Highlighting Organizational Responsibility in the New Era and New Journey - A Review of the Party's Organizational Work Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China | Regulations | Era

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:17 AM

Beijing, June 28th (Xinhua News Agency) - Highlighting Organizational Responsibility on the New Era and Journey - A Review of the Party's Organizational Work Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

Xinhua News Agency reporters Fan Sixiang and Wang Peng

Organizational construction is an important foundation for the construction of the Party. The organizational line of the Party serves the political line. Our party must maintain long-term governance and vitality, unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups in the country to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation along the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The most important thing is to build the party stronger and more powerful.

Time records the footsteps of forging ahead, and time engraves the achievements of hard work and struggle.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, organizational departments at all levels have resolutely implemented the strategic policy of comprehensively and strictly administering the party, thoroughly implemented the general requirements of party building in the new era and the organizational line of the party in the new era, adhered to the party's overall leadership and comprehensively and strictly governed the party, adhered to the political direction in serving the overall situation, grasped the position of responsibility in focusing on the main business, and actively, promote the party's organizational work to continuously open up new situations and achieve new results.

The Party's innovative theoretical armament continues to strengthen

At No. 43 Zhengxing Road, Xiangjiang New District, Hunan, the Hunan Party History Exhibition Hall attracts a constant stream of visitors. In the exhibition hall, pictures and objects tell the story of our party's unremitting struggle and ideological exploration over the past century.

"Looking back on the century long journey, we have always adhered to arming the entire Party with scientific theories, guiding practice, and promoting work. This is an important experience for our Party to create history and achieve glory," said the relevant person in charge of the Hunan Party History Exhibition Hall.

Ideological construction is the fundamental construction of the Party, and building the Party with ideology and strengthening the Party with theory is the key to maintaining the vitality of the Party in the centenary.

On April 3, 2023, Beijing, a conference on learning and implementing Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics was held.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "We must take this theme education as an opportunity to strengthen the party's innovative theoretical arms, continuously improve the level of Marxism in the whole party, continuously improve the party's ability to govern and leadership, and unite our efforts for the new journey., Strive forward vigorously and courageously, and unite and strive for the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in an all-round way."

The light of truth shines on the path ahead, and the baptism of thought is consistent.

From the Party's mass line education practice activities, the "three strict and three solid" thematic education, to the "two studies and one doing" learning education, "not forgetting the original heart, keeping in mind the mission" theme education, to the Party history learning education, learning and implementing Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics ideological theme education ...... Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the continuous development of centralized education within the Party has been promoted layer by layer, we will study and implement Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era throughout, continue to deepen theoretical arms, and sound the clarion call for concerted efforts.

We will hold key classes such as provincial and ministerial level specialized seminars for major leading cadres, training courses for middle-aged and young cadres, and national demonstration classes for party member education and training. We will provide systematic training to party members and cadres in stages and batches, further enhancing their political judgment, understanding, and execution abilities.

Promote the extension of high-quality training resources to the grassroots level. Starting from 2017, the Central Organization Department directly trained 10000 village party branch secretaries in border ethnic areas and revolutionary old areas, demonstrating and promoting large-scale rotation training in various regions. In 2021, the Central Organization Department, together with relevant departments, will deploy and implement the Action Plan for Theme Training of Grassroots Cadres in the New Era, focusing on improving the quality of grassroots cadres and enhancing the level of grassroots governance. In 2022, for the first time, a national training course for newly recruited civil servants was held, which trained approximately 195000 people through a combination of online and offline methods. Carry out multiple batches of national cadre learning and training textbook compilation work, promote standardized management and quality improvement of party spirit education and training institutions.

A series of solid measures to educate and guide the majority of party members and cadres to understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", strengthen the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four confidences", and achieve the "two" "Maintenance" promotes party members and cadres to consciously be firm believers and faithful practitioners of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and ensure that our party is both an organizational unity and an ideological unity.

Grassroots Party building continuously opens up new prospects

During the rainy season, the National Organization Cadre College outside the eastern suburbs of Beijing is lush with green grass, surging with a wave of learning, exchange, and discussion. From April 24th to 28th, 2023, a national video training class for village party organization secretaries and village committee directors was held here.

This is the first time that the Central Organization Department and the Central Party School have directly conducted training for all village cadres, and it is also the largest training for rural grassroots cadres in recent years. It serves as a demonstration for various regions to promote the training of rural grassroots cadres, and is of great significance for comprehensively improving the leadership ability of the village "two committees" to revitalize rural areas.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "It is very important to do a good job in basic work at the grassroots level. As long as every grassroots party organization and every party member has a strong sense of purpose and responsibility, and can play the role of a fighting fortress and a vanguard and exemplary role, our party will be Very powerful, our country will be very powerful, our people will be very powerful, and the party's ruling foundation will be as solid as a rock."

