Interpreting Poetry and Painting in Jiangnan, Looking Back at the Past and Learning from the Past | A Miniature of the Ancient City | Pingjiang Pingjiang Road | Suzhou | Historical and Cultural District | Jiangnan

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 02:30 AM

From the afternoon of the 5th to the morning of the 6th, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, and came to the Pingjiang Historical and Cultural District to learn about the protection of historical and cultural cities.

There is heaven above, and Suzhou and Hangzhou below. The praise of the ancients has topped Suzhou for a thousand years. During the Southern Song Dynasty, the "Pingjiang Map" depicting Pingjiang Prefecture, which is now Suzhou City, was created. The pattern of "parallel water and land, adjacent rivers and streets" seen in the map continues to this day.

Assembly photo: The left image shows the Song Dynasty inscription "Pingjiang Map"; The right image is a satellite image of the ancient city of Suzhou taken in March 2023.

Interpreting Poetry and Painting in Jiangnan, Looking Back at the Past and Learning from the Past | A Miniature of the Ancient City | Pingjiang Pingjiang Road | Suzhou | Historical and Cultural District | Jiangnan

A Pingjiang Road, half of Gusu City. Pingjiang Road is 1606 meters long, connecting Humble Administrator's Garden in the north and overlooking the twin towers of Arhat Yard in the south. The Pingjiang Historical and Cultural District has 20 cultural heritage units at all levels and 45 controlled and protected buildings, known as the "Jiangnan Cultural Museum without walls.".

"Green bricks accompanied by tile paint, white horses treading on new mud..." Hiding at the Pipa language Pingtan Art Museum on the banks of the Pingjiang River, young people flocked in droves to listen to the Wu language song "Slow Voice". Not only Pingtan, but also Kunqu opera, Su embroidery, and Hanfu can be seen everywhere on Pingjiang Road.

Pingjiang, which means the water flow of a large river gradually flattens here, has shaped the gentle and elegant characteristics of Suzhou.

Interpreting Poetry and Painting in Jiangnan, Looking Back at the Past and Learning from the Past | A Miniature of the Ancient City | Pingjiang Pingjiang Road | Suzhou | Historical and Cultural District | Jiangnan

Time flies, the river never stops. The pattern and style of Pingjiang Road have remained unchanged for thousands of years, but now it is shining with new vitality in the revitalization, protection, and inheritance.

Strolling along Pingjiang Road, not only do you see the gentle and pleasant fireworks and waterfront, but also various colorful and youthful cultural spaces in your eyes. In recent years, Suzhou has actively explored new ways to revitalize and utilize the ancient city, transforming its former residences into cultural hotels, corporate headquarters, and exhibition centers, providing a new way to open up the historically renowned ancient houses and buildings. After the restoration of Pan Zuyin's former residence, it has become a popular hotel on Pingjiang Road.

Assembly photo: South of Qingshi Bridge on Pingjiang Road before and after the "micro renovation" of Suzhou Ancient City.

Interpreting Poetry and Painting in Jiangnan, Looking Back at the Past and Learning from the Past | A Miniature of the Ancient City | Pingjiang Pingjiang Road | Suzhou | Historical and Cultural District | Jiangnan

Some residential areas on Pingjiang Road were once inconvenient for residents due to old houses and outdated facilities. The street carries out "micro updates", unblocking pipelines, updating facades, and improving the surrounding street and alley environment. The old neighbors who have lived for decades were moved to tears when they saw the tree species from their childhood planted back at the alley entrance.

Boating under the shade of ancient trees, listening to music and sipping tea in front of the window lattice along the river, experiencing colorful time in the deep old streets and alleys, the abundant cultural tension of Pingjiang Road attracts people from all over the world, coming here to "check in" and experience the beauty of Jiangnan.

The recent photo of the Pingjiang Historical and Cultural District in Suzhou. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Bo

Interpreting Poetry and Painting in Jiangnan, Looking Back at the Past and Learning from the Past | A Miniature of the Ancient City | Pingjiang Pingjiang Road | Suzhou | Historical and Cultural District | Jiangnan

On the southern section of Pingjiang Road, a bookstore's bright glass emits warm lights. A wall in the bookstore titled "Send to the Future" is filled with postcards, and many people write letters to send to the future here.

Visual | jointly produced by Xinhua News Agency's domestic department and Xinhua News Agency's Jiangsu branch

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