Innovating Traditional Festivals, Hotly Commenting on the "Dragon Boat Festival+" Festival | Creativity | Tradition

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:52 PM

Recently, over the Longhua Cultural and Sports Center in Shenzhen, thousands of drones formed in formation to shine under the starry night, performing the performance of "flying dragons in the sky" to welcome the Dragon Boat Festival. A video of just a few tens of seconds has been reposted on various platforms, with views exceeding ten million.

When it comes to the Dragon Boat Festival, the ballad "May 5th is the Dragon Boat Festival; the door is full of incense; eating Zongzi, drinking realgar; dragon boat racing, playing gongs and drums" may ring in many people's minds with childhood memories. The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the four traditional festivals in China, and it is also the first festival in China to be selected as a World Intangible Cultural Heritage. However, its appearance is constantly innovating through inheritance: technology, media, culture, creative activities are frequently integrated with ancient festivals, making "Dragon Boat+" gradually a new experience that connects the past and the present.

Innovating Traditional Festivals, Hotly Commenting on the "Dragon Boat Festival+" Festival | Creativity | Tradition

The frequent emergence of creative public activities and the sense of participation of the people have made the Dragon Boat Festival "somewhat new". Dragon boats from all over the country are also colorful: in Diejiao Township, Foshan, Guangdong, due to its unique waterway environment, participating teams need to turn back and complete the competition on an S-shaped waterway over 300 meters long, like a "dragon boat drift"; The Wuzhen Scenic Area in Jiaxing, Zhejiang combines traditional rowing boats with dragon boats and launches the "Dragon Boat Flower Lantern Boat" water parade activity; In Xihu District, Hangzhou City, the national intangible cultural heritage Jiangcun Dragon Boat Festival has returned to China after a three-year hiatus. The most expensive "full sky dragon boat" cost over one million yuan, and various designs such as "half day dragon boat", "shirtless dragon boat", and "splashing water dragon boat" have filled the atmosphere of the venue.

The reason why the Dragon Boat Festival has been thriving and enduring is because it has retained the nostalgia in the hearts of the Chinese people, and it is also because the spirit of cooperation, hard work, and striving for progress has been passed down from generation to generation. This traditional folk activity has received more attention this year - the Hangzhou Asian Games dragon boat project is expected to produce a total of 6 gold medals, and the dragon boat culture is becoming more "alive" and "popular", also "rowing" towards the world in the chopping waves.

Innovating Traditional Festivals, Hotly Commenting on the "Dragon Boat Festival+" Festival | Creativity | Tradition

Mass media is constantly innovating, and cultural immersion makes the Dragon Boat Festival somewhat different. With the gradual rise of cultural confidence, "taste and knowledge" has become a standard feature for many people to celebrate traditional festivals in cultural programs. The special program of China Central Radio and Television Station, "Long Song of the Dragon Boat Festival in Clear Water," features an immersive live performance with the natural backdrop of the two banks of the Xia River. It innovatively integrates the beauty of mountains and rivers, cultural atmosphere, and artistic performances, allowing millennium old culture to fly into ordinary people's homes with the beauty of literature and art; Multiple media platforms allow audiences to enjoy the best performances, and during the festival, various excellent audio-visual programs are gathered, making cloud enjoyment of excellent works a distinctive label of the "Dragon Boat Festival Festival"; And slow live streaming on the internet also showcases "Beautiful China in the Camera" at a unique pace, slowing down the festive season while observing the beautiful scenery of various places. To endow traditional culture with a new mass form, cultural feasts that intersect ancient and modern times and cross dimensions are more influential, infectious, and penetrating.

The delicate iteration of popular aesthetics and the sense of fashion make the Dragon Boat Festival "somewhat charming". Hanfu is quite popular among young people, and many places such as Xi'an, Lanzhou, Changsha, and Weifang have carried out exhibitions and garden activities of "Chinese style Hanfu", showcasing the beauty of inheritance and elegant blooming in midsummer; Many households have exquisite wormwood bouquets and wreaths adorned with golden balls and calamus leaves hanging at their doorstep, adding a new sense of ceremony to the Dragon Boat Festival's prayers for sterilization, disease control, and health. Data shows that in mid to early June, the number of merchants selling Dragon Boat Festival bouquets on only one e-commerce platform increased by 344% year-on-year, while sales increased by 170 times compared to the same period last year. Inheritance and development are not far away. In everyone's life full of smoke and fire, some fabric patterns are excavated based on historical records, and the wormwood hanging method has become a hot topic. seemingly small innovative ideas not only add beauty, but also carry thousands of years of cultural heritage and modern vitality and vitality.

Innovating Traditional Festivals, Hotly Commenting on the "Dragon Boat Festival+" Festival | Creativity | Tradition

"Duan" refers to being upright, and "noon" refers to being at the center. Chinese people have always emphasized the importance of upholding righteousness in order to achieve success and innovation. The emergence of the "Dragon Boat Festival+" creativity and practice in various regions has given us reason to believe that the "micro innovation" of festivals is not about fading the traditional flavor of the festival, but rather integrating elements of the new era in the inheritance and development of Chinese culture, so as to bring new ideas to the festival and make the days feel fragrant.

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