Outlook, Chronicles of Governance and Governance | Striving to be the Leading Soldier in the National Energy Revolution Outlook

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 11:49 AM

The meeting emphasized that promoting the revolution in energy production and consumption is the fundamental solution to ensure energy security and promote harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. Shanxi will strive to achieve breakthroughs in improving the quality and efficiency of the energy supply system, building a clean and low-carbon energy consumption model, promoting energy technology innovation, deepening energy system reform, and expanding energy cooperation with foreign countries through comprehensive reform pilot projects, striving to become the vanguard of the national energy revolution.

◇ In 2019, the Central Office and the State Council issued the Opinions on Carrying out the Comprehensive Reform Pilot of the Energy Revolution in Shanxi, requiring Shanxi to play an exemplary and leading role in promoting the national energy revolution, and build a green coal development and utilization base, an unconventional natural gas base, and an electric power base. Power transmission base, modern coal chemical industry demonstration base, coal-based scientific and technological innovation achievement transformation base.

◇ In response to the central pilot opinions, the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government issued the ''Shanxi Energy Revolution Comprehensive Reform Pilot Action Plan'', established a work leading group with the secretary of the provincial party committee and the governor as the double team leader, and detailed and proposed 25 tasks in 6 areas. 85 specific measures, and decomposed to relevant departments and units directly under the city and province, 15 transformative, traction, and landmark major measures including reforming coal mining methods, innovating coal utilization methods, and reforming the coalbed methane management system have been launched. At the same time, an annual action plan has been introduced to fully incorporate the implementation of pilot tasks into the provincial party committee's annual target responsibility Assessment to ensure the implementation of tasks.

◇ As of the end of June this year, Shanxi has built 46 intelligent coal mines and 1161 intelligent mining faces, with advanced coal production capacity accounting for more than 80%. Coal bottom-up support capacity will be improved. In 2021 and 2022, Shanxi will increase coal production by more than 0.1 billion tons for two consecutive years, making outstanding contributions to the country's energy supply.

Statistics show that since 2019, the energy consumption intensity of Shanxi Province has decreased by 13.22, and the annual target task has been completed for four consecutive years. Especially since the "14th Five-Year Plan", the province's energy consumption intensity has continued to decline, and the rate of decline is in the forefront of the country.

◇ As one of the first eight pilot provinces for power in stock construction in the country, since April 2021, Shanxi power in stock market has been in continuous and smooth trial operation for more than two years, and the power market rules have been revised to version V13.0. It is the bilateral power in stock market with the earliest trial operation time, the longest settlement trial operation time and the most complete types of business entities in the state grid operation area.

In recent years, Shanxi has further liberalized market access, opened fairly to all kinds of capital in coal, coalbed methane and other fields, promoted the implementation of major foreign investment projects in the energy field in accordance with the law, strengthened exchanges and cooperation with international organizations such as the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, and further expanded foreign cooperation in the field of energy.

Energy security is a global and strategic issue related to the economic and social development of a country, which is crucial for the prosperity and development of the country, the improvement of people's lives, and the long-term stability of society.

Shanxi is an important comprehensive energy base in China, making significant contributions to ensuring national energy security and economic and social development. In the new era, the role of Shanxi's comprehensive energy base has become more prominent, and the requirements for promoting the energy revolution, improving the quality and efficiency of the energy industry, and accelerating the green and low-carbon development of energy have become increasingly urgent.

The meeting emphasized that promoting the revolution in energy production and consumption is the fundamental solution to ensure energy security and promote harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. Shanxi will strive to achieve breakthroughs in improving the quality and efficiency of the energy supply system, building a clean and low-carbon energy consumption model, promoting energy technology innovation, deepening energy system reform, and expanding energy cooperation with foreign countries through comprehensive reform pilot projects, striving to become the vanguard of the national energy revolution.

General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions further point out the way forward and provide fundamental compliance for Shanxi to deepen the energy revolution.

In 2019, the General Office of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the Opinions on Carrying out Comprehensive Reform Pilot Projects for Energy Revolution in Shanxi, requiring Shanxi to play a demonstrative and leading role in promoting the national energy revolution, and to build coal green development and utilization bases, unconventional natural gas bases, power transmission bases, modern coal chemical demonstration bases, and coal based scientific and technological innovation transformation bases. At the national level, a coordination mechanism for the comprehensive reform pilot work of the Shanxi Energy Revolution, jointly led by the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Energy Administration, and the People's Government of Shanxi Province, has been established to enhance the overall work synergy.

