General Secretary Xi Jinping Emphasizes Carrying Forward These Three Styles

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:08 PM

Following the inspection in Guangdong to point out the direction for "casting the soul with learning" and the inspection in Shaanxi to profoundly explain "increasing wisdom with learning", General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected in Inner Mongolia a few days ago and once again delivered an important speech on thematic education, putting forward clear requirements for "learning to correct the style." emphasize that the people see whether the theme education is effective, the most intuitive feeling is to see whether the problems existing in the party's work style have been solved and whether there has been obvious progress in the work style of party members and cadres.

The style of the Party is the image of the Party, which is related to people's hearts and minds and the survival of the Party.

Entering the new era, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has unremittingly promoted the implementation of the spirit of the eight regulations of the Central Committee, and has continuously corrected the "four winds" to establish a new style, stopped some unhealthy trends that have not been stopped for a long time, and corrected some for many years. The stubborn and chronic diseases that have not been eliminated, the party style and political style have been renewed, and the party and people's hearts have become more cohesive.

In the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it is required that "we must always maintain a clear and firm determination to solve the unique problems of the Party";

At the first meeting of the 20th Central Political Bureau, it was pointed out that "the construction of work style can only be carried out when it is ongoing, and there is no time to complete it.";

At the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, it was emphasized that "formulating and implementing the eight point regulations of the central government is a move for our party to establish trust in the new era. We must constantly strive for unremitting efforts and make long-term contributions until we truly transform the culture into customs, and lead the social and folk customs with excellent party conduct.";


Resolute and unwavering will, consistent with upright conduct and strict discipline.

Now, through thematic education, how to further correct the style and build the image, General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech has drawn the focus.

To learn from a positive attitude is to promote a pragmatic approach.

Empty talk harms the country, practical work promotes the country, and pragmatism is the foundation and guarantee for achieving success. Investigation and research are the foundation of planning and the way to success, and it is even more important to seek truth and pragmatism.

Fuping, Hebei - Braving the severe cold of minus ten degrees Celsius, stepping on the snow in the wind and entering the Taihang Mountains, and entering villages and households to see true poverty;

Wuhan, Hubei - It was raining heavily, and the accumulated water covered my feet. I rolled up my pants, held an umbrella, and asked the staff at Xingang about the logistics situation;

Dongying, Shandong - Standing at the dock at the mouth of the Yellow River, overlooking from afar with a railing, "I have come here today, and the upper, middle, and lower reaches of the Yellow River have all been reached. My heart is also at ease."


Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has traveled all over the country, understanding what the grassroots people think, think and hope, discover the pain points and difficulties of the problem, and continuously enrich and develop new ideas, new ideas and strategies for governance, and promote the party and The country's cause has made historic achievements and undergone historic changes.

Under the lychee tree in Baiqiao Village, Maoming, I inquired about the price of lychees, sales channels, and income of fruit farmers in great detail; Discussing and exchanging ideas at GAC Research Institute, personally feeling the situation, directly listening to feedback, and seeking the "source of fresh water" for insightful insights

How to start a good start and take good steps on a new journey?

Socialism is not something we shout out, but something we actually do. This theme education will focus on investigation and research, requiring all party members and cadres to put in effort in observing the situation, providing practical recruitment, and seeking practical results, which is a pragmatic move focused on career development.

"Grasp the work, lay a solid foundation, and take solid steps." "Significant and substantial progress has been made in the fight against formalism and bureaucracy." ...... Following the teachings of General Secretary Xi Jinping, every party member and cadre must practice basic skills. Carry forward the investigation and research with practical actions.

To learn from the correct style is to promote the spirit of integrity.

Jiao Yulu, who never pursued specialization at any time, led the masses of Lankao to fight against heaven and earth; Gu Wenchang, who carried out revolution without selfishness and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the people, planted forests on barren mountains and rocky beaches, leaving behind mountains full of ephedra; Huang Shiyan, the "most beautiful poverty alleviation secretary" in the hearts of the masses, is regarded by colleagues as a "good class leader" who is strict with oneself... These good cadres loved by the masses all embody a profound truth: only by being honest and upright can we win the trust of the people, and by using power impartially can we win the hearts of the people.

