Love my people, love my army, the people | General Secretary | our army

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 18:19 PM

In recent days, severe floods and geological disasters have occurred in some parts of China due to extreme rainfall.

Military and civilian unity is like one person, let's see who can resist in the world.

This year marks the 80th anniversary of the Yan'an Double Support Movement.

The earnest instructions reflect the earnest expectations of the military commander for the people's soldiers, and are full of the sincere feelings of the people's leaders towards the people.

The pointer of time was moved back to January 1991.

"We need to strengthen military and political unity between the military and the people, and continuously write a new chapter in the era of military and civilian fish and water relations."

"Under the new situation, the dual support work can only be strengthened and cannot be weakened."


The original intention is as solid as a rock, and the thoughts are still in place.

For the people, relying on the people, and serving the people——

The People's Army always breathes with the people, shares a common destiny, and has a heart to heart connection

"Please rest assured that we are here and everyone is safe!" On April 26th local time, the Chinese Navy missile destroyer Nanning and comprehensive supply ship Weishanhu maneuvered at high speed for over 630 nautical miles overnight from the Gulf of Aden to Sudan, where the security situation continued to deteriorate, to carry out emergency evacuation tasks and fully protect the lives and property of Chinese personnel in Sudan.

"Seeing the People's Liberation Army of China, I was so moved!" A real-life version of the "journey back thousands of miles" brought tears to the eyes of compatriots overseas, constantly waving the five-star red flag in their hands.

This emergency evacuation mission from Sudan is the third time that the Chinese Navy has dispatched warships to carry out overseas evacuation missions, following the 2011 Libya evacuation operation and the 2015 Yemen evacuation operation. The officers and soldiers vacated most of their cabins, took out their own bedding, only to provide a safe sleep for the evacuees who had escaped danger.

Take the fastest and most powerful action, hold your hand, and embark on the journey home. The People's Army has proven through practical actions that no matter where our compatriots are, the soldiers of the people will always protect us.

"Good Ba Lian, passed down from the world. Why? Strong willed. For the people, decades. Refuse corrosion, never touch..." On the sunken square of Nanjing Road in Shanghai, an ancient copper relief wall is engraved with Comrade Mao Zedong's "Ode to Ba Lian".

In 1949, on the eve of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the former Shanghai Garrison's Third Battalion and Eighth Company entered the busiest area of Shanghai, Nanjing Road. They live in the bustling city, spotless, love the people, help others, and are praised by the masses. In April 1963, the Ministry of National Defense awarded the honorary title of "Nanjing Road Good Eighth Company" to the Third Battalion and Eighth Company.

Decades have passed, and the original aspiration of officers and soldiers to serve the people wholeheartedly has not faded. In 1982, the Tenth Squadron of the Fourth Detachment of the Shanghai Municipal Armed Police Force took over the duties of the "Good Eighth Company on Nanjing Road" and took over as the guardian of a better life for the people.

The site of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China, located at No. 76 Xingye Road, Shanghai, is particularly eye-catching among modern urban architectural complexes, attracting numerous visitors to pay their respects.

"As soon as the CPC was born, it established its original mission to seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation..." At the site, Lin Zeyao, a senior soldier of the 10th Squadron of the Fourth Detachment of the Shanghai Armed Police Corps, was explaining to the visitors.

Since 1998, officers and soldiers of the Tenth Central Committee have voluntarily explained the history of the Communist Party of China on weekends and holidays at the adjacent site of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China, with a total of more than 76000 lectures.

With earnest instructions, urging people to strive forward. Yang Zenan, the instructor of the Tenth Squadron, led the volunteer interpreters of the squadron to carefully review historical materials, and through vivid party history stories, inspired more young people to hold the torch of faith high and become good successors of the red spirit.

"This year marks the 60th anniversary of the naming of the 'Nanjing Road Good Eighth Company'. We will definitely inherit and carry forward the fine tradition of supporting the government and loving the people, and be the 'sentry under the neon lights' of the new era!" Wang Kairui, the leader of the' Lei Feng Class' of the 10th Squadron, expressed the hearts of the officers and soldiers.

The word "people" weighs a thousand pounds. There are times of quiet protection, and times of crisis where one stands up.

