Implementing the Great Food Concept in Heilongjiang Province to Safeguard Food Security (Looking at Revitalization from Northeast China)

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 22:57 PM

Construction of the Sanjiang Qixing Farm with a land area of 10000 acres, unmanned agricultural machinery group shuttle operation; In the seedling greenhouse, the fertilizer, water temperature, and humidity are automatically adjusted. The Northern Wilderness exudes the charm of smart agriculture everywhere.

In the vast fertile land of the Three Rivers, agricultural modernization is flourishing.

"Every 9 bowls of rice in the country, 1 bowl comes from Heilongjiang." Heilongjiang Province's total grain production, commodity quantity, and export volume remain the top three indicators in the country. Last year, the total grain production was 155.26 billion kilograms, accounting for 11.3% of the national total. There are 257.9 million mu of arable land in the province, with 102.65 million mu of high standard farmland built. The area of typical black soil arable land accounts for more than half of the national total.

Fill the "Chinese rice bowl" with more "Longjiang grains"

The fertile land and abundant harvest, Heilongjiang's dazzling "transcript", sounds like it all depends on "God's reward for food".

Actually, it's not the case.

Jiansanjiang is a place full of pioneering spirit. Zhang Jinghui, a planter at Qixing Farm of Jiansanjiang Branch of Beidahuang Group who has been farming here for a long time, is proficient in intelligent operations, from soil screening, bed setting, sowing, to various new agricultural machinery management. He managed over 300 acres of rice fields with ease and ease alone.

The Seven Star Farm Data Command Center is connected by an electronic giant screen to approximately 200 monitoring points in the field, presenting real-time data on multiple sets of hydrology, meteorology, and more. "After transplanting seedlings, intelligent diagnosis of leaf age can be achieved, and planting can be adjusted based on the application results," said Zhang Yafei, the center leader, while demonstrating.

Food security is an important foundation of national security.

The fundamental solution to the problem of eating lies in technology.

Behind the transition from relying on experience to managing land through data, and achieving cost savings and increased production, Heilongjiang Province insists on placing the development of agricultural technology in a prominent position, vigorously promoting agricultural mechanization and intelligence, and giving technological wings to agricultural modernization.

One data makes Heilongjiang people proud: the comprehensive mechanization rate of crop cultivation and harvest in the province has reached over 98%. "Deeply cultivate and cultivate on the existing basis, striving to increase grain production by 10 million tons in about 5 years. Store grain in technology, continuously tap into the potential for increased production, and let the 'Chinese rice bowl' be filled with more 'Longjiang grain'!" said Wang Zhaocheng, Director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Heilongjiang Province.

Beidahuang has become Beidacang. In the modernization of agriculture, seeds are the foundation. In order for Heilongjiang to build China's "big granary", it must firmly grasp the seeds in its own hands.

"Longjing 31" is the "favorite" of Shen Yunqiang, a grain grower in Chang'an Town, Fujin City, Jiamusi City. "I was the first to try it out, with stable and high yields, disease resistance and lodging resistance. Now it has bloomed everywhere." As one of the main varieties planted in the third accumulated temperature zone of Heilongjiang Province, this variety has accumulated a promotion area of 146 million acres.

Arriving at the birthplace of "Longjing 31" - the Rice Research Institute of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, there are tens of thousands of breeding materials in a seedling greenhouse. Unveiling the film, the seeds reveal their velvety buds, a delightful new green. "Last autumn harvest, 'Longjing 31' actually harvested over 750 kilograms per acre in the fields of Hulin City!" said Pan Guojun, a researcher at the Rice Research Institute. As the largest province in China's japonica rice production, the coverage rate of excellent varieties in Heilongjiang has exceeded 99%.

The revitalization of the seed industry has started well. At present, Heilongjiang Province has completed the renovation and expansion of the cold crop germplasm resource database project, increasing the storage capacity of germplasm resources to 200000 copies; Establish 16 crop expert breeding demonstration bases, 19 national level seed production counties, and regional excellent seed breeding bases; The self-sufficiency rate of rice and soybean seeds has reached 100%, and the contribution rate of crop seeds to grain yield has reached 45%.

Developing food sources through multiple channels

In the Dongji Fish Market of Fuyuan City, large iron pots emit an enticing aroma, and stewed river fish and fresh fish soup attract visitors.

