Micro observation of current affairs | Travelers often go to Zhegu Town, Chomei County, Xizang | Wind Power | Current Affairs

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 14:11 PM

Upward, 5000 meters above sea level, wind turbines are installed on the roof of the world - On August 3, China's highest altitude wind power project was successfully connected to the grid in Zhegu Town, Cuomei County, Xizang.

Downward, 700 meters underground, the large-scale scientific facility - the Jiangmen Neutrino Experiment Facility - is under intense construction. After completion and operation, this place will become one of the centers for international neutrino research.

One "up" and one "down" are vivid epitomes of the Chinese people's practical and steadfast actions.

2023 is the beginning year for fully implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Doing a good job in economic and social development this year, promoting the overall improvement of economic operation, is crucial for the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country to start well and take good steps.

Micro observation of current affairs | Travelers often go to Zhegu Town, Chomei County, Xizang | Wind Power | Current Affairs

Half of the year has passed since the beginning, and the impressive performance report presented by the industry is the best interpretation of practical work.

In the scorching summer of July, China presented its semi annual economic report to the world. In the first half of this year, the gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 5.5% year-on-year, significantly faster than the economic growth rate of 3% for the entire year last year. The national economy continued to recover and overall rebounded, and high-quality development was steadily advancing.

Economic development is a spiral upward process, which is not linear. When quantity accumulates to a certain stage, it must shift towards qualitative improvement. The transition from quantitative change to qualitative change is an objective economic law, and China's economic development must also follow this law.

Micro observation of current affairs | Travelers often go to Zhegu Town, Chomei County, Xizang | Wind Power | Current Affairs

This has pointed out the direction for us to respect reality and promote high-quality development——

High quality development requires stability as the foundation and prerequisite.

High quality development, "change" is the method and path. General Secretary emphasized: "We should accurately recognize changes, scientifically adapt, actively seek changes, optimize and adjust strategic strategies in a timely manner, maintain strategic composure, firmly grasp the green mountains without relaxation, not be afraid of various risks, and move forward towards the established strategic goals with unwavering determination."

High quality development requires better coordination between development and security.

Practical work means being diligent and eager to learn, respecting reality, not violating laws, and not blindly acting recklessly.

Micro observation of current affairs | Travelers often go to Zhegu Town, Chomei County, Xizang | Wind Power | Current Affairs

"Don't have the impulse to do big things quickly, that is, you can't act without following the rules, be eager for quick success and results." As General Secretary reminded, "We must suppress this impetuous mentality and impatience, and solidly and steadfastly carry out modernization construction."

In the economic indicators of the first half of the year, a set of data attracted attention——

The total export of "new three types" products such as electric passenger vehicles, lithium batteries, and solar cells increased by 61.6%, driving the overall growth of China's exports by 1.8 percentage points; The added value of the equipment manufacturing industry increased by 6.5% year-on-year, contributing 53.9% to the growth of all industries above designated size.

The rapid growth of exports of "New Three Types" products reflects the continuous acceleration of high-end, intelligent, and green development in China's manufacturing industry, which embodies the spirit of seeking truth, pragmatism, and emphasizing practical results.

Micro observation of current affairs | Travelers often go to Zhegu Town, Chomei County, Xizang | Wind Power | Current Affairs

Producing one battery cell per second with a failure rate of only one in a billion, Ningde Times has been the world's largest power battery usage for six consecutive years.

As a private enterprise, the development of CATL cannot do without the support of national policies.

I have always supported private enterprises. Private enterprises and private entrepreneurs are our own people.

The signal is solid, the policy is more solid.

Micro observation of current affairs | Travelers often go to Zhegu Town, Chomei County, Xizang | Wind Power | Current Affairs

On May 17, 2023, in the production workshop of an electronics company in Xinyu, Jiangxi, technical workers were busy rushing to produce ordered products on the lithium battery production line.

The meeting emphasized the need to focus on the major needs of national strategy and industrial development, increase support for enterprise innovation, actively encourage and effectively guide private enterprises to participate in national major innovation, and promote enterprises to play a role in key core technology innovation and major original technology breakthroughs.

On July 19th, the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy were released. This heavyweight document, with 31 measures, faces the urgent concerns and major opportunities of the private economy, as well as various difficulties, pain points, bottlenecks, and concerns.

A series of realistic and pragmatic support measures aim to help private enterprises and entrepreneurs solve their problems, allowing them to let go and focus on development.

Micro observation of current affairs | Travelers often go to Zhegu Town, Chomei County, Xizang | Wind Power | Current Affairs

On August 2, 2023, China Eastern Airlines launched its second domestically produced C919 large passenger aircraft on the Shanghai Chengdu Air Express.

On May 28th, C919 landed at Beijing Capital Airport, passing through the grand "Watergate Ceremony" and completing its commercial debut. Behind this lies the hard work of several generations of aviation professionals, the joint efforts of 22 provinces and more than 200 enterprises to tackle key issues, and the tireless efforts to conquer 163 key technologies and form 1935 patents.

On August 4th, China Eastern Airlines received two domestically produced large passenger aircraft, C919, which began "dual aircraft commercial operation" for the first time, and jointly executed the "Shanghai Hongqiao Chengdu Tianfu" route on the same day. The commercial operation of C919 is steadily moving towards scale.

As of now, the Three Gorges Power Station has delivered over 1.6 trillion kilowatt hours of green electricity in 20 years, and the new generation of high-speed train test trains operate at a maximum speed of 453 kilometers per hour for a single train and a maximum speed of 891 kilometers per hour for two trains intersecting in both directions... National and century projects have accumulated and developed, and their achievements have been delayed.

Micro observation of current affairs | Travelers often go to Zhegu Town, Chomei County, Xizang | Wind Power | Current Affairs

Every career, big or small, is achieved through down-to-earth efforts, step by step.

A community volunteer exclaimed, expressing the voices of many people. Wang Lanhua, from Jinhua Garden Community in Wuzhong City, Ningxia, excitedly said when she saw General Secretary in 2020, "In 2016, you came to Ningxia and said a sentence that I can't forget: 'Socialism is done.' When I heard this, tears streamed down my face. The development of the country to this day is not easy, it has been done step by step."

We are not driven by imagination or focused on empty words. We have created a glorious past through hard work, and we must also create a better future through hard work!

Looking forward to China's development prospects, the General Secretary's words are full of confidence: "Chinese path to modernization has goals, plans and strategies, and will be realized. We will move forward step by step."

Micro observation of current affairs | Travelers often go to Zhegu Town, Chomei County, Xizang | Wind Power | Current Affairs

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Producer | Geng Zhimin

Micro observation of current affairs | Travelers often go to Zhegu Town, Chomei County, Xizang | Wind Power | Current Affairs

Producer | Xinglai

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Writing by Yang Caiyun

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