General Secretary Xi Jinping is concerned about matters | Practical measures for practical results-promoting high-quality development of a front-line story system | Modernization | Practical measures

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 04:24 AM

During his inspection tour in Jiangsu from July 5 to 7, General Secretary Xi Jinping made important expositions on the key to Chinese-style modernization in scientific and technological modernization, adhering to the real economy, building a modern industrial system, and ensuring and improving people's livelihood. to guide the direction of promoting Chinese-style modernization with high-quality development in all localities.

To build a modern socialist country in all respects, we must, first and foremost, pursue high-quality development.

All regions should keep in mind the instructions of the General Secretary, follow the direction guided by the General Secretary, work hard, adhere to practical recruitment and seek practical results, and strive to write a new chapter of high-quality development.

Accelerating the realization of high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement is the only way to promote high-quality development.

To achieve high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement, it is essential to strengthen basic research as the key cornerstone. Looking at the land of our motherland, we adhere to the vigorous development of basic research that is oriented towards the forefront of world science and technology, the main battlefield of the economy, major national needs, and people's lives and health.

Tianjin Binhai New Area National Supercomputing Tianjin Center, a "super brain" is constantly operating day and night. As China's first supercomputer with billions of calculations, hundreds of thousands of ordinary laptops can only catch up with its speed by simultaneously computing.

"As a national treasure, supercomputers are an 'accelerator' for basic research and an important support for high-level technological innovation," said Suo Xiaodong, Director of the High Performance Computing Department at the center.

General Secretary Xi Jinping is concerned about matters | Practical measures for practical results-promoting high-quality development of a front-line story system | Modernization | Practical measures

Having been associated with supercomputing for thirteen years, Su Xiaodong witnessed the continuous development of scientific research in China supported by "computing power".

Every day, there are over 15000 computing research and development tasks running on the Tianhe series supercomputers, involving various fields such as aerospace, new energy and materials, and biomedicine. In the past, new drug research and development mainly focused on the artificial synthesis of molecular compounds, which had long cycles, high investment, and high risks. With the addition of computing power, the screening of virtual drugs not only greatly shortens the development time, but also reduces costs.

Through the window of Tianhe supercomputer, one can see the rapid development of basic research in China - last year, the total R&D investment in China exceeded 3 trillion yuan, ranking second in the world. In addition to supercomputers, in the past five years, China has continuously achieved innovative results in fields such as manned spaceflight, lunar exploration and fire exploration, deep-sea and deep earth exploration, satellite navigation, quantum information, nuclear power technology, large aircraft manufacturing, and artificial intelligence.

"We will continue to rapidly update and iterate China's supercomputing technology, and contribute more to achieving high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement," said Suo Xiaodong.

To accelerate the realization of high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement, it is necessary to open up the channel from technological strength to enterprise strength, industry strength, and economic strength, and transform achievements into real productivity.

In 2012, Wang Xinyang, a young returnee from Europe, returned to his parents' workplace in Changchun, Jilin, preparing to apply what he had learned to practical work. At that time, he had skills and enthusiasm, but did not have sufficient funds, and he did not know which departments to go to to handle the various approval procedures for starting a company.

He has been engaged in the development of complementary metal oxide semiconductor process image sensors. If we talk about camera avatars and eyes, CMOS image sensors are like the retina. China is a country with a high demand for CMOS image sensors, but at that time, the transformation of this technology in China was not yet very mature.

General Secretary Xi Jinping is concerned about matters | Practical measures for practical results-promoting high-quality development of a front-line story system | Modernization | Practical measures

In order to industrialize the device as soon as possible, the province provided funding, the city simplified the approval process, and the research institute provided talent support. A company with Wang Xinyang as the core was established at the end of that year.

For the past 10 years, governments at all levels and research institutes have always focused on the growth of enterprises, and their teams have lived up to expectations. They have successively put into production a series of CMOS image sensor products with characteristics such as ultra-high resolution, low noise, high dynamic range, and ultra-high speed, providing a "retina" for the fields of instruments and machinery, and allowing more industries to "see" the path of innovation.

In order to solve the problem of the "two skin" of economy and technology, various regions have strengthened the deep integration of industry, academia, and research led by enterprises, promoting the integration of the industrial chain, innovation chain, talent chain, and capital chain, and empowering high-quality development through the transformation of high-quality scientific and technological achievements.

