New ideas lead a new journey, promoting the achievement of the "dual carbon" goal, writing a green development answer sheet, and developing annually

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 06:20 AM

CCTV News: General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that achieving carbon neutrality is an inherent requirement for implementing the new development concept, building a new development pattern, and promoting high-quality development. It is a major strategic decision made by the Party Central Committee to coordinate the overall domestic and international situations.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China has placed green, low-carbon, energy-saving and emission reduction in a prominent position. Energy utilization efficiency has significantly improved, and the intensity of carbon dioxide emissions has continued to decline. China is writing a high-quality green development answer sheet.

From factories to rural areas, from production to daily life, green transformation is now fully underway in China.

In Hongfan Village, Xiaogan, Hubei, villagers have covered their roofs with photovoltaic panels, built a new energy vehicle charging station at the entrance of the village committee, and replaced photovoltaic street lights along the village road. Green electricity is making this small village a "zero carbon village".

New ideas lead a new journey, promoting the achievement of the "dual carbon" goal, writing a green development answer sheet, and developing annually

In Taizhou, Jiangsu, this newly upgraded smart ecological platform integrates, accurately analyzes, and efficiently optimizes the energy consumption data of more than 30 enterprises, reducing carbon emissions by hundreds of thousands of tons annually.

Since the beginning of this year, a series of major projects related to carbon reduction have been put into operation, from China's first offshore carbon sequestration demonstration project, to Asia's largest thermal power carbon dioxide capture, utilization, and storage project, and then to the country's longest carbon dioxide transmission pipeline. China's "carbon reduction" work has steadily advanced.

The General Secretary personally makes decisions, deploys and promotes the "dual carbon" work. He emphasized that achieving the "dual carbon" goal is not something others ask us to do, but something we must do ourselves.

A comprehensive and profound economic and social systemic transformation is accelerating around the "dual carbon" goal.

New ideas lead a new journey, promoting the achievement of the "dual carbon" goal, writing a green development answer sheet, and developing annually

From the China Securities Regulatory Commission increasing financing support for green and low-carbon enterprises to the central bank creating and launching carbon reduction support tools, green finance has formed a policy scale; From continuously improving the carbon emission statistical accounting system to building the world's largest carbon market, diversified carbon trading is gradually being implemented.

Today, China's energy structure continues to optimize, with non fossil energy generation capacity accounting for 50.9% of total installed capacity, historically surpassing fossil energy. In the past decade, China has supported an annual economic growth rate of 6.2% with an average annual energy consumption growth rate of 3%, making it one of the countries with the fastest reduction in energy consumption intensity in the world. Currently, China has begun to promote the transition from dual control of energy consumption to dual control of carbon emissions, further improving energy utilization efficiency and achieving precise carbon reduction.

In today's China, the pace of green transformation in transportation is accelerating. As of the end of June this year, the total number of new energy vehicles in China reached 16.2 million. In the first half of the year, 3.128 million new energy vehicles were newly registered, a year-on-year increase of 41.6%, reaching a historic high.

Nowadays, China's industrial green development is constantly accelerating. In the past decade, the cumulative decrease in value-added energy consumption of industrial units above designated size has exceeded 36%. Currently, China has created 3616 green factories, 267 green industrial parks, and 403 green supply chain management enterprises at the national level.

New ideas lead a new journey, promoting the achievement of the "dual carbon" goal, writing a green development answer sheet, and developing annually

Nowadays, the green concept is deeply ingrained in people's hearts. From setting the air conditioning temperature reasonably, to purchasing and using fewer disposable items, and then prioritizing public transportation, more and more people are actively practicing a green lifestyle.

A series of green and low-carbon production and lifestyle practices, including carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion, and growth, are accelerating their implementation. At present, China has incorporated the "double carbon" work into the overall layout of ecological civilization construction and the overall economic and social development, making green the distinctive background of Chinese path to modernization.

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