New Ideas Leading a New Journey | China's Internet and Information Industry is Flourishing and the Construction of a Strong Network Country is Solidly Advancing | Internet | China

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 05:46 AM

CCTV, Beijing, July 14, according to the News and Newspaper Digest of China Central Radio and Television, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that network security and informatization are related to national security and national development, and related to the work of the broad masses of people. The major strategic issues of life must proceed from the general international and domestic trends, the overall layout, coordination of all parties, innovation and development, and strive to build our country into a network power.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has attached great importance to network security and informatization, clearly put forward the strategic goals of building a network power, and made a series of major deployments to promote the vigorous development of my country's network information industry and the construction of a network power. Solid progress.

On the morning of July 9th, experts from Hainan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Peking University First Hospital collaborated remotely to successfully perform laparoscopic surgery on a 75 year old patient. This is the first independently developed surgical robot in China to achieve simultaneous transmission of 5G signals across land and sea, successfully completing difficult surgeries in clinical practice.

Zheng Nansheng, Vice President of Hainan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, completed a robot powered surgery spanning 3000 kilometers across the sea through 5G connectivity. For the local people, staying on the island during major illnesses is also of great significance.

Today, the Internet is profoundly changing people's production and life, and powerfully promoting social development.

Xi Jinping: it is necessary to adapt to the expectations and needs of the people, speed up the popularization of information services, reduce application costs, and provide useful, affordable and well-used information services for the common people, so that hundreds of millions of people can have more sense of gain in sharing the fruits of Internet development.

By the end of 2022, the number of Internet users in China has reached 1.067 billion, and the Internet penetration rate has reached 75.6%. In order to effectively maintain the order of the internet and the legitimate interests of the people, China has continuously carried out special actions such as the "Clean Net" campaign and the "Clear and Clear" series of special actions, vigorously addressing prominent issues in the online ecosystem and ensuring cybersecurity.

Li Tong, Deputy Director of the Cybersecurity Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security: As one of the important functional departments of cybersecurity supervision, the public security organs are deeply promoting network and data security work, fully serving the new development pattern, and fully building a community with a shared future in cyberspace.

At present, China has built the world's largest fiber optic broadband and 5G network, the world's largest education and teaching resource library, and achieved full coverage of remote medical services at the city and county levels. Digital services for social security and employment continue to expand, and more and more people are enjoying high-quality service resources.

In March of this year, Anhui Province launched the "Enjoy Without Application" platform, which benefits enterprises, relying on the advantages of the "One Stop Service" platform. Enterprises that meet policy conditions can be retrieved from the data, and after being reviewed and compared by relevant departments, they can realize the redemption of bonus funds without the need for declaration.

Chen Chuanjie, Business Development Manager of a semiconductor company in Hefei: Just confirm the relevant information of the company and the project. After clicking "confirm" directly, we can pass and enjoy the relevant policy funds.

From 2012 to 2022, the international ranking of China's e-government development index has risen from 78th to 43rd, making it one of the fastest rising countries. A large number of high-frequency government service matters have achieved "one network access" and "cross provincial access", effectively solving problems such as difficulties, slowness, and complexity in handling affairs for market entities and the public.

At the same time, various regions continue to promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy. In a steel enterprise in Shanxi, the application of technologies such as "5G+Industrial Internet" has greatly improved the work efficiency and production efficiency.

Enterprise Manager He Wei: Firstly, there has been a significant improvement in the operating environment for workers. Secondly, there has been an increase in personnel efficiency. Lastly, there has been an increase in economic benefits. The daily output of 7 furnaces can be increased, resulting in an annual increase of over 20 million yuan in direct economic benefits.

In 2022, the scale of China's digital economy reached 50.2 trillion yuan, ranking second in the world in total. Meng Wei, spokesperson for the National Development and Reform Commission, stated that this year we will moderately advance the deployment of digital infrastructure construction, continuously strengthen, optimize, and expand China's digital economy.

Meng Wei: Accelerate the expansion and speed up of fiber optic networks, commercial deployment and large-scale application of 5G, deeply implement the "East Digital and West Computing" project, and accelerate the digitization and intelligent transformation of infrastructure.

Guiding the right direction for promoting the development of the international human rights cause -- President Xi Jinping's congratulatory letter to the high-end forum on global human rights governance triggered a warm response to the high-end forum on global human rights governance
Guiding the right direction for promoting the development of the international human rights cause -- President Xi Jinping's congratulatory letter to the high-end forum on global human rights governance triggered a warm response to the high-end forum on global human rights governance

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 14th, title: To guide the right direction for the development of international human rights -- President Xi Jinping's congratulatory letter to the Global Human Rights Governance High-end Forum triggered a warm response Xinhua News Agency reporter "China is willing to work with the international community to implement the Vienna Declaration The spirit of the" Program of Action "promotes the development of global human rights governance in a more fair, just, reasonable and inclusive direction, and promotes the construction of a community with a shared future world." On June 14, President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the high-end forum on global human rights governance, which triggered a warm response from Chinese and foreign guests. They said that President Xi Jinping's congratulatory letter put forward China's propositions on the development of the international human rights cause and global human rights governance, and clarified China's vivid practice of implementing the spirit of the Vienna Declaration and Program of Action and respecting and protecting human rights.

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Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 9th (Xinhua) -- The overall stability of domestic prices -- Interpretation of May CPI and PPI data. Xinhua News Agency reporters Wei Yukun and Han Jianuo released data on June 9th, showing that consumer demand continued to recover in May, with the national consumer price index rising by 0.2% year-on-year, an increase of 0.1 percentage points from the previous month; Excluding food and energy prices, the core CPI increased by 0.6% year-on-year, and the overall operation of domestic prices remained stable. In China's CPI basket of goods, food accounts for a relatively high proportion. In May, food prices increased by 1% year-on-year, an increase of 0.6 percentage points compared to the previous month. Among them, the prices of poultry, edible oil, and fresh fruits have increased by 5.6%, 3.6%, and 3.4% respectively, with all increases falling back; The price of pork has decreased from a 4% increase last month

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Everyone said that on the new journey of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we should be firm in cultural self-confidence, take on the mission, and work hard to learn rich nutrition from the excellent traditional Chinese culture, refine and sublimate in the great practice of Chinese path to modernization, so that the Chinese civilization can glow with new vitality and vitality, and inject strong civilization nourishment and spiritual strength into the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation. The cultural and national fortunes are intertwined, and the cultural context is connected to the national context.

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