Growing up as a model for protecting the Yangtze River and striving forward, China's Yangtze River surges forward | Chemical industry develops rapidly | The Yangtze River | A model

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:22 PM

In early summer, strolling through the Lighthouse Park in Xiaoting District, Yichang City, the clear Yangtze River flows slowly. The green mountains on both sides and the blue sky and white clouds complement each other, creating a touching natural painting. It's hard to imagine that a few years ago, this place was still a gray black sandstone dock and coal yard.

Xiaoting District is adjacent to the Yangtze River and is the southeast gateway of Yichang City in Hubei Province. This urban area, with a permanent population of only over 60000, has shouldered the banner of industrial and economic development, and its per capita GDP has consistently ranked first in Yichang City.

However, the extensive production methods of the chemical industry have also put Xiaoting District in an environmental dilemma of "chemical industry surrounding the river".

Over the past five years, Xiaoting District, as a "place of regulations", has taken the determination to prioritize ecology and promote green development. It has adhered to the principle of leading by example and leading demonstration, and has embarked on a high-quality development path that relies on technological innovation to drive industrial transformation, extend industrial chains, and optimize the ecological environment. It has delivered excellent results for the protection of the Yangtze River.

Li Xiaojun, Secretary of the Xiaoting District Committee of Yichang, has publicly stated that Xiaoting will firmly prioritize the restoration of the ecological environment of the Yangtze River, work together to promote carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion, and growth, and fully promote high-level protection of the Yangtze River and high-quality economic development.

Recently, Liao Jinhua, Director of the Political Research Office of the Xiaoting District Committee, stated in an interview with Pengpai News that in recent years, Xiaoting's industrial structure has shifted from singularity to diversification, achieving a leap in the industrial chain. At the same time, technological innovation has also made breakthroughs, cultivating a group of specialized, refined, and innovative small giant enterprises, and Xiaoting's popularity continues to expand nationwide.

Last year, at the 12th Party Congress of Hubei Province, the Provincial Party Committee entrusted Yichang with a new mission of building a model city for the protection of the Yangtze River. How does Xiaoting respond to a new round of tests?

At the beginning of 2023, the Implementation Opinions of the Communist Party of China Xiaoting District Committee and the People's Government of Xiaoting District in Yichang City on Building a Pilot Zone for the Protection of the Yangtze River as a Model City were officially issued. The Implementation Opinions clearly state that by 2026, Xiaoting District aims to achieve phased results in ecological environment protection and restoration, innovation driven development, and industrial cluster cultivation, highlighting its leading role in the construction of Yichang as a model city for the protection of the Yangtze River.

At present, Xiaoting is following the direction of the General Secretary's guidance, unswervingly making itself an excellent main city, a beautiful riverside, and a green industry, promoting the rapid rise of the hundreds of billion riverside airport industrial new city, building a pilot area of a model city for the great protection of the Yangtze River, creating the main engine of Yichang's urban industrial economy, striving to become an important window to comprehensively display the achievements of the great protection of the Yangtze River, and making "Xiaoting contribution" to the realization of Chinese path to modernization.


Xiaoting is named after the Western Han Dynasty, and its tiger roar is called "Xiao". It is located ten miles away, hence the name "Xiaoting". The famous Battle of Xiaoting during the Three Kingdoms period occurred here.

Growing up as a model for protecting the Yangtze River and striving forward, China's Yangtze River surges forward | Chemical industry develops rapidly | The Yangtze River | A model

Xiaoting District is bordered by the Yangtze River to the west, and is the first alluvial plain after the Yangtze River leaves the Three Gorges. It covers an area of 118.52 square kilometers and has a permanent population of 68700 people. Xiaoting was originally a town under the jurisdiction of Zhijiang County. In 1994, it was transferred to Yichang and later abolished as a district. It is a "pocket sized" county-level administrative region, but its per capita GDP has consistently ranked first in Yichang City.

