In the new era and new journey, it highlights the new responsibilities and new deeds of organizational work -- General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on party building and organizational work inspire all sectors of society to forge ahead and organize work conferences

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 01:00 AM

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 30th. Title: In the new era and new journey, highlighting the new responsibilities of organizational work -- General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on party building and organizational work inspire all sectors of society to forge ahead

Xinhua News Agency reporter

The National Organization Work Conference was held in Beijing from June 28th to 29th.

Serve political line with organizational route

The majority of party members and cadres agree that the breakthrough progress and pattern changes in party building and organization in the new era in the past ten years are fundamentally due to the leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on party building provide a fundamental basis for deepening the new great project of party building in the new era and doing a good job in organizing the work in the new era.

This important ideology has rich connotations, rigorous logic, complete system, and is broad and profound, pointing out the direction for the construction and organizational work of the Party in the new era.

In his important instructions, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that party building and organizational work should "take upholding and strengthening the centralized and unified leadership of the party Central Committee as the highest principle, and taking loyalty as the fundamental mission of protecting the party and strengthening the party with all efforts".

After learning the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping for the first time, Wen Qiwei, secretary of the Zhouzhi County CPC Committee in Shaanxi Province, had a deeper understanding of "taking the party's political construction as the command.

"The political construction of the Party is the fundamental construction of the Party, determining the direction and effectiveness of the Party's construction." Wen Qiwei said that as a leading cadre of Party members in the new era, when promoting organizational work and other work, we must deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two determinations", take the lead in enhancing the "four consciousnesses", strengthening the "four confidences", and achieving the "two safeguards", striving for good political guidance, political influence, and political effects in every work.

In his important instructions, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that party building and organizational work should "take solving the unique problems of the big party and improving the system of administering the party strictly in an all-round way as a major task".

Yan Rui, Director of the Cadre Supervision Office of the Organization Department of the Changsha Municipal Party Committee in Hunan Province, feels that the future work direction is clearer: "The organization department should fully play its functional role in comprehensively and strictly governing the Party." He said that he should convey the determination and requirements of the Party Central Committee to strictly manage and supervise cadres to every leading cadre, adhere to leading supervision and proactive supervision, and cultivate a clean and upright political ecology with his own work effectiveness.

Utilize organizational advantages and gather organizational strength

"In his important instructions, General Secretary Xi Jinping called for the in-depth implementation of the general requirements of party building in the new era and the party's organizational line in the new era. To implement the party's organizational line in the new era, the primary requirement is to fully implement Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. As college cadres, we must arm our minds with the party's innovative theory, and integrate the results of ideological learning into the practice of college work, and constantly find ways to do a good job from the party's innovative theory." Fudan University Party Committee Standing Committee, Organization Department Minister Zhou Hu said.

A rigorous organizational system is the advantage and strength of Marxist political parties.

"The grassroots organizations of the Party are an important part of the Party's organizational system. In recent years, Beizhan Community has promoted the construction of Party branches in various fields and units such as residential areas and social organizations. The community Party organizations have evolved from a" small branch "with 12 members to a" large Party committee "that manages 15 Party branches and 351 Party members. Next, we must adhere to the requirements of a" tightly connected and effective organizational system "in the instructions, persistently do a good job in community Party building, fully play the role of grassroots Party organizations as a fighting fortress, and do a good job in all aspects of community service work, so that the" roots "of the organizational system can be rooted deeper." Zheng Yang said.

As a temporary cadre who has devoted himself to the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port, Chen Yinghong, deputy director of the Talent Development Bureau of the Hainan Provincial CPC Committee, was deeply impressed by General Secretary Xi Jinping's emphasis on "continuously deepening the building of model departments and excellent teams" in his important instructions.

"The important instructions given by General Secretary to the construction and organizational work of the Party have put forward new and higher requirements for us to continuously deepen the construction of a strong team." Chen Yinghong said that he will cherish precious opportunities for training, further strengthen his ideals and beliefs, establish a strong sense of serving the people, and increase his knowledge and skills in the practical work of the construction of the free trade port. He will make his own contribution to the implementation and effectiveness of various talent policies in Hainan, better leverage organizational advantages, and gather organizational strength for the construction of the free trade port in Hainan.

Promoting high-quality development through high-quality organizational work

To do China's affairs well, the key lies in the Party and the people.

Wang Meng, the first secretary of Lingyun Village, Heba Street, Fenggang County, Zunyi, Guizhou, has a deep understanding of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions to "strive to build a strong high-quality ruling backbone team worthy of the important task of national rejuvenation.

"Resident cadres are the key force in rural revitalization." Wang Meng said that as the first secretary stationed in the village, he will continue to hone his political qualities through real work and assistance, enhance his comprehensive abilities through real help and assistance, and strive to become a party member and cadre worthy of the important task of national rejuvenation.

"General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed in his important instructions 'to accelerate the construction of the world's important talent center and innovation highland '." Xie Chao, deputy director of the Organization Department of the Hefei Municipal CPC Committee in Anhui Province, said that in the next step, he will work with his colleagues to study and introduce more good policies to support the innovation and entrepreneurship of high-level talents, so that all kinds of talents can be used in Hefei without worries.

In his important instructions, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out the direction for the development of the party's organizational work in the new era and new journey, and emphasized the need to "continuously improve the quality of organizational work, in order to better lead the great social revolution with the party's great self-revolution, and promote the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation. Great cause provides a strong organizational guarantee".

After carefully studying the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the Internet, Lu Zhen, a distinguished researcher at the Amorphous Alloy Performance Optimization Laboratory of the Material Genome Research Platform of the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said: "From experimental equipment to scientific research funding, to life A series of guarantee policies and measures issued by the organization department in recent years have solved many scientific research and life problems for our scientific researchers, enabling us to focus on research, calm down to promote scientific exploration."

After studying the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, Zhang Ti Jing, director of the Party Committee Work Department of Xugong Group Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd., felt that he was more motivated.

"General Secretary Xi Jinping encouraged Jiangsu to 'continue to be at the forefront of high-quality development'. As an organizational cadre of Jiangsu's state-owned enterprises, it is all the more important to shoulder the heavy responsibility." Zhang Teijing said that he and his colleagues will closely focus on the key tasks of XCMG's high-quality development, further improve the penetrating management system of party building responsibilities at the three levels of party branches, party branches, and party members, give full play to the exemplary and leading role of party members, and promote party building. And organizational work and the main responsibility business are jointly promoted.

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