Hot interpretation | General Secretary's visit to Jiangsu emphasizes taking this "necessary path" product | Innovation | General Secretary

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 03:05 AM

During this trip to Jiangsu, the General Secretary conducted in-depth research in Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou Huaxing Yuanchuang Technology Co., Ltd., Zijinshan Laboratory, and Nanrui Group Co., Ltd., focusing on technological innovation along the way.

Suzhou Industrial Park is an important cooperation project between the governments of China and Singapore. As a pioneer in exploring new paths, the park currently has 2489 national high-tech enterprises and 62 listed companies. As of 2022, Suzhou Industrial Park has achieved "seven consecutive championships" in the comprehensive development level evaluation of the National Economic and Technological Development Zone by the Ministry of Commerce.

Suzhou Huaxing Yuanchuang Technology Co., Ltd. is a semiconductor equipment production enterprise founded by returned scientific and technological talents. It is located on Qingqiu Street in Suzhou Industrial Park, and R&D personnel account for 43% of the company's employees. Nowadays, in the field of small and medium-sized LCD testing equipment worldwide, Huaxing Yuanchuang has an undeniable market share and technological discourse power, becoming a unique competitive leader among similar enterprises.

As a leading enterprise in the field of energy, electricity, and industrial control in China, Nanrui Group Co., Ltd. always regards innovation as the primary driving force, adheres to the combination of independent innovation and collaborative innovation, deepens the construction of research and development systems, and provides products and services in more than 100 countries and regions worldwide, accumulating 86 national level scientific and technological awards.

He regards technology as the primary productive force, talent as the primary resource, and innovation as the primary driving force, emphasizing that "if we seize innovation, we will seize the 'bull nose' that affects the overall economic and social development.".

On March 5 this year, when attending the deliberations of the Jiangsu delegation to the first session of the 14th National People's Congress, the General Secretary profoundly pointed out: "Accelerating the realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance is the only way to promote high-quality development. In the fierce international competition, we must open up new fields and new track of development and shape new kinetic energy and new advantages for development, fundamentally speaking, we still have to rely on scientific and technological innovation."

"Without innovation, it's not enough. Even if innovation slows down, it's not enough. If we don't recognize, adapt, and seek change, we may fall into strategic passivity, miss development opportunities, and even miss an entire era."

Enterprises are the mainstay of the market and the driving force behind technological innovation. As an important component of the national strategic scientific and technological strength, General Secretary has high expectations for technology leading enterprises: "We must consciously fulfill the mission of high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement," and pay attention to playing the role of "question setters," "answer takers," and "examiners" of technology leading enterprises. ".

Zizi's footsteps, burning eyes, and insightful words.

Hot interpretation | General Secretary's visit to Jiangsu emphasizes taking this "necessary path" product | Innovation | General Secretary

Since the beginning of this year, General Secretary has repeatedly visited enterprises to pay attention to technological innovation.

At Guangzhou Guangqi Aian New Energy Vehicle Co., Ltd., the General Secretary emphasized with great seriousness that "key core technologies should be based on independent research and development, and international cooperation is also welcome. Education and talent cultivation should be strengthened to solidify the foundation of technological self-reliance and self-improvement.".

At the China Electric Power Industry Basic Research Institute, the General Secretary encouraged them to "continuously make new breakthroughs in key core technologies.".

At the Central Industrial Park in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, the General Secretary praised, "Your enterprise and park have done well, and I feel very uplifted after seeing them. Now, we need to rely on high-level technology for self-reliance and self-improvement, and build a new development pattern to overcome technological difficulties.".


How should technology leading enterprises, as the "leaders" of enterprise technological innovation, take the "necessary path" of high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement?

The general secretary thinks deeply: "we should give full play to the advantages of market demand, integrated innovation and organizational platform", "we should take the lead of enterprises, integrate and gather innovative resources", "carry out the research and development of industrial common key technologies, the transformation and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, and the sharing of scientific and technological resources"......

The Suzhou Industrial Park visited by General Secretary Jiangsu during this visit has strong momentum for open innovation. Since its approval for the Suzhou area of the China Free Trade Zone in 2019, the park has been successively approved for the construction of Suzhou Laboratory, National Biomedical Technology Innovation Center, National Third Generation Semiconductor Technology Innovation Center, and National New Generation Artificial Intelligence Innovation and Development Pilot Zone. Global enterprises are rushing to seize the market, and this experimental field of reform and opening up is increasingly becoming a high-yield field for foreign investment.

Taking advantage of market demand, integrated innovation, and organizational platform, Suzhou Industrial Park is committed to building a world-class high-tech park with open innovation.

Hot interpretation | General Secretary's visit to Jiangsu emphasizes taking this "necessary path" product | Innovation | General Secretary

As a leading enterprise in the field of energy, electricity, and industrial control in China, Nanrui Group Co., Ltd. won one second prize of National Technology Invention Award and 144 science and technology awards from State Grid Corporation of China and provincial-level and above in 2021. With a focus on the national "dual carbon" goals, NARI Group takes the initiative and acts quickly, with the core of ensuring the safe and stable operation of the power grid, and serves as a "technological leader" in supporting the construction of the new power system.

The General Secretary visited the group for inspection and research, listened to the overall situation of Nanjing's construction of a national advanced manufacturing cluster for smart grids, and observed the display of independent and controllable technology products of enterprises. He urged enterprises to accelerate the promotion of key technologies, core product iteration and upgrading, and the empowerment of new technology wisdom, in order to improve national energy security and security capabilities.

"The key to Chinese path to modernization lies in the modernization of science and technology."

Play the "first move chess" well, practice the "killer trump card", run the "relay race" steadily, hold the "bull's nose", bravely venture into the "unmanned area", dismantle the "fence wall"

As a driving force for technological innovation, enterprises must keep in mind the instructions of the General Secretary, "take a practical and solid path of innovation", and "demonstrate new achievements in strengthening, supplementing, and extending the supply chain". This is a profound plan for accurately identifying changes, scientifically adapting to changes, and actively seeking change. It is also a profound self warning to strengthen historical confidence and grasp historical initiative.

Director system | Luo Hongbing, Wei Quhu

Director of production, Wang Jingdong

Editor-in-chief, Li Xuan

Editor Li Shanshan

Hot interpretation | General Secretary's visit to Jiangsu emphasizes taking this "necessary path" product | Innovation | General Secretary

Vision: Zhang Zixi

Proofreading Li Danlu Yang Song Chunyan Fan Lijun Yan Tian Tian Li Yingzhuo

Product: central Radio and Television Central Television Network

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