Leaders of BRICS countries call for strengthening cooperation in multiple fields and defending multilateralism

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 09:21 AM

Johannesburg, August 23 (Xinhua) - The 15th meeting of BRICS leaders was held in Johannesburg, South Africa on August 23. During their speeches at the meeting, the leaders of the BRICS countries called for strengthening economic and financial cooperation, expanding political and security cooperation, strengthening cultural exchanges, improving the global governance system, and defending multilateralism.

South African President Ramaphosa, the rotating chair of the BRICS countries, stated in his speech that in the past few decades, the BRICS countries have been the main driving force for global economic growth, trade, and investment. The BRICS countries advocate inclusiveness and promote the construction of a more just and reasonable world order. The new economic, political, social, and technological realities require strengthened cooperation among countries. These realities require fundamental reforms of global governance institutions to make them more representative and better able to respond to the challenges facing humanity. He said that the BRICS countries are firmly committed to developing and safeguarding the interests of "global southern" countries, and promoting the construction of a more just and reasonable world order. When it comes to cooperation among BRICS countries, Ramaphosa emphasized that global economic recovery depends on a predictable global payment system, as well as the smooth operation of industries such as banking, trade, tourism, and finance, and supply chains. BRICS countries will continue to discuss practical measures to promote trade and investment flows by increasing the use of their own currencies.

Brazilian President Lula said in his speech that in just a few years, the world has returned from a benign multipolar situation to a situation of restoring the outdated mentality of the Cold War and geopolitical competition, which will generate huge uncertainty and corrode multilateralism, and the risks involved are unacceptable to humanity. He called for the restoration of the multilateral trading system for "fair, predictable, equal, and non discriminatory trade". Lula once again emphasizes the importance of creating a common currency for trade between BRICS countries. He said that creating this currency can increase payment options for BRICS countries and reduce their vulnerability.

Russian President Putin delivered a speech via video on the same day. Putin stated that the BRICS countries have been increasing their potential year by year and have become important mechanisms on the global stage, with their influence in international affairs constantly increasing. Most importantly, the BRICS countries unanimously support the establishment of a truly fair, multipolar world order based on international law and adhering to the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, and oppose any form of hegemonism. Putin said that Russia supports strengthening cooperation in areas such as global innovation, digital transformation, artificial intelligence, vocational education, and women's affairs. During Russia's presidency of the BRICS countries next year, priority will be given to combating terrorism, anti money laundering, expanding local currency settlements, strengthening inter bank cooperation, and promoting interaction in fields such as science and innovation, healthcare, education, and culture.

Indian Prime Minister Modi stated in his speech that the BRICS countries have achieved many accomplishments in the past two decades, and the New Development Bank plays an important role in the development of the "global south". Through various measures such as space cooperation and the establishment of vaccine research and development centers, the BRICS cooperation mechanism is bringing positive changes to the lives of ordinary people in BRICS countries. Modi suggests that BRICS countries further strengthen cooperation in areas such as aerospace, education, technology, and traditional medicine. Modi stated that India fully supports the expansion of the membership of the BRICS countries and welcomes consensus and progress in this regard.

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