New era, new journey, new great cause, general secretary Xi Jinping's concern, let the great spirit of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea span time and space, and last forever.

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 10:55 AM

Shenyang, July 27th, Xinhua News Agency (Xinhua) - Question: Let the great spirit of resisting the United States and aiding North Korea transcend time and space, and remain fresh over time

Xinhua News Agency reporter

In the scorching summer, Dandong is bustling with tourists. In front of the Korean War Memorial Hall, the audience lined up in long lines and entered the hall in order to visit.

On July 27, 1953, the Korean Armistice Agreement was signed, marking the victory of the Korean War. For 70 years, despite the passage of time and the changing stars, people have never forgotten this great war that showcased national and military power, as well as the heroes who sacrificed their lives for their country.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "The great spirit of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea forged in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea is a precious spiritual wealth that will surely inspire the Chinese people and the Chinese nation to overcome all difficulties and obstacles and defeat all powerful enemies."

Keeping in mind the spirit of the important speech of the General Secretary and carrying forward the great spirit of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea, the Chinese people will remember history, constantly strive for self-improvement, valiantly and spirited, and continue to forge ahead courageously towards the new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way and realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Remember, in the name of our motherland and people

In Dandong, the Anti US Aid to Korea Memorial Hall has received an average of tens of thousands of visitors per day recently.

On October 23, 2020, during the flower basket laying ceremony at the Dandong Anti US Aid to Korea Memorial Tower, ceremonial soldiers prepared during the ceremony.

New era, new journey, new great cause, general secretary Xi Jinping's concern, let the great spirit of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea span time and space, and last forever.

Entering here is like walking into a time tunnel, leading people back to the war-torn Korean battlefield, feeling the victory and glory exchanged with blood and life.

The mountain wind howls and snowflakes dance. On the hillside, soldiers of the Volunteer Army were wearing rifles and crawling in the snow, covered in snow... In the memorial hall, the scene of the Battle of Changjin Lake was restored.

"I love my family and motherland, and I love my honor even more. I am a proud volunteer soldier. Ice and snow, I will never yield to you, even if I freeze to death, I will stand proudly on my battlefield..."

A certain company of the 83rd Group Army is the inheriting company of the "Ice Sculpture Company". Company instructor Zhang Song detailed the combat experience of the "Ice Sculpture Company" to the visiting soldiers in the exhibition hall, and repeated the last letter written by Song Amao, a soldier of the "Ice Sculpture Company", sentence by sentence.

The resounding words moved everyone present. 92 year old volunteer soldier Tang Jianguang's ears were deaf, but as the audience transcribed the letter word for word, tears rolled down his face. "Back then, it was this steel like will that supported us and won this victory!" After visiting, the old man straightened his body slightly hunched and saluted the statue of the "Ice Sculpture Company" with a standard military salute.

On July 22, 2023, visitors visited the Dandong Anti US Aid to Korea Memorial Hall.

In the Shenyang Korean War Martyrs Cemetery, the pine and cypress trees are verdant, and birds chirp.

In the cemetery, 123 tombstones of battle heroes stand silently; On the English name wall, there are the names of over 190000 martyrs. Everything, like a formation for rectification.

Chen Shouyu used a wheelchair to push his 76 year old father Chen Liu Street, anxiously and carefully searching along the circular Martyrs Heroic Wall.

New era, new journey, new great cause, general secretary Xi Jinping's concern, let the great spirit of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea span time and space, and last forever.

Under the organization of the Guizhou Provincial Department of Veterans Affairs, 16 families of martyrs of the Korean Volunteer Army came to Shenyang to pay tribute to the martyrs. Chen Liujie's father and son traveled a long distance from their hometown in Yanhe County, Tongren City, Guizhou Province, to Shenyang to search for the three characters "Chen Fuping" on the martyr's name wall, and to remember the family members who sacrificed their lives for the country.

"Here!" Following the direction of Chen Shouyu's fingers, Chen Liujie leaned on a crutch in his right hand, struggling to support himself. His left hand trembled as he reached for Chen Fuping's name and rubbed it over and over again.

The old man with white hair twitching and crying like a child said, "Dad, when you left home, I was not yet 2 years old and you left without coming back. I wish I could see you and call you Dad..."

