Improving the Quality of Party Building and Doing a Good Job in the First Front - Central and State Organs Deeply Promoting Party Building in Theme Education

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 10:22 AM

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 25th (Xinhua) -- Improving the Quality of Party Building and Doing Well in the First Front - A Review of Central and State Organs Deepening Party Building in Theme Education

Xinhua News Agency reporter

"The construction of the Party in government agencies is the fundamental guarantee for the construction of government agencies. The construction of the Party in central and state agencies must take the lead and set an example, which is determined by the status and role of central and state agencies."

Four years ago, in July 2019, for the first time in the history of the party, the Party Central Committee held a party building work conference for the central and state organs. The important speech delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the meeting was to comprehensively improve the central and state organs. The quality of party building points the way forward.

Adhering to the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech as the fundamental follow, the central and state agencies have closely focused on the high-quality development goals of party building in government agencies, and promoted gratifying changes in party building in government agencies and achieved remarkable results.

At the work conference on studying and implementing Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era held in April this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that the central and state organs are in a special and important position in the party and state governance system. They are closest to the Party Central Committee and serve the Party. The central government is the most direct and has a weather vane role in carrying out this theme education.

In this theme education, the central and state organs have jointly promoted key measures for theme education, leading by example and continuously leading the work of the organs with the political construction of the Party, continuously improving the quality of party building, and demonstrating and driving the deepening and implementation of theme education.

Building absolute loyalty through "two safeguards"

The General Office of the Central Committee takes the lead in achieving the "two maintenances" as the biggest politics, and takes the in-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era as the primary political task, through various forms such as theoretical learning center groups, party branches, and youth learning groups Carry out study and discussion, continue to build learning brands such as biweekly report meetings and smart youth lecture halls, and organize key intensive reading and deep reading of authoritative textbooks such as "Selected Readings of Xi Jinping, continuously guide party members and cadres to deeply understand the decisive significance of the" two establishment.

The Central Propaganda Department focused on "learning ideas", especially to follow up and study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the cultural inheritance and development symposium, and held special reading classes for ministerial affairs and 5 thematic education seminars; carried out propaganda and ideological fronts Research, focusing on the key topics that the Party Central Committee is concerned about and General Secretary Xi Jinping is concerned about, focusing on the difficult issues that restrict the high-quality development of propaganda and ideological work, transform the research results into practical actions to practice the "two maintenances" and ideas and methods to promote career development.

The United Front Work Department of the Central Committee firmly grasps the attributes of political organs, insists on studying and implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on doing a good job in the party's united front work in the new era as the primary task of this theme education, and insists on the mutual promotion of party building business. The central work determines key topics in this field, grasps the real situation through field investigations, interviews, questionnaires, etc., and studies practical problems. Put forward ideas and measures, we will continue to promote the high-quality development of the United Front in the new era.

Taking the lead in achieving the "two safeguards" fundamentally means being loyal to the Party.

Carry out centralized learning months for the Party Constitution, Party rules and regulations, and Party conduct and anti-corruption propaganda and education weeks, and use Party spirit education bases to strengthen political guidance and education; Holding the 2023 "Glory in the Party 50 Years" commemorative medal award ceremony for the organization, inheriting loyalty and character, and achieving devout and persistent dedication to the Party, sincere and profound.

The General Office of the State Council deeply understands the decisive significance of the "two establishment", insists on achieving the "two maintenance" as the lifeline of the work of the General Office of the State Council, and takes the theme education as an opportunity to coordinate the promotion of "learning, supervision, research, and mutual learning.", Self-study ", continue to promote political loyalty education, guide party members and cadres to continuously improve political judgment, political understanding, and political execution, and ensure that the work of the work of the State Council always follow the direction of General Secretary Xi Jinping.

The National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference should improve its political position, promptly convey and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's latest important speech, important instructions and instructions, and the Party Central Committee's decision-making and deployment, thoroughly implement the Opinions on Strengthening and Improving Party Building in Central and State Organs, and strictly implement major issues. The system of requesting instructions from the Party Central Committee for reporting, earnestly supervising and implementing the spirit of General Secretary Jinping's important instructions on the CPPCC work and the decision-making arrangements.

