Looking at the Peak again-General Secretary Xi Jinping Guiding the Development of Digital Technology Review Innovation | Technology | Technology

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 04:44 AM

Stepping on the peak again, looking at the eyes wide open

General Secretary Xi Jinping's Guide to the Development of Digital Technology

This is the rhythm of innovation and vitality in an Eastern power.

Leading the world in 5G construction and application; The Beidou satellite navigation system has completed global networking; The total number on the list of the world's top 500 supercomputers has ranked first for many years... From being poor and poor to building the most complete industrial system in the world, from the latecomer of the Internet to bravely standing at the forefront of digital development, this oriental country, which once gave birth to the the Four Great Inventions, can still be the first in the information age thousands of years later.

Looking at the world, digital technologies such as the Internet, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and so on are accelerating innovation, and increasingly becoming an important force to change the world competition pattern and the commanding heights of big countries. Digital technology has never had such a profound impact on the future and destiny of a country, nor has it had such a profound impact on the well-being of its people.

Seizing the promising historical opportunity period and the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, China in the new era cannot wait, let alone slack off.

Taking innovation as the primary driving force for development, firmly grasping the new opportunities of digital technology transformation

As Eastern powers cross the vicissitudes of time and move towards rejuvenation, and digital technology accelerates its development to lead the future, how to unite innovation to achieve higher quality development has become a pressing issue that China must answer at present.

In 2013, the "classroom" of the 18th Central Politburo collective learning left Zhongnanhai for the first time and came to Zhongguancun.

Five years later, at the 19th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the 14th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, General Secretary Xi Jinping once again proposed the "historic intersection period" and pointed out that "now, we have ushered in a new round of scientific and technological revolution in the world." The historic intersection of industrial transformation and my country's transformation of development mode "emphasizes that this is a" once-in-a-lifetime historical opportunity "and a" severe challenge of "widening gap" we must be soberly, some historical intersection periods may produce the same frequency resonance, and some historical intersection periods may also pass."

The historical opportunity is fleeting, and the mission is on our shoulders.

Papermaking, gunpowder, printing, compass, astronomy, mathematics, medicine, agriculture... Looking back at the development process of over 5000 years of civilization, the Chinese nation has created a highly developed civilization and contributed countless technological innovations to the world. However, after the Opium War, modern China was repeatedly defeated by countries whose economic output, population size, and territorial size were far inferior to its own.

"History tells us a truth: whether a country is strong or not cannot be determined solely by the size of its economy, nor by the size of its population or the size of its territory. In modern history, one of the roots of our backwardness and beatings is its technological backwardness." On June 9, 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the 17th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the 12th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, revealing the profound logic contained in historical evolution.

At this conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly pointed out: "on the whole, the foundation of China's scientific and technological innovation is not strong, independent innovation, especially originality, is not strong, and the pattern of core technologies in key areas being controlled by others has not fundamentally changed."

How to solve the situation? "If China wants to become strong and rejuvenate, it must vigorously develop science and technology, and strive to become a major scientific center and innovation highland in the world." "We must find an innovative path that suits our national conditions, especially placing the improvement of our original innovation ability in a more prominent position, and striving to achieve more breakthroughs from 0 to 1." "We cannot always rely on the scientific and technological achievements of others to improve our own technological level, let alone be a technological vassal of other countries, always following behind others. We have no other choice but to take the path of independent innovation." General Secretary's words were resounding.

"Whoever takes the first step of technological innovation well, will be able to seize the opportunity and gain an advantage." This first step is planned and personally deployed by the General Secretary in the long run.

The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed the implementation of the innovation driven development strategy; The Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed a new development concept of "innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing"; The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed that "innovation is the first driving force for development"; The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward the important proposition of "three firsts" in science and technology, talent, and innovation······

In the magnificent process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the important statement that "science and technology are the primary productive forces" has led China to usher in the "spring of science"; The major strategic decision of "innovation is the primary driving force for development" guides China into a new round of strategically significant innovation cycle. The transition from "primary productive forces" to "primary driving forces" is not only an improvement in understanding, but also a significant enrichment and development of Marxist scientific and technological views and productive forces theory.