The development of Xiaoting cannot be separated from the word "chemical industry". Throughout its historical trajectory, the chemical industry has witnessed the arduous process of Xiaoting's transformation from small to strong, from weak to strong, and from extensive to high-quality development.

Public reports show that in the 1980s, the chemical plant in Yichang was located in Xiaoting Xiamachao, and the Xiaoting chemical industry took advantage of the east wind of reform and opening up and officially began to develop. In the following twenty years, enterprises sprung up here like mushrooms after rain, with 21 chemical plants located just one kilometer along the river.

Wang Ganglong, Deputy Director of the Development and Reform Commission of Xiaoting District, told Pengpai News that the rapid development of Xiaoting is inseparable from its geographical advantages. Xiaoting is adjacent to the Yangtze River, with relatively flat land and a large amount of land available for industrial development. At the same time, Xiaoting is the transportation gateway of Yichang, where roads, railways, water transportation, aviation and other channels that advance westward along the Yangtze River Basin converge, forming a three-dimensional transportation network of water, land, and air and a regional logistics hub.

In the future, the total industrial output of Xiaoting continued to grow. However, the extensive production method of "igniting fires in villages and emitting smoke everywhere" brought about tax employment, and also put the city in an environmental dilemma of "chemical engineering surrounding the river". The towering chimney factories and dense sand and stone docks threatened the ecological security of the mother river, the Yangtze River.

When it comes to the ecological environment of Xiaoting at that time, Wang Ganglong still remembers it vividly. He told Pengpai News, "In 2013, I just came to work in Xiaoting. At that time, there were many chemical enterprises here, and the pungent smell was everywhere. It was an unpleasant gas for the surrounding residents and workers." Several local residents also told Pengpai News that the air here used to be very poor, and sewage would flow freely when it rained.

In order to maintain the ecological "appearance", in 2017, Yichang City issued the "Opinions on Special Rectification and Transformation and Upgrading of the Chemical Industry", screening chemical enterprises one by one, and taking the initiative to solve the problem of "chemical industry surrounding the river" with the determination of a brave warrior. Located on the banks of the Yangtze River, Xiaoting actively responded and quickly took measures to vigorously implement the "Three Year Action Plan for Green Xiaoting". It is expected to complete an investment of 5.9 billion yuan and implement 127 projects, promoting the implementation and effectiveness of green development. Xiaoting has also formulated a plan for the transformation and upgrading of the chemical industry, and has orderly promoted the "transformation and relocation" of 21 chemical enterprises according to the "5 to 7" roadmap.

According to the Three Gorges Daily, on September 17, 2017, Xiaoting took the lead in implementing centralized demolition of the main equipment of the kiln process phosphoric acid vertical kiln of Hubei Sanxin Phosphoric Acid Company, firing the "first shot" of centralized demolition of production equipment. Subsequently, three chemical enterprises were successively shut down

A chemical industry hub is achieving perfect green transformation.


At the Yichang New Materials Industrial Park of Xingfa Group in Xiaoting District, on a copper cast circular landmark by the river, the words "April 24, 2018" are particularly prominent.

Growing up as a model for protecting the Yangtze River and striving forward, China's Yangtze River surges forward | Chemical industry develops rapidly | The Yangtze River | A model

A more significant transformation began here.

Xingfa Group Yichang New Materials Industrial Park. Respondents provide pictures

"This area used to be the First Thermal Power Plant, Sewage Treatment Plant, Sulfur Storage Yard... but it was all demolished later," Li Wenhong, Deputy Director of the Yichang New Materials Industrial Park Office of Xingfa Group, told Pengpai News. "In addition to ensuring environmental protection, the chairman also proposed to take the initiative to transform and demolish and relocate relevant production facilities along the Yangtze River. In fact, this was a blow to any enterprise at that time."

But if it doesn't break, it won't stand.

Xingfa Group has successively dismantled 32 production facilities, including the Linjiang First Thermal Power Plant and the glyphosate preparation workshop. After shutting down assets exceeding 1.2 billion yuan, it has embarked on a path of transformation and upgrading. The group has invested 3.4 billion yuan to vigorously develop high value-added and high-efficiency microelectronics and organic silicon new materials.