"Sanhua, Wuluo, 18zi, and 72 miscellaneous fish, we guarantee that you will not repeat them." In front of the phone, local famous "internet celebrity" Zhang Hao was on site promoting goods, and in the live broadcast room, likes and orders kept coming in... Fuyuan's 105 types of cold water fish "traveled" to the whole country, and the produced caviar was exported to foreign markets.

In this regard, Heilongjiang Province still has unique advantages: more than 6000 natural lakes, more than 100 types of wild fish, 210000 square kilometers of forest area, and huge space for practicing the concept of large food. The question is, how to transform resource advantages into industrial advantages?

The majestic Xing'an Mountains, with vast forests and deep seas. As soon as I entered Yichun City, I burst into the embrace of the forest. The trees on both sides are densely packed, withstanding a light rain, and the fragrance of grass and trees becomes stronger and stronger.

On the street, strolling into a small mountain specialty product store, a variety of forest foods are dazzling: pine nuts, hazelnuts, ferns, hazelmushrooms, a basket of blueberries, a plate of wild mountain vegetables, a cup of birch juice... This is the "Forest Kitchen" offline experience store that Yichun Forest Industry Group is striving to create during its transformation. Friends from other places also like it, so place an order online and enjoy free shipping for fresh items.

"Blueberries have a good taste and high anthocyanin content, and their products are in short supply." Liu Hui, a staff member of Yichun Forest Industry Friendly Forestry Bureau Co., Ltd., introduced that "the friendly blueberry industrial park in front of us covers an area of over 6800 acres, which is one of the most famous in the country." In recent years, with the depletion of available forest resources and the complete cessation of logging in natural forest areas, the concept of ecological civilization is forcing reform. Yichun Forest Industry has released enterprise vitality and enhanced development momentum through the separation of government and enterprise management, targeting forest agricultural food, and establishing 180 characteristic planting bases such as berries, nuts, mountain vegetables, and edible mushrooms. ".

Based on the advantages of rivers, lakes, forests, grasses, fruits and vegetables and other resources, Heilongjiang Province has broken away from a single planting model. While protecting the ecological environment, it has expanded from arable land resources to the entire national land resources. Suitable for grain, suitable for animal husbandry, suitable for fishing, suitable for forests, and has accelerated the construction of a leading place for practicing the concept of big food.

From "satisfying quantity" to "improving quality"

A bowl of rice, full of fragrance. Longjiang rice is a beautiful business card on the black soil. Fine tasting, can also be tasted to reveal more flavors——

Targeting new demands, the brightly colored Fangzheng rice has now played a green "selenium rich" brand: selenium rich rice has expanded from over 100 households to cover the entire area. Last year, out of the 766000 mu of rice planting area in Fangzheng County, 650000 mu of selenium rich rice was planted, with a yield of 750 million kilograms, directly increasing farmers' income by 150 million yuan.

Spending millions of yuan to purchase rice mills, color sorting machines and other equipment, introducing rice precision processing production lines, and building a dust-free production workshop... These selenium rich rice processing orders are the biggest confidence for Gu Shangkui, the person in charge of Songnan Rice Factory in Fangzheng County, to expand production.

From "satisfying quantity" to "improving quality", with the continuous improvement of per capita income and consumption level in China, the general public pays more attention to dietary nutrition matching, making people's dining tables richer and healthier, which is the inherent meaning of the concept of big food.

In the past year, the certified area of green organic food in Heilongjiang Province has reached 91 million mu, including reducing fertilizer dosage and increasing efficiency, soil testing and formula fertilization, and traceability management of green organic agricultural products; The total value of brands such as Wuchang, Tonghe, Fangzheng, and Yanshou Rice has exceeded 100 billion yuan for the first time.

Quality promotes agriculture, brand strengthens agriculture, and even good things need to be able to shout out. Fang Xiaohua, Deputy Director of the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Department of Heilongjiang Province, believes that "green and high-quality agricultural products are increasingly popular in the market, and it is imperative to create a high-quality and reputable golden signboard." With the strictest entry threshold, the strictest control mechanism, and the safest purchasing experience, Heilongjiang has launched the "Heitu Youpin" provincial-level high-quality agricultural product brand. As of now, 283 enterprises and 672 products have obtained the right to use the "Heitu Youpin" brand logo.

The fertile black soil lifted up a golden rice bowl.

"Shake the oars tightly to stabilize the rudder, win a bountiful year with both hands" "The people in the birch forest laugh, and the red azaleas in the mountains bloom..." In the singing of the Wusuli boat, one can experience more of the new appearance of Longjiang, with a particularly profound and long-lasting charm.

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