Inheriting and Developing Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture - Relevant Departments in Various Regions Deeply Implementing the Spirit of the Cultural Inheritance and Development Symposium - Three Neighborhoods and Seven Alleys | Development | Culture

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:48 AM

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 20th (Xinhua) - Inheriting and Developing Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture - Relevant Departments in Various Regions Deeply Implementing the Spirit of the Cultural Inheritance and Development Symposium

Xinhua News Agency reporter

In the scorching summer, the historical and cultural districts of Sanfang and Qixiang in Fuzhou are bustling with people. The newly launched cultural research and learning activities in ancient houses have attracted many students; The renovation project of a new batch of ancient houses, including Shen Baozhen's former residence, is currently underway; Immersive performances, street cultural and art festivals, and other tourism products have also been launched one after another

"Recently, through the integration of culture and tourism, we have been striving to stimulate the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional Chinese culture reflected in Sanfang Qixiang, making it not only 'popular' but also 'alive'," said Chen Hao, Deputy General Manager of Sanfang Qixiang Protection and Development Operation Co., Ltd.

After the Cultural Inheritance and Development Symposium was held in Beijing on June 2, relevant departments in various localities combined their own work and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Jinping's important speech with practical actions.

The Yangliu Youth Painting Museum in Yangliuqing Town, Tianjin is bustling with visitors. Huo Qingshun, a 73 year old national intangible cultural heritage inheritor, spends his days in the museum, taking advantage of the summer tourism boom to carefully interpret the essence of each New Year painting to visitors.

"Adapting to the requirements of the new era, excellent traditional culture requires creative transformation and innovative development." Huo Qingshun said that he has made a series of innovative plans: designing exclusive New Year paintings based on major holidays and theme activities; Integrating traditional techniques with modern technology, launching a series of New Year painting cultural and creative products

One literary and artistic masterpiece after another, and one cultural feast after another, highlight the increasingly prosperous cultural cause of China in the new era, and the continuous vitality of cultural innovation and creation of the whole nation.

In Chengde Mountain Resort, the overall progress of revetment, road, bridge gate maintenance and other projects has passed half. Wang Rongchang, Director of the Cultural Relics Bureau of Chengde City, Hebei Province, stated that Chengde City plans to create a digital immersive 5A level scenic area through the "plot+scenic area+local cultural and creative" model, and continue to promote the construction of cultural relics and creative industry parks.

The Xining Art Theatre created a dance drama called "Hehuang", which premiered at the Qinghai Grand Theatre at the end of June. The performance traces the footprints of the Tang and Tibetan ancient road, the Tea Horse ancient road, and the Silk Road South, integrating multiple national intangible cultural heritages such as Qinghai Hua'er and Hehuang shadow puppetry, reflecting the splendid and colorful traditional Chinese culture and the cultural heritage accumulated by the Chinese nation over thousands of years.

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that the outstanding inclusiveness of Chinese civilization has fundamentally determined the historical orientation of exchanges and exchanges among the Chinese nation, the harmonious pattern of pluralistic coexistence of various religious beliefs in China, and the open mind of Chinese culture to the world civilization.

At the Changbai Mountain Cultural Expo City in Antu County, Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, Jilin Province, performances of Korean ethnic groups such as crane dance, yapai dance, mask dance, and gayaqin performance take turns, showcasing a new era of peaceful living, work, unity, and friendship among the people of all ethnic groups in the border areas.

"Our main focus is on strengthening the sense of community among the Chinese nation, and we continue to carry out the 'Jindalei Red' cultural and artistic volunteer service activities in the new era, showcasing the outstanding inclusiveness of Chinese civilization through various Korean folk cultural heritage and cultural practices." said Cui Hongnu, Secretary of the Party Group and Chairman of the Yanbian Prefecture Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that it is the only way to open up and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics on the basis of more than 5,000 years of Chinese civilization, and to combine the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and with China's excellent traditional culture.

At the foot of Mount Yuelu, Hunan University Yuelu Academy is adopting a "academy system" talent training model, integrating excellent traditional Chinese culture into the general education courses of college students. At the same time, as a party spirit education and traditional culture training base, the academy further promotes the planning and construction of the practical and realistic ideological line and the "two combinations" thematic exhibition hall, making it a place for cadres and the masses to learn and experience cultural inheritance and development.

For more than a month, the news front has deeply publicized and explained the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, and promoted the better implementation of the spirit of the forum on cultural inheritance and development.

Relying on brand activities and platform carriers such as the "the Belt and Road" reporter cooperation organization platform, news teahouse, "Read China Day", Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan reporter salon, tell the world the long history of Chinese civilization, tell wonderful stories with Chinese characteristics and Chinese wisdom, and enhance the international influence of Chinese civilization.

The People's Daily gave full play to the advantages of commenting on theoretical articles, and centered on the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, successively launched Ren Zhongping's articles and a series of commentator articles, and organized and published theoretical articles such as the ''Action Guide for Building the Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation'' to explain the great significance. Clarification of profound connotations and clarification of practical requirements.

Xinhua News Agency focused on the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization and the "two combinations" broadcast a series of key manuscripts, explained the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech from a multi-perspective and multilingual system, and carried out research around the "second combination." release the think tank report to the world and invite experts and scholars at home and abroad to conduct in-depth discussions.

The Central Radio and Television General Station has integrated a series of important expositions on cultural inheritance and development by General Secretary Xi Jinping into news reports, literary and artistic creation, theoretical programs, film and television dramas and documentaries, and new media products, and strives to integrate and innovate with "ideological and artistic technology." practice the spirit of the symposium on cultural inheritance and development.

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Everyone said that on the new journey of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we should be firm in cultural self-confidence, take on the mission, and work hard to learn rich nutrition from the excellent traditional Chinese culture, refine and sublimate in the great practice of Chinese path to modernization, so that the Chinese civilization can glow with new vitality and vitality, and inject strong civilization nourishment and spiritual strength into the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation. The cultural and national fortunes are intertwined, and the cultural context is connected to the national context.

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