In line with the central pilot opinions, the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and Government have issued the "Shanxi Energy Revolution Comprehensive Reform Pilot Action Plan", established a working leadership group led by the Provincial Party Secretary and Governor, refined and proposed 85 specific measures for 25 tasks in 6 aspects, and decomposed them item by item to relevant departments and units in each city and province. They have launched 15 revolutionary, traction, and landmark measures, including changing coal mining methods, innovating coal utilization methods, and reforming coalbed methane management systems. At the same time, they have issued an annual action plan to fully incorporate the implementation of pilot tasks into the annual target responsibility assessment of the Provincial Party Committee, ensuring the implementation of tasks.

In-depth implementation of the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Jin Ping's inspection and investigation of Shanxi's important speech, Shanxi coordinated to promote transformation and development and energy revolution, adhere to the strategic positioning of the "five bases", and accelerate the promotion of coal and coal power, coal power and new energy, coal and coal chemical industry, The integrated development of the coal industry and digital technology, the coal industry and carbon reduction technology, and the sustainable development of the coal industry, continuously enhance the ability to ensure energy security and improve the level of green and low-carbon development.

Outlook, Chronicles of Governance and Governance | Striving to be the Leading Soldier in the National Energy Revolution Outlook

Green and diversified energy supply structure

Photo by Wang Jinyu from Shanxi Luguang Power Generation Co., Ltd. located in Changzhi City, Shanxi Province/This magazine

Under the premise of fully ensuring energy security and reliable supply, promoting the green and low-carbon transformation of energy and improving the quality and efficiency of the energy supply system is a major task for Shanxi to deepen the comprehensive reform pilot of the energy revolution.

Accelerate the intelligent development of coal mines and orderly promote green mining pilot projects. Promoting the clean and efficient development and utilization of coal is the primary task and also the top priority. Since the pilot was launched, Shanxi has actively explored ways in the field of coal mine intelligence.

A large electronic screen displays real-time gas concentration, temperature and humidity, and coal mining scenes at 534 meters underground. The miner wearing a white shirt lightly clicks the mouse in front of the computer, and the underground equipment can operate in an orderly manner, with real-time data uploading. This is the scene in May 2020 when the first coal mine 5G network in China was built at Shanxi Xinyuan Coal Co., Ltd.

As of the end of June this year, Shanxi has built 46 intelligent coal mines and 1161 intelligent mining faces, with advanced coal production capacity accounting for over 80%. The ability to ensure coal safety has also been improved. In 2021 and 2022, Shanxi Province increased coal production by over 100 million tons for two consecutive years, making outstanding contributions to ensuring national energy supply.

This year, the intelligent construction of Shanxi coal mines has been further accelerated. A series of documents such as the Implementation Plan for Comprehensively Promoting the Intellectualization of Coal Mines and the Construction of the Internet Platform for the Coal Industry, and the Guiding Opinions on the Integrated Development of the Coal Industry and Digital Technology have been issued, which clearly put forward that by 2027, all kinds of coal mines in the province will basically achieve intelligence, and promote the deep integration of artificial intelligence, industrial Internet, cloud computing, etc. with modern coal development technologies.

Coal mining by underground workers inevitably produces coal gangue, which can damage groundwater resources and lead to ground subsidence. In order to minimize ecological damage, Shanxi has been conducting pilot demonstrations of green mining technologies such as gangue backfilling, backfilling mining, water conservation mining, coal and gas co mining, and pillar free mining since 2019, in order to explore and accumulate experience in promoting the transformation of traditional coal mining methods.

In order to promote green mining in an orderly manner, Shanxi has taken the lead in introducing a method for increasing the production capacity of coal mine backfill mining nationwide. The coal production from backfill mining can be converted into a production capacity replacement index at a rate of 30%.

Gaohe Energy Company of Lu'an Chemical Group is the only dual pilot coal mine in Shanxi Province for gangue return and filling mining. "Since the operation of backfill mining, the company has backfilled coal gangue underground, recovering an additional 1.18 million tons of coal resources, effectively solving problems such as coal pressure on village roads and farmland, road fractures in coal mining subsidence areas, and farmland subsidence, achieving zero discharge of gangue, zero ground subsidence, and zero water damage," said Li Chun, Minister of Production Technology of Gaohe Energy Company.

Vigorously developing new energy and continuously optimizing the energy structure. Under the guidance of accelerating the construction of a new development pattern and the "dual carbon" goal in China, energy development has entered an important window period of low-carbon transformation. Promoting the transformation from a coal rich province to a comprehensive energy rich province is not only a need to ensure national energy security, but also an urgent requirement for Shanxi's transformation and development.