The direction of the commander's heart, the direction of the officers and soldiers.

At the beginning of 2020, the COVID-19 broke out.

Military orders are like mountains. On New Year's Eve, 450 military medical personnel from three medical teams drawn by the PLA Army Medical University, Navy Medical University, and Air Force Medical University bid farewell to their families and flew to Wuhan by military plane.

The People's Army, together with the people of the whole country, has gathered a magnificent force of unity and overcome difficulties together, interpreting the unchanging military spirit of absolute loyalty of the People's Army.

On the shore of Zhiyin Lake, a cured patient walked out of Huoshen Mountain Hospital and bowed affectionately to the seeing off military doctor Zhao Yuying and his comrades, saying, "Thank you to the People's Liberation Army for risking your life to save us. Because of you, I have more confidence in overcoming the disease!"

For the people, rely on the people, and serve the people. Raising the interests of the people above their heads, the posture of the people's soldiers is engraved in the memories of a local people and a city.

Victory is a firm commitment of the People's Army; Charge is the eternal stance of the People's Army. Whether on the battlefield of war and smoke, or on the perilous front lines of emergency rescue, the people's army has won one vicious battle after another, overcome one difficulty after another, and written an immortal achievement in the annals of history.

On April 20, 2013, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake occurred in Lushan, Sichuan, causing tremors and house collapses.

In July 2016, the flood situation in many parts of the country was severe, and the task of flood prevention and disaster relief was arduous.

The heroic deeds of going against the tide, the resounding charges, and the heroic deeds of defending their positions, wherever there is danger, there are people's soldiers! From the fight against SARS, the prevention and control of the COVID-19, to the fight against floods and earthquake relief, the people's children are marching towards the danger, fighting side by side with the people and making concerted efforts. They have repeatedly proven that the People's Army is worthy of being a military led by the Party, and is worthy of being a copper wall and iron wall to defend the country and protect the people.

From then on, a magnificent anti poverty struggle spread across the land of China.

Promote targeted poverty alleviation, highlighting revolutionary old areas, ethnic areas, border areas, and contiguous areas of extreme poverty; Widely carry out mutual learning, assistance, and promotion activities among grassroots party organizations in the military and civilian areas, and recommend retired soldiers to serve in relevant positions; Promoting education poverty alleviation and assisting the construction of over 3900 primary and secondary schools... The entire military has provided targeted assistance to 4100 impoverished villages, 293000 impoverished households, and 924000 impoverished people in poverty-stricken areas, becoming an important force on the special battlefield of poverty alleviation.

Chasing dreams in a new era and embarking on a new journey. The vast number of officers and soldiers firmly stated that they will always maintain the nature, purpose, and true nature of the People's Army, bear in mind the sacred responsibility of carrying guns for the people and fighting for the people, keep up with the development of the Party and the people's cause, always be defenders of the interests of the people, provide strong strategic support for achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and make new contributions to the Party and the people.

Respecting the profession of soldiers, maintaining their status, and safeguarding their rights and interests——

Whoever cares about the people, the people will care about who they care about

The towering pagoda mountain rolls along the river.

Visitors from all directions come in a continuous stream. In the Revolutionary Memorial Hall, in the Zaoyuan Caves, and in Yangjialing, browsing, listening, touching, and contemplating.

In the Revolutionary Memorial Hall of the Northwest Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Luo Yu, a female militia commentator of the Militia Company, stood in front of an oil painting "Copper Wall and Iron Wall" in the exhibition hall, telling visitors about the touching stories of the people of northern Shaanxi actively supporting the front and the connection between military and civilians.

"The last handful of rice is used to make military provisions. The last foot of cloth is used to make military uniforms. The last old cotton jacket is covered on a stretcher. The last flesh and blood are sent to the battlefield." This folk song, widely spread back then, sings about the deep affection and love of the people towards their children and soldiers during the revolutionary war era.

Whoever cares about the people, the people will care about them. In times of peace, party committees and governments at all levels closely serve, train and prepare for war, actively care about and support the construction of the military, vigorously support national defense and military reform, and effectively promote the high-quality development of the dual support work.

In the scorching summer, the Eight Min regions are clear and blue with mountains and seas.

