Observing the Ecological Changes of Mother River from a Satellite Perspective | Following the Footprints of General Secretary | General Secretary | Satellite Perspective

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 22:11 PM

The Yellow River and Yangtze River are the mother rivers of the Chinese nation and important supports for the development of the Chinese nation. For thousands of years, it has been rushing towards the sea, constantly thriving.

August 15th this year is China's first National Ecological Day.

Date: June 8th, 2022

Location: Yibin City, Sichuan Province

Observing the Ecological Changes of Mother River from a Satellite Perspective | Following the Footprints of General Secretary | General Secretary | Satellite Perspective

The Yangtze River, Jinsha River, and Minjiang River converge in the main urban area of Yibin City, forming a magnificent scene of three rivers converging.

General Secretary said

Protecting the ecological environment of the Yangtze River Basin is a prerequisite for promoting high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and an inevitable requirement for safeguarding the cradle of Chinese civilization. Sichuan is located in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. We need to enhance our overall awareness, firmly establish our awareness of the upper reaches, firmly implement the policy of jointly promoting large-scale protection and not engaging in large-scale development, build a strong ecological barrier in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and safeguard the clear water of this river.

Satellite observation of changes

Compared to 2014, the Sanjiangkou area in Yibin, Sichuan has become greener and the coastline has become more beautiful in 2022.

Observing the Ecological Changes of Mother River from a Satellite Perspective | Following the Footprints of General Secretary | General Secretary | Satellite Perspective

Date: April 24th, 2018

Location: Yichang City, Hubei Province

General Secretary said

Enterprises are the main body and important force in the construction of ecological environment protection in the Yangtze River. We need to strengthen corporate responsibility, accelerate technological transformation, eliminate outdated production capacity, develop clean production, and enhance the ability of enterprises to protect the ecological environment. We must make up our minds to move out all polluting enterprises along the Yangtze River. The relocation of enterprises should ensure that people, equipment, garbage, and land are cleared, and completely eliminate the hidden dangers of Yangtze River pollution.

Observing the Ecological Changes of Mother River from a Satellite Perspective | Following the Footprints of General Secretary | General Secretary | Satellite Perspective

Satellite observation of changes

Compared to 2012, in 2023, the production facilities originally built in the riverside of Xingfa Group's Yichang New Materials Industrial Park have been relocated and demolished.

Date: August 19, 2020

Location: Ma'anshan City, Anhui Province

Xuejiawa Ecological Park is located on the bank of the Yangtze River. It has been built haphazardly for a long time, with sewage flowing horizontally. After rectification, it has become a beautiful coastline where the people love the river, water, and green.

Observing the Ecological Changes of Mother River from a Satellite Perspective | Following the Footprints of General Secretary | General Secretary | Satellite Perspective

General Secretary said

We need to enhance our awareness of loving and protecting the Yangtze River, achieve a virtuous cycle of "people protecting the Yangtze River, and the Yangtze River benefiting the people", and restore the beautiful scenery of "one river flowing eastward with clear water" as soon as possible.

Satellite observation of changes

Compared with 2012, the renovated Xuejiawa Ecological Park in Ma'anshan, Anhui in 2023 is lush with greenery.

Date: August 21, 2019

Observing the Ecological Changes of Mother River from a Satellite Perspective | Following the Footprints of General Secretary | General Secretary | Satellite Perspective

Location: Lanzhou City, Gansu Province

General Secretary said

The Yellow River and Yangtze River are both the mother rivers of the Chinese nation. Protecting the Mother River is a grand plan for the great rejuvenation and sustainable development of the Chinese nation. Gansu is an important water source conservation and supply area in the Yellow River Basin. It should first shoulder the heavy responsibility of ecological restoration, soil and water conservation, and pollution prevention in the upper reaches of the Yellow River. Lanzhou should take the lead in maintaining the health of the Yellow River water body.

Satellite observation of changes

Observing the Ecological Changes of Mother River from a Satellite Perspective | Following the Footprints of General Secretary | General Secretary | Satellite Perspective

Lanzhou City will transform the pumping station into two quaint and elegant observation pavilions, connecting the riverside promenade and pedestrian walkway, and integrating with the Yellow River scenic line.

Date: May 12th, 2020

Location: Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province

Fen River is the mother river of Shanxi and the second largest tributary of the Yellow River.

General Secretary said

Observing the Ecological Changes of Mother River from a Satellite Perspective | Following the Footprints of General Secretary | General Secretary | Satellite Perspective

Satellite observation of changes

Compared with 2013, in 2022, through comprehensive management and ecological landscape construction, the Jinyang Bridge section of the Fenhe River Taiyuan urban area has more abundant water and more beautiful scenery.

Time: October 20th, 2021

Location: Dongying City, Shandong Province

Observing the Ecological Changes of Mother River from a Satellite Perspective | Following the Footprints of General Secretary | General Secretary | Satellite Perspective

General Secretary said

Solidly promoting the protection of the Yellow River and ensuring its stability is a major task in governing the country. We need to strengthen the construction of a comprehensive flood control and disaster reduction system, strengthen water ecological spatial control, enhance emergency response capabilities for water and drought disasters, and ensure the safety of the Yellow River coast.

Satellite observation of changes

Compared to 2014, the wetlands at the mouth of the Yellow River in Dongying, Shandong Province are lush with green grass in 2022.

Observing the Ecological Changes of Mother River from a Satellite Perspective | Following the Footprints of General Secretary | General Secretary | Satellite Perspective

Product: Liu Jing and Li Jun

Final review: He Li Anniversary Jun

Technical support: Mi Yaqi

Intern: Zhao Yuexian, Zhou Ya, Jiang Yingxuan, Zhao Bohan

Satellite data: Star map Earth data cloud

Observing the Ecological Changes of Mother River from a Satellite Perspective | Following the Footprints of General Secretary | General Secretary | Satellite Perspective

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Xinhua News Agency Anhui Branch

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