Learn every day, act diligently, and provide housing for all the people. February 2014 | General Secretary | People

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 14:05 PM

Learning keeps us energized forever

Serving the people is an essential requirement for building the Party for the public and governing for the people, fully demonstrating our Party's firm stance on the people. CCTV's "Daily Learning" has launched a special series of plans for "Practicing the People with Diligence", focusing on the happiness of people's livelihoods and understanding the aspirations of the people and the direction of politics together with you.

Studying and living in peace every day enables one to have a happy career; Joyful work is the key to prosperity.

He always keeps the livelihood demand of "having a house for the residents" in mind, repeatedly delving into the rural households and community alleys, asking the people whether they are accustomed to living in houses, and caring about whether they live well and whether the houses are warm.

"As long as there is still a family or even a person who has not solved their basic living problems, we cannot be complacent."

Learn every day, act diligently, and provide housing for all the people. February 2014 | General Secretary | People

In August 2016, General Secretary visited Banyan New Village in Huzhu Tu Autonomous County, Qinghai Province, and walked into the new residence of farmers to inspect the housing area, structure, and building quality, and inquire about construction progress. He sat together with the impoverished Tu family, Lv Youjin, and watched a video of the Banyan Village where the villagers used to live. Due to inconvenient access and severe water shortage, the video depicts the dilemma of "one side of the land cannot support one side of the people" before the relocation of Banyan Village.

The construction of new villages should be combined with the development of production and the promotion of employment, as well as the improvement of basic public services.

The renovation of shantytowns is related to the well-being of millions of people.

Learn every day, act diligently, and provide housing for all the people. February 2014 | General Secretary | People

This area was built in the 1950s due to the construction of the national "First Five Year Plan" key project Wuhan Iron and Steel, and has the largest old industrial shantytown in central China.

During this inspection, General Secretary learned of a gratifying change: the living conditions of over 40000 residents in Qingshan District have been significantly improved. He warned, "At present, the task of renovating shantytowns nationwide is still very arduous. As long as it is beneficial to the people, we must work hard to do it, and do everything possible to do it well."

Hu Qiusheng and his family used to live in a shantytown of over ten square meters in Qingshan District, Wuhan. With the start of shantytown renovation in Qingshan District, Hu Qiusheng moved into a 74 square meter residential area in Qingyi.

Under the direct care and promotion of General Secretary, the shantytown renovation work across the country has taken a hundred steps forward.

How to make residents living in old urban areas more comfortable and better in the process of urbanization?

Many courtyards in the alley used to be large and miscellaneous courtyards. "There are seven or eight small shops, restaurants, and cold drink shops with walls and holes alone in the cluttered and chaotic alleyways."

Learn every day, act diligently, and provide housing for all the people. February 2014 | General Secretary | People

In February 2014, General Secretary visited Courtyards 29 and 30 of Yu'er Hutong to visit the old neighborhoods and listen to everyone's ideas on the renovation of the old urban area. He earnestly advised, "The renovation of the old urban area needs to respond to different wishes and requirements, and the workload is very large. The relevant departments need to do the work in depth and detail."

Five years later, General Secretary once again walked into the alleys of Beijing and arrived at the eastern district of Qianmen, inspecting the streets and alleys along the four Hu roads of Caochang. The tranquil and comfortable courtyard layout, antique shadow walls, and decorative style of blue bricks and gray tiles... In the peaceful alleys of the core area of the capital, people's lives are more convenient and modern.


Learn every day, act diligently, and provide housing for all the people. February 2014 | General Secretary | People

Clarify the positioning of "housing for living, not for speculation", implement a long-term management mechanism for real estate through multiple measures, and accelerate the construction of housing security and supply systems... With the acceleration of the establishment and improvement of a housing system with multi subject supply, multi-channel guarantee, and simultaneous rental and purchase, groups of leaping numbers witness the transition of people from having a place to live to having a livable place to live.

In the battle against poverty, 7.9 million households and 25.68 million impoverished people have had their dilapidated houses renovated, and over 9.6 million people have been relocated to impoverished areas, breaking free from isolation and backwardness, and moving into new homes that are livable and suitable for work.

During the 13th Five Year Plan period, more than 23 million units of various types of shantytowns were renovated and constructed nationwide, and about 50 million residents moved from dirty and messy shantytowns to spacious and bright resettlement houses.

In 2021 and 2022, a total of 3.3 million affordable rental housing units were raised nationwide for construction. By the end of 2021, over 38 million disadvantaged individuals had moved into public rental housing.


Yu'er Hutong in the Nanluoguxiang area of Beijing.

Learn every day, act diligently, and provide housing for all the people. February 2014 | General Secretary | People

The shantytown family moved from the low and humid shantytown to a modern community. "The community replanted the crape myrtle, gardenia, and osmanthus, along with the original loquat and orange trees, like a flower orchard!" The "old neighbors" in the alley lived a life of both space and face. "In the summer, they sat in the yard playing chess with their old neighbors, chatting from all corners of the world, how pleasant it was!"

With the gradual resolution of the housing contradiction in our country, the demand for housing by the people has shifted from having it or not to having it or not. The General Secretary has repeatedly emphasized the need to continuously enhance the sense of gain, happiness, and security of the people.

Director system | Luo Hongbing, Wei Quhu

Director of production, Wang Jingdong

Editor-in-chief, Li Xuan

Planning by Liu Zhen

Learn every day, act diligently, and provide housing for all the people. February 2014 | General Secretary | People

Editor Li Shanshan

Visual | Hao Fenglin

Proofreading | Meng Lizheng, Sun Jie, Song Chunyan, Fan Lijun, Li Yingzhuo

Product: central Radio and Television Central Television Network

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