Micro observation of current affairs | Unity and mutual support influence | Rainfall | Current affairs

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 14:59 PM

In recent days, extreme rainfall has occurred in North China, Northeast China, and other areas due to the impact of Typhoon Dussuri, causing floods and geological disasters.

On August 6, more than 50 bus lines affected by rainfall in Beijing resumed operation, and epidemic prevention and disinfection and sterilization work in the affected areas was fully launched; Nearly 60% of the 270 villages affected by power supply in Fangshan, Mentougou, and Changping have resumed power supply. 93 residential communities in Zhuozhou, Hebei Province that have experienced power outages due to disasters have resumed formal or temporary power supply, with over 90% of them restored. With the water level of Ant River falling back, the flood in Shangzhi City, Heilongjiang Province has receded, and the staff are going door to door to carry out disinfection and sterilization work

The harder the rain is and the higher the waves are, the more we see unity and unity in the wind and rain.

Putting the safety of people's lives and property first

Micro observation of current affairs | Unity and mutual support influence | Rainfall | Current affairs

Putting people first and life first, protecting people's safety and health can be done at all costs.

On August 2nd, officers and soldiers of a certain unit of the Central Theater Command Air Force erected a human wall in Shahe Town, Changping District, Beijing.

Ten flood control and disaster relief teams dispatched by the National Flood Control Administration and the National Disaster Reduction Commission have assisted and guided local areas in carrying out flood control and disaster relief work in Beijing, Hebei, Tianjin, Jilin, Heilongjiang, and other places; On August 6th, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Emergency Management once again urgently allocated 350 million yuan of central natural disaster relief funds to support flood prevention and disaster relief work in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and other regions, as well as seven provinces in Heilongjiang and Jilin

Micro observation of current affairs | Unity and mutual support influence | Rainfall | Current affairs

Those who share the same desires will win, while those who share the same boat through storms will win. A race against time flood control and disaster relief battle continues to unfold.

On August 5th, members of the Harbin Forest Fire Brigade in Heilongjiang Province transferred trapped people in Yanshou County.

Rescue work is still ongoing in Sanpo Town, Laishui, Baoding, Hebei. 26000 tourists and residents have been transferred to the area, and 16 lost villages have been contacted.

As of now, Heilongjiang has dispatched 191 emergency rescue teams of various types, with more than 30000 personnel, to urgently allocate woven bags, life jackets, lighting fixtures and other materials to the disaster stricken areas.

On the night of August 5th, rescue personnel completed the task of repairing and unblocking the 15 kilometer Junhong Road in Fangshan, Beijing, and opened up a "life passage" for more than 10000 people in Da'anshan Township and surrounding areas.

China Railway Beijing Bureau urgently organized 2300 emergency workers to repair the Fengsha Railway affected by rainfall. As of 7:00 am on August 6th, 26 emergency repairs have been completed.

Micro observation of current affairs | Unity and mutual support influence | Rainfall | Current affairs

Make the people feel reliable

At the scene of transferring trapped people at Jingya School in Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province, a crowd accidentally fell into the water. Zhang Mingjing, a member of the Cangzhou Military Sub district, jumped into the water more than two meters deep at the first time, and everyone worked together to lift the fallen people onto a rubber boat.

Where there is danger, there is a bright red party flag; Wherever there is danger, there are Communist Party members.

On August 3rd, near the North Second Ring Road in Zhuozhou, Hebei Province, Shandong firefighting and rescue personnel carried their children through a flooded road section.

In the storm, red figures became the most solid support for the masses.

Micro observation of current affairs | Unity and mutual support influence | Rainfall | Current affairs

Having gone through many tests, I have come to a better understanding that party members must rush forward at critical moments. They want to make more contributions to their hometown and ensure the safety of their fellow villagers. Liu Shaochun, a 45 year old party member from Raoyang County, Hengshui, Hebei, defended the Hutuo River embankment for 5 consecutive days, transporting supplies, preparing sand and stones, and dealing with emergencies in heavy rain.

