"Increasing Farmers' Income is Key" (General Secretary's People's Sentiment)

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:23 PM

A strong country must first strengthen agriculture. Anchoring the goal of building a strong agricultural country and embarking on a new journey, the weight of increasing farmers' income remains significant.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "Agricultural and rural work, saying one thousand and ten thousand, increasing farmers' income is the key." "We must persist in taking increasing farmers' income as the central task of the work of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and do everything possible to broaden the channels for farmers to increase their income and become rich."

Through repeated inspections and research, I went to the fields and farmhouses to chat with my fellow villagers and carefully calculate and increase my income.

Why does the increase in accounts receivable for each household have such a significant impact?

The small ledger carries the happiness of countless families and is full of deep concern.

The Luoxiao Mountains are characterized by overlapping peaks.

Peng Xiaying, a villager, still remembers vividly: "The General Secretary came to the house, pulled up a stool, invited my husband and I to sit down, and we talked about our daily life together. The General Secretary asked what we had grown and raised at home, and each question was very detailed. For us ordinary people, that was truly good!"

Nowadays, Shenshan Village has transformed from a mountainous area into a scenic spot, with households holding onto a "treasure trove". Peng Xiaying's house has been transformed into a farmhouse, with an annual income of over 100000 yuan.

In Guoluo Zanggongma Village, Gangcha County, Qinghai Province, I listened to herdsman Suonan Cai to carefully calculate the income account; In the Yanzike Ecological Tea Garden in Xingcun Town, Mount Wuyi City, Fujian Province, I talked with tea farmers to get rich; In Duan Village, Sengnian Town, Fenxi County, Shanxi Province, fellow villager Cai Wenming asked about income and calculated profits... The mountain is high and the road is far away, witnessing that the true colors remain unchanged.

The villagers, whose days have become more beautiful, are thinking from the bottom of their hearts of the good party.

Increasing farmers' income is an old topic, but it is also accompanied by new topics: who will farm and how to farm? How to solve the imbalance in urban-rural development? How to proceed with the modernization of agriculture and rural areas?

One important meeting after another, one important speech after another, precise implementation of policies to strengthen, benefit and enrich farmers, and more diverse channels for increasing farmers' income.

Industrial revitalization promotes income growth.

In the past decade, the small fungus has become a big industry, and the small yellow flower has grown into a prosperous flower... From south to north, each "local specialty" has transformed into a big industry for villagers to increase their income and become prosperous.

Let farmers carry "golden carrying poles". To give agriculture the wings of technology and enable farmers to grow the best food with the best technology, agricultural technologies have taken root and contributed 62.4% of China's agricultural scientific and technological progress, giving farmers more confidence in increasing their income.

Improve the mechanism of linking agriculture and rural areas.

"How do you feel after joining the company?"

"Very good!" The members listed the benefits of joining the cooperative with each word they said: "Dividends of over 8000 yuan per year" "I work as an agricultural machinery worker in the cooperative and receive a fixed monthly salary"

"Amazing! The land has been transferred, and everyone has free up their hands. They can work in cooperatives or engage in side businesses to increase income through multiple channels." General Secretary was very happy.

Seek vitality from reform. In the rural complex of Sanjianxi Village, Jinan City, Shandong Province, there are many tourists. The village party secretary, Gao Shuzhen, said, "We remember the instructions of the general secretary, take the farmers to work, help them earn money, turn resources into assets, funds into stocks, and farmers into shareholders. Last year, the per capita income of the villagers exceeded 30000 yuan."

Wealthy farmers, improving farmers, and supporting farmers, policy measures have been solidly promoted: increasing wage income, emphasizing "multiple measures to promote stable employment of migrant workers"; For the relationship between small farmers and new business entities, it is cautioned that "one should not become wealthy and lose their fellow villagers"; For the scale of agricultural operations, emphasis is placed on "adhering to the principle of" larger for larger, smaller for smaller, not implementing a one size fits all approach, and not imposing mandatory orders "

The rural household accounts are linked to the national accounts. The land has come to life, the industry has become popular, and farmers have become more affluent. This is driven by four factors: wage income, household operating income, property income, and transfer income. In 2022, the per capita disposable income of rural residents reached the level of 20000 yuan for the first time, and the income ratio of urban and rural residents decreased to 2.45. In the past decade of the new era, the income of farmers has increased continuously and the income ratio of urban and rural residents has decreased continuously. The rural land is full of vitality.

A book of rural household accounts confirms the historical logic. From poverty alleviation to rural revitalization and building an agricultural powerhouse, every effort will be made to promote income growth, and the lives of the vast majority of farmers will surely flourish.

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