Journey | National Glory and Great Country Role Model Ideal | Spirit | Journey

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 01:08 AM

In the long-term struggle, we have built up the spiritual pedigree of the CPC people and forged a distinctive political character. History flows endlessly, and the spirit is passed down from generation to generation. We must continue to carry forward the glorious tradition, continue the red bloodline, and always inherit and carry forward the great spirit of building the Party!

-On July 1, 2021, Xi Jinping

Speech at the Congress Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the CPC

A party member

Journey | National Glory and Great Country Role Model Ideal | Spirit | Journey

Is a flag a role model

Since the 18th National Congress

General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly praised and affirmed

Excellent Party members and cadres on various fronts

Journey | National Glory and Great Country Role Model Ideal | Spirit | Journey

July 1st, the party's birthday

Let's revisit together

Party members who have been praised by the General Secretary

Salute to these great role models!

Journey | National Glory and Great Country Role Model Ideal | Spirit | Journey

Fearless of sacrifice

Seeing death as if returning home

For more than a hundred years, the CPC has united and led the Chinese people to write the most magnificent epic in the history of the Chinese nation for thousands of years with the dauntless spirit of "sacrificing many ambitions and daring to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky".

-On July 1, 2021, Xi Jinping

Journey | National Glory and Great Country Role Model Ideal | Spirit | Journey

Speech delivered at the congress celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC

Li Dazhao faced the executioner's butcher's knife with great righteousness and generosity, proving his unwavering ideals and beliefs through his actions.

-On September 1, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping

Central Party School

Journey | National Glory and Great Country Role Model Ideal | Spirit | Journey

Important speech at the training class for young and middle-aged cadres

Glorious deeds:

Li Dazhao is one of the main founders of the CPC. On April 6, 1927, Zhang Zuolin colluded with imperialism and arrested more than 80 people including Li Dazhao in Beijing. In prison, he was subjected to torture and remained resolute and unyielding. On April 28th, 20 Communist Party members and revolutionaries, including Li Dazhao, bravely sacrificed their lives.

Comrades Huang Qun, Song Yuecai, and Jiang Kaibin stood up bravely and fearlessly in the face of typhoons and waves, sacrificing heroically to protect the national key experimental platform. They demonstrated the excellent character of Communist Party members who are loyal to the Party, conscientious in their duties, and not afraid of sacrifice through practical actions. With their precious lives, they fulfilled the original aspiration and oath of Communist Party members to be ready to sacrifice everything for the Party and the people at any time. They are excellent representatives of Communist Party members and role models of the times.

Journey | National Glory and Great Country Role Model Ideal | Spirit | Journey

-In August 2018, Xi Jinping gave a speech to the 76th Institute of China Shipbuilding Industry

Huang Qun and three other comrades made heroic sacrifices and gave important instructions

Glorious deeds:

On August 20, 2018, a major danger occurred at the 76th wharf of China Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Corporation, a national key testing platform used for scientific research experiments. At a critical moment, 12 comrades including Huang Qun, Song Yuecai, and Jiang Kaibin formed a rescue team to reinforce the platform. During the homework process, Huang Qun, Song Yuecai, and Jiang Kaibin were swept into the sea by giant waves and bravely sacrificed their lives, leaving the experimental platform unscathed.

Journey | National Glory and Great Country Role Model Ideal | Spirit | Journey

Explore innovation

Science and technology serve the country

The historic achievements made in China's science and technology industry are the result of generations of scientists who are determined to serve the country and continue to work hard.

——On September 11, 2020,

Journey | National Glory and Great Country Role Model Ideal | Spirit | Journey

Speech by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the Symposium of Scientists

On November 17, 2017, when General Secretary Xi Jinping was preparing to take a photo with more than 600 delegates to the National Spiritual Civilization Construction Commendation Conference, he saw Huang Xuhua, chief designer of China's first-generation nuclear submarine, standing among the delegates, holding the hand of the octogenarian and asking him to sit next to him, but the old scientist insisted on refusing, and he repeatedly invited, "Come on! Just squeeze, that's it."

Glorious deeds:

Huang Xuhua is the honorary director and former director of the 719 Institute of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, and an academician of the CAE Member. He remained anonymous for decades, dedicating his entire life to China's nuclear submarine industry and making outstanding contributions to the development and leapfrog development of nuclear submarines. In a certain deep diving experiment, he disregarded his personal safety and, as the chief designer, personally followed the product to the limit.

Journey | National Glory and Great Country Role Model Ideal | Spirit | Journey

Comrade Huang Danian upholds the ideal of serving the country through science and technology, and regards contributing to the prosperity and strength of the motherland, national rejuvenation, and people's happiness as his lifelong pursuit. He has made outstanding contributions to China's education and scientific research, and his advanced deeds are touching.

-May 2017, General Secretary Xi Jinping

Important instructions on the advanced deeds of Comrade Huang Danian

Glorious deeds:

Journey | National Glory and Great Country Role Model Ideal | Spirit | Journey

Huang Danian is one of the world's top geophysicists. In his research field, he has always been a follower. His outstanding achievements earned him a privileged life abroad, but he still gave up everything and resolutely returned to his home country, strategizing for the country's deep earth exploration technology, singing "I love you China" with 58 brilliant years of life.

Adhere to the original intention

Dare to take responsibility

To demonstrate loyalty to the Party and sincerity to the people through practical actions of understanding the heavy burden and overcoming difficulties.