"The most crucial thing is still to transform. Xingfa Group has transitioned from developing heavy chemical to fine chemical, and now to new materials. In the past, extensive chemical industries such as fertilizer production were valued in tons, but now the value of the high-precision phosphoric acid we produce is measured in grams." Li Wenhong admitted.

In the production workshop of Yichang Optoelectronics, a robotic arm is stacking glass. Photo by reporter Tan Jingyuan from Pengpai News

In 2019, the ultra-high purity electronic grade phosphoric acid, sulfuric acid, and etching solution developed and produced by Xingfa Group won the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award.

In April 2021, the Hubei Electronic Chemicals Zone was unveiled and started construction in the Yichang New Materials Industrial Park of Xingfa Group. This is the second electronic chemicals zone in China and the first in the central region. Previously, a large amount of electronic chemicals relied on international imports for a long time, but now they have achieved localization and can also be exported to overseas markets.

The bitterness of a brave man's broken wrist was exchanged for the sweetness of being reborn from the ashes. Xingfa Group, which has accelerated the green transformation and upgrading of its industry, has achieved a harmonious unity of ecological and economic benefits. In 2021, Xingfa Group's sales revenue was 45.919 billion yuan, with a net profit of 5.011 billion yuan, exceeding the total profit of the 13th Five Year Plan.

According to Hubei Daily, on October 22, 2022, at the "Party Representative Channel" after the closing of the 20th National Congress, Li Guozhang, a representative of the 20th National Congress and Secretary of the Party Committee of Xingfa Group, said that although Xingfa has experienced pain, taking the opportunity to break the "chemical encirclement", green transformation has given birth to new momentum for high-quality development. "The output value, profits, and taxes created by Xingfa New Materials Industrial Park in 2022 have doubled compared to four years ago."

Growing up as a model for protecting the Yangtze River and striving forward, China's Yangtze River surges forward | Chemical industry develops rapidly | The Yangtze River | A model

The successful transformation of Xingfa Group is a microcosm of Xiaoting's implementation of the new development concept and the leap of industrial level. In recent years, Xiaoting District has fully leveraged its advantages and resource endowments in the areas of river, air, and port, introducing a number of advantageous projects with high technological content, good market prospects, and strong driving capabilities. It has gradually built four major advantageous industries, including fine chemical and new materials, automotive and high-end equipment manufacturing, synthetic biology, new energy, and new generation information technology.

"After the dominant industries are clarified, we can further extend the downstream industry chain. The further we go down, the higher the technological content and economic added value," said Wang Ganglong, Director of the Xiaoting District Development and Reform Commission.

In the future, Xiaoting will form two 100 billion level industrial clusters, namely fine chemicals and new materials, automobiles and high-end equipment, and three 50 billion level industrial clusters, namely synthetic biology, new energy and new generation information technology, and modern logistics.

A corner of Xingfa Group Yichang New Materials Industrial Park. Respondents provide pictures

Science and Technology Innovation

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed that we must adhere to the principle that technology is the primary productive force, talent is the primary resource, and innovation is the primary driving force. Entering a new era, Xiaoting has always placed technological innovation in a crucial position, making it the largest increment of high-quality development.

Entering the Hubei Three Gorges Laboratory, several lines of large characters on the walls of the hall caught the eye: innovation is the first driving force for development, and technology is a powerful weapon to overcome difficulties.

At the end of last year, good news came from the laboratory, and new breakthroughs were made in the research and development of key microelectronic chemicals. According to the Three Gorges Daily, chip manufacturing involves hundreds of processes, and a large amount of electronic chemicals are used between each two processes. Hubei Three Gorges Laboratory has developed targeted etching solutions, mainly used for etching and cleaning of silicon dioxide layers in semiconductor chip manufacturing processes. Hubei Three Gorges Laboratory has mastered the core technology of this product for the first time in China.