The main responsible comrades of the National Development and Reform Commission give special party lectures, and demand that all party members and cadres be loyal to the party. The main responsible comrades of party organizations at all levels give party lectures separately, requiring party members and cadres to firmly grasp the political direction and improve their "three political forces". At the same time, fully utilize the red resources, receive vivid and vivid patriotic education and revolutionary tradition education, and promote party members and cadres to further inherit the red gene and strengthen their sense of loyalty.

To achieve the "two safeguards" is reflected in resolutely implementing the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee.

Formulate and implement several measures to promote stable growth and high-quality development through ecological environment, supporting high-quality development with high-quality ecological environment, and reflecting the "two safeguards" in effectively protecting the ecological environment.

The General Administration of Customs regards the "Smart Customs Building a Strong Country" action and the construction of smart customs as specific actions to implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in theme education;Intensify efforts to assist enterprises and alleviate difficulties, launch 16 new measures to optimize the business environment, and take the first step in practicing the "two safeguards".

Strengthening theoretical armament and adhering to the combination of learning and application

Since the launch of theme education, the central and state organs have been at the forefront of theoretical armament, serving as a good example in learning, understanding, and practicing.

Organize activities such as "Revitalization Lecture Hall" and "Theme Education Talk", invite experts to give lectures, combine self-study with collective discussion, and continuously enrich learning methods; Compile a theoretical knowledge manual for the Party, guide Party members and cadres to learn anytime and anywhere, actively conduct self testing and self-evaluation, and continuously maintain the enthusiasm for learning.

The working committees of the central and state organs play the role of learning platforms such as the theoretical learning center group demonstration and leadership, the theoretical learning lecture hall special tutoring, the collective research of party branches, the exchange of youth theoretical learning groups to promote learning, and the self-study of individual party members. Promote party members and cadres to learn Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

The Central Party History and Literature Research Institute organized Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics thought and world outlook methodology seminars, study Xi Jinping's works, etc., contact party history research, document editing, book compilation, etc., and discuss and exchange on special topics; give full play to the unique advantages of work, Organize comrades who participated in editing General Secretary Xi Jinping's related works to preach the party's innovative theory and editing experience, and further deepen the understanding of the party's innovative theory.

Arm the mind with the innovative theory of the Party, aiming to better guide practice and promote work.

Adhering to the principle of promoting practice through learning, the Supreme People's Court adheres to using the Party's innovative theory to guide judicial trial practice, deeply analyzes the new situation, new tasks, and new requirements faced by court work in the new era and new development stage, actively transforms the concept of trial work, strives to improve the quality and efficiency of trials, focuses on rectifying problems such as uneven case closure and difficult execution, and continues to make efforts to do well in popular projects such as "responding to every letter" from the masses, promoting the high-quality development of court work and achieving new breakthroughs and achievements.

The theoretical learning center group of the Party group of the Ministry of industry and information technology plays the role of "head goose". On the basis of summarizing and promoting the linkage learning mechanism, it deepens and improves the seven step working mechanism of "timely communication of learning, organization of in-depth research, formation of work plan, clear task list, presentation of special reports, implementation of specific measures, and strengthening of follow-up and inquiry effect", and fully implements the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions.

Adhere to the principle of putting the people first, better play the role of fiscal functions, increase support for basic public health services, and promote the construction of a multi-level and multi pillar pension insurance system. Adhere to a problem oriented approach, conduct in-depth investigation and research, and closely monitor the tasks of the fiscal reform and development center to resolve conflicts and solve difficulties.

The National Health Commission adheres to the guidance of the Party's innovative theory and takes a solid step forward in promoting health work from disease treatment as the center to people's health as the center. Implement the Opinions on Further Improving the Medical and Health Service System, continue to improve the medical and health service capacity, and commit to shoulder the major responsibility and glorious mission of building a healthy foundation for Chinese path to modernization.

The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences insists on integrating theory with practice, and strives to promote theoretical and academic innovation based on Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and more consciously uses the standpoints and methods that run through it to promote the construction of the discipline system, academic system, and discourse system. Theoretical and academic innovation has directions, principles, and rules.

