How to do a good job in flood prevention?, "Seven Down and Eight Up" Critical Period Flood Control | Rescue | Critical Period

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 10:30 AM

Beijing, July 25th (Xinhua) - Question: How to do a good job in flood prevention during the critical period of "seven down and eight up"?

Xinhua News Agency reporters Zhou Yuan, Yu Qiongyuan, and Wang Yuhao

Currently, the whole country has entered a critical period of flood prevention with seven downturns and eight upturns. What is the situation of flood prevention and drought relief during the main flood season this year? What are the response measures taken by each department? How to play the first game of flood prevention and drought resistance well? On the 25th, Wang Daoxi, Deputy Minister of Emergency Management and Deputy Minister of Water Resources, and Luo Yongqiang, Deputy Director of the National Fire and Rescue Bureau, responded to the hot topic of flood prevention and drought relief at the State Council's policy briefing.

What is the situation of flood prevention and drought resistance during the main flood season?

In response to the situation of flood control and drought relief during this year's main flood season, the National Flood Control Administration has organized joint consultations and judgments with meteorological, water conservancy, natural resources and other departments multiple times. "Overall, the flood prevention and drought relief situation throughout the country during the main flood season should be said to be complex and severe," said Wang Daoxi.

Wang Daoxi further explained that the situation in the main flood season is mainly reflected in three aspects: there are too many extreme weather events, the predicted climate conditions are from general to deviation, and periodic heavy precipitation, rainstorm floods, high temperature heat waves and other disasters may be relatively serious; Flood, waterlogging and drought are equally important. Large floods may occur in the Songhua River, the middle reaches of Heilongjiang, Yishusi, the Taihu Lake Lake, Liaohe River and some tributaries of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and periodic drought may occur in Inner Mongolia, Gansu and other places; Weak links in flood prevention and relief, such as mountain floods and geological disasters, floods in small and medium-sized rivers, floods in small and medium-sized reservoirs, and urban waterlogging, require high vigilance.

In terms of meteorology, since the beginning of this year's flood season, the overall precipitation in China has been relatively low, but its extreme and localized characteristics are more prominent. Wang Yawei, the head of the Emergency Disaster Reduction and Public Services Department of the China Meteorological Administration, stated that it is expected that by the end of July, China's rainfall belts will mainly be located in Tianjin, eastern Hebei, southern Liaoning, and other areas. The high-temperature weather in the Xinjiang Basin region, western Gansu, and western Inner Mongolia will continue, with local temperatures possibly exceeding 40 degrees Celsius.

In addition, it is expected that in August, the temperature in most parts of China will be close to the same period as usual to slightly higher, and 2 to 3 tropical cyclones will make landfall or affect China, mainly affecting the coastal areas of East and South China.

In terms of key disaster prevention, Wang Yawei believes that attention should be paid to meteorological disasters such as heavy rainfall, typhoons, strong convection, high temperatures, and droughts, as well as secondary disasters such as flash floods, mudslides, and urban waterlogging.

How to play the first game of flood prevention and drought resistance well?

Advance prevention is the first move and key point in winning the battle against floods and droughts.

"In response to flood disasters in critical periods and key areas, various regions and departments attach great importance to early prevention work." Wang Daoxi said that in recent years, various parties have accumulated some mature experience and practices.

——Based on "strictness", strengthen the implementation of flood control responsibilities. Strictly implement the flood and typhoon prevention responsibilities with the administrative head responsibility system as the core, with a focus on strengthening grassroots and guarantee responsibilities.

——Based on "detail", we will continue to promote the investigation and rectification of hidden dangers. Ensure that the flood season is not over, inspections are ongoing, and rectification is ongoing. During the key flood control period of "seven down and eight up", major hidden dangers that may be caused by extreme rainstorm should be re investigated and re sorted.

——Based on practicality, ensure the implementation of key measures. Strengthen the joint consultation and judgment mechanism, strengthen the emergency warning and response mechanism that directly reaches the grassroots responsible persons, especially during heavy rainfall in the late night. It is necessary to both "wake up" and "agree".

——Based on "early", strengthen the preparation for transfer, rescue and rescue. Persist in moving the checkpoint forward, decisively move the people in the dangerous area in advance, and guard the safety bottom line of no casualties.

The vanguard of risk prevention also comes from the construction of emergency rescue forces and the guarantee of rescue and disaster relief materials.

"Based on preventing major floods, seizing major risks, and rescuing major disasters, we continuously enhance the construction of emergency rescue teams and emergency supplies." Wang Daoxi introduced that as of now, more than 456 central enterprise engineering emergency force teams with over 60000 personnel and more than 80 aircraft have been designated; There are 126 central level reserves in 31 provinces, with a total reserve of 9.552 million central emergency rescue and disaster relief materials worth 3.73 billion yuan.

What are the response measures taken by each department?

The national comprehensive fire rescue team is the main force and national team for emergency rescue. According to Luo Yongqiang, as of July 24th, the national comprehensive fire rescue team has participated in 3483 emergency rescue operations for urban waterlogging and geological mountain flood disasters since the beginning of this year's flood season. A total of 1174 people in distress and trapped were rescued, and more than 7200 people were evacuated and transferred.

Luo Yongqiang stated that during this year's flood season, the National Fire and Rescue Bureau has required teams in key areas to increase their combat readiness level, strengthen consultation and judgment, advance rescue forces, strengthen dispatch and command, and ensure that in the event of a major flood, danger, or disaster, they can effectively use their fists and sharp knives to minimize casualties and losses.

Faced with the complex and severe situation of typhoon prevention, Chen Min, Director of the Flood Control and Drought Relief Department of the Ministry of Emergency Management, said that the National Office of Flood Control and the Ministry of Emergency Management have strengthened typhoon prevention preparations and organized local authorities to revise and improve the special plan for flood control and typhoon prevention; Closely monitor the development and changes of typhoons, timely initiate or adjust emergency response measures for typhoon prevention, and dispatch work teams to the front line; Urge key cities and counties affected by the typhoon to take timely measures to suspend classes, work, business, and outdoor collective activities.

In terms of geological and marine disaster prevention and control, Yu Haifeng, Director of the Geological Exploration Management Department of the Ministry of Natural Resources, stated that he will closely monitor key areas such as county towns, schools, hospitals, and transportation arteries, as well as key periods such as sudden changes in drought and flood, and heavy rain in the middle of the night. Pay close attention to typhoon movements and changes in sea conditions, strengthen inspections and supervision, enhance consultation and early warning responses, and make every effort to do a good job in emergency response to marine disasters.

Yao Wenguang, Director of the Water and Drought Disaster Prevention Department of the Ministry of Water Resources, introduced that the Ministry of Water Resources will scientifically and accurately dispatch a basin flood control engineering system mainly composed of reservoirs, embankments, and flood storage and detention areas; Strengthen engineering inspection, defense, and emergency response, and ensure that all dangerous reservoirs are operated empty in principle; On the premise of ensuring flood control safety, do a good job of water storage and retention, reserve drought resistant water sources, and ensure seasonal irrigation water for urban and rural residents and crops.

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