"I am a party member, so I should charge ahead." On the K396 train, the scene where the train attendant Zhao Yang choked up and comforted the passengers moved countless netizens. "It's because I'm wearing this outfit that I have to respect everyone."

On August 2nd, Z180 stranded passengers, with the help of officers and soldiers from the Mobile Third Brigade of the Beijing Armed Police Force, went to transfer buses.

Three public officials, including Luo Xudong, a member of the Standing Committee of the Shulan Municipal Committee and Executive Vice Mayor of Jilin Province, sacrificed their lives in the rescue and disaster relief efforts; Firefighter Feng Jinli, nicknamed "retrograde" on WeChat, rescued trapped people and comrades, with his life forever stuck at the age of 30; Xiong Li, a cadre from Mentougou District, Beijing, unfortunately died and sacrificed herself on her way to survey a dangerous location... Between life and death, a Communist Party member demonstrated her original intention and mission through practical actions.

The Party and the people share weal and woe, live and die together, and always maintain flesh and blood ties, which is the fundamental guarantee for overcoming all difficulties and risks.

Gathering powerful people's power

Micro observation of current affairs | Unity and mutual support influence | Rainfall | Current affairs

A few days ago, train K396 was trapped in the rain and stopped near Luopo Ridge in Beijing. Almost all the people in Luopo Ridge village took out all the food to help the stranded passengers.

△ Cucumber dipping sauce prepared by villagers in Luopo Ridge for passengers

"We have a stuttering habit, and we will never let passengers go hungry." "Chinese people are the most united," said Meng Ermei, the secretary of the Luopo Ridge Party Branch, with emotion, which left a deep impression on many people.

Faced with the merciless natural disaster, lines of defense poured by the hearts of the Party and the people stand strong.

Outside the steel research material reserve point in Zhuozhou, Hebei, vehicles transporting materials lined up in long queues.

Zhuozhou, Hebei Province, has a permanent population of 600000 and over 130000 people have been affected by the disaster.

Micro observation of current affairs | Unity and mutual support influence | Rainfall | Current affairs

From August 1st to August 2nd, within almost 24 hours, Zhuozhou added nearly 17000 out of town mobile phone signals, and nearly 10000 people rushed from other provinces to Zhuozhou. Rescuers from all over are racing against time to advance towards the most severely affected areas.

If one side is in difficulty, support from all directions.

In the storm, there were "Forklift Man" rescuing for 9 consecutive hours, some people using washbasins to "build boats" for babies, some people opening their homes to take in stranded tourists, and restaurant owners giving steaming lunch to on-site rescue team members

At 2:10 on August 3, the last group of passengers stranded by rainstorm arrived safely at the platform of Beijing Fengtai Station. The tired faces of the passengers who walked out of the carriage lit up with smiles, and they kept thanking each other.

To truly understand a piece of land, one must look at its sunny days, and even more so at its stormy weather. The rainstorm made us see a China that keeps watch and helps each other, and feel the love and warmth between people. Groups of Chinese people came forward to warm the cities and villages hit by the rainstorm, let the people all over the country see love, and let the world see the solidarity of the Chinese people.

On August 2nd, in Miaofengshan Town, Mentougou District, Beijing, before transferring by vehicle, Wu Tianqi, a primary school student from Inner Mongolia, saluted and thanked Wang Leiming from the Mobile Third Brigade of the Beijing Armed Police Force.

Micro observation of current affairs | Unity and mutual support influence | Rainfall | Current affairs

The flood has not completely receded, and rescue efforts are still ongoing.

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Micro observation of current affairs | Unity and mutual support influence | Rainfall | Current affairs

Producer | Geng Zhimin

Producer | Xinglai

Editor in Chief | Ning Lili

Writing by Cheng Yu

Visual | Jiang Yuhang Yan Ge

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