In addition, the Three Gorges Laboratory is committed to turning phosphogypsum into treasure through a technological path. Yichang has abundant phosphate ore resources, and Xingfa Group is the largest fine phosphate chemical enterprise in China. But for every ton of phosphoric acid produced, 5 tons of phosphogypsum will be produced. This solid waste residue will cause serious pollution to water quality and soil. The first task of the Three Gorges Laboratory is to seek a comprehensive utilization technology path for phosphogypsum through independent innovation, which is also the most urgent world-class problem in the current phosphorus chemical industry.

The comprehensive utilization of phosphogypsum products displayed in the Three Gorges Laboratory. Photo by reporter Tan Jingyuan from Pengpai News

Not only the Three Gorges Laboratory, innovative elements flow on every inch of Xiaoting's land.

Growing up as a model for protecting the Yangtze River and striving forward, China's Yangtze River surges forward | Chemical industry develops rapidly | The Yangtze River | A model

At Hubei Huifu Nanomaterials Co., Ltd., a white powder hangs and settles at the bottom of a glass bottle, like a miniature sea of clouds. "This is a special type of nanomaterial called gas-phase silica," said the person in charge of Huifu Nano in an interview with the media. It has extremely strong insulation and thermal insulation properties and can be widely used as a reinforcing agent and flow aid in many fields such as silicone rubber, building materials, food, medicine, etc.

In fact, the birth of gas-phase silica came from a hot potato. According to Jingchu Net, Xingfa Group produces a large amount of by-product "methyl trichlorosilane" in the production process of organic silicon monomer raw materials. This is a hazardous material that requires professional transportation and handling. If it cannot be effectively consumed, it will be difficult to expand the production scale of Xingfa organic silicon monomer raw materials.

And this "hot potato" was spotted by Huifu Nano, and Huifu Nano immediately registered in Xiaoting District. Originally, methyl trichlorosilane could be used to produce gas-phase silica, and innovation has reversed into a nanoscale new material.

Professor Lan Xiaohuan from the School of Economics at Fudan University wrote in his book "Being Inside the Business: The Chinese Government and Economic Development" that innovation is the driving force for sustained economic growth, but innovation cannot be bought and can only be done on one's own. Only by doing it ourselves, not simply imitating and introducing, can we truly understand the principles of technology and gradually achieve independent innovation.

On the path of independent innovation, Xiaoting is committed to becoming a "conqueror" of technological self-reliance and self-improvement, and a set of data may prove it. As of now, Xiaoting District has established 35 various scientific and technological innovation platforms, with 55 high-tech enterprises, 4 national level specialized and innovative "little giant" enterprises, and 15 provincial-level "hidden champion" enterprises. The added value of high-tech industries accounts for 41.8% of GDP, ranking second in Hubei Province and first in Yichang. R&D expenditure accounts for 4.1% of GDP.

Xiaoting has completed a perfect transformation from a chemical industry hub to an innovative highland. Nowadays, the strong emerging advantageous industries are supporting the backbone of Xiaoting's development, and the dream of becoming a new city with billions of waterfront and air industries is just around the corner.


With one hand focused on green development and the other on ecological restoration, Xiaoting handed over a green answer sheet.

Last year during the Golden Week of National Day, a 17.2-kilometer riverside greenway stunned the entire network. At the Lighthouse Square in Xiaoting, a "Yangtze River Conservation and Sustainable Practice Art Exhibition" attracted over 350000 visitors to check in within a month, with an online attendance of up to 15 million people.

The new landmark of Yichang City is "Lighthouse Square". Xiaoting District Integrated Media Center Map

Before 2018, this place was still a gray black sand and stone dock and coal yard, with sewage flowing everywhere.

Growing up as a model for protecting the Yangtze River and striving forward, China's Yangtze River surges forward | Chemical industry develops rapidly | The Yangtze River | A model

In order to restore greenery to the river and the people, Xiaoting District has successively demolished sand fields along the river, such as Chenglin Sand Field, Xinyun Sand Field, Mopan Port Wharf, Xiangyun Wharf, Taihe Port Wharf, etc., transforming the 17.2-kilometer waterfront in its jurisdiction into a winding green ribbon. The city is like nestling in a "hundred mile waterfront gallery", winding mountains, clear water and fish play, and lush riverbanks.

