Learning Language | Defending the Safety Bottom Line of Building a Beautiful China

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 23:22 PM

Protecting the ecological environment and addressing climate change are common challenges faced by all humanity

The construction of ecological civilization is related to the future of humanity, and building a green home is a common dream of humanity. Protecting the ecological environment and responding to climate change require countries around the world to work together and work together. No country can stand idly by and take care of itself. China has become an important participant, contributor, and leader in global ecological civilization construction, advocating for accelerating the construction of an ecological system that respects nature and promotes green development, and jointly building a clean and beautiful world.

Protecting the ecological environment and addressing climate change are common challenges faced by all humanity. We must uphold the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, actively participate in global environmental governance, strengthen international cooperation in areas such as climate change, marine pollution control, and biodiversity conservation, conscientiously fulfill international conventions, take the initiative to undertake environmental governance obligations that are suitable for our national conditions, development stages, and capabilities, provide more public goods to the world, continuously enhance institutional rights, achieve a balance between obligations and rights, and showcase China's image as a responsible major country.

Learning Language | Defending the Safety Bottom Line of Building a Beautiful China

The ecological environment is the foundation of human survival and development, and maintaining a good ecological environment is the common aspiration of people from all countries. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we have regarded the construction of ecological civilization as a fundamental plan related to the sustainable development of the Chinese nation, adhered to the concept that green mountains and clear waters are invaluable assets, and carried out a series of fundamental, pioneering, and long-term work. The construction of a beautiful China has taken important steps, promoting historic, transitional, and global changes in China's ecological environment protection.

Maintain the determination to strengthen the construction of ecological environment protection, without wavering, slackening, or opening up

The relationship between ecological environment protection and economic development is not contradictory, but a dialectical unity. The success or failure of ecological environment protection ultimately depends on the economic structure and mode of economic development. Economic development cannot solely focus on resources and ecological environment, and ecological environment protection is not about sacrificing economic development for survival. We must adhere to protection in development and development in protection, achieve coordinated economic and social development with population, resources, and environment, and generate huge ecological, economic, and social benefits from green mountains and clear waters.

-- Speech by Xi Jinping at the Symposium on Promoting the Development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt on April 26, 2018

We must maintain the strategic determination to strengthen the construction of ecological civilization. Protecting the ecological environment and developing the economy are fundamentally organic and complementary. We should not start investing in projects and sacrificing the environment for economic growth just because we encounter some difficulties in economic development, or even try our best to break through the ecological protection red line. In the process of China's economy shifting from a stage of high-speed growth to a stage of high-quality development, pollution prevention and environmental governance are important checkpoints that need to be crossed. We must grit our teeth, climb this slope, and cross this hurdle. We must maintain our determination to strengthen ecological environment protection and construction, without wavering, slackening, or opening up.

Learning Language | Defending the Safety Bottom Line of Building a Beautiful China

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the concept of ecological civilization that we have proposed has deeply rooted in people's hearts. This concept conforms to the laws of human social development and meets the expectations of the people for a better life. To promote high-quality economic development, we must no longer follow the old path of pollution first and then treatment. As long as we adhere to ecological priority and green development, persist and work hard for a long time, we can definitely turn green mountains and clear waters into golden mountains and silver mountains.

Ensure that the natural environment and conditions on which we rely for survival and development are not threatened or destroyed

We need to incorporate ecological and environmental risks into normalized management, establish a comprehensive and multi-level ecological and environmental risk prevention system, strictly control ecological and environmental risks in key areas such as waste incineration and p-xylene, promote the prevention and resolution of "neighbor avoidance" problems, solve "neighbor avoidance" problems related to environmental protection projects, and focus on improving emergency response capabilities for sudden environmental incidents. We need to strengthen nuclear and radiation safety supervision, improve the regulatory system, improve regulatory mechanisms, enhance regulatory capabilities, and ensure that there are no mistakes.

Learning Language | Defending the Safety Bottom Line of Building a Beautiful China

We need to focus on tackling prominent ecological and environmental issues around the people, so that they can truly feel the improvement of ecological and environmental quality. We must adhere to precise pollution control, scientific pollution control, and legal pollution control, maintain strength, extend depth, and expand breadth, and continue to fight well in the defense of blue skies, clear waters, and clean land. We need to strengthen the coordinated control of multiple pollutants and regional governance, strengthen the coordinated control of fine particulate matter and ozone, and basically eliminate heavy pollution weather. We need to coordinate the management of water resources, water environment, and water ecology, strengthen pollution prevention and ecological protection of rivers, lakes, and reservoirs, build beautiful bays, effectively protect the safety of drinking water for residents, and resolutely manage urban black and odorous water bodies. To promote soil pollution prevention and control, and effectively control the risk of soil pollution in agricultural and construction land.

We must firmly adhere to the bottom line of building a beautiful China, implement the overall national security concept, actively and effectively respond to various risks and challenges, effectively maintain ecological security, nuclear and radiation safety, and ensure that the natural environment and conditions on which we rely for survival and development are not threatened or damaged.

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