Journey | National Glory and Great Country Role Model Ideal | Spirit | Journey

-General Secretary Xi Jinping in the spring semester of 2019

Central Party School Youth Cadre Training Class

Important speech at the class opening ceremony

Comrade Jiao Yulu is a role model for the county party secretary and the whole party. Although he has been away from us for 50 years, his deeds will always be praised by people. His spirit, like the revolutionary traditions and great spirits of Jinggangshan, Yan'an, and Lei Feng, has been, is, and will still be a precious spiritual wealth of our party. We must always learn from him.

Journey | National Glory and Great Country Role Model Ideal | Spirit | Journey

——In March 2014,

Xi Jinping's Speech at the Enlarged Meeting of the Standing Committee of Henan Lankao County Committee

Glorious deeds:

Jiao Yulu was transferred to Lankao County, Henan Province in 1962 to serve as the county party secretary. At that time, the county was suffering from serious waterlogging, sandstorms, and salt alkali disasters. He insisted on seeking truth from facts, adhering to the mass line, and fighting tenaciously against the severe natural disasters with the entire county's cadres and masses, striving to change the face of Lankao. Despite suffering from liver cancer, he still endured severe pain and persisted in his work, earning him the reputation of being a "good cadre of the Party" and a "good servant of the people".

Journey | National Glory and Great Country Role Model Ideal | Spirit | Journey

Advanced models cannot be forgotten, Comrade Niu Yuru is a role model for the vast number of party members and cadres in the new era. The reason why our party has won the support of the people is precisely because there are countless comrades like Niu Yuru. In the education and practice activities of the Party's mass line, we should learn from advanced models and role models around us.

——In January 2014,

Xi Jinping Visited Comrade Niu Yuru's Family

Glorious deeds:

Journey | National Glory and Great Country Role Model Ideal | Spirit | Journey

For over 30 years, Niu Yuru, from the secretary of the commune to a deputy provincial-level cadre, has always cared for the people, worked diligently for the people, and served as an official with full reform passion and selfless work spirit, benefiting the whole country. To do it well, one must strive to do it well, which is the creed of Niu Yuru. On August 14, 2004, he fell ill from overwork and passed away young, earning him the title of "a good cadre of the Party and a caring person for the people.".

Dedicated to serving the people

Selfless dedication

Without ideals and beliefs, it is impossible to make sacrifices for the Party, the country, and the people. Communist Party members should strive, struggle, and sacrifice for their ideals.

Journey | National Glory and Great Country Role Model Ideal | Spirit | Journey

——In May 2014,

General Secretary Xi Jinping and members of the team of various units of the Central Office

Speech during the symposium with representatives of cadres and employees

The old hero Zhang Fuqing has been hiding his achievements for over 60 years, sticking to his original intention and never changing his true colors throughout his life. His deeds are touching. In the army, he defends his home and country; Wherever he goes, he benefits the people. He wrote a wonderful life with his simplicity, purity, and indifference to fame and fortune, and is a role model for the vast number of military officers and veterans to learn from. We should actively promote the spirit of dedication and gather the powerful force of unity to strive for the new era.

Journey | National Glory and Great Country Role Model Ideal | Spirit | Journey

-May 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping

Important instructions on the advanced deeds of Comrade Zhang Fuqing

Glorious deeds:

Zhang Fuqing was once a commando member of the Northwest Field Army, who braved the rain of bullets and made outstanding military achievements. In 1955, he retired and switched careers, voluntarily choosing to work in the most remote county of Laifeng in Hubei Province, silently dedicating his life to the impoverished mountainous areas.

Journey | National Glory and Great Country Role Model Ideal | Spirit | Journey

Since the day of his career change, Zhang Fuqing has "sealed" all memories of his military achievements. Even though life was not comfortable, he did not make any demands to the organization. It was not until the end of 2018 that the country launched information registration for retired soldiers, and his military achievements hidden for over half a century were discovered.

Devote oneself to education and poverty alleviation, ignite the hope of mountain girls.

——Summary of National Poverty Alleviation Campaign in February 2021

General Secretary Xi Jinping praised Zhang Guimei in his speech at the commendation meeting

Journey | National Glory and Great Country Role Model Ideal | Spirit | Journey

Glorious deeds:

In April 1998, Zhang Guimei joined the CPC. In August 2008, she founded the first free high school for women in China, which lit up the light of hope for girls in poor mountain areas to pursue their dreams. She dragged her sick body and worked selflessly, insisting on using red genes to cultivate people and forge souls. She was affectionately called "Zhang Mama" by the children.

Over the past century

Generations of CPC

Journey | National Glory and Great Country Role Model Ideal | Spirit | Journey

Leading the Chinese people to continue moving forward

Not afraid of sacrifice in times of danger

Innovation and Exploration on the Road of Struggle

Be brave enough to take on important responsibilities

Journey | National Glory and Great Country Role Model Ideal | Spirit | Journey

On the way forward, wholeheartedly serving the people

Diligent dedication in ordinary positions


They are like

Journey | National Glory and Great Country Role Model Ideal | Spirit | Journey

A star a lamp a cluster of fire

Radiance in the sky, candlelight on the earth

Promote the continuous development and growth of the Chinese nation

Illuminate the glorious future of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

Journey | National Glory and Great Country Role Model Ideal | Spirit | Journey

This is a Communist!

This is the role model of a great country!

Produced by Hubei Publishing and Editing Department | Please indicate the source when reprinting

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