In the mountainous area of Pingshun County, Changzhi City, with an average altitude of 1500 meters, blue photovoltaic panels cover over 6000 acres of surrounding mountains. Wang Litao, the person in charge of the 250MW photovoltaic power generation project in Pingshun County, the leading base of photovoltaic power generation technology in Changzhi, said that this is one of the largest photovoltaic power generation projects in Shanxi, with an annual power generation of about 350 million kilowatt hours. It can save 2.8569 million tons of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 316100 tons per year.

"The resources and geography of Shanxi determine that wind power and photovoltaics are the mainstay in the new energy system, and pumped storage is an important support." Wang Maosheng, Deputy Director of Shanxi Provincial Energy Bureau, said that in terms of wind power and photovoltaics, Shanxi plans to build an integrated base for wind, solar, and fire storage in northern Shanxi, a comprehensive energy base for multi energy complementarity in Xinshuo, a wind and solar power base along the Yellow River in western Shanxi, a "new energy+" integrated development base in eastern Shanxi, and a demonstration base for integrated power grid, load, and storage in southern Shanxi; Optimize and promote the distributed development of wind and photovoltaic power generation, promote the application of new energy in industries, construction, transportation, and other fields, and promote the integrated development of new energy development and utilization with rural revitalization.

According to data from State Grid Shanxi Electric Power Company, the installed capacity of wind and photovoltaic power in Shanxi has continued to increase rapidly in recent years. As of the end of May this year, the installed capacity of wind and photovoltaic power has exceeded 42 million kilowatts, an increase of nearly 80% compared to the end of 2019.

Outlook, Chronicles of Governance and Governance | Striving to be the Leading Soldier in the National Energy Revolution Outlook

In terms of energy storage, Shanxi insists on making pumped storage the main focus, while vigorously developing new types of energy storage. Last year, 8 pumped storage projects were adjusted to be key implementation projects in the 14th Five Year Plan of the country. Shanxi became the first province to receive approval for new regulated projects since the release of the mid to long term plan for pumped storage in September 2021.

At China Baowu Taigang Stainless Steel Precision Strip Co., Ltd. located in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, staff demonstrated tearing open ultra-thin precision stainless steel strips by hand. Photo by Zhan Yan/This magazine

Green and low-carbon are gradually becoming a trend of energy consumption

The key to the energy consumption revolution is to transform traditional energy utilization methods and vigorously improve energy utilization efficiency. The practice in Shanxi fully proves that coal, which has achieved clean and efficient development and utilization, can also become clean energy.

High end, diversified, and low-carbon, promoting clean and efficient utilization of coal. According to industry calculations, the carbon emissions generated by 6 tons of raw coal are only equivalent to the carbon emissions of 1 ton of fuel coal. Based on the energy endowment dominated by coal, Shanxi focuses on key areas and links, accelerates the transformation of coal from fuel to raw materials, materials, and end products, and promotes the development of coal into high-end carbon sequestration products. Currently, a diversified utilization model has been formed, including steel coke chemical hydrogen, coal coke chemical hydrogen, and coal coke fine chemical industry.

In the exhibition hall of Shanxi New Carbon Superhard Material Technology Company, a dazzling array of diamonds shine brightly in the glass cabinets. "Can you think of it? The raw materials for these diamonds come from underground coal seams." The staff explained that coalbed methane is considered the biggest safety hazard in the coal mining process. In the past, gas color changed, but now it can be turned into extremely valuable diamonds through technological means.

Relying on the abundant coalbed methane resources of Huayang Group and leading domestic technology, the polycrystalline diamond produced by New Carbon Company can be applied in various fields such as military industry and high-end chips, with an annual output value of 100 million yuan. "The competition for diamonds below 15 carats is fierce, but we have a clear technological advantage in the preparation of diamonds above 15 carats, which can break the import monopoly in this field. Especially for the cooling materials of high-end chips, once the application scenario expansion is completed, it will form a production value of at least 100 billion yuan." said Liu Kechang, Chairman of New Carbon Company.

In December 2022, the Standing Committee of the Shanxi Provincial People's Congress voted to pass the Shanxi Province Coal Clean and Efficient Utilization Promotion Regulations. This is the first provincial-level local regulation in China specifically aimed at promoting clean and efficient utilization of coal, marking a new stage of standardization and rule of law in promoting clean and efficient utilization of coal in Shanxi Province.