Enhancing organizational strength and strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations in government agencies

Organizational construction is an important foundation for the construction of the Party. Establishing a clear direction of focusing on grassroots work is an important measure to promote the comprehensive progress and excellence of grassroots party organizations.

Carry out special rectification of key and difficult issues in organizational work, striving to achieve practical results in further promoting the resolution of prominent problems such as cadres' inaction, reluctance to act, and disorderly behavior; Conduct special research and analysis on the status of party building and cadre team building in government agencies, and integrate and promote the quality improvement of party building in government agencies.

The Supreme People's Procuratorate adheres to the principles of seeking truth and pragmatism, taking on practical responsibilities, focusing on the implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, shouldering the major responsibility of the procuratorial organs, firmly establishing a clear direction of focusing on grassroots work in thematic education, continuously promoting the standardization and standardization of grassroots party organizations, constantly seeking practical strategies, practical recruitment, and practical results, forging strong and powerful grassroots party organizations, building a politically strong, highly skilled, and excellent style procuratorial iron army, and assisting in the integrated development of party building business.

The Ministry of Science and Technology has formulated and implemented 13 measures in 4 aspects to implement the spirit of General Secretary Jinping's important instructions and improve the quality of grassroots party organization construction. It has systematically planned, grasped the key points, and continued to make efforts to build a group of "top four" party branches. The theme education is an opportunity to further promote the "one branch, one policy", improve the quality of grassroots party organization construction, and provide a strong organizational guarantee for technological innovation and development.

The Ministry of Transport firmly grasps the positioning of political organs and the first formation, and deploys various tasks with a focus on improving organizational strength. Party organizations at all levels strengthen the investigation and rectification of grassroots party building issues, using activities such as the "Party Building Strengthening Year" and the "Party Branch Secretary Project" as the starting point, to fill in shortcomings, strengthen weaknesses, and promote improvement, deeply integrating party building and business work, and continuously building "four strong" party branches.

A characteristic of the grassroots organizational system of central and state organs is that party branches are built in departments and bureaus, and party groups are built in offices.

The Ministry of Commerce focuses on building grassroots party organizations into strong fortresses for effectively implementing party leadership. Improve the mechanism of joint learning and construction, issue relevant documents such as the "Work Plan for Promoting High Quality Development of the Commercial Circulation Industry through Party Building, Joint Learning and Construction", and promote the establishment of a normalized cross departmental and cross industry party building, joint learning and construction mechanism between government agencies and industry organizations, forming a working force.

The State Administration of Taxation continues to organize training for party branch members and party group leaders to improve the performance ability of part-time party affairs cadres; Establish a mechanism for the Party committees of government agencies to contact Party branches, covering all types of grassroots Party organizations in the General Administration. Regularly send representatives to attend the "Three Meetings and One Lesson", theme Party Day, and organizational life meetings, to guide and supervise the comprehensive promotion of standardized and standardized construction of Party branches.

The National Bureau of Statistics organized a research and development activity on "key small matters" in the Youth Theory Learning Group, fully leveraging the advantages of the statistical profession to conduct research and hone the strong skills of young party members, making every party member a bright red flag and every branch a fighting fortress with the party flag flying high.

The All China Federation of Trade Unions continuously improves institutional mechanisms and strengthens the clear guidance of "all work to the branch". Give full play to the role of the branch in theme education, carry out live streaming activities such as "Branch Secretary Cloud Party Class", highlight the characteristics of the trade union, establish a model worker propaganda group, and continuously stimulate the innovation of grassroots party organizations.

Continuously promoting integrity and discipline, strengthening work style construction

Taking theme education as an opportunity, the central and state organs continue to uphold integrity and discipline, and take the lead in promoting excellent work styles.