All things in the world are new and there is no room for improvement.

Currently, information technology has become the technology innovation field with the most concentrated R&D investment, the most active innovation, the widest application, and the greatest radiating and driving effect in the world, and is a competitive highland for global technology innovation. Emerging digital technologies such as big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and quantum information have entered the top tier of global technological innovation; The share of core papers and cited papers in the forefront of information field research ranks second in the world, while computer science papers continue to rank first in terms of citation frequency; 5G achieves comprehensive leadership in technology, industry, network, and application; Build the world's largest, technologically advanced, and high-performance network infrastructure; The number of invention patents and PCT international patent applications has jumped to the top in the world... China's digital technology innovation capability continues to improve, and the land of China is stirring up the symphony of the "first driving force" of the times.

"The internet and information industry represents new productive forces and new development directions." "The world economy is accelerating its transformation towards economic activities with the network information technology industry as an important content." "We must seize this historical opportunity, cultivate new driving forces with information technology, and promote new development with new driving forces." China, which is making strides towards becoming a strong country in the internet and technology, is currently at a crucial node in the transformation of old and new driving forces.

On October 18, 2021, when General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the 34th collective study of the political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee, he stressed: "in today's era, digital technology and digital economy are the first opportunities for the world's scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. it is a new round of key areas of international competition, and we must seize the first opportunity and seize the commanding heights of future development."

Seizing the opportunity is crucial for writing the great article of the Chinese Dream well, and for finding the lost two hundred years. This time, China has been at the forefront of the times.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has focused on the development trend of the information revolution, accurately grasped the pulse of the times, keenly felt the voice of the times, and scientifically answered the propositions of the times. Under the guidance of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, especially General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thought on network power, China's digital technology innovation has changed from following to running and leading in more fields.

On May 28, 2021, the 20th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the 15th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the 10th National Congress of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology were held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.Photo by Ju Peng, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

Looking at the Peak again-General Secretary Xi Jinping Guiding the Development of Digital Technology Review Innovation | Technology | Technology

Continuously strengthening digital technology innovation capabilities in key areas, firmly grasping the autonomy of development in one's own hands

Governing Zhejiang, promoting the construction of an innovative province and a strong science and technology province, and implementing the "first priority" by firmly grasping the "first productive force"······

Time series changes, dreams move forward, and socialism with Chinese characteristics enters a new era. The historic leap of China's dream of catching up with the world has been achieved through the use of "Tianyan" sounding, Shenzhou Feitian, Mozi "Chuanxin", Beidou networking, and the first flight of a large aircraft.

On the land of China, colorful paintings of innovation and progress are slowly unfolding.

——Accelerate the breakthrough of core technologies

In today's world, a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation is reshaping the global economic structure. New technological breakthroughs are accelerating industrial transformation, which has had a significant impact on the world economic structure and competitive landscape. Key core technologies are increasingly becoming the focus of the new round of international competition.

On April 19, 2016, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a forum on network security and informatization and delivered an important speech. The general secretary pointed out that "compared with the world's advanced level and the strategic goal of building a network power, we still have a big gap in many aspects, especially in the aspects of Internet innovation ability, infrastructure construction, information resource sharing, industrial strength, etc. There is still a big gap, and the biggest gap is in the core technology." "Internet core technology is our biggest" life gate ', it is our biggest hidden danger that the core technology is controlled by others. "· · · · · · · · General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition is full of a deep sense of worry. It is an important judgment made by a deep insight and keen grasp of the development trend of the information revolution. It is also an ardent expectation, which points out the way forward for our country to accelerate the breakthrough of core technology.

What is core technology?The important discourse of General Secretary provides scientific guidance for us to accurately understand and grasp core technologies.