Heart for the officers and soldiers, deep affection and kindness.

In the downtown area of Fuzhou, there is a dense flow of traffic on Jiangcuo Road. This two-way four lane road starts from Fufei Road in the east and ends at Mingju Community in Wufengshan in the west. The middle section passes through the 73121 Army Camp and is one of the main passages from the camp to the outside.

After just over 40 days of intense construction, the 2.5-kilometer important passage - Jiangcuo Road - was officially opened on New Year's Day in 1993. From then on, the emergency deployment time of the troops was significantly shortened.

Entering a new era, the original intention of dual support work remains unchanged, with a new mechanism and a higher position.

On October 18, 2017, the solemn Great Hall of the People and the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China were grandly held.

On April 16, 2018, the Ministry of Veterans Affairs was established, responsible for the ideological and political work, transfer and resettlement, service management, and treatment guarantee of retired soldiers, and organizing and guiding the national work of supporting the military and giving preferential treatment to families. From the country to provinces, cities, and counties, the dual support work institutions at all levels are constantly improving, forming a good situation of mutual support and unity between the military and the civilian, and making soldiers a profession respected by the whole society has become a social consensus.

With this historic step, the dual support work in the new era has entered a new stage of development.

The dual support of the rule of law is more sound. In 2021, the "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Veterans" and the "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of the Status and Rights of Military Personnel" were implemented, clarifying the status of soldiers, safeguarding their honor, guaranteeing their treatment, and treating their families in a legal manner, in response to the expectations of officers and soldiers.

The various measures of "double support" are more practical - focusing on solving the problems of the placement and development of military officers and soldiers, employment of family members, and education of children, expanding the "back road", consolidating the "backyard", and supporting "future generations". In recent years, the country has received and resettled more than 300000 military cadres who have been transferred to work, more than 140000 retired soldiers who meet the resettlement conditions, handled more than 70000 family members accompanying the military, and coordinated over 400000 military children to enter kindergartens and receive compulsory education.

The dual support of social participation is more prominent - there are currently more than 100000 social support organizations for the military, more than 300000 enterprises and institutions, more than 30000 streets and communities, and grassroots units of the military paired and jointly built. Social participation is becoming increasingly widespread and in-depth.

Working hand in hand between the military and the civilian sector, we promote the motivation and protection of the honor and rights of military personnel and their families. We are enthusiastic about caring for and caring for military personnel, effectively solving the difficulties faced by military personnel, and making the vast number of officers and soldiers feel the warmth of the organization and the weight of military uniforms.


Those who seek victory with a handsome demeanor should first love their soldiers. The core of the Party, leaders of the people, and military commanders have personally demonstrated and sparked a wave of love and support for the military throughout the Party and society.

In Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, active and retired soldiers can enjoy services such as green channels, priority registration, and priority treatment at 31 designated hospitals of Chongjun Volunteer Hospital, including Xiaoshan Hospital and Hangzhou Stomatological Hospital, by scanning and displaying their codes;

In Changchun City, Jilin Province, for 10 consecutive years, we have carried out the "Loving the stationed officers and soldiers, caring for revolutionary heroes" campaign to support the military. We have listened attentively to the wishes and voices of the veterans, actively solved practical problems for the stationed officers and soldiers, and promoted the comprehensive development of socialized military support services;

In Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, we are closely monitoring the urgent needs of the troops for war and reform, and trying our best to do practical things and solve difficult problems for the stationed troops. We have held more than 1270 military civilian coordination meetings, coordinated and solved more than 670 problems such as the renovation of water and electricity facilities in the barracks and the relocation of high-voltage lines;


Across the country, from north to south, and from all over the country, practical measures filled with warmth have made deep affection and warmth flow in the hearts of soldiers, their families, and retired soldiers.

The will of the people, the will of the people, and the gathering of the people's strength——

Unity between the military and the people, gathering the profound strength of a strong country and a strong army

"Over the past two years, over 1000 letters have tightly connected the hearts of students from the Jianghuai region and officers and soldiers from the snowy plateau!" said Zhao Chao, a first level sergeant in a certain regiment of the Xinjiang Military Region.

