More News | Experts on International Issues Discuss the Importance of the China Arab Summit | Algeria | International

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:12 AM

The two heads of state reviewed the profound traditional friendship between China and Arab countries, jointly charted a blueprint for the future development of China Arab relations, and exchanged in-depth views on international and regional issues of common concern. Both sides have issued a joint statement between the People's Republic of China and the Democratic People's Republic of Algeria.

Several international experts expressed in an interview with Xinhua News Agency that the China Arab summit has yielded fruitful results and is of great significance. The top-level design and strategic planning of China Arab relations by the two heads of state will further consolidate political mutual trust between the two sides, promote practical cooperation in various fields, and inject more positive energy into enhancing solidarity and cooperation among developing countries.

This year marks the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Algeria.

"China and Algeria have unique friendly relations and are the first non Arab country to establish diplomatic relations with Algeria." Former Chinese Middle East envoy and former Ambassador to Saudi Arabia and Egypt, Wu Sike, said that as early as 1958, when Algeria was not fully independent, China had established diplomatic relations with the interim government of Algeria and provided firm moral and material support during the most difficult period of its anti colonial struggle.

According to Wu Sike, in 1963, China began sending medical aid teams to Algeria, which was also the first medical team sent by China overseas; In 1971, the United Nations General Assembly passed the "Two Arab Proposals" to restore the legitimate seat of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations, including Algeria; In 2014, Algeria established a comprehensive strategic partnership with China, becoming the first Arab country to establish a comprehensive strategic partnership with China.

"On the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Afghanistan and the 60th anniversary of China's dispatch of medical teams to Afghanistan, President Xi Jinping held a meeting with visiting President Tephon. It is of great significance to carry forward the past and open a new chapter in the history of the development of China-Arab friendly relations." Wang Lincong, deputy director of the Institute of West Asia and Africa, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said.

During the meeting, the two heads of state decided to further strengthen political consultations at all levels, strengthen cooperation in politics, economy, culture, technology, security, and national defense, deepen the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries, and expand common interests, strengthen mutual support, and respond to various global crises and challenges.

"This visit is President Teben's first visit to China since he took office in 2019. President Teben is committed to promoting bilateral and multilateral exchanges and cooperation in various fields. He once attended the China Africa Solidarity Anti epidemic Special Summit and the Global Development High level Dialogue online." Wang Lincong said that during the talks, the two leaders agreed to comprehensively strengthen the docking of the development strategies of the two countries and work together to build the "the Belt and Road", which will help China and Argentina play complementary advantages, deepen practical cooperation and benefit the two peoples.

"Algeria is an active participant in the joint construction of the 'the Belt and Road'. The two countries have carried out fruitful practical cooperation that benefits both sides within the framework of the joint construction of the 'the Belt and Road'. China has become the largest source of imports for Algeria for many years in a row; Algeria is one of China's largest overseas project contracting markets, and China Arab cooperation has built a large number of landmark projects." Dong Manyuan, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of International Studies, said that under the personal vision and strategic guidance of the two heads of state, China Arab mutually beneficial cooperation will usher in broader space and brighter prospects.

After the meeting, the two heads of state jointly witnessed the signing of multiple bilateral cooperation documents in fields such as agriculture, transportation, technology, telecommunications, urban sustainable development, trade, aerospace, inspection and quarantine, energy, education, sports, etc.

"China and Arab countries used to be comrades in arms, fighting side by side; now they are partners, striving for common development and prosperity." Wu Sike said that while steadily advancing existing major cooperation projects, China and Arab countries are also exploring more comprehensive and diverse areas of cooperation, which will effectively promote the economic and social development of both countries and bring more tangible benefits to the people of both countries.

During the talks, President Xi Jinping congratulated Algeria on being elected as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for 2024-2025, and expressed his willingness to strengthen coordination and cooperation with Algeria on multilateral occasions such as the United Nations to safeguard the common interests of developing countries.

Dong Manyuan said that Algeria is a "hub" country with triple attributes of Africa, Arabia, and the Mediterranean, and has important geopolitical significance. China and Algeria are both important developing countries and emerging market countries, and maintaining close communication and coordination on major regional and international issues is of great significance.

Wang Lincong said that both China and Arab countries have similar positions in maintaining international order, both advocating multilateralism and supporting world multipolarity and democratization of international relations. Both sides strengthen coordination and cooperation in multilateral occasions such as the United Nations, which helps to better safeguard the common interests of developing countries. At the same time, it injects new historical connotations and driving forces into promoting the construction of a new era of China Arab and China Africa community with a shared future.

"The current international situation is very unbalanced, and we appreciate the crucial role played by China in promoting the construction of a more open and inclusive world and the formation of a more just and reasonable international order." President Teppen stated during the meeting that the Arab side supports China's global development initiative, global security initiative, and global civilization initiative.

"In response to the unsettling trends in the current international situation, such as the rising trend of anti globalization, the rise of opposing factions, the repeated disruption of international order, and the challenges faced by regional cooperation, China's series of major initiatives have received high attention and positive response from the international community." Wu Sike said that in addition to some countries that are passionate about geopolitical games, there are also many countries like China and Algeria that have a long history of civilization, love peace and justice. "As long as countries join hands and strengthen unity and cooperation, we can vigorously promote the democratization process of international relations and push the world towards a brighter future."

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