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed at the National Conference on Cybersecurity and Informatization: "Core technology is the country's most important weapon. We must make up our minds, maintain perseverance, find the right center of gravity, and accelerate the promotion of breakthroughs in core technologies in the information field." The important speech of the General Secretary places his concern and high hopes on speeding up the construction of a network power and a science and technology power.

Mobile communication is one of the most innovative, widely penetrated, and significantly driven high-tech fields, with a significant driving effect on materials, chips, devices, instruments, and other fields.

June 6, 2019 is an extraordinary day in the commercial process of 5G in China. On this day, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued 5G commercial licenses to China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Broadcasting and Television, officially marking the beginning of the first year of 5G commercial use in China.

History has never let down fighters and pioneers. For many years, China's mobile communication industry has adhered to the path of international development, promoting competition through openness and innovation through competition. From scratch and from weakness to strength, it has continuously broken through key core technologies, achieving significant breakthroughs in 1G gap, 2G follow-up, 3G breakthrough, 4G parallel operation, and 5G leadership. It has built the world's largest and most advanced 5G network.

Currently, the development of 6G is in the window period of forming vision requirements and selecting key technologies, and major countries around the world are laying out their plans for 6G development. China established the 6G Work Promotion Group as early as 2018 to promote research on the 6G vision requirements and key technologies. After unremitting efforts, China ranks first in the world with 40.3% of the global 6G technology patent applications.

The act of accumulating strength is invincible; The actions of the masses of wisdom are all successful.

Key core technologies that cannot be obtained, purchased, or obtained usually have the characteristics of long development cycles, high investment, and high risks, making it difficult to achieve breakthroughs solely through unilateral efforts.

On October 18, 2021, the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee conducted the 34th collective study. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "we should hold the 'bull nose' of independent innovation of key digital core technologies, give full play to the advantages of China's socialist system, new national system and super large-scale market, improve the basic research and development capability of digital technology, and fight the battle of key core technologies. We should achieve high-level self-reliance as soon as soon as possible and firmly in the autonomy in the development of digital economy".

On September 6, 2022, the 27th meeting of the Central Committee for Deepening Reform was held, and the opinions on improving the new national system for tackling key core technologies under the conditions of a socialist market economy were reviewed and approved. The meeting pointed out that "to improve the new national system for tackling key core technologies, it is necessary to organically combine the government, market, and society, scientifically coordinate, concentrate efforts, optimize mechanisms, and coordinate research and development."

This is a unique Chinese solution.

On July 31, 2020, the Beidou-3 global satellite navigation system was officially launched, marking the decisive victory of the Beidou "three-step" development strategy. China became the third country in the world to independently possess a global satellite navigation system.

Starting late and with a weak foundation, independently building a world-class satellite navigation system was once considered an impossible task for China by Western countries. But we have persevered in catching up with each other, adhering to independent innovation, step-by-step construction, and gradual development. From the establishment of the Beidou-1 system in 1994 to the completion of the Beidou-1 system in 2000, and from the official provision of regional services in 2012 to serving the world in 2020. Over the past 26 years, China's Beidou has explored a path of development with Chinese characteristics from scratch, from existence to excellence, from active to passive, and from regional to global, achieving a magnificent Eastern legend in the field of navigation.

This is a vivid epitome of the advantages of China's new national system. Since the launch of the Beidou Project, more than 400 units and more than 300000 scientific and technological personnel have been successively mobilized nationwide to participate in the development and construction, and the project construction organization mode of two satellites as a whole and several single machine development fixed-point has been established, which shows the strong competitiveness of China's advantages.

The constant travels far, and the contemplation is always new.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the implementation of the national big data strategy, the development status and trends of artificial intelligence, the development status and trends of blockchain technology, and the prospects of quantum technology research and application have repeatedly become the theme of collective learning by the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

The potential of quantum technology is unimaginable: classical computers require 100 years to decipher passwords, and quantum computers may break through in just a few seconds. On October 16, 2020, the 19th Central Political Bureau held its 24th collective learning session on the prospects of quantum technology research and application.

