Learning Language | Singing the Magnificent Song of Youth China Communist Youth League | Xi Jinping | Youth

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:36 PM

The 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China was held in Beijing from June 19th to 22nd.At the right time, the stage for contemporary Chinese youth to showcase their talents is incredibly vast, and the prospects for realizing their dreams are incredibly bright.

The century long journey has shaped the foundation of the Communist Youth League's adherence to the leadership of the Party

The century long journey has shaped the foundation of the Communist Youth League's adherence to the leadership of the Party. Without the CPC, there would be no Communist Youth League of China. Since its inception, the Communist Youth League has taken the flag of the Party as its banner, the will of the Party as its will, and the mission of the Party as its mission. It has deeply integrated the adherence to the Party's leadership into its bloodline, forming fundamental characteristics and distinct advantages that distinguish it from other youth organizations. Listening to the Party and following the Party has always been the political life that the Communist Youth League adheres to. The Party's call and the League's actions have always been the political beliefs of generations of Communist Youth League members. History has fully proven that only by adhering to the leadership of the Party can the Communist Youth League unite and lead young people forward, and promote the Chinese youth movement to move forward in the correct political direction.

Xi Jinping's speech at the meeting celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League on May 10, 2022

The whole party should regard youth work as a strategic task, arm young people with the scientific theories of the party, inspire young people with the original aspiration and mission of the party, be the confidant of young friends, the enthusiastic person of youth work, and the guide of young people. The vast number of young people must firmly listen to the Party's words, follow the Party's footsteps, embrace dreams and be down-to-earth, dare to think, dare to act, do good deeds and achieve success, aspire to be good young people of the new era with ideals, dare to take responsibility, be able to endure hardship, and be willing to work hard. Let youth bloom brilliantly in the hot practice of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country.

Learning Language | Singing the Magnificent Song of Youth China Communist Youth League | Xi Jinping | Youth

-- October 16, 2022, Xi Jinping's report at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

The century long journey has shaped the political soul of the Communist Youth League to uphold its ideals and beliefs

The century long journey has shaped the political soul of the Communist Youth League to uphold its ideals and beliefs. The Communist Youth League organizes young people, which is a combination of firm faith and scientism inspired by ideals and beliefs. The first National Congress of the Communist Youth League clearly put forward the lofty ideal of building a communist society, lighting up the bright banner of socialism, and illuminating the light of ideals and beliefs in the hearts of generations of young people. This is the most fundamental and enduring cohesion of the Communist Youth League. History has fully proven that only by always holding high the flags of communism and socialism can the Communist Youth League form the most solid unity and forge the most combat effective organization, and always unite young people under the banner of the Party's ideals and beliefs.

Xi Jinping's speech at the meeting celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League on May 10, 2022

To turn the grand blueprint depicted in the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China into reality, it requires young people from all walks of life to bravely shoulder heavy responsibilities and charge ahead. I hope you will continue to promote the spirit of aviation serving the country, think with one heart, and work hard to achieve the same goal. You will bravely climb the path of self-reliance and self-improvement in aviation technology, actively contribute to the high-quality development of the aviation industry, and strive to be a good young person in the new era with ideals, courage to take on responsibilities, the ability to endure hardships, and the willingness to work hard, making new contributions to the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country and the comprehensive promotion of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Learning Language | Singing the Magnificent Song of Youth China Communist Youth League | Xi Jinping | Youth

-November 12, 2022, Xi Jinping's reply to the members of the "Luo Yang Youth Commando" of China Aviation Industry Corporation Shen Fei

The century long journey has shaped the Communist Youth League's determination to devote itself to the rejuvenation of the nation

The century long journey has shaped the Communist Youth League's determination to devote itself to national rejuvenation. The theme of the Party's struggle is the direction of the Youth League's actions. The Communist Youth League closely adheres to the central tasks of the Party in different historical periods, unites and leads the vast number of young members to actively engage in the magnificent practice of the people, bravely takes the lead in the journey of national rejuvenation, dedicating themselves wholeheartedly, playing the role of a new force and assault team, and making the realization of national rejuvenation the grand mainstream of China's youth movement. History has fully proven that only by firmly grasping the theme of striving for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, can the Communist Youth League unite all the youth forces that can be united and sing the magnificent song of youth.

Xi Jinping's speech at the meeting celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League on May 10, 2022

You said in your letter that it is only by entering the depths of rural China that we can deeply understand what it means to seek truth from facts and how to connect with the masses. Young people should "seek their own hardships", which is very well said. In the new era, Chinese youth should have this spirit and spirit. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has made arrangements for building a strong agricultural country. It is hoped that students will have lofty aspirations and be down-to-earth, closely combining classroom learning with rural practice, cultivating a love for agriculture, cultivating the ability to promote agriculture, and making achievements on the stage of rural revitalization. They will contribute their youth to accelerating the modernization of agriculture and rural areas and comprehensively building a socialist modernized country.

Learning Language | Singing the Magnificent Song of Youth China Communist Youth League | Xi Jinping | Youth

-- On May 1, 2023, Xi Jinping's reply to the students of the Science and Technology College of China Agricultural University

The century long journey has shaped the source of vitality for the Communist Youth League to take root in the vast number of young people

The century long journey has shaped the source of vitality for the Communist Youth League to take root in the vast youth. The Communist Youth League has gone through a hundred years of vicissitudes and is rejuvenated. It relies on always rooting itself in the vast youth, always focusing its work on the broadest group of young workers, peasants, and ordinary youth, tightly linking its hearts with the youth, and tightly linking the hearts of young people with the Party. History has fully proven that only by continuously drawing nutrients and gaining strength from the fertile soil of young people, can the Communist Youth League become a trustworthy, reliable, and inseparable caring person for the vast number of young people.

Xi Jinping's speech at the meeting celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League on May 10, 2022

In traditional Chinese culture, rabbits are called auspicious rabbits or jade rabbits, representing intelligence, agility, purity, kindness, tranquility, and beauty. The auspicious rabbit symbolizes the growing peace, prosperity, and vitality of the Chinese land. In the Year of the Rabbit in the lunar calendar, I hope that the people of the whole country, especially the young people, can leap forward and run at full speed like a rabbit, competing in various industries and showcasing their charm.

Learning Language | Singing the Magnificent Song of Youth China Communist Youth League | Xi Jinping | Youth

-January 20, 2023, Xi Jinping's speech at the Spring Festival group meeting in 2003

Previous links:

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Learning Language | Singing the Magnificent Song of Youth China Communist Youth League | Xi Jinping | Youth

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Reprint please indicate the audit: Gu Lijuan Wang Qunxing

Proofread by: Wang Biwei

Production: Zhu Linxuan

Learning Language | Singing the Magnificent Song of Youth China Communist Youth League | Xi Jinping | Youth
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