General Secretary Xi Jinping has always attached great importance to the development of the manufacturing industry, which is the cornerstone of the real economy, and emphasized the need to make the real economy, especially the manufacturing industry, better and stronger.

With a strong manufacturing foundation, the Northeast region undertakes the strategic industrial construction tasks related to the lifeline of the national economy and national security, such as CNC machine tools, heavy machinery, rail transit, automobiles and components. While ensuring the construction of industrial circles and strong chains, it also continuously explores ways to improve quality and efficiency.

The automated production line runs at full speed, with wind turbine blades passing through the production line, quality inspection, and finished product transportation... In the spacious workshop of Jilin CRRC Songyuan New Energy Equipment Industrial Park, there is a bustling production scene. "Our production orders have been scheduled until the end of the year," said Liu Hui, General Manager of CRRC Songyuan New Energy Equipment Industry Park Blade Factory.

As an old industrial base in Northeast China, in order to occupy a place in high-quality development, Jilin is making every effort to seize the new highland of green energy development in the new round. After planning, in 2021, CRRC Group was attracted to establish a company here, driving the coordinated development of more than 100 upstream and downstream supporting enterprises, and creating a "wind" and "light" industrial chain, gradually becoming a new track for high-quality development in Songyuan.

General Secretary Xi Jinping is concerned about matters | Practical measures for practical results-promoting high-quality development of a front-line story system | Modernization | Practical measures

It only took 100 days from the construction of CRRC Songyuan New Energy Equipment Industrial Park to the production of the first wind turbine. In order to accelerate the progress, the local government has opened a green channel, with responsible officials sleeping on construction sites and departments of housing, natural resources, fire protection, environmental protection, etc. working on-site; Adopting a tolerance system during approval greatly shortens the processing time.

Optimize the business environment, sustainably stimulate the vitality of business entities, and provide strong support for promoting high-quality development. Cultivate new industries with new technologies, lead industrial upgrading, and continuously stimulate the drive for high-quality development of enterprises.

In Wujiang District, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, the world's largest single green light rod intelligent factory, the light rods are pulled into optical fibers at a speed of over 180 kilometers per hour. The ultra large fiber optic preform independently developed by private enterprise Hengtong Group can be continuously drawn for 6 days, with a total length of tens of thousands of kilometers.

Continuously promoting technological iteration, product upgrading, and industrial transformation, Hengtong Group has grown from a township cable factory to one of the world's top three fiber optic communication companies. Focusing on strengthening, supplementing, and extending the supply chain, this enterprise has collaborated with Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, University of Science and Technology of China, and others in industries such as fiber optic communication, ocean energy, and new materials to jointly build the "Future Information and Artificial Intelligence Research Institute" with Suzhou University. It continuously cultivates new momentum and cultivates new advantages for sustainable development.

"During his visit to Jiangsu this time, the General Secretary emphasized 'comprehensively upgrading the industrial base and modernizing the industrial chain, and accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system with advanced manufacturing as the backbone'. The General Secretary's guidelines have made us more motivated to do business." Cui Genliang, chairman of the board of directors of Hengtong Group, said that the group will seize opportunities and challenges, increase the layout of domestic industrial investment, consolidate overseas markets and industries, and enhance global influence.

Adhering to the real economy and a major manufacturing province, Jiangsu is focusing on 16 advanced manufacturing clusters and 50 industrial chains, striving to build an industrial development promotion system, enterprise technology innovation system, and traditional industry revitalization system, and fully promoting the high-end, intelligent, and green development of the manufacturing industry.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized during an inspection tour in Guangdong in April this year that China's reform and opening up policy will remain unchanged for a long time and will never close the door to opening up by itself.

General Secretary Xi Jinping is concerned about matters | Practical measures for practical results-promoting high-quality development of a front-line story system | Modernization | Practical measures

In Guangdong, which is at the forefront, pioneer, and experimental zone of reform and opening up, more and more Chinese enterprises are attracting foreign investment in various forms, and the pace of high-level opening up to the outside world is constantly accelerating.

The installation of the steel structure for the new factory building has taken shape, and construction on the construction site is in full swing... Japanese company AGC is accelerating the construction of the fourth phase of the new factory building in Huizhou.

