of urban development. Currently, more than 40 ecological and cultural parks have been built.

Entering the Yuanling Ancient City Ruins Park in Zhengzhou Airport District, the Qin and Han style towers exude grandeur, with lush greenery and a lively atmosphere for visitors. The ancient ruins have become a harmonious scene of modern life.

The ancient capital of Luoyang is exploring the formation of a new model of "one site, one policy" for the protection and utilization of cultural heritage, deeply integrating the protection of large sites with urban renewal, rural revitalization, cultural and tourism industry, and people's livelihood improvement, showcasing the vigorous vitality and strong creativity of excellent traditional Chinese culture.

Outlook · Chronicles of Governance | Better Construction of Modern Chinese Civilization and Civilization

"Based on the different characteristics and environments of each site, different display plans were determined, and unique archaeological site parks were constructed to form a large-scale site display system in the Luoyang area," said Xue Fang, Chief Engineer of the Luoyang Cultural Relics Bureau. Nowadays, archaeological site parks are gradually becoming an important way and means to protect the roots and genes of Chinese historical civilization, and to inherit and continue Chinese civilization.

Strengthen the protection of cultural relics and historical sites, and put in hard work to tackle "big blocks". In December 2021, while the national "14th Five Year Plan" for the protection and utilization of grotto temples was released, the large-scale leakage water treatment and dangerous rock reinforcement protection project of Fengxian Temple in Longmen Grottoes was launched. After 228 days, the reinforcement and protection project was completed, marking another large-scale protection project for Fengxian Temple in 50 years since the 1970s.

World Heritage sites, historic and cultural cities, towns, villages, and grotto temples are the "big blocks" in the protection of cultural relics and historical sites. Henan currently has 65519 immovable cultural relics, including 5 World Cultural Heritage sites, 420 national key cultural relics protection units, and 1521 provincial-level cultural relics protection units.

In view of this, in terms of the protection of cultural relics and historical sites, Henan has formulated classified protection policies, strengthened the protection and utilization of cultural relics in historical and cultural cities, towns, villages, historical and cultural blocks, and scenic spots, strengthened the protection and management of world heritage sites, and focused on promoting the application of the Erlitou Site and the southern section of the Wanli Tea Road. Projects such as the Hongqi Canal, Yangshao Culture Important Site, and Kaifeng Ming and Qing City Wall have been included in the preliminary list for application for cultural heritage.

"The protection of grotto temples is a hard work and requires preparation. Currently, Henan Province has implemented a rescue protection project for grotto temples, eliminating major risks and achieving full coverage of key grotto temple security facilities." said Shi Jiazhen, the director of the Longmen Grottoes Research Institute. Longmen Grottoes is also the first in the country to introduce 3D printing technology into daily maintenance and repair work, combining 3D printing technology with local collapsed cave repair work, and has achieved preliminary results.

Digital empowerment promotes the sharing of protection achievements among all. Over 3000 years ago, in the 760 square meter digital interactive experience hall of the Erlitou Summer Capital Site Museum in Luoyang, a huge image rushed in, creating an immersive 3D image space made of nearly 40 projectors, showcasing the grandeur of the magnificent summer capital.

"Digitalization has opened up a new way for cultural relics to be opened, blending and colliding ancient and young, traditional and fashionable in a new way, enhancing the audience's experience and immersion," said Wang Li, Deputy Director of the Erlitou Summer Capital Site Museum.

During the 14th Five Year Plan period, Henan Province plans to spend 40 million yuan annually to promote the digital upgrading and transformation of cultural tourism, create immersive digital venues, and bring relics to life and enter people's lives. Nowadays, major cultural and museum venues in Henan are constantly breaking the traditional static exhibition mode and seeking breakthroughs in technology and creativity.

The cultural context continues due to the principle of "upholding righteousness", and the culture can be further developed through innovation.

"Henan continuously combines modern life, excavates the connotation of cultural heritage, and continuously innovates cultural expression forms, allowing the rich historical culture to transcend time and space and shine more brilliant in the new era." Ma Xiaolin said.

Promoting the Integration and Development of Culture, Tourism, Culture and Creativity: "Poetry" and "Distant Distance" complement each other

On June 29th, Henan province launched a high-level cultural tourism and creative integration development conference, marking the beginning of an era of deep integration of culture, tourism, and creativity.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly states that we must adhere to the principles of shaping tourism through culture and highlighting tourism through culture, and promote the deep integration and development of culture and tourism. The profound Central Plains culture, Yellow River culture, and magnificent landscape provide impetus for the integrated development of Henan's culture and tourism, and have also become a treasure trove of cultural innovation in the new era.

In recent years, Henan has vigorously developed a full chain tourism and cultural entrepreneurship model, making the integration strategy of culture, tourism, and cultural creativity one of the "ten major strategies", and promoting the transformation of cultural resource advantages into cultural development advantages. Nowadays, the Zhengzhou Bianluo International Cultural Tourism Belt is full of highlights, immersive experience venues such as Luoyi Ancient City are well received, and a number of iconic cultural and tourism landmarks such as "Only Henan" are open in sequence. There are 16 boutique cultural and tourism routes, and 100 major landmark projects that are overwhelming.

During the May Day holiday and Dragon Boat Festival holiday in 2023, Henan's cultural and tourism market delivered 55.18 million and 12.66 million respectively. As a cultural province with a solid foundation, Henan is taking advantage of the situation and reshaping a new pattern of cultural and tourism integration, striving to advance from a province with abundant cultural and tourism resources to a province with strong cultural and tourism capabilities.