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission have taken the lead in strengthening their own construction with the spirit of self revolution, solidly carrying out education and rectification of the disciplinary inspection and supervision cadre team, focusing on pure thoughts and pure organizations as prominent issues. The commission organs adhere to the principle of leading by example, leading by example, conducting inspections and reforms, solidly carrying out ideological and political education, warning education, and disciplinary education, comprehensively handling clues from clearance to bottom, resolutely preventing and controlling "black under the lamp", and striving to build a loyal, clean, responsible, and brave and skilled disciplinary inspection and supervision iron army. The education and rectification have achieved phased results.

Adhering to the top priority of rectifying the "Four Winds" and reducing the burden on grassroots work, the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission conducts inspections on the prevention and resolution of major stability related risks and the implementation of social stability maintenance responsibilities, and simultaneously inspects the local and industry situations; Research and streamline the assessment and evaluation content of Ping An China's construction, optimize the assessment process, and reduce the burden on grassroots; Promote the integration of data from courts, judicial administration, petition and other departments at the central level to resolve conflicts and disputes, establish information systems, and address the pain points of difficult grassroots coordination.

Focusing on the old problems and new manifestations of formalism, the Central Cyberspace Administration regards the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulations and their implementation rules as an iron rule and a hard bar, and makes more specific and detailed regulations on handling documents, meetings, business trips, and visits. Taking theme education as an opportunity, we will deepen the rectification of "formalism at the fingertips", promote the clearance, integration, migration, and standardization of related apps, and implement the deepening and expansion of rectification formalism to reduce the burden on grassroots.

The Ministry of Education has launched a special campaign to promote thrift and prevent waste, requiring all directly affiliated institutions to establish long-term mechanisms, strengthen supervision and inspection, deepen educational guidance, and promote diligence, frugality, and thrift; By comparing the specific manifestations of the "Four Winds" problem in 11 aspects of the education system, through personal self-examination and self correction, investigating and punishing violations and disciplinary behaviors, continuously strengthening work style construction, and cultivating a new and honest atmosphere of seeking truth and integrity.

Continuously rectify the "Four Winds" and loosen the burden on grassroots. Conduct in-depth investigation and research, and follow the mass line of the Party in the new era.

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security organizes young cadres to conduct on-site research, examine the bottlenecks in policy implementation, and identify the pain points of public concern. In theme education, carry out activities such as "Human Resources and Social Security Youth Attack One Level"; In response to 23 key issues of public concern, 79 youth theoretical learning groups from all departments conducted research and research to effectively reflect the achievements of theme education in various policy measures to serve the people.

Focusing on practical matters and addressing people's concerns, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs organized research and practical activities such as "key small matters" and "rooted at the grassroots level". More than 500 young cadres focused on 37 public concerns, including the rural toilet revolution, and went to villages and households to have face-to-face exchanges with farmers. They also had discussions and interviews with agricultural departments, scientific research experts, and business entities, effectively promoting the resolution of urgent and difficult problems faced by farmers.

Discipline is the "ruler" for governing the party. All departments and units should adhere to strict discipline and guide Party members and cadres to tighten the discipline switch.

The State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council strengthens the use of cases as a lesson, guiding cadres to improve their ability to resist corruption and prevent change by watching warning education films and visiting warning education bases; Strengthen institutional constraints, revise and improve the behavioral norms for staff members of the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) to interact with central enterprises, and the regulations on the prohibition of intervention by SASAC leaders in central enterprise engineering projects, guiding party members and cadres to always maintain a strong sense of discipline.

China Railway Group has listed 9 key areas for inspection, organized party members and cadres to conduct in-depth investigations of their own problems, rectified and implemented them item by item, strengthened comprehensive management and regular supervision of party members and cadres, and forged a politically reliable and absolutely loyal team of government officials.

The Guangming Daily has been alerting the public by reporting cases of disciplinary and illegal violations in the news and publicity system. In its business, it strictly requires "not to write articles until you are on site, not to publish articles when you are unclear about their sources, and only by doing so can you write them truthfully".

Taking the political construction of the Party as the leadership, we will focus on deepening theoretical armament, consolidating grassroots foundations, and promoting the rectification of conduct and discipline. Central and state organs will consistently implement the requirements of "emphasizing politics, abiding by discipline, being responsible, and being efficient", and make unremitting efforts to build a model organ that reassures the Party Central Committee and satisfies the people.

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