Prioritize energy conservation, establish first and then break through, and steadily improve the level of low-carbon development. Energy conservation is a key link in leading energy supply and transforming development patterns. In the "Implementation Plan for Carbon Peaking in Shanxi Province" issued by the Shanxi Provincial Government in January this year, the action of energy conservation, carbon reduction, and efficiency enhancement is one of the three major actions on par with the green and low-carbon transformation of traditional energy, and the substitution of new and clean energy, aiming to reduce carbon emissions from the source.

Coal fired power generation is the largest emitter of carbon emissions. By issuing guidelines for energy-saving and consumption reducing technologies for coal-fired power units, establishing a flexible compensation cost sharing mechanism for coal-fired power unit retrofitting, and phasing out outdated units, Shanxi guides coal-fired power units to accelerate their retrofitting and upgrading. It is expected that by 2025, the coal consumption per kilowatt hour of electricity generated by coal-fired power units in the province will decrease by 20 grams compared to 2021.

In addition to the coal-fired power industry, Shanxi also promotes energy-saving and carbon reduction transformation in industries such as steel, non-ferrous metals, and building materials. It organizes key energy consuming enterprises to carry out energy efficiency benchmarking activities, improves the online monitoring system for energy consumption of key energy consuming units, strengthens the management of energy consumption in new infrastructure, actively promotes the use of technologies such as efficient refrigeration, advanced ventilation, waste heat utilization, and intelligent energy consumption control, and improves energy efficiency levels.

Statistics show that since 2019, the energy consumption intensity in Shanxi Province has cumulatively decreased by 13.22%, completing the annual target task for four consecutive years. Especially since the 14th Five Year Plan, the energy consumption intensity in the province has continued to decline, with the decline rate ranking among the top in the country.

Jointly promote the formation of a green and low-carbon production and lifestyle. By opening carbon accounts for enterprises, tracking the energy consumption curves of key enterprises, and accurately assigning codes to enterprises, enterprises with outstanding carbon emissions reduction can receive low interest loans. Since 2021, Changzhi City has launched a climate investment and financing pilot program, encouraging financial institutions to develop financial tools such as carbon funds, carbon asset pledge loans, and carbon insurance. As of the end of March this year, Changzhi has assigned carbon emission identification codes to 258 enterprises, guiding financial institutions to issue loans of 3.37 billion yuan to 65 enterprises.

"The electricity generated by the rooftop photovoltaic system is sufficient for our household, and there is still surplus, which is equivalent to not consuming electricity," said Guo Xiaowei, a villager from Lifang Village, Shangdang District, Changzhi City. Zhao Baoming, Chairman of Shanxi Yitong Environmental Energy Group, said that more than 30 households in the village have installed rooftop photovoltaics, and the total power generation is basically equal to the electricity consumption of the entire village; Through projects such as straw bundling for heating and comprehensive utilization of rural waste, all garbage has been fully utilized as a resource, and the entire village has achieved nearly zero carbon emissions.

Outlook, Chronicles of Governance and Governance | Striving to be the Leading Soldier in the National Energy Revolution Outlook

Under subtle influence, the concept of green consumption is infiltrating people's clothing, food, housing, and transportation. Nowadays, all buses and taxis in the built-up areas of 11 districts and cities in Shanxi are new energy or clean energy vehicles. Last December, the Shanxi Province Green Building Development Regulations were officially implemented, and this year, the proportion of newly built green buildings in urban areas will reach 80%. From 2017 to the end of last year, over 6.5 million urban and rural residents completed clean heating renovations.

Seize the high ground of energy technology innovation

Technological innovation plays a decisive role in the energy revolution. Shanxi aims to create a global source of energy technology innovation, focusing on high-end conversion of coal based resources, hydrogen energy development and utilization, large-scale energy storage, and other fields. It will concentrate on building technology innovation platforms in the energy sector and increase support for energy technology innovation.

Strengthen the construction of technology innovation platforms in the energy sector. To become a global source of energy technology innovation, Shanxi must first strengthen the construction of major energy technology research and development bases.

In July this year, the National Key Laboratory of Intelligent Mining Equipment Technology, jointly restructured by Taichung Group, China University of Mining and Technology, and Taiyuan University of Technology, was officially unveiled in Shanxi. The laboratory will focus on major needs such as national energy security supply, achieving the "dual carbon" goals, and building smart mines to carry out research work, providing innovative achievements and talent guarantee for the comprehensive reform pilot of Shanxi's energy revolution. This is the first successfully restructured national key laboratory in Shanxi, marking an important step in building a national level scientific and technological innovation platform and building a national strategic scientific and technological force in Shanxi.