When the youth is gone, the hero's soul returns. In the underground palace of the Shenyang Anti US Aid Korea Martyrs Cemetery, there are 913 remains of volunteer soldiers. China has welcomed the return of the remains of the Korean Volunteer Army martyrs for 9 consecutive years for burial. For many years, from the central to local levels, we have been committed to searching for the families of martyrs and organizing sacrifices.

Remember the martyrs and console the heroes. Wu Tao, director of the Shenyang Anti US Aid Korea Martyrs Cemetery Management Center, said, "People who come to pay tribute to the martyrs are one after another. The 'cutest person' will always be the hero living in our hearts."

On September 17, 2022, the ninth batch of Chinese People's Volunteer Army martyrs were buried at the scene of the funeral ceremony in South Korea.

Inheriting and promoting the spirit of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea for generations

In Gaokan Street, Hunnan District, Shenyang City, there is an exhibition hall renovated from a farmhouse, which contains over a thousand exhibits related to the Korean War. Director Sun Deshan, who is over ninety years old, is a veteran who participated in the Korean War. On the Korean battlefield, he served as an automobile soldier, communication soldier, and security guard, and achieved third class merit.

Years ago, the elderly decided to build their own anti US aid education center to promote the spirit of anti US aid to North Korea. He invested his savings and his meager monthly pension into it. Due to a lack of funds, the elderly went out to pick up waste and cultivate land, accumulating a few yuan or several tens of yuan to gradually build this exhibition hall. The spirit of the elderly has touched many people, and with the help of relevant departments and various sectors of society, the construction of the exhibition hall is gradually improving.

New era, new journey, new great cause, general secretary Xi Jinping's concern, let the great spirit of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea span time and space, and last forever.

On November 4, 2020, Sun Deshan, a veteran of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army, picked up the ration bag of his former comrades who sacrificed their lives.

An old ration bag was placed prominently in the exhibition, which was given to Sun Deshan by the commander Zhu Dechang on the Korean battlefield that year.

"On the battlefield, there was not enough food to eat. The regimental leader saw that I had not eaten anything, so he gave me his ration bag. Unexpectedly, it became a relic left by him."

After the victory of the war, Zhu Dechang was buried in the Martyrs Cemetery of the Korean War in Shenyang. Every Qingming Festival, Sun Deshan goes to the cemetery to sweep tombs, talk to the old leader, and "report" on the situation of the exhibition hall.

"Let young people remember this history, my comrades did not sacrifice in vain, and I was able to close my eyes," said Sun Deshan.

A heroic story that is both touching and moving will not pass with time.

Carrying out the social practice activity of "thousands of college students traveling thousands of miles and searching for hundreds of veteran soldiers fighting against the US and aiding Korea", and creating the first batch of "Spirit of Anti US and aiding Korea" courses nationwide... In recent years, Liaodong University located in Dandong City has organized a variety of teaching activities to promote the spirit of anti US and aiding Korea. In April this year, the Liaoning Province Anti US Aid Korea Spirit Research Base was established at Liaodong University. "Entering a new era, we pay special attention to using the great spirit of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea to cultivate our souls and talents, and draw wisdom and strength from it to continue moving forward," said Zhou Jinglei, Secretary of the Party Committee of Liaodong University.

"Children, today we are going to taste a portion of the volunteer soldiers' military rations."

Du Ruofei, a tour guide for the post-90s generation who works at the Shenyang Anti US and Korean War Martyrs Cemetery, often volunteered to tell the stories of the martyrs to students. Before entering the campus to explain, he would freeze the cooked potatoes. When talking about the Battle of Changjin Lake, he would send the potatoes, which were frozen like stones, to the children for them to taste.

New era, new journey, new great cause, general secretary Xi Jinping's concern, let the great spirit of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea span time and space, and last forever.

On September 30, 2020, the ceremony of laying a flower basket to the Martyrs Memorial was held at the Shenyang Anti US Aid Korea Martyrs Cemetery. This is the scene of the ceremony.

Some children quietly put potatoes in their palms or clothes to cover their mouths, and Du Ruofei encouraged them, "You solved this problem in the same way as the volunteer soldiers at that time. It's amazing."

Many children are biting on hard to swallow frozen potatoes, listening to heart wrenching battle stories and shedding tears.

