"How many good facts have been done for the people as an important criterion for testing political achievements" (General Secretary's People's Feelings) General Secretary | Xi Jinping | Standard

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 10:50 AM

It is one of the most direct and realistic interests of the people, and it is also a major livelihood issue that General Secretary Xi Jinping is concerned about.

During this year's National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the State Council's institutional reform plan was released, proposing to "improve the aging work system". This has important and far-reaching significance for strengthening overall coordination and implementing the national strategy of actively responding to population aging.

"it is an important responsibility of party committees and governments at all levels to meet the various needs of the elderly and to enable them to have a happy old age." On August 24, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized during an inspection at the Binhe Community Home Care Service Center in the High-tech Zone of Chengde City, Hebei Province.

"As long as it is something welcomed and grinned by the people, no matter how difficult it is, it must be done to the end; as long as it is something that the people are unhappy or disdainful, it must be resolutely avoided!" This is a clear political orientation and a profound sense of the people.

Adhere to the best interests of the people and make the people's aspiration for a better life a goal of struggle.

"Our people love life and look forward to better education, more stable jobs, more satisfactory income, more reliable social security, higher levels of medical and health services, more comfortable living conditions, and a more beautiful environment. I hope that children can grow up better, work better, and live better." When the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the 18th CPC Central Committee met with Chinese and foreign reporters, General Secretary Xi Jinping used 10 "more" words to describe the people's expectations.

Strengthening food safety supervision, reducing the burden of students' schoolwork, high-quality development of public hospitals, price control of important livelihood commodities, "toilet revolution", garbage sorting ...... In the past ten years of the new era, these major and minor events that have a bearing on the well-being of the people have been included in the important agenda of General Secretary Xi Jinping, one by one.

It is precisely because "taking the number of good deeds done for the people as an important criterion for evaluating political achievements" and adhering to the development concept of putting the people at the center that in recent years, the sense of gain, happiness, and security of the people have become more substantial, secure, and sustainable.

We must eliminate the evil of the people, and resolutely prevent and correct whatever the people oppose or hate.

"Black and evil forces are social cancer, seriously disrupting economic and social order, and eroding the party's governing foundation."

After the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, an unprecedented special struggle against organized crime and evil swept away the filth of organized crime and created a bright future.

From the "special struggle against triads and evils" to "carrying out the struggle against triads and evils on a regular basis," and then to "the education and rectification of the national political and legal contingent," General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "resolutely crack down on the underworld and the 'protective umbrella' and never let them harm the people again," profoundly interpreting what is "the evil and evil of the people".

"A political party or regime's future and destiny depend on people's hearts and minds. Whatever the people oppose or hate, we must resolutely prevent and correct it."

Emphasizing the need to always maintain a clear and resolute attitude towards solving the unique problems faced by the major party, to continuously comprehensively and strictly govern the party, and to revitalize the party's and government conduct; Emphasis is placed on "solving prominent environmental problems that are strongly reflected by the people", fighting a tough battle against pollution prevention and control, with bluer skies, greener mountains, and clearer water

I will repay the trust of the Party and the people with my lifelong energy and all my life, dedicating myself wholeheartedly, going through fire and water, and never giving up. I am selfless and fearless, demonstrating the mission and responsibility of Communist Party members.

Practice governing for the people, and take the satisfaction of the masses as the fundamental criterion for evaluation.

On January 26, 2022, snowflakes drifted in Fengnanyuan Village, Huozhou City, Shanxi Province.

"After seeing your village, the quality of the newly built houses is very good, the subsidies are also in place, and the people's homes are well stocked with New Year's goods, which are very festive. I have a deep understanding in my heart." With great concern and warmth.

"The test of the effectiveness of all our work ultimately depends on whether the people have really benefited, whether the people's lives have really been improved, and whether the people's rights and interests have really been protected." General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed.

In Fujian, making friends with farmers, guiding development paths, and being called the "Governor of the People" by the masses; In Zhejiang, it is emphasized that "do not be an official without the people's hearts", while the people respond with "never forget to dig wells when drinking water"; In Shanghai, it is required to "do more things that the people urgently need, do more things that benefit the people, do more things that lay the foundation, and do more things that have long-term effects"

In October 2022, shortly after the closing of the 20th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed during an inspection tour in Yan'an, Shaanxi: "the Communist Party of China is the party of the people and the party that serves the people, and the Communist Party is in charge of doing things for the common people."

For the benefit of the people, communists are always on the road.

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