How many ways to open up, rural beauty | beautiful economy Zhejiang | industry | economy

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:42 PM

The most common scenery on both sides of the road in the mountainous county of Jinyun is the vast "sea": the green and bright leaves of the water bamboo planted in the paddy fields sway in the wind, standing half a head higher than us.

"Two harvests in one crop, and another harvest in September. Last year, the average output value per mu exceeded 20000 yuan." Ying Lifei returned from another city to Shuikou Village in Jinyun County 9 years ago to plant bamboo shoots. In the early years, people from the village came to collect the bamboo shoots. Later, when a road was built, the villagers transported the bamboo shoots down the mountain and gained bargaining power. Cold storage facilities were also built in the surrounding areas, giving rise to the bamboo shoot industry.

Beautifying the environment and keeping up with industries is a vivid footnote to Zhejiang's continuous promotion of the "Ten Million Project" over the past 20 years: taking the construction of beautiful rural areas as the "foundation" for cultivating beautiful industries, using efficient ecological agriculture as the model for modern agricultural development, and promoting the upgrading of the entire industrial chain. At present, the modernization level of agriculture in Zhejiang ranks third in the country, with 82 agricultural full industry chains with an output value exceeding 1 billion yuan. New formats such as leisure agriculture, rural e-commerce, and cultural creativity are constantly emerging.

In mid June, we explored how many ways to open up the "industrial beauty" in various parts of Zhejiang. We were pleasantly surprised to find that they have gone from a long history to an innovative future, with a cool technological style and a strong sense of common prosperity; They are no longer individual and limited to one region, but are moving towards a sustainable and replicable new model of industrial revitalization.

Balancing efficiency and ecology

The symbiotic model of bamboo shoots and ducks promoted in Jinyun County. Local map supply

On average, one out of every eight bamboo shoots in China is produced here, and Jinyun is the largest bamboo shoot production base in the country. Interestingly, while producing bamboo shoots here, there is also a wealth of ducks.

Agricultural technicians told us that planting water bamboo requires a large amount of water, and naturally requires a lot of fertilizer. In the past, some farmers did not apply it in a standardized manner, and there were problems such as excessive water quality and eutrophication in the planting areas. Later, inspired by the practice of "driving ducks into bamboo fields" 700 years ago, the Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Jinyun County has allocated over 200000 yuan annually to purchase 40000 duck seedlings and release them in batches and sections in key bamboo production areas throughout the county since 2018.

In this symbiotic model of bamboo and duck, ducks can eat pests, duckweed, lay eggs, and produce organic fertilizer, improving farmland ecology, while farmers can earn three incomes. In 2021, the Zhejiang Jinyun Jiaobai Duck Symbiotic System was selected as an important agricultural cultural heritage in China. Last year, the total industrial chain output value of Jiaobai sesame duck in the county reached 2.18 billion yuan.

How many ways to open up, rural beauty | beautiful economy Zhejiang | industry | economy

It not only has the general characteristics of modern agriculture, but also closely combines with the actual situation in Zhejiang. By accelerating the transformation of agricultural growth mode and innovating agricultural development mode, it constructs a comparative advantage for the development of agricultural industry in Zhejiang.

Where do advantages come from? Finding the balance between ecology and efficiency is crucial. "Lishui Shangeng", born in 2014, is the first prefecture level agricultural regional public brand in China that covers the entire region, category, and industry chain, allowing high-quality agricultural products to sell at competitive prices. A series of "mountain" brands such as "Lishui Mountain Cultivation", "Lishui Mountain Scenery", "Lishui Mountain Residence", and "Lishui Mountain Spring" have emerged from this, seizing the opportunity of ecological value transformation and making rural industries shine.

In pursuit of efficiency and efficiency, Zhejiang has proposed a development strategy of "strengthening agriculture through science and technology, and strengthening agriculture through machinery" to fill the gaps in industrial development such as weak infrastructure. In the farm of Wang Yanbin, a professional farmer born in the 1990s, in Yinzhou, rice transplanters, harvesters, and unmanned plant protection planes work together to produce over 2200 acres of rice. With only 7 employees, the yield per mu exceeds the average level in the surrounding area by 10%; In Longyou, Zhejiang Xiangmanting Biotechnology Co., Ltd. invested in the construction of a mushroom industry park. A greenhouse produces over 50000 kilograms of mushrooms annually, with an annual output value of over one million yuan per mu. Behind this is 22 patents supporting the development. The company's chairman, Zhu Youcun, said that they continue to update and reserve technology, and nearly 30% of their total sales come from deep processed products.

Matching features with the market

Mushrooms grown in Longyou Shuzhi greenhouse. Photo by journalist Zhu Mei

What is the plasticity of rural industries? Walking in rural Zhejiang, there are many answers. At its root, it still depends on whether the local resource endowment can find suitable industries and mobilize the enthusiasm of multiple parties for co creation.

Xiananshan Village, Bihu Town, Liandu District, Lishui City is one of the first key villages for the protection and utilization of historical and cultural villages in Zhejiang Province. After the relocation of the entire village in 2003, 42 ancient residential buildings built in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China were left behind. In 2012, the local government deepened the "Ten Million Project" and adhered to the principle of "restoring the old as before" to renovate ancient residential buildings.

Cheng Changying, Vice President of Lianzhong Group, was moved by this. In 2016, Lianzhong collaborated with the village to establish a red line for use and create the "Huanting Xiananshan" ecological resort.