Creating a brand system of "Walking in Henan and Understanding China" through breaking through the circle of literature. "Walking in Henan, Understanding China", where to go? What to read, where to read, and how to read? This is a must answer question for the development of Henan's cultural, tourism, and creative industries.

"The long process of civilization has left behind a splendid cultural heritage and a simple and unique local culture in the Central Plains. Based on the provincial survey of cultural and tourism resources, we focus on historical exploration, historical figures, historical events, etc., and aim to create a number of key exhibition projects, world-class tourist attractions, and cultivate characteristic cultural tourism boutique routes." Huang Dongsheng, Director of the Henan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, said that 16 themed cultural routes have been launched, including the origin of humanity, the origin of civilization, the origin of the country, and Chinese Kung Fu, to create a place for exploring, demonstrating, and experiencing the origin of Chinese civilization.

Outlook · Chronicles of Governance | Better Construction of Modern Chinese Civilization and Civilization

High level planning and construction of museum clusters, constructing a panoramic civilization display system. In order to fully leverage the important role of museums in showcasing the origin, formation, and development of Chinese civilization, Henan is exploring the construction of "never-ending" online museums. In addition, the new courtyard of the Henan Provincial Museum, the Yin Ruins Site Museum, and the Luoyang Ancient City Site Museum of the Han and Wei dynasties are also being accelerated in construction.

Deeply implement the ecological protection and high-quality development strategy in the Yellow River Basin, and promote the construction of national cultural parks with high standards and quality. Henan is the core area and hub of the Yellow River culture, with abundant cultural resources such as ancient capital, ancient city, and historical sites. After the completion of 10 landmark projects such as the Yellow River National Museum and Dahecun National Archaeological Site Park, it will become an important window for "understanding" the Yellow River culture.

Creating an immersive cultural and tourism "new format" through tourism and culture. As night fell, the red lanterns of Luoyang Luoyi Ancient City lit up one after another. Tourists changed into ancient costumes and traveled to the prosperous Sui and Tang dynasties to participate in a "cultural test," "military test," and "flying flower ceremony.". Recently, Luoyi Ancient City released a new live script entertainment project, allowing tourists to immerse themselves in the experience of dreaming back to the Sui and Tang dynasties.

In recent years, Henan has continued to enrich new immersive cultural and tourism formats, allowing tourists to experience the vast connotation, spirit, and power of Central Plains culture in an immersive experience. A batch of new consumer scenes that integrate space play, intangible cultural heritage experience, immersive interaction, ancient style song and dance performances, cultural and social leisure, etc., have emerged, and the immersive experience that integrates rich historical culture has also made young people yearn for it.

In a valley about 7 kilometers away from the "millennium old temple" of Dengfeng Shaolin Temple, an immersive performance combining music, lighting, dance, and martial arts with natural mountains and rivers as the background - the "Zen Shaolin" Music Festival attracted many tourists, with nearly 600 people participating in the performance immersing the audience in the atmosphere of Chinese martial arts and Buddhist culture.

In addition, Henan continues to highlight its agglomeration effect, laying out a product system, a marketing system, and a transportation system to create an international cultural and tourism destination for Zhengzhou Bianluo. Exploring business and seeking summer in Zhengzhou, indulging in the elegance of the Song Dynasty boat in Kaifeng, and exploring the history of the Tang Dynasty in Luoyang. Nowadays, the Zhengzhou Bianluo tourism belt is full of highlights.

Cultivate a "flagship powerhouse" to create a "new increment" in cultural and tourism consumption. Only in front of the entrance of Henan Drama Fantasy City, there was a long queue of tourists before the performance even began. With a beam of strong light projected onto the stage, Laozi, Confucius, Zhang Zeduan, and others made their debut, telling the audience about the vast history of Chinese civilization through dialogue between ancient and modern times.

As a key cultural and tourism project in Henan, only Henan is an immersive drama theme park, based on the Yellow River civilization as the creative foundation, using immersive drama art to tell the stories of land, food, and inheritance on the land of the Central Plains. "Only Henan is an important practice under the strategy of integrating cultural, tourism, and creative industries. Rather than being a tourist destination, it is more of a cultural destination," said Yao Pei, General Manager of Henan Jianye Cultural and Tourism Company. Since its opening, it has received 1.6 million visitors from 235 cities across the country.

To build a "flagship powerhouse" in the field of cultural and tourism industry, continuously create a new system of cultural and tourism ecology, and build new scenes of cultural and tourism consumption... Henan is striving to play a "first mover" in the integration of cultural, tourism, and creative development.

In 2022, Henan Province jointly planned 138 provincial-level key cultural and tourism projects with a total investment of 422.336 billion yuan. Taking Zhengzhou International Cultural and Creative Industry Park as an example, it has gathered a number of major cultural and tourism projects such as Huaqiang Fangte Tourism Resort, Haichang Polar Ocean Park, Jianye Huayi Brothers Film Town, and Henan Drama Fantasy City, and has grown into a highly influential tourist destination.

At the just concluded Conference on Integrated Development of Culture, Tourism, Culture and Creativity, Henan Province sorted out 41 key cultural and tourism projects with a total investment of 52.56 billion yuan, and signed 21 contracts on site. Henan Provincial Cultural and Tourism Investment Group has reached a cooperation agreement with Wanda Group, which will extensively and deeply layout in sports, cultural tourism, performing arts, film and television, etc; The Luoyang Fangte "Huaxia Historical Civilization Inheritance and Innovation Demonstration Park" project with an estimated total investment of 4.8 billion yuan has been signed.

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