International Sharp Review | Why does the US need Kissin style diplomatic wisdom? Sir/Kissinger/US side

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:43 AM

On July 20th, a special guest was welcomed to Building 5 of the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing.

Kissinger stated that US China relations are crucial for the peace and prosperity of both countries and the world, and he is willing to continue to make efforts to enhance mutual understanding between the peoples of the US and China.

52 years ago, also in July, at this location, Kissinger met with the older generation of Chinese leaders as the National Security Assistant and Special Envoy of then US President Nixon, initiating the normalization process of Sino US relations. This is considered an important moment in Kissinger's diplomatic career. At present, he has been to China more than a hundred times and is still active on the front line of promoting communication and dialogue between China and the United States at the age of over a hundred. These two centenaries are enough to earn the respect of the world.

Kissinger data chart

In the US political arena, Kissinger represents a pragmatic force advocating dialogue and contact with China, and properly handling differences. This force can formulate rational and constructive policies towards China from the perspective of truly safeguarding American interests. In fact, looking back at the process of establishing diplomatic relations between China and the United States, it is not difficult to find that whenever Washington's cooperation with China takes the upper hand, the overall development of China US relations will be smooth. On the contrary, one must go through storms and trials.

Currently, China US relations have once again reached a crossroads. The International Review collected and organized press releases from Kissinger's meetings with Chinese leaders and officials over the past five years, and found that his key words in his speeches were very focused - understanding, dialogue, communication, and controlling differences. If we compare Kissinger's pragmatic and rational diplomatic thinking with the US government's policy towards China, the outside world will have a clearer understanding of the crux of China US relations.

International Sharp Review | Why does the US need Kissin style diplomatic wisdom? Sir/Kissinger/US side

Some American politicians often say that China's development path, political system, and values are completely different from those of the United States, and they use these as a basis for hostility and suppression of China. But the problem is, this difference is not unique now. Against the historical backdrop of the peak of the Cold War, China and the United States broke the ice of over 20 years of mutual isolation and achieved a "handshake across the Pacific", causing a sensation in the world. Why was it possible to do it at that time? This is not only driven by time and circumstances, but more importantly, both Chinese and American leaders recognize that turning enemies into friends between China and the United States is not only beneficial to each other, but also to the world. So, with extraordinary strategic wisdom, foresight, and courage, both sides overcame ideological differences and took a historic step.

Today, 52 years later, although the international situation has changed and the comparison of power between China and the United States has also changed, the logic that cooperation between China and the United States benefits both sides and confrontation harms both sides has not changed; The logic that China US cooperation is conducive to world peace and stability has not changed; China's policy towards the United States remains highly continuous, and this has not changed at all.This is a summary of the past exchanges between China and the United States, and also the correct way for the two countries to coexist in the new era.

As a witness to the contacts and negotiations between China and the United States, Mr. Kissinger is particularly aware that the Taiwan issue is the most important and sensitive core issue in Sino-US relations. During his visit to China this time, he told President Xi that he should abide by the principles set out in the Shanghai Communique and understand the extreme importance of the one-China principle to China. Those American politicians who are constantly "playing with fire" on Taiwan should listen to the exhortations of this old man of the century.

At the same time as Kissinger's personal visit to China, there has been a significant increase in official contacts between China and the United States. Recently, high-ranking officials such as the US Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury, and President's climate envoy have successively visited China. Many analysts believe that the improvement of Sino US relations has entered a new "window period", which also proves that Sino US relations are not a multiple-choice question of whether to do well, but a must answer question of how to do well.

Chinese people often say, "Reviewing the old and learning the new.". Over the past 52 years, China US cooperation has become one major event after another that benefits both countries and the world. Today, the decision-makers in the United States need to seek answers from history: how do they view China and how do they interact with China in order to truly align with the national interests of the United States? Having figured out these fundamental issues, the US seeking to engage with China will not stop at crisis management. The future of China US relations depends on today's choices and cannot be separated from the absorption of historical experience. To do a good job in China US relations, the US needs the wisdom of Kissin style diplomacy.

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