"At this moment, children can understand the hardships of the volunteer soldiers. This kind of empathy makes the spirit of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea more real and tangible," said Du Ruofei.

More and more people are inspired by the spirit of the Korean War and joining the learning and inheritance team, such as veteran soldiers of the Volunteer Army, interpreters of memorial halls, and educators, allowing precious spiritual wealth to be passed down from generation to generation.

Moving forward, gathering the magnificent force of national rejuvenation

Recently, a special "dialogue between youth and youth" was held in Dandong. At the invitation of the Liaoning Provincial Military Region and the Dandong Military Sub district, representatives of active duty officers and soldiers from the Anti American Aid to Korea Heroic Brigade and veteran soldiers of the Volunteer Army talked about their youth together.

In the Korean War, a vanguard company belonging to the 38th Army was known as the "Tiger Head Company" due to its outstanding military achievements. The current company instructor Chen Tianlong visited the home of Sun Kaifeng, a former 38th Army veteran.

Sun Kaifeng, a veteran of the Volunteer Army, shared his battlefield experience with Chen Tianlong, the current commander of the Hutou Company.

New era, new journey, new great cause, general secretary Xi Jinping's concern, let the great spirit of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea span time and space, and last forever.

95 year old Sun Kaifeng was particularly excited when he saw the younger generation of the old army. The new and old generations of soldiers held hands and talked about the past and present military camps. Chen Tianlong took out a slightly outdated trumpet, and Sun Kaifeng's eyes lit up as he said, "It's this trumpet. We're excited to hear it, but the enemy is scared to hear it."

Chen Tianlong and the elderly watched a recent military training video together. The old man's eyes moistened as he said, "Now that our country is strong, our weapons and equipment are excellent, and our soldiers are well-trained. With you defending our country, we can rest assured!"

The old man's praise and advice made Chen Tianlong particularly emotional: "We, along with our elders, joined the army and served the country in our youth. The bloody glory of 'Tiger Head Company' has always inspired us to make new achievements in the new era!"

The heroic spirit of heaven and earth flows through the ages. The heroic war song of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea is always sung by later generations.

"There are many caves in North Korea. When discovering American planes, it is important to assess their flight speed and distance, and use the terrain such as caves to protect the safety of trains and material transportation..."

93 year old anti US aid train driver Liu Weichen came to Dalian to visit his railway workers and talked about his life and death moments on the Korean battlefield back then.

Hao Chunyu, a 27 year old deputy driver of the high-speed train at Dalian Locomotive Depot, is a retired soldier. After listening to Liu Weichen's account, he was deeply moved: "The older generation of railway workers used their youth and life to create a 'steel transportation line that never breaks down' during the Korean War. Now, China has entered the era of high-speed rail, and this spirit still inspires us to take our positions as positions, shoulder our responsibilities and missions, and contribute wisdom and strength to the better and faster development of China's railways!"

Shenyang was once the rear of the Korean War and the front line of the support battlefield. In the Shenyang Anti American and Korean War Martyrs Cemetery, well-known volunteers such as Qiu Shaoyun and Huang Jiguang rest forever. The bone and blood of a hero merge with the earth, condensing into the distinctive urban character of this city.

In the Martyrs Cemetery, flowers bloom all year round. "The great spirit of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea inspires young people in the new era to bravely advance towards a new journey of building a strong country and national rejuvenation," said Lv Xiangren, who offered flowers to pay respects to the martyrs' cemetery.

New era, new journey, new great cause, general secretary Xi Jinping's concern, let the great spirit of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea span time and space, and last forever.

Lv Xiangren, 38 years old this year, is the Senior Technical Director of Mobile Robotics at Shenyang Xinsong Robot Automation Co., Ltd. He is responsible for the field of mobile robots, which has achieved complete independent and controllable core technologies and is at a leading level in the world.

Lv Xiangren said, "More than 70 years ago, the passionate young people of New China rushed to the battlefield for the motherland and the people, frying noodles and enjoying snow, winning great victories. In the new era, this heroic spirit inspires us to accelerate research and win key core technology battles in the field of science and technology, making the country that our predecessors defended with their lives stronger, and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation that generations of Chinese people eagerly hope for as soon as possible."

Leading Text Photography Production: Huo Xiaoguang

Produced domestically by Xinhua News Agency

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