Due to the increasing demand for LCD display panels from TCL Huaxing Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd., the company's largest Chinese partner, AGC has also expanded its display glass business.

"At present, TCL Huaxing has over 200 overseas suppliers," said Zhang Feng, Senior Vice President of TCL Huaxing. TCL Huaxing has been exploring and optimizing international cooperation models and depths to optimize the development efficiency of upstream and downstream industrial chains.

In the context of a higher level of opening-up to the outside world, more Chinese enterprises are boldly "going global" and embarking on a journey of brand expansion.

At the end of June, GAC Aian New Energy Vehicle Co., Ltd. received good news: it signed a memorandum of cooperation with the first dealer in Thailand and officially entered the Thai market.

Zeng Qinghong, Chairman of GAC Group, said that in order to actively respond to the initiative of jointly building the "the Belt and Road", GAC Group is vigorously promoting the internationalization strategy and plans to challenge the goal of 500000 sets of exports by 2030.

General Secretary Xi Jinping is concerned about matters | Practical measures for practical results-promoting high-quality development of a front-line story system | Modernization | Practical measures

Both "going out" and "bringing in" cannot be achieved without a high-level "good platform" and "good environment" for opening up to the outside world.

The construction of the three major platforms in Nansha, Hengqin, and Qianhai leads the comprehensive deepening of cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao; The series of investment incentive policies such as "Ten Measures for Foreign Investment" and "Ten Measures for Manufacturing Industry" continue to release dividends; The "Guangdong Trade Global" brand project helps enterprises participate in overseas exhibitions and facilitates trade channels through various means... Connecting domestic and international circulation, Guangdong accelerates new steps and showcases a new atmosphere.

"Urumqi has great potential to become an important transportation hub." At the just concluded Urumqi International Aviation Hub Construction Forum, Liu Qing, Executive Vice President of Boeing Investment Co., Ltd., said in an interview that the "the Belt and Road" initiative, with connectivity and common prosperity as its vision, opened the door to unprecedented cooperation.

According to data provided by Xinjiang Airport Group, there are currently 25 civil transportation airports in Xinjiang, and it is expected that the number of airports in use and under construction will reach 33 by the end of the 14th Five Year Plan period.

Building an international first-class aviation hub is a microcosm of Xinjiang's efforts to promote high-level opening up to the outside world and continuously expand to deeper, broader, and all-round levels. Focusing on the construction of the core area of the Silk Road Economic Belt, Xinjiang is accelerating the construction of the Asia Europe Golden Corridor, leveraging its advantages in location, policies, resources, and other areas to revitalize the ports of various sizes located in the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains.

Yan Tingjun, the head of a commercial enterprise at the Baktu Port in Tacheng, Xinjiang, located on the China Kazakhstan border, is busy with new business. Within the factory area of the enterprise, loading and unloading workers unload bags of sunflower seeds and flaxseeds from trucks. These raw materials produced in Kazakhstan, Russia and other countries are processed on-site and turned into barrels of golden edible oil.

Yan Tingjun said that he is optimistic about the cost reduction and efficiency improvement space brought by the "border trade+land processing" model at the Baktu Port, and the company has built a new 120000 ton sunflower seed deep processing project. "The 30000 tons of imported raw materials in the first quarter have been produced and sold out. We believe that with the increasing level of opening up to the outside world, the port clearance volume will further increase," he said.

General Secretary Xi Jinping is concerned about matters | Practical measures for practical results-promoting high-quality development of a front-line story system | Modernization | Practical measures

In recent years, the country has established 13 categories and 55 international level key open platforms and industrial development platforms in Xinjiang, providing broader support for building a highland for opening up to the west. Xinjiang is steadfastly implementing high-level opening-up to the outside world, continuously promoting the transformation of the local economy from a "channel economy" to an "industrial economy", and achieving high-quality development through mutual benefit and win-win.

The happiness and health of the people are the ultimate goal of promoting high-quality development.

"This is a goji berry from the same style as the TV drama 'Mountain and Sea Love', as well as Tanyang and Babao tea. We offer free shipping nationwide." In the live broadcast room of Minning Qiaodaughter-in-law, the anchor Ma Yan has exquisite makeup and a graceful demeanor.

Before the age of 23, Ma Yan had been living in the mountains and valleys of Xihaigu, Ningxia. In 2014, thanks to the national poverty alleviation and relocation policy, Ma Yan and her family moved to Yuanlong Village, Minning Town, Yongning County, near the city and water, and their lives improved significantly compared to before the relocation.