From repeatedly breaking the world record for optical quantum entanglement, to the launch of quantum computing prototypes such as "Jiuzhang 2" and "Zuchongzhi 2", the construction of a thousand kilometer level quantum secure communication trunk line, and the launch of the "Mozi" quantum satellite to answer Einstein's question, our country has continuously achieved a number of high-level original achievements in the field of quantum technology, keeping in mind the instructions of General Secretary, increasing key core technology research and development, fearing difficulties and obstacles, and bravely climbing the scientific peak.

Looking at the Peak again-General Secretary Xi Jinping Guiding the Development of Digital Technology Review Innovation | Technology | Technology

On May 19, 2022, in Hefei, Anhui, staff worked at the control center of the quantum science experimental satellite and quantum communication "Beijing Shanghai trunk line".

Looking up at the starry sky, the Beidou pointing the way, Mozi exploring the mysteries of the universe; Overlooking the earth, intelligent high-speed trains such as Mercedes Benz and 5G base stations have emerged from the vast starry sky to the land of China, leaving countless footprints of Chinese people chasing their dreams. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's exploration of digital technology "no man's land" has gradually become the norm, and significant progress has been made in key core technology innovation breakthroughs, firmly grasping the initiative of development.

——Strengthening the position of enterprises as the main body of technological innovation

Enterprises are the main participants in economic activities and the main drivers of technological progress. Strengthening the position of enterprises as the main body of innovation is conducive to accelerating the transformation of core technological achievements into real productivity, and promoting the deep integration of digital technology and economic and social development.

The meeting reviewed and approved important documents such as the "Opinions on Strengthening the Main Body Status of Enterprise Science and Technology Innovation", which pointed out that "strengthening the main body status of enterprise science and technology innovation is a key measure to deepen the reform of the science and technology system and promote the realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement." General Secretary's important discourse clarified the strategic significance of strengthening the main body status of enterprise science and technology innovation, deepened the understanding of the laws of innovation development, and pointed out the direction for better playing the role of enterprise innovation as the main force in the new era and new journey.

In the era of digitization and informatization, the new display industry has become a strategic support for the development of the digital economy.

General Secretary pointed out, "Innovation is the key to enterprise development and market success. Core technology is not given by others, and we cannot just follow others. We must strive for self-improvement and dare to break through."

The General Secretary's instructions are still in our ears, and BOE has fulfilled its mission and mission, always putting "innovation" first and constantly writing new chapters in the "answer sheet" for innovation. Nowadays, BOE's independently designed sixth generation flexible screen has been successfully put into mass production and is widely used in fields such as foldable phones and smart cars. Meanwhile, the 8.5th generation TFT-LCD production line has become one of the most profitable semiconductor display production lines in the country.

In recent years, China's new display industry has continuously accelerated and stepped onto a new level. A group of enterprises such as BOE and TCL Huaxing have grown rapidly, and the scale of China's new display industry continues to expand. The annual production capacity of display panels has reached 200 million square meters, ranking first in the world in terms of industry scale. This has reversed the long-term dependence on imports for LCD display panels, and China has achieved a magnificent transformation from a "pain of few screens" to a "screen producing country".

The multiple optical systems and lenses carried on Tianwen-1 are manufactured by Fuguang Co., Ltd.

Innovation does not depend on one's background, and more and more enterprises are becoming the main force of innovation. In recent years, the number of high-tech enterprises in China has grown to 400000, and the number of technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises has reached 454000; Enterprise R&D investment accounts for over three-quarters of the total social R&D investment; The proportion of enterprises participating or leading in the national key research and development plan has approached 80%; As of February 2022, there are over 300 unicorn companies in China with a valuation of over $1 billion, second only to the United States, and their vitality and competitiveness are constantly improving.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China has focused on the major needs of national strategy and industrial development, increased support for enterprise innovation, actively encouraged and effectively guided private enterprises to participate in national major innovation, and promoted enterprises to play an important role in key core technology innovation and major original technology breakthroughs.

