Joint Statement of the China Africa Leaders' Dialogue

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 11:14 AM

Joint Statement of the China Africa Leaders' Dialogue

The dialogue meeting was attended by H.E. Azali Asumani, Chairman in Office of the African Union and President of the Comoros Union, H.E. Maki Salle, President of the Republic of Senegal and the African co chair of the Forum on China Africa Cooperation, H.E. Hakande Hikilema, Chairman in Office of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa and President of the Republic of Zambia, H.E. Ewalist Ndayshimiye, Chairman in Office of the East African Community and President of the Republic of Burundi, H.E. Ismail Omar Guelleh, Chairman in Office of the Intergovernmental Development Organization and President of the Republic of Djibouti, H.E. Denis Sassou Nguesso, Representative of the Central African subregion and President of the Republic of the Congo, and Representative of the Southern African subregion, H.E. Mr. Hag Genghib, President of the Republic of Namibia, H.E. Mr. Moussa Kuni, Representative of the rotating presidency of the League of Arab Maghreb States and Vice Chairman of the Presidential Commission of the Libyan State, H.E. Mr. Saleh Kebuzabo, Representative of the rotating presidency of the Community of Sahelo Saharan States and Prime Minister of the Republic of Chad, H.E. Mr. Kassem Shetima, Representative of the rotating presidency of the Economic Community of West African States and Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, His Excellency Albert Muchanga, Economic Development, Trade, Industry and Mining Commissioner of the African Union Commission.

The Chinese side warmly congratulates the predecessor of the African Union, the Organization of African Unity, on its 60th anniversary and welcomes the African Union's designation of 2023 as the "Year of the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement: Accelerating the Implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area.". Both sides emphasized that the African Continental Free Trade Area is of great significance, and its full implementation is expected to promote Africa's economic transformation and have a positive impact on various fields. China is willing to support Africa in strengthening trade integration, promoting investment, developing value chains, improving their respective production and export capabilities of value-added products, and assisting the process of regional economic integration in Africa.

China fully supports South Africa in hosting the "BRICS+" dialogue between leaders of BRICS and African countries, providing a platform for the African continent to play a greater role in global governance and international affairs. China strongly supports the African Union becoming an official member of the G20.

The African side appreciates China's global development initiative, global security initiative, and global civilization initiative in supporting the deepening of multilateralism, and firmly believes that the development of China and Africa will bring more opportunities for world peace and development. The two sides will continue to promote the high-quality cooperation of China and Africa in jointly building the "the Belt and Road" to closely link with the 2063 Agenda of the African Union and the development strategies of African countries, and promote the upgrading of China Africa cooperation.

Both sides agree that since its establishment in 2000, the Forum on China Africa Cooperation has focused on achieving common prosperity and sustainable development for the Chinese and African peoples, and has become an efficient platform for South South cooperation. Both sides appreciate the progress made in implementing the first three-year plan and the "nine projects" of the 2035 Vision for China Africa Cooperation. The African side welcomes China's initiatives such as the Support for African Industrialization Initiative, China's Assistance for Agricultural Modernization in Africa Plan, and China Africa Talent Training Cooperation Plan to support sustainable development on the African continent.

China believes that the African continent's programs and projects advocated by the African Union's Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want are crucial for promoting social and economic development in Africa, and regional economic communities play a core strategic role in implementation. Both sides emphasized that addressing the development challenges in Africa should be closely coordinated with the implementation plan of the second decade of the 2063 Agenda. Development partners should focus on supporting Africa's identified priorities, ensuring coordination, action oriented, and strategic participation in African affairs.

Both sides reiterated the need to continue promoting the construction of the Forum on China Africa Cooperation mechanism, jointly strengthening the follow-up actions and evaluations of the forum, and ensuring the efficient, pragmatic, and smooth implementation of the forum's achievements.

Both sides reaffirmed their firm defense of the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, and their firm support for each other in safeguarding national territorial integrity, sovereignty, security, and development interests. China supports African countries in exploring development paths that are in line with their own national conditions, and the African side reiterates its firm commitment to the One China policy.

Both sides believe that the African Peace and Security Architecture is a powerful normative framework for addressing security challenges and threats on the African continent. In view of this, China will provide support to the African Union Peace Fund to effectively resolve conflicts on the African continent.

China welcomes the constructive and innovative measures taken by African leaders to resolve the crisis in Ukraine. Both sides call for strengthening dialogue and contact, establishing mutual trust, and creating a conducive environment for dialogue between conflicting parties.

Both sides agree that China Africa cooperation should focus on strengthening existing global mechanisms, ensuring the participation of developing countries, demonstrating inclusiveness, and winning global trust. In view of this, the long-standing unresolved issue of multilateral financial institutions and the reform of the United Nations Security Council should be resolved.

Published in Johannesburg on August 24, 2023.

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