An honest person is the epitome of the people; Greed is the thief of the people.

General Secretary Xi Jinping Emphasizes Carrying Forward These Three Styles

For over a decade, there has been zero tolerance for "tiger fighting", no softness in "fly swatting", and no stop in "fox hunting". The unprecedented strength and effectiveness of party conduct and anti-corruption efforts are evident to all.

"If the people entrust power to us, we must pledge ourselves to the Party and the country, and serve the Party and the country. We must do what we need to do, and those who need to be offended must be offended."

"If we don't offend hundreds or thousands of corrupt elements, we will offend 1.3 billion people. This is a clear political account and a popular one!"


At the meeting celebrating the 100 anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out: "the Communist Party of China always represents the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, shares weal and woe with the people, depends on life and death, and has no special interests of its own." never represents the interests of any interest group, any powerful group, or any privileged class."

The mountains and rivers are the people, and the people are the mountains and rivers. To fight and defend the mountains and rivers is to protect the hearts of the people.

The CPC is a man of great justice, a man of great righteousness, and a man of great self. On the new journey, all comrades in the Party must uphold great virtues, abide by public ethics, and be strict with personal ethics. They should be honest and upright in their conduct and work with integrity, and always maintain their political integrity.

To learn the correct style is to cultivate a frugal and simple style.

"Poverty, a pure and simple life, is exactly where we revolutionaries can overcome many difficulties!" Those who have read Fang Zhimin's article "Poverty Alleviation" will be shocked by this famous saying in the article.

In the arduous revolutionary years, it was precisely because of the millions of selfless and fearless Fang Zhimin that our party won the support and love of the people, and obtained the inexhaustible driving force for revolutionary victory.

Now, our living conditions are good, but the spirit of hard work and struggle cannot be lacking at all. We must persist in cultivating ourselves with thrift, promoting business with thrift, practicing strict thrift, and doing everything with diligence and frugality.

"Who knew that every meal on the plate was hard work."

In August 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping gave important instructions on stopping food waste, stressing that "despite the bumper harvests in China's grain production, there is always a sense of crisis in food security, and the impact of this year's global neo-coronary pneumonia epidemic has sounded the alarm for us."

Saving food is not only a matter of fashion and virtue, but also relates to the happiness of people's lives and the long-term stability of the country.

"Frugality is the common virtue; extravagance is the great evil." General Secretary Xi Jinping knows deeply and travels far.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we have firmly opposed extravagance over extravagance, hedonism, and extravagance. "Shameful waste, glorious thrift" has become a common practice and deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Simplifying venue layout, strictly implementing conference food standards, and streamlining the printing and distribution of paper documents and materials... Nowadays, the National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference are more practical, efficient, and thrifty. Although there were fewer flowers in the venue, it won the applause and praise of the masses outside the venue.

"The party and the government take the lead in living a tight life, and the purpose is to live a good life for the people. This is determined by the purpose and nature of our party." During the National Two Sessions in 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping's words were to the point, profound and powerful.

Looking back at the wise countries and families of the past, it has been achieved through diligence and frugality, and through extravagance. Party members and cadres must always bear in mind that no matter what level of development our country reaches, no matter how much people's lives improve, the ideology of hard work, diligence, thrift, and thrift cannot be lost.

Thought is the foundation, style is the form. The deeper the ideological baptism, the deeper the construction of work style. Taking this theme education as an opportunity, the vast number of party members and cadres will surely be more conscious in bringing good traditions into a new journey and promoting good work styles in the new era.

Author: Zhang Yang

Checked by: Zhu Li


General Secretary Xi Jinping Emphasizes Carrying Forward These Three Styles
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