The comprehensive leadership of the Party and all Party work rely on the strong organizational system of the Party to achieve. Only when the Party's organizations at all levels are sound and strong, forming a rigorous organizational system that is interconnected from top to bottom and effectively executed, can the Party's leadership be like a body wielding an arm, like an arm wielding a finger.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our party has firmly established a clear direction of focusing on grassroots work, focused on enhancing the political and organizational functions of party organizations, and built grassroots party organizations into strong fortresses that adapt to the development requirements of the new era——

Strengthen and improve the construction of grassroots party organizations in rural areas, cities, enterprises, government agencies, schools, public hospitals, research institutes, social organizations, and other fields. Strengthen the construction of the party for retired cadres, promote the standardization and standardization of party branches, and continuously rectify weak and lax grassroots party organizations; Clarify and consolidate the main responsibility of the Party committee to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party, and promote Party committees and Party member leaders at all levels to make Party building the greatest political achievement... We will consistently promote the construction of the organizational system, and continuously enhance the Party's political leadership, ideological leadership, mass organization, and social appeal.

A party member is a flag, and a branch is a fortress. The great practice of the new era has engraved countless Communist Party members with magnificent postures of taking on responsibilities and overcoming difficulties:

During the poverty alleviation campaign, 255000 village work teams, over 3 million village first secretaries and team members were stationed in the village;

After the COVID-19, a large number of party members and cadres from government agencies, enterprises and public institutions settled down in the community, and 244000 temporary party branches were established. More than 25000 outstanding people swore to join the party on the front line, and the party flag flew high in the fight against the epidemic;


Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the number of grassroots party organizations has been continuously increasing, widely distributed on various fronts and fields. The coverage of party organizations and work has been continuously expanding, and the foundation of the party's governing building has become more solid.

Solidly promoting the construction of a high-quality cadre team

"To build a modern socialist country in an all-round way, we must have a contingent of cadres who are politically competent, adapt to the requirements of the new era, and have the ability to lead the modernization drive." General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, organizational departments at all levels have set a benchmark for superiority and inferiority, clarified the upper and lower standards, inspired cadres to carry forward the spirit of struggle, enhance their ability to fight, and shaped a new face for the backbone of governance.

——Adhere to the standards of good cadres in the new era, coordinate and promote the construction of five major systems: quality training, knowledge and talent recognition, selection and appointment, strict management, and positive incentives. Regularly carry out the training and selection of outstanding young cadres, solidly carry out the work of cadre and talent assistance, secondment, and assistance, and strive to build a high-quality cadre team capable of shouldering the heavy responsibility of national rejuvenation.

——Highlighting political standards for selecting and appointing talents, revising the regulations on the appointment of cadres, establishing a correct orientation for selecting and appointing personnel, strengthening the leadership and supervisory role of the Party organization, conducting in-depth and practical political quality assessments, strictly controlling politics, integrity, and abilities, and continuously rectifying improper practices in personnel selection and appointment. A large number of loyal, clean, and responsible good cadres have been discovered and put into use in a timely manner.

——Adhere to the combination of strict management, benevolence, and equal emphasis on incentives and constraints, improve the cadre assessment and evaluation system, continuously improve the reporting system for personal matters of Chinese characteristic leading cadres, effectively manage the spouses, children, and their spouses of leading cadres in commercial enterprises, establish and implement a system of parallel positions and ranks for civil servants, improve and implement the management and personnel management system for leading personnel in public institutions, further promote the ability of leading cadres to rise and fall, and promote the formation of a correct orientation of the ability to rise, the excellence to be rewarded, the mediocre to be eliminated, and the inferior to be eliminated.

Deeply implementing the Civil Servant Law, improving supporting regulations for civil servant management, deepening classified management of civil servants, and achieving historic achievements in the construction of a high-quality and professional civil servant team. On August 30, 2022, the National Commendation Conference for "Civil Servants Satisfied by the People" and "Collective Civil Servants Satisfied by the People" was grandly held at the Great Hall of the People.

Under a series of effective measures, the cadre team has been revitalized in revolutionary forging, actively taking on responsibilities with stronger ideals and beliefs, stronger abilities and qualities, stricter discipline and style, and fuller spirit and fighting spirit, striving to create outstanding achievements that are worthy of the Party, the people, and the times.

