Joint Statement between the People's Republic of China and the Democratic People's Republic of Algeria (full text) China | Development | Democratic People's Republic of Algeria

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:10 AM

Joint Statement of the People's Republic of China and the Democratic People's Republic of Algeria

At the invitation of the People's Republic of China President Xi Jinping, President Abdelmahjid Tebben of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria paid a state visit to the People's Republic of China from July 17 to 21, 2023.

Chinese Premier Li Qiang and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Zhao Leji respectively met with President Teben.

The two heads of state reviewed the profound traditional friendly relationship between the two countries and expressed appreciation for the high-level coordination and cooperation in various fields between the two countries; Explored ways to further develop relations in various fields to benefit the two countries and friendly peoples; Exchanged views on bilateral, regional, and international issues of common concern; Appreciate the fruitful cooperation between the two countries at the bilateral and international levels; It is of great significance to point out that this visit coincides with the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

The Chinese side appreciates the tremendous achievements made by the Algerian side in the field of national development under the framework of President Teppen's vision for a new Algeria, and wishes the Algerian people the early realization of the goal of building a prosperous and strong country.

In view of the current development status of the bilateral relationship and the desire to continue strengthening this relationship, the two heads of state have decided to further strengthen political consultations at all levels, strengthen cooperation in political, economic, cultural, technological, security, and national defense fields, deepen the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries, thereby expanding common interests, strengthening mutual support, and responding to various global crises and challenges.

Both sides emphasize the importance of close political and security cooperation, and are willing to enhance exchanges and cooperation at all levels between governments and legislative bodies to achieve the common interests of the two peoples; Appreciates the progress of economic and trade relations between the two countries, is willing to deepen the economic partnership, strengthen practical cooperation in various fields, strive to increase the scale of bilateral trade, facilitate the export of Arab non oil products to China, and increase the scale of China's substantive investment in Algeria under the background of many preferences brought by Algeria's new investment law, and agrees to make better use of trade and investment opportunities by deepening cooperation in automobile manufacturing, aerospace, agriculture, culture, tourism, port construction, logistics, desalination, infrastructure, processing industry, metallurgy, finance, digital economy, energy, mining, education, scientific research, Chinese teaching, news, taxation, customs, anti-corruption and other fields under the framework of the "New Algeria" vision and the "the Belt and Road Initiative", and strengthen the cooperation between the public and private sectors of the two countries Exchange visits, work together to create a high-quality, appropriate and attractive investment environment, promote economic and trade investment, consolidate partnership, and open up broader prospects for economic cooperation in various fields between the two countries; Strengthen scientific and academic cooperation, support cultural institutions between China and Arab countries to jointly organize a series of cultural activities to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Arab countries, continuously expand personnel exchanges, and consolidate friendly civil relations between China and Arab countries in various fields such as culture, sports, tourism, and news.

The two sides agreed to comprehensively strengthen the docking of the development strategies of the two countries, give play to their complementary advantages, deepen practical cooperation, and benefit the two peoples. The two sides expressed satisfaction with the China Arab Cooperation Plan for Co building the "the Belt and Road", the Five Year Plan for China Arab Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation, and the Three Year Cooperation Plan on Key Areas signed in November and December 2022. Both parties have signed and reached a series of agreements and memorandums of understanding, covering various areas of cooperation between the two parties.

The two sides appreciated each other's mutual support and cooperation in combating the COVID-19 epidemic, and appreciated the partnership established by the two countries in the field of vaccine production. The two heads of state are willing to take the celebration of the 60th anniversary of China's dispatch of the first foreign medical team to Afghanistan as an opportunity to strengthen cooperation in the field of health between the two countries.

Both sides reiterated their willingness to closely communicate and coordinate in international and multilateral settings, continue to firmly support each other's core interests, support each other in maintaining sovereignty and territorial integrity, work together to defend international law principles and basic norms of international relations such as non-interference in internal affairs, respect the principle of good neighborliness and friendship, promote democratization of international relations, advocate for peaceful resolution of conflicts through dialogue, emphasize the need to maintain the international system with the United Nations at its core, the international order based on international law, and the basic norms of international relations based on the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, adhere to true multilateralism, consolidate the principles of unity, cooperation, fairness and justice in international relations, and safeguard the rights and interests of developing countries.

China supports the efforts of Afghanistan to maintain national security and stability, and appreciates the development path chosen by Afghanistan to achieve comprehensive economic revitalization.

The Algerian side has once again informed the Chinese side of the measures and considerations it has taken to apply for membership in the BRICS countries, especially in the context of fundamental economic changes in Algeria. The Algerian side looks forward to keeping up with the trend of world economic development. The Chinese side welcomes the positive willingness of Afghanistan to join the BRICS countries and supports Afghanistan's efforts to achieve this goal. The Afghan side appreciates China's stance and appreciates China's willingness to provide support to the Afghan side at all stages of this process.

Afghanistan appreciates China's support for Afghanistan's candidacy for non permanent membership in the United Nations Security Council from 2024 to 2025. China congratulates Afghanistan on being elected as a non permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. Both sides look forward to strengthening cooperation and consultation around the issues on the agenda of the Security Council.