High quality development is the key to enabling the people to live a better life.

To promote the high-quality development of rural industries, Minning Town has explored the establishment of a modern agricultural industry system, production system, and management system, striving to bring more characteristic agricultural products from Ningxia to the national market. The "Minning Clever Wife Live Group" emerged, with Ma Yan selected as the anchor.

Unable to speak Mandarin well, unable to use a computer, and afraid to face the camera, Ma Yan was at a loss at first. After repeated training, she gradually overcame her camera fear and transformed from a housewife revolving around a cooking platform to a somewhat famous live streaming anchor.

General Secretary Xi Jinping is concerned about matters | Practical measures for practical results-promoting high-quality development of a front-line story system | Modernization | Practical measures

Through the efforts of Ma Yan and other sisters, the average daily order of "Minning Skillful Wife Live Group" exceeded 2000, and 15000 pieces of express delivery were sent to all parts of the country every day during the peak period.

"Here, more and more farmers are no longer confined to 'hoes+sickles' and are actively seeking markets through' mobile phones+live streaming '. Our path to wealth is becoming wider and wider," said Ma Yan.

The efforts of "Ma Yan" have converged into a huge synergy to promote the high-quality development of rural industries. Various regions in Ningxia have extensively carried out activities such as anchor incubation, live streaming training, and e-commerce training, bringing more channels for farmers to increase their income.

Embark on a new path to prosperity in rural revitalization, and create a better quality of life in exploring high-quality development.

Li Zhu is full of green and boundless, and Tang Di meets flowers everywhere. Entering Tangdi Village, Lizhu Town, Keqiao District, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, the fragrance of flowers is overflowing everywhere, with poetic and picturesque atmosphere. Through in-depth interviews, it was discovered that the entire village has made a lot of articles around "flowers".

Tangdi Village is a well-known flower and tree professional village in China, with over 95% of the villagers' income coming from the flower and seedling industry.

"There is no end to striving for a better life!" said Xu Weifeng, a villager from Tangdi Village, with a smile. In the context of rural revitalization and high-quality development, the local area integrates the long-standing orchid culture with industrial development, creating a characteristic tourism scenic village with orchid culture creative research experience as an emerging industry, elongating the orchid industry chain, and improving industrial development efficiency. In 2022, the collective economic income of the village exceeded 8 million yuan, and the per capita income of the villagers reached 120000 yuan.

General Secretary Xi Jinping is concerned about matters | Practical measures for practical results-promoting high-quality development of a front-line story system | Modernization | Practical measures

"The General Secretary pointed out the need to build livable, business friendly, and beautiful rural areas. We have transformed the resource and ecological advantages of the village into economic and development advantages, achieving the integration of rural areas and the market." said Liu Jianming, Secretary of the Tangdi Village Party Branch.

"Yilan Shengjin" not only improves material life, but also enriches the spiritual life of villagers in Tangdi Village through various cultural activities.

The Tangdi Rural Revitalization Lecture Hall is an ancient and fragrant building, where the sound of books and songs often resound. Li Hongmin, the person in charge, introduced that villagers often come here to listen to rural historical stories. Every year, the village also holds 30 folk etiquette and cultural activities here, including "writing Spring Festival couplets to send blessings," "respecting the elderly," "enlightenment," and "our village evening.".

"Tangdi Village is promoting the construction of family civilization with the main content of inheriting good family traditions, cultivating good family traditions, and building good families, and promoting high-quality rural development through cultural revitalization," said Luo Yao, Secretary of the Party Committee of Lizhu Town.

Tangdi Village, where village beauties and common prosperity coexist, is a microcosm of the high-quality development of countless rural areas in Zhejiang. From prosperous industry and livable ecology to civilized countryside and effective governance, a picture of high-quality rural development with Chinese path to modernization is unfolding.

Leading text photography: Mao Zhenhua, Zhao Zishuo, Liao Zhizhong, Feng Kaihua, Cai Yang

Poster production: Wang Fan

General Secretary Xi Jinping is concerned about matters | Practical measures for practical results-promoting high-quality development of a front-line story system | Modernization | Practical measures

Product: Huo Xiaoguang

Planned and produced domestically by Xinhua News Agency

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