Writing a New Chapter in Talent Development

Talents are the foundation of a strong country and the great plan for its prosperity.

The Central Talent Work Conference was held in Beijing from September 27th to 28th, 2021. This is another talent work conference held by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China 11 years later, with milestone significance.

"to do a good job in the work of talents, we must adhere to the correct political direction, constantly strengthen and improve the work of intellectuals, encourage talents to cherish patriotism, sharpen their aspirations to serve the country, and take the initiative to shoulder the mission and responsibility entrusted by the times." General Secretary Xi Jinping said.

The competition for comprehensive national strength ultimately boils down to talent competition. Which country has the advantage in talent will ultimately have the advantage in strength.

Ji Ji Duoshi is a great achievement; Talents are flourishing, and national fortune is flourishing.

Since the new era, the Party has comprehensively strengthened its leadership in talent work, established the strategic position of talent leading development, strengthened political guidance and absorption, and promoted the formation of a talent development environment where talented people gather in the world, and all kinds of people compete freely in the frosty sky with a keen eye for talent, sincerity in talent love, courage in talent utilization, magnanimity in talent tolerance, and effective methods for talent gathering.

From the Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Talent Development System and Mechanism, to the Opinions on Deepening the Reform of Project Evaluation, Talent Evaluation, and Institutional Evaluation, and then to the Opinions on Improving the Science and Technology Incentive Mechanism, one reform document after another has been issued to solve the obstacles in the talent development system and mechanism.

From improving talent cultivation to improving talent evaluation, from facilitating talent flow to incentivizing talent development... These institutional measures are interconnected, and the platform for talent innovation and entrepreneurship is becoming increasingly perfect, further unleashing talent vitality.

If the system is smooth and the mechanism is active, talent will gather and the cause will prosper.

From high-end leading talents to skilled and local talents; From natural science talents to philosophy and social science talents, and literary and artistic talents; Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, various regions and departments have adhered to the principle of "high-end guidance and overall development", coordinated and promoted the construction of various talent teams, and the structure of talent teams has been increasingly improved.

If there are many virtuous and virtuous people, then the governance of the country will be strong. Nowadays, talents from different professions and positions have their own strengths and strengths, and the talent advantage is constantly transforming into an inexhaustible development advantage.

The construction level of the Party's organizational system is constantly improving

In May 2021, on the eve of the centenary of the founding of the Party, the first leading and comprehensive basic backbone law on organizational work in the history of the Party, the Regulations of the CPC on Organizational Work, was issued, becoming an important part of "accelerating the formation of an intra party system of laws and regulations covering all aspects of Party leadership and party building".

To govern a country, we must first govern the Party, and to govern the Party, we must be strict and follow the law.

General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out: "it is necessary to enhance the consciousness and firmness of administering the party in accordance with the rules, firmly grasp the political direction, improve the political position, shoulder political responsibilities, and continue to promote the building of inner-party laws and regulations closely around the overall situation of the work of the party and the state."

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our party has persisted in integrating institutional construction into all aspects of party building in the new era, and has comprehensively and stereoscopically promoted the construction of internal party regulations and systems——

Solidly carry out the construction of the Party committee and Party group, formulate and revise the Central Committee's Work Regulations, Local Committee's Work Regulations, Party Group Work Regulations, Party Work Organ Regulations, and Local and Grassroots Party Organization Election Work Regulations, etc; We have coordinated and promoted the construction of Party internal regulations and systems at all levels, fields, levels, and links, gradually forming a Party internal regulatory system with "1+4" as the basic framework; Continuously improving the organizational system of the Party and solidly promoting the reform of the Party building system; Strengthen the implementation of systems, promote each system to take root, and truly make the iron rules work and the systems become powerful.

The reform of the Party's construction system is progressing steadily and solidly, striving to form a scientifically precise system for selecting and appointing talents, a scientifically rigorous organizational system, and a scientifically effective talent system. Integrate disciplinary and law enforcement, enhance institutional rigidity, and ensure that all regulations and systems are implemented in a detailed and effective manner. Adhering to the rule of law in governing the Party and strengthening the construction of Party regulations and systems has become a golden business card that showcases the advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics.

The wind rises and the sail sails, striving to be the first.

In the new era and new journey, the organization departments at all levels will unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, learn ideas, strengthen party spirit, emphasize practice, build new achievements, forge ahead, and work hard to promote the party's organizational work. Effective results provide a strong guarantee for the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation.

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