——Stimulating Talents to Create Vitality

"It is necessary to adopt special policies, establish a personnel system and salary system that adapt to the characteristics of Internet information, and condense outstanding talents into technical departments, research departments, and management departments." "We can't let the red tape tie up the hands and feet of scientists, and we can't let the endless reports and approvals delay the energy of scientists!" Since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has attached great importance to the work of talents.

At this symposium, talent became the focus of discussion.

He said, "We empathize! The fundamental source of national scientific and technological innovation lies in people. Ten years of trees, a hundred years of people." How to attract and cultivate top talents?

Breaking down barriers and attracting phoenixes. The Implementation Plan for Deepening the Reform of the Science and Technology System proposes 143 reform measures, drawing "construction drawings" for the reform of the science and technology system. A series of heavyweight documents such as the Action Plan for Promoting the Transfer and Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements and the Plan for Deepening the Reform of the Science and Technology Reward System have been issued; The implementation of the "unveiling and leading" and "horse racing" system for major scientific research projects grants scientists greater decision-making power and funding usage rights in technological routes. In cutting-edge exploration projects, the chief scientist responsibility system is implemented to break through institutional and mechanism bottlenecks, and scientific researchers are reassured.

"When I was working in Zhengding, I knew that this is a very important one in our national scientific research institute. I 've heard a lot about you!" On the morning of May 12, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping, who was on an inspection tour in Hebei, came to the China Electric Industry Basic Research Institute in Shijiazhuang. As soon as he arrived, General Secretary Xi Jinping had a cordial exchange with the comrades of the Research Institute, and the General Secretary said earnestly to the scientific and technological workers: "A strong country in science and technology cannot be separated from the top soldiers and phalanx of science and technology."

Since the establishment of the People's Republic of China, there were less than 500 personnel specialized in scientific research, and now the total number of research and development personnel ranks first in the world. More and more "thousand mile horses" are racing, and the vivid situation of talents gathering in the divine land and ten thousand species competing for freedom is accelerating.

If the youth prosper, the country will prosper; if the youth are strong, the country will be strong.

The average age of young talents participating in the Chang'e-5 mission is 32.5 years old; The overall design team of the Long March 3A series carrier rocket of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite's special train is less than 30 years old on average. More and more young talents are thriving on the front line of technological innovation, forming a surging "wave" of building a strong network and technology country.

Generation after generation of scientific and technological workers face the forefront of world science and technology, the main battlefield of the economy, the major needs of the country, and the health and well-being of the people. They work hard and tirelessly to write papers on the land of our country, apply scientific and technological achievements to the great cause of modernization, always maintain the spirit of keeping up with the times, the courage to innovate, and the perseverance to push China to continuously climb the peak of science and technology.

——Promote digital technology to move forward and improve

Currently, digital technology is increasingly integrating into various fields of economic and social development, profoundly influencing and changing China. 5G communication, artificial intelligence, telemedicine, etc. make production and life more convenient; New formats and models such as online shopping, mobile payments, and cloud services are emerging in competition. In the factory workshop, artificial intelligence efficiently coordinates tasks and controls processes, greatly improving production efficiency; Entering the tea garden, the digital management system provides real-time information on the lighting, wind direction, wind speed, and other aspects of the tea garden, providing information support for management work. Looking across the country, digital technology is empowering thousands of industries and injecting strong momentum into high-quality economic and social development.

In recent years, the rapid development of digital technology has given rise to a large number of new applications, new formats, and new models. However, at the same time, issues such as infringement of personal privacy, platform monopoly, data leakage, and algorithm abuse also occur from time to time. Development and standardization have become the "two wings" of digital technology.

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