Inject new impetus into BRICS cooperation and create a new situation for South-South cooperation -- the international community looks forward to President Xi Jinping's attendance at the 15th BRICS leaders' meeting and state visit to South Africa.

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 01:51 AM

Xinhua News Agency reporter

Promote BRICS cooperation to write a new chapter

The BRICS countries account for 26% of the global area, 42% of the population, and 25% of the total economic output, representing the historical trend of the collective rise of developing countries. The BRICS cooperation, which has gone through 17 years of ups and downs, has become an important platform for emerging market countries and developing countries to unite and strengthen themselves. How to respond to the new international situation and embark on a new golden journey is the focus of this BRICS summit.

On August 17th, in Johannesburg, South Africa, workers set up banners for the BRICS Summit outside the Thornton Convention and Exhibition Center.

Last year, China hosted the third BRICS Leaders Meeting and achieved multiple significant results: issuing the BRICS Joint Statement on Supporting Multilateral Trade System and WTO Reform, reaching the first BRICS Food Security Cooperation Strategy, establishing the BRICS Technology Transfer Center Network, and establishing the BRICS Digital Economy Partnership Framework. Kokushkina stated that "the results of last year's BRICS China Year are unprecedented in both quantity and quality. The BRICS cooperation mechanism has developed into an important platform for cooperation among developing countries, and the cooperation momentum will be continued and developed at this meeting.".

Inject new impetus into BRICS cooperation and create a new situation for South-South cooperation -- the international community looks forward to President Xi Jinping's attendance at the 15th BRICS leaders' meeting and state visit to South Africa.

Pires believes that the leaders' meeting is expected to achieve positive results, especially in the creation of new action platforms in areas such as trade, currency, and climate governance. In addition, "people have fervent expectations for the 'expansion' of the BRICS.".

The BRICS countries should continue to promote mutually beneficial cooperation and jointly promote the development of the world economy towards a more just and inclusive direction.

"The BRICS cooperation mechanism provides a constructive platform for countries with different traditions, cultures and languages to exchange ideas, and actively promotes the process of world multipolarization and the harmonious development of diverse civilizations, which is one of the attractions of the BRICS mechanism." Victoria Panova, Vice President of the Russian Higher Economic University, said that one of the main topics of the leaders' meeting is to discuss how to "expand", which will show inclusiveness and ensure the efficiency of the BRICS mechanism.

Indian political analyst Kantan said that looking at the world's population, four fifths live in developing countries. But where are the voices of these people living in developing countries? "We need a multilateral mechanism that truly represents the 'global South', and the BRICS cooperation mechanism can play such a role."

Promoting New Development of China Africa and South South Cooperation

Those who share the same aspirations do not consider mountains and seas as distant. During this summit, leaders of BRICS countries will hold dialogue with leaders of African countries, other emerging markets, and developing countries.Many people from various countries have expressed their hope that China will work together with emerging markets and developing countries in Africa and other regions to deepen cooperation, lead the construction of a community with a shared future between China and Africa to make new progress, and give new impetus to maintaining international fairness and justice, promoting multilateralism, and promoting South South cooperation.

It is seen that the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" is bringing new opportunities for China Africa cooperation. "Exporting to China" has become a topic of discussion for more and more African farmers and exporters. From Madagascar essential oil, Kenyan flowers, Zambian oil paintings and gemstones, to Ethiopian coffee, Zimbabwe wood carvings, South African wine, diversified African products are exported to China, and the Chinese market has brought stable income and development opportunities for Africans.

On June 29th, at the Changsha International Convention and Exhibition Center, Alfred Antony, an exhibitor at the 3rd China Africa Economic and Trade Expo, introduced Ethiopian coffee.

Inject new impetus into BRICS cooperation and create a new situation for South-South cooperation -- the international community looks forward to President Xi Jinping's attendance at the 15th BRICS leaders' meeting and state visit to South Africa.

"I hope that Africa and China can use the BRICS cooperation mechanism to carry out broader cooperation in politics, economy, society, culture and other fields." Guinea's international relations scholar Bubacar Barry said, "African countries will have more opportunities to learn from the development experience of China and other BRICS countries, which will promote African countries' economic development and find development paths suitable for their own national conditions."

Data shows that since the establishment of the Forum on China Africa Cooperation 23 years ago, Chinese companies have built and upgraded over 10000 kilometers of railways, nearly 100000 kilometers of roads, nearly a thousand bridges, nearly a hundred ports, as well as numerous hospitals and schools, creating over 4.5 million jobs in Africa. A survey report released by the Kenyan think tank "Cross Regional Economic Network" last year showed that China's cooperation with Africa has been highly recognized by African people in infrastructure construction, rapid decision-making, and timely completion of engineering projects.

Kofi Tutu, an analyst at Ganasimba Enterprise Strategic Development Company, has a deep understanding of China's strong support for the economic and social development of African countries over the years. China has made many positive efforts to help African countries cope with their debt problems, alleviate their development burden, and achieve independent development. China Africa cooperation has become a model of South South cooperation. Tutu looks forward to African China leaders using the BRICS cooperation mechanism as a platform to further promote African China cooperation to a new level.

Focusing on Africa is a key part of South Africa's work during the current BRICS rotating presidency. The BRICS leaders' meeting will explore how to strengthen cooperation between BRICS countries and African countries, and promote the development and economic growth of the African continent.

Promoting China South relations to a new height

On the mountains of central South Africa's D'A region, white wind turbines stand tall. The strong wind blew by, and the fan blades slowly rotated. This is the De'a wind power project operated by China Longyuan Power Group South Africa Company. The person in charge of the project's South African partner commented that the project has made a positive contribution to South Africa's clean and low-carbon development, leaving behind a sustainable "green bank" for South Africa. This is also a witness to the friendly relationship and friendship between the two countries and their peoples.

This is the wind turbine of Longyuan South Africa's De'a wind power project, filmed on August 10th in De'a Town, North Cape Province, South Africa.

Inject new impetus into BRICS cooperation and create a new situation for South-South cooperation -- the international community looks forward to President Xi Jinping's attendance at the 15th BRICS leaders' meeting and state visit to South Africa.

Comrades and brothers are a symbol of the special friendly relationship between China and South Africa.

In the current era, this visit is of great significance and will bring new opportunities for cooperation between the two countries in various fields such as trade, promoting the development of bilateral relations.

South China and China have a thriving economic relationship, and China is currently South Africa's largest global trading partner. South Africa is also China's largest trading partner in Africa. Foneka Yazni April, coordinator of the BRICS Research Center of the South African Council for Humanities and Sciences, believes that the economic and trade relations between the two countries have reached a very high level. He believes that this visit will further promote investment exchanges in various fields between the two countries and create a broader development prospect for bilateral relations.

South Africa's Minister of the Presidential Office, Entshaveni, stated that South Africa has always cherished its relationship with China, and the cooperation between the two countries over the years has achieved fruitful results. The flourishing trade between the two countries is the best example.

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