Learning language | Creating innovative ecological technologies that are conducive to basic research | Building a strong country | Basic research

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 16:57 PM

Strengthening basic research is an urgent requirement for achieving high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement, and is the only way to build a world science and technology powerhouse.

Strengthen the forward-looking, strategic, and systematic layout of basic research

Focusing on the major strategic needs of the country, targeting major engineering and technological issues related to economic construction and national security, closely adhering to the practical needs of people's livelihood and military civilian integration in the new era, accelerating the transformation and application of independent innovation achievements, and playing a proactive role in forward-looking and strategic fields.

Strengthen the forward-looking, strategic, and systematic layout of basic research. Basic research is at the beginning of the scientific research chain from research to application, and then to production. Only with a solid foundation can the science and technology industry building be built high. Strengthening basic research should highlight foresight and strategic demand orientation, optimize resource allocation and layout structure, and provide basic theoretical support and technological source supply for innovative development.

Learning language | Creating innovative ecological technologies that are conducive to basic research | Building a strong country | Basic research

Deepen the reform of the basic research system and mechanism

Science and technology management reform should not only focus on addition, but also be adept at subtraction. We need to show greater courage to promote the transformation of science and technology management functions. Following the positioning of focusing on strategy, reform, planning, and services, we need to transform our work style, enhance our capabilities, reduce direct interventions such as dividing money, materials, and projects, strengthen planning policy guidance, give more autonomy to scientific research institutions, and empower scientists with greater decision-making power and funding usage rights for technological routes. This will free scientific research institutions and personnel from the constraints of cumbersome and unnecessary institutional mechanisms!

Deepen the reform of the basic research system and mechanism. The world has entered the era of big science, and the degree of organization in basic research is increasing. Institutional guarantees and policy guidance have a greater impact on the output of basic research. The institutional mechanisms supporting basic research and original innovation in our country have been basically established but are not yet perfect. It is necessary to optimize and refine the reform plan, and give full play to the value driven and strategic driving role of institutions and policies.

Learning language | Creating innovative ecological technologies that are conducive to basic research | Building a strong country | Basic research

Building a high-level support platform for basic research

We should strengthen strategic research and judgment and forward-looking deployment in major innovation areas, pay close attention to the layout of national laboratories, reorganize the system of State Key Laboratory, build major innovation bases and innovation platforms, and improve the collaborative innovation mechanism of industry, university and research.

Building a high-level support platform for basic research. For a long time in the past, there was a problem in China's basic research, where topics were found in foreign academic journals, instruments and equipment were imported from abroad, and results were obtained and then paid for publication in foreign journals and platforms. In recent years, China has made great progress in building world-class scientific and technological journals, building a number of important tools for major countries, and building basic research support platforms. However, fundamentally solving the problem of "two ends outside" still has a long way to go.

Learning language | Creating innovative ecological technologies that are conducive to basic research | Building a strong country | Basic research

Strengthening the Construction of Basic Research Talent Team

We need to comprehensively plan the cultivation of talents in basic disciplines, scientifically determine the scale of talent cultivation, optimize the structural layout, and carry out systematic and chain design in selection, cultivation, evaluation, use, and guarantee, vigorously cultivate and cultivate a large number of basic research talents urgently needed for national innovation and development.

Strengthen the construction of basic research talent team. Strengthening basic research ultimately relies on high-level talents. In recent years, China has deeply implemented the strategy of building a strong talent country and deepened the reform of the talent system and mechanism, achieving significant results. However, there are still obvious shortcomings in the basic research talent team. We must make efforts to build a systematic and high-level platform for cultivating basic research talents, so that more basic research talents can emerge in competition.

Learning language | Creating innovative ecological technologies that are conducive to basic research | Building a strong country | Basic research

Widely carry out international cooperation in basic research

To proactively plan and deeply participate in global science and technology governance, participate in or initiate the establishment of international science and technology organizations, and support domestic universities, research institutes, and technology organizations in connecting with the international community. We must strive to enhance the openness, trust, and cooperation of the international scientific and technological community, make new and greater contributions to the progress of human civilization through more major original innovations and breakthroughs in key core technologies, and effectively safeguard China's scientific and technological security interests.

Widely carry out international cooperation in basic research. Currently, international scientific and technological cooperation is facing the impact and challenges of unilateralism and protectionism from a few countries. To solve the problem of common development, humanity needs international cooperation and open sharing more than ever before. No country can become an independent innovation center or enjoy the fruits of innovation alone. China should adhere to a more open mindset and measures to expand international exchanges and cooperation in basic research, and create an open innovation ecosystem with global competitiveness.

Learning language | Creating innovative ecological technologies that are conducive to basic research | Building a strong country | Basic research

Creating an innovative ecosystem conducive to basic research

Cultivate an innovative culture, promote the spirit of scientists, cultivate a good academic atmosphere, and create an innovative atmosphere. Expand international scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation, strengthen the construction of an international scientific research environment, and form an open innovation ecosystem with global competitiveness.

-- October 16, 2022, Xi Jinping's report at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

Creating an innovative ecosystem conducive to basic research. Conducting basic research requires both material security and spiritual motivation. The spirit of "Two Bombs and One Satellite", the spirit of westward migration, the spirit of manned spaceflight, the spirit of scientists, the spirit of exploring the moon, and the spirit of the Beidou in the new era, which have been forged by several generations of scientific and technological workers in China through continuous struggle, have jointly shaped the innovative ecology with Chinese characteristics and become an inexhaustible driving force to support the development of basic research.

Learning language | Creating innovative ecological technologies that are conducive to basic research | Building a strong country | Basic research

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