Since 2019, a number of national science and technology platforms in the energy field, such as the National Supercomputing Center, the State Key Laboratory for Clean and Efficient Utilization of Coal based Energy, and the Shanxi Research Institute of Huairou Laboratory, have settled in Shanxi.

"At present, Huairou Laboratory has identified that Shanxi Research Institute is responsible for three major directions, five tasks, and one project. Our goal is to achieve significant breakthroughs in core technologies for efficient and clean utilization of coal, and to lay out relevant forward-looking and fundamental scientific and technological innovations." said Zhang Jiansheng, the head of Shanxi Research Institute at Huairou Laboratory.

In June of this year, Shanxi introduced an implementation plan for technology support to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality. The plan proposes that Shanxi will carry out an action to enhance its science and technology innovation platform base, strengthen the top-level design of major innovation platform bases in the field of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality throughout the province, build an innovation base system with reasonable layout and hierarchical connection, and plan to build major innovation platforms in the field of carbon neutrality with the help of the whole province. More than 50 key laboratories, technology innovation centers, pilot bases, new research and development institutions and other provincial-level innovation platforms will be built.

Accelerate the research and promotion of green and low-carbon technologies. Some energy companies have extensive cooperation with research institutes and universities, occupying technological highlands, using leading technologies to find development opportunities in the "red ocean" of products, and even leading industry iterations.

In the production workshop of Huayang Biodegradable New Materials Company, biodegradable film bag products such as supermarket shopping bags and fresh-keeping bags are being orderly debugged and produced. Vice General Manager Hu Huimin said that the annual production of 60000 tons of PBAT biodegradable new materials has been successfully produced, and the company has also achieved an integrated industrial chain layout of biodegradable modified materials and plastic products upstream and downstream. This year, a framework agreement was also signed with SF Express.

Zhang Donghong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Huayang Group Industrial Technology Research Institute, said that in order to solve the talent bottleneck, Huayang Group has set up talent apartments in Beijing and Shanghai, specializing in the research and development of polymer pipes, LED light excitation materials, and other areas. It has also set up research institutions and marketing departments in Taiyuan, and through flexible office forms, enables talents to be used by enterprises. At present, Huayang Group has flexibly introduced 45 high-level experts through research and development projects, forming dozens of innovative platforms such as academician expert workstations, postdoctoral research workstations, national engineering centers, laboratories, and research and development centers.

The first hydrogen fuel cell hybrid locomotive in China was taken offline in Datong. The Datang International Yungang Thermal Power Plant has built the world's first small-scale industrial demonstration production system that captures carbon dioxide from coal-fired flue gas and converts it into carbon nanotubes. Shanxi Ruiguang Thermal Power Co., Ltd. has successfully produced 99.9% pure food grade liquid carbon dioxide... In recent years, a number of carbon reduction, zero carbon, and negative carbon technologies in Shanxi have made breakthroughs, accelerating the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

The Science and Technology Department of Shanxi Province said that in the future, Shanxi will carry out technological breakthrough demonstration actions in key areas such as coal, unconventional natural gas, hydrogen energy, renewable energy development and utilization, energy Internet, advanced energy storage, energy conservation and carbon reduction in key industries, and carbon dioxide capture, storage and utilization.

Energy system reform releases new development dividends

Outlook, Chronicles of Governance and Governance | Striving to be the Leading Soldier in the National Energy Revolution Outlook

A coalbed methane drilling site in Wuxiang County, Changzhi City, Shanxi Province, China. Photo by Cao Yang/This magazine

Reform is the key to solving the difficulties, bottlenecks, and pain points of high-quality development in the energy industry. Since the launch of the pilot program for comprehensive reform of the energy revolution, Shanxi has launched a series of revolutionary, traction, and landmark measures, focusing on fighting tough battles and promoting reforms in multiple fields to achieve breakthroughs.

Optimize the allocation of power resources through market-oriented reform and enhance the development level of clean electricity. With the rapid development of new energy dominated by wind and solar power, the challenges faced by the consumption of new energy and the safe and stable operation of the power grid have become increasingly prominent. Especially with the characteristic of relying on nature for a living, new energy poses many challenges to power operation. It is imperative to strengthen the complementary advantages between new energy and traditional thermal power units.