Their story should start from the spring two years ago. After a lecture on the heroes of defending the country and defending the border, students from a primary school in Anqing City, Anhui Province wrote their heartfelt words on paper and sent them to the border officers and soldiers of the Xinjiang Military Region. "The teacher often tells us that those who are extremely loyal to their country and people are the bravest people..." After receiving the letter, Zhao Chao slowly unfolded the letter and the neat handwriting came into view. Reading the letters of the young men, a warm current surged in the hearts of the officers and soldiers. Mountains and rivers are separated, military and civilians are connected, surging with the same patriotism.

The land of Inner Mongolia is lush with green mountains and lush grass.

In recent years, the National Dual Support Office has regularly deployed the "Love Border and Coastal Defense Officers and Soldiers" and "Six Farewells" activities. For three consecutive years, it has organized special Spring Festival condolences to send care and warmth to local party committees, governments, and the people to border and coastal defense forces and frontline officers and soldiers, effectively stimulating their fighting spirit to defend the country and border. Before this year's Spring Festival, more than 200000 party and government officials, primary and secondary school teachers and students, and rural community residents from 167 national model cities in 18 provinces actively participated, sending 73000 holiday gift packages and more than 60000 condolence letters to border and coastal defense officers and soldiers, becoming a microcosm of the widespread participation of cadres and people in the work of dual support.

"We need to strengthen national defense education, enhance the public's awareness of national defense, and make caring about national defense, loving national defense, building national defense, and defending national defense become the ideological consensus and conscious action of the whole society."

"Our army is the People's Army, and our national defense is the national defense of the whole nation. We need to strengthen national defense education for the whole nation, consolidate military and political unity between the military and the people, and gather strong forces to achieve the Chinese Dream of a strong military!"

National defense education is related to the long-term and overall situation.

More than 3000 party schools and administrative colleges have offered national defense education courses, making learning national defense knowledge and fulfilling national defense obligations a conscious action of leaders at all levels in various regions; Every year, tens of millions of high and middle school students carry out military training to enhance their strong perseverance in hard work and struggle; The border defense forces and primary and secondary schools raise the national flag together, inspiring children to become good young people in the new era who respect military personnel and care about national defense... Widely carrying out national defense education with patriotism as the core, cultivating patriotism and support for the military in a subtle way, and the social atmosphere of caring for and supporting national defense and military construction is becoming increasingly strong, and the cohesion and centripetal force of the nation are constantly strengthening.

"Only by involving more people and allowing everyone to understand the sacrifices and contributions of soldiers can we truly deepen our sense of national defense." Yu Hong, a political instructor at the Army Engineering University, said, "The family is the smallest country, and the country is millions of families. The increasingly strengthened national defense awareness of the whole society has connected individuals, families, and the country into a concentric circle."

Share the same destiny with our motherland and strive forward with the times. More and more college students regard dedicating themselves to national defense and serving the motherland as their youth choices and value pursuits.

A heartfelt reply inspired and stirred the hearts of young officers and soldiers, as well as countless students.

A strong country must have a strong military, and a strong military can ensure national security.Implementing this deployment well is of great significance for comprehensively building a socialist modernized country, promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, achieving the centenary goal of building the military, and accelerating the construction of our army into a world-class military.

Remember the instructions and be determined to strive. The vast number of officers and soldiers expressed that in the new era and new journey, consolidating and improving the integrated national strategic system and capabilities, strengthening the integration of strategic layouts in various fields, integrating strategic resources, and utilizing strategic forces, in line with the trend of the times, will undoubtedly inject new strong impetus into the great cause of building a strong country and a strong military.

The people's army has crossed one ditch after another, achieving one victory after another, and the "victory code" behind it is precisely hidden.

From the Land Revolution War, which "awakened millions of workers and peasants to work together", to the War of Resistance Against Japan, which "trapped the enemy in the vast ocean of destruction"; From the surging small carts and stretchers of the Liberation War to the willingness of the whole country to devote its material and financial resources in the Korean War... History tells us that with the will of the people, the will of the people, and the gathering of the people's strength, the people's army can be invincible and invincible. As long as we always stand on the people's standpoint and win the heartfelt support of the broadest masses of the people, we can build a copper wall and iron wall of unity.

To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Anti Japanese War, the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army's Long March, and to celebrate

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