The two sides welcomed the first China-Arab States Summit held in Riyadh on December 9, 2022, and appreciated the achievements of the summit under the current international situation. Both sides emphasize their support for the initiative of fully building a China Arab community with a shared future for the new era, appreciate the important role played by the China Arab Cooperation Forum in strengthening collective cooperation between China and Arab countries, and are willing to work together to strengthen the construction of the forum.

The Chinese side congratulates the Arab side on successfully hosting the Arab League Summit Council meeting from November 1 to 2, 2022, and appreciates the positive role played by the Arab side in achieving Arab unity, strengthening Arab joint action, and addressing the challenges currently faced by Arab countries in various fields.

China supports Afghanistan's important and constructive role in international and regional affairs, and appreciates China's various initiatives and ideas, as well as China's active efforts to promote a just and lasting solution to the Middle East issue. Both sides emphasized that the situation in the Middle East is related to global security and stability, and promoting peace and prosperity in the region is in the common interest of the international community. Both sides emphasize that the Palestinian issue should be resolved in accordance with international law and relevant United Nations resolutions, ensuring the right of the Palestinian people to establish a fully sovereign and independent Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and achieving security and stability in the Middle East on the basis of mutual respect and upholding the principles of fairness and justice. They support Palestine in becoming an official member of the United Nations and related organizations. The Chinese side appreciates President T é ben's active efforts to achieve unity among Palestinian factions and internal reconciliation and unity, as well as the Algiers Declaration issued in this regard.Appreciate China's long-term firm support for the just cause of restoring the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, support the strengthening of unity among all factions in Palestine, and achieve internal reconciliation through consultation and dialogue.

Both sides agree that on the basis of respecting the sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of regional countries, they should promote political and peaceful solutions to hot issues and other crises in Arab regions such as Syria, Libya, Yemen, and Sudan through dialogue and consultation. They emphasize opposition to external interference, jointly combat extremist terrorist organizations within their borders, support Lebanon, Somalia, and Sudan in their efforts to achieve security, stability, development, prosperity, and counter-terrorism, and support the efforts of the United Nations and the Arab League to this end. China emphasizes its support for Arab countries to solve regional security issues through unity and cooperation.

Under the active mediation of China, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Iran reached an agreement in Beijing on March 10, 2023, and signed a joint statement in Beijing on April 6, announcing the resumption of diplomatic relations. The relationship between Saudi Arabia and Iran has entered a new era of consensus, cooperation, and peace. The Afghan side appreciates the efforts made by the Chinese side.

Both sides emphasize the importance of the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Africa, support African countries in achieving common development goals in accordance with the 2063 Agenda of the African Union, eliminate crises that threaten peace, security, and stability in Africa in accordance with the basic principles of the African Union Charter, and strive to solve African problems in an African way.

Appreciate China's firm support for African countries to achieve national independence, pursue a development path that is in line with their own national conditions, and support the efforts of African integration construction and joint self-improvement; It is believed that China's cooperation with Africa has always been at the forefront of international cooperation with Africa, and the achievements of China Africa cooperation have improved the economic and social development conditions in Africa, bringing tangible benefits to both peoples.

China appreciates the important role played by Afghanistan in supporting stability, development, security, and peace in Africa, actively promoting the peaceful resolution of crises in Libya, Mali, the Sahel, and the Sahara region. China also appreciates Afghanistan's long-term commitment as the coordinator of the African Union to prevent and combat terrorism and violent extreme activities, and actively strives to share its successful experience in counter-terrorism in Africa. The Chinese side appreciates the contribution made by Afghanistan to the implementation of the African Union's 2063 Agenda, especially in implementing basic development projects with African characteristics with African countries to achieve economic integration; Appreciate the efforts of Afghanistan to promote the construction of free trade zones in order to strengthen trade exchanges between African countries; Appreciate the active role played by the Afghan side in providing financing for development projects in African countries, especially for integrated projects in the fields of economy, society, culture, religion, and science.

Regarding the issue of Western Sahara, both sides emphasize their support for efforts to achieve a just and lasting solution within the framework of international law, especially relevant United Nations resolutions, to ensure the self-determination of the people of Western Sahara under arrangements consistent with the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, and to support the efforts of the United Nations towards this end.

Regarding the situation in Ukraine, both sides call for resolving differences through dialogue and negotiation, and peaceful means; Adhere to recognized international law, the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter; The security of one country cannot be at the cost of harming the security of other countries, and the reasonable security concerns of each country should be taken seriously and properly addressed; Oppose unilateral sanctions and other mandatory measures to avoid violating international law and damaging the livelihoods of relevant countries; Possible humanitarian impacts should be alleviated, efforts should be made to avoid escalation of the situation, and a peaceful resolution of the crisis should be achieved.

Both sides are willing to jointly promote cooperation in key areas within the framework of global development initiatives and accelerate the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The Chinese side appreciates the tremendous efforts made by Afghanistan to safeguard the comprehensive and sustainable development rights of developing countries.

At the end of the visit, Algerian President Teben expressed his heartfelt thanks and high appreciation to Chinese President Xi Jinping for the warm reception and hospitality he and his accompanying delegation gave him during his visit, and sincerely wished President Xi Jinping health and happiness. I wish the friendly Chinese people continuous development and progress. President Teben invited President Xi Jinping to visit Algeria. President Xi Jinping expressed his gratitude for this. The date of the visit will be agreed by both sides.

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