To this end, Shanxi has increased the supply of innovative policies, timely accelerated the market-oriented reform of electricity, and taken measures such as building and improving the spot electricity market and auxiliary service market, developing virtual power plants and energy storage projects to accelerate the construction of a new power system, in order to promote the balance of electricity supply and demand and expand the consumption of new energy.

As one of the first eight pilot provinces for electricity spot construction in China, Shanxi's electricity spot market has been running smoothly for more than two years since April 2021. The electricity market rules have been revised to version V13.0, making it the earliest bilateral electricity spot market in the State Grid operating area to start trial operation, the longest settlement trial operation time, and the most comprehensive type of operating entities.

Except for residential and agricultural electricity, all industrial and commercial users in Shanxi have entered the market. There are 1.03 million households in the province who purchase electricity on behalf of others and engage in market transactions, all of whom purchase electricity at market prices. Last year, the cumulative transaction volume of electricity through direct trading was 168.5 billion kilowatt hours, effectively guiding electricity prices and stimulating the enthusiasm of coal-fired power generation to ensure supply.

Due to the sensitive response of supply and demand in the spot market, electricity prices are formed every 15 minutes of competition every day, with the highest hourly price reaching 1.5 yuan/kilowatt hour and the lowest being zero electricity price. This can effectively incentivize peak power generation of thermal and gas units and guide electricity users to shift their peak and fill their valleys. During the period of tight power supply in 2021, the Shanxi power grid increased its daily power generation capacity by about 2 million kilowatts during peak hours, and the maximum reduction in peak load was about 900000 kilowatts.

Break through industry bottlenecks through management system reform and promote the unconventional development of coalbed methane industry. Coalbed methane, commonly known as "coal mine gas", is an unconventional natural gas produced from coal seams and mainly composed of methane. Its resource extraction is of great value in reducing coal mine gas explosion accidents, expanding natural gas supply, and reducing environmental pollution.

Shanxi, as a major coal province, contains extremely abundant coalbed methane resources. According to data, as of the end of 2020, the cumulative proven geological reserves of coalbed methane in China were 725.911 billion cubic meters; The cumulative proven geological reserves of coalbed methane in Shanxi reach 660.128 billion cubic meters, accounting for more than 90% of the national total.

For a long time, due to the low investment standards for coalbed methane exploration and the low cost of resource holding, some enterprises have been "circling but not exploring, occupying but not mining"; The tight sandstone gas and shale gas coexisting with coalbed methane have not been jointly developed, and the production targets for three consecutive planning periods from the 11th Five Year Plan to the 13th Five Year Plan have not been achieved.

To this end, Shanxi has piloted the reform of the coalbed methane system, established a mechanism for the withdrawal of coalbed methane mining rights, formulated management measures for coalbed methane exploration and extraction, and taken the lead in piloting the co extraction of coalbed methane, tight sandstone gas, and shale gas in the country. The registration rights for coalbed methane development projects have been delegated, and the main responsibility for increasing reserves and production of exploration and development enterprises and the service guarantee responsibility of city and county governments have been consolidated. As a result, coalbed methane production has repeatedly reached new highs.

Last year, Shanxi's coalbed methane production reached 11 billion cubic meters, an increase of 3.86 billion cubic meters or 54.1% compared to 2019, ranking first in the country for several consecutive years. This year, Shanxi continues to adhere to zoning policies, promote the large-scale construction of large-scale gas fields, accelerate the construction of key projects such as Zhengzhuang 500 million cubic meters, Linxing 1 billion cubic meters, and deep coalbed methane in Daningji County, promote the rapid development of "three gas co extraction" in Linxing gas field, and make substantial breakthroughs in the integration of exploration and production in the northern new area of the Qinshui Basin; Tailor measures to local conditions, promote the graded utilization of full concentration gas, and promote the exhaustion of coal mine gas energy.

Expand international cooperation on energy transformation in all aspects

Against the backdrop of unprecedented changes in the world, the global energy supply system has been deeply restructured, the energy order has undergone a profound transformation, and energy competition is becoming increasingly fierce. Energy security has become a hot topic in future international competition. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has made new arrangements and put forward new requirements for deepening the energy revolution and actively participating in global governance to address climate change.

Outlook, Chronicles of Governance and Governance | Striving to be the Leading Soldier in the National Energy Revolution Outlook

In recent years, Shanxi has further opened up market access, fairly opened up to various types of capital in areas such as coal and coalbed methane, and promoted the implementation of major foreign investment projects in the energy sector in accordance with the law and regulations. It has also strengthened cooperation with countries such as the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank

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