By combining the rectification of villages with the management of villages, the dormant rural resources can be reignited. Walking in the village, the ancient houses with yellow mud, green tiles, and mottled moss are a thing of the past, but public spaces such as coffee bars, restaurants, and libraries remind you that this is a new space between the city and the countryside. More than 20 villagers have found new jobs here, and at the foot of the mountain, derivative businesses such as homestays, supermarkets, and restaurants have also emerged.

How many ways to open up, rural beauty | beautiful economy Zhejiang | industry | economy

The development of rural industries has never been isolated and linear. Since 2012, Zhejiang has launched the protection and utilization of 43 key villages and over 200 general villages every year, and historical and cultural villages have become a shining pearl in the construction of beautiful countryside. While restoring and strengthening the existing values and functions of rural areas, the reshaping of rural business models also opens up new possibilities.

"I prefer to call it a 'rural complex'," Cheng Changying said. In addition to collaborating with village collectives, companies have also turned this place into a platform for mass creation. Now, designers run homestays here, artists create and hold art exhibitions here, and some people come here to develop cultural and creative products.

Improving the matching degree of rural industries is one of the key points in promoting future rural construction in Zhejiang. What kind of industry is most suitable, market demand is navigation lights, resource endowment is locator, adapting to local conditions, finding one's own characteristics and main direction of attack, in order to amplify advantages and enhance competitiveness.

For example, the double grapefruit juice, which is frequently displayed on tables of various sizes in the Yangtze River Delta region, has become a hot topic in the consumer market in recent years. Few people know that on the road of deep processing of Hu pomelo, it is the result of the local government and enterprises introducing grapefruit, expanding planting area, and deep cultivation for up to 8 years. At present, the total output value of Changshan's "double pomelo" industry has exceeded 4 billion yuan.

Nowadays, in the rural areas of Zhejiang, the boundaries between primary, secondary, and tertiary industries are constantly being broken, and nothing can be achieved without imagination. In Jinhua, the Panda Piggy · Liangtouwu International Ranch adopts a development model of integrating animal husbandry and tourism. Since its opening, the "tourism capable ranch" has attracted over a million tourists and generated operating income of over 120 million yuan, driving employment and income growth for villagers in 9 villages and 3 surrounding towns.

Exploring the Upgrade of Patterns

The renovated Xiananshan Village in Liandu District has given rise to numerous new business models. Local map supply

For the past 20 years, the "Ten Million Project" has been constantly iterating, which means that rural business models need to solve new problems and provide new answers in the development process, providing more reference and replicable ways and methods for the development of rural industries in various regions.

For example, the bamboo shoot industry in Jinyun has become the largest agricultural characteristic leading industry in the local area. In order to avoid the situation of "getting caught up with oneself", the local demonstration and promotion of multiple varieties and cultivation techniques have been carried out to optimize the regional industrial structure. "The high mountain bamboo shoots in Dayang Town are harvested once a year, and not only can they be eaten, but tourists can also climb high and enjoy the sea of bamboo shoots. The bamboo shoots harvested twice in a row in Qianlu Township can be staggered and listed," said Ma Yamin, deputy director of the Soil, Fertilizer and Plant Protection Energy Station of the Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Jinyun County.

How many ways to open up, rural beauty | beautiful economy Zhejiang | industry | economy

Lishui Mountain Farming also places more emphasis on upgrading from weight to quality. "Starting from two years ago, we raised the entry threshold and now have 523 member enterprises and 834 authorized products, which is significantly reduced compared to the peak period." The relevant person in charge of the Brand Management Department of Lishui Agricultural Investment Company introduced that raising the standards is to enable more production and planting households to continuously improve their standardization ability and quality control awareness. Guided by the market, Lishui has expanded 10 order agriculture bases in the city since last year, with a focus on cultivating standardized agricultural product supply capacity.

A more interesting change lies in the mode output. The Xiananshan Village, which has completed the renovation of the ancient village, not only attracts tourists to express their homesickness, but also receives a large portion of visitors to "learn from". The "Xiananshan model" of ancient village renovation has now been replicated in historical and cultural villages at the source of civilization, and has also gone beyond the provincial boundaries, blooming and bearing fruit in places such as Shamei Village in Boao Town, Qionghai City, Hainan, and Nanbaozhai Village in Wangqu Street, Chang'an District, Xi'an.

The situation of Xiangmanting Company is somewhat different: facility agriculture can to some extent break free from resource constraints, but a high-value mushroom smart greenhouse requires an initial investment of over 500000 yuan, and the industry needs to quickly scale up and find sustainable replication and promotion operating models to achieve benefits.

Under the guidance of the Longyou County government, last year, enterprises signed agreements with five villages in Longyou Xiaonanhai Town, including Tuanshi, Hongchuantou, and Cuiguangyan. Qiangcun Company purchased mushroom sheds and invested in mushroom rod factories, which were then rented out to enterprises for unified management. The village collective received stable returns in the form of "fixed income+secondary dividends". In the first year, each village received over 300000 yuan in rent and dividend income, and new villages joined this year.

"According to this model, our base construction does not worry about funds. In the future, each mushroom shed can become a facility agriculture 'enclave'." Zhu Youcun said that in Shangqiu, Henan, the company also exported a mushroom cultivation facility plan through technology investment.

Creating new standards and exploring new possibilities, as the "Ten Million Project" progresses, it matches the increasingly beautiful rural areas of Zhejiang with an increasingly diverse industrial form. The rural industries in Zhejiang are growing vines in the vast market, gaining the most authentic vitality and expanding into new blue oceans.

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