"This water area has undergone significant changes, and the water is now transparent." This is a consensus among local residents.

Wang Ganglong, Director of the Development and Reform Commission of Xiaoting District, was also very pleased. "My family used to live in Wujiagang, but later I sold my house and moved to Xiaoting. I think there is no problem living here. The blue sky, white clouds, and clear water have all returned, and by the dock, you can see schools of fish swimming in the river, which was something I never dared to imagine before."

With the continuous improvement of the ecological environment, people's awareness of caring for the ecology is also increasing, and a volunteer service team named "Yangtze River Sentry Volunteer Service Team" was born from this.

Zhou Aihua, the captain of the "Yangtze River Sentry Volunteer Service Team", told Pengpai News that Xiaoting is a special area with many enterprises. On average, there are hundreds of ships parked in this water area every day waiting to pass the lock, with a short stay of three to five days. If encountering a flood season, they may stay for a month. Therefore, crew members usually need to disembark and purchase daily necessities, and Xiaoting is a must pass place.

The Yangtze River Sentry guards the mother river of the Yangtze River. Xiaoting District Integrated Media Center Map

Where people live, garbage will inevitably exist. Previously, there was no standardized treatment method for household waste, sewage discharge, and oil leakage collection.

In June 2018, the establishment of the Yangtze River Sentry Volunteer Service Team changed this situation. Volunteers are piloting a modified boat to patrol and clear the river, sounding the first whistle of "Guarding the Yangtze River, I will be a sentinel".

Nowadays, protecting the Yangtze River has become a consensus among the people of Xiaoting. From a team of only 6 people when it was first established, to now having over 14000 registered volunteers in Xiaoting, it has only taken less than 5 years.

"The Yangtze River Sentry requires the participation of the public, and I am fortunate to see the changes in recent years. Whether it is schools, enterprises, or government departments, most volunteer service activities revolve around ecological and environmental protection. Last year, Zhou Aihua launched a project called" Yangtze River Sentry "for young people, focusing on the model of young people driving families.". We have mobilized over 200 families from scratch, with 289 volunteers participating in the 'Folk River Chief' system. This year, we have reached 449, an increase of over 100 people in just a few months, indicating that the environmental atmosphere in the entire region has been formed“

The number of volunteers is constantly increasing, and their influence is also growing. Zhou Aihua said that when he volunteered by the river in 2015, he could pick up about a ton of garbage in less than half an hour, and he had to go three to four times a week. Nowadays, the amount of garbage by the river is decreasing, and we only need to go there twice a month at most.

Growing up as a model for protecting the Yangtze River and striving forward, China's Yangtze River surges forward | Chemical industry develops rapidly | The Yangtze River | A model

"When I was a child, this place was filled with mud and garbage. Now that the park and leisure facilities have been built, the environment has become more beautiful. At night, everyone is willing to walk towards the river." Cheng Wenting, who was born and raised in Xiaoting and also one of the initiators of the "Yangtze River Sentry Volunteer Service Team," said.

"Protecting the ecology of the Yangtze River is something that people living along the Yangtze River should do." Zhou Aihua said that in the future, the Yangtze River Sentinel Volunteer System will continue to improve and optimize with the development of society, contributing to building a volunteer city and a model city of Yangtze River conservation.

A river with clear waters and green mountains on both sides.

For the past five years, the mandate of "jointly promoting major protection and avoiding major development" has always been running through the transformation and development of Xiaoting. Now, following the melody of spring, Xiaoting is in a state of "starting with a decisive battle and starting with a sprint", drawing a high-quality development blueprint for ecological beauty, industrial prosperity, and people's peaceful living and work. It is striving to accelerate the rise of the billion dollar Binjiang Airport Industry New City and build a leading area